ever wonder why ninety percent of sales people don't make it within five years meaning real estate insurance it doesn't matter what you do five years later ninety percent don't make it only one out of ten makes so why is that by the way i wanna manage expectations with you most people who get into sales they have no idea how hard it is this thing is hard so if you're not in the mood for somebody to scare you off from sales skip this video but if you want the truth i'm going to give it to you today [Music] so stick around till the very end to get the pdf of today's content as well as tips on how to make it past your five years but let me get right into it first five warnings five things you need to know about before you get into sales number one it's harder than you think by the way 10 times harder than you think mentally emotionally it's going to be frustrating agitating you're going to go through it you'll be tested you don't want to call people back because people didn't call you back four times you have to learn the script of words it's so annoying at first because it's harder you're not accustomed to it number two it takes a lot longer to make money than you think some industries are different but it takes a lot longer for you to make money than you think point number three you're gonna make a lot less money at first than you think by the way most people get into sales because somebody sold them a dream right oh my god i want to have that guy's life i wanted to because somebody told me to dream i want to one day have the life and the cars and travel and freedom and all this other stuff right and what you don't realize is that guy paid the price for many many years until he had the lifestyle that he has today so for you manage expectations knowing at first you're gonna be underpaid for a long time and don't be disappointed we all go through that phase number four you're gonna have a lot of sleepless nights thinking about sales you're gonna go to sleep saying oh my god is this person gonna buy tomorrow what if they change their minds this person change our minds what do i do with this i was expecting this thousand dollar commission what am i gonna do to pay my bills here i need to give him you're gonna go through those nights the anxiety mental emotional it's tough you're gonna go through it and last but not least your friends family spouse everyone's gonna ask you how much money have you made how much money have you made how much money have you ever had how much why are you doing this why did you start to do this you had a good job why did you choose it everybody's going to ask you and this whole test of these five warnings i gave you you're supposed to go through it here's why once you make it past these five areas and you overcome it your skin is thicker you can handle more you become a leader and somehow someway based on your work ethic you improving you're getting better attitude all of that stuff all of a sudden the floodgates open in sales for you and you wake up and you say i never thought this is what was going to happen to me that's kind of what happened to me but you got to go through it so if you're still sticking around to watch the content let me share with you what things you could do to help you win the game of sales especially after your first year number one if you're going to do sales go and seek out the best leader worth duplicating the market's filled with a lot of average sales people the market's filled with a lot of average sales leaders but the market's also filled with a lot of great sales people and great sales leaders you find the right sales leaders worth duplicating the chances of you winning not only increases but the speed and how quickly you win also increases so choose an industry say you're going to do real estate you're going to do digital marketing insurance finance stocks whatever it is fine choose that industry stay in that industry don't keep jumping industry to industry to industry rather within that industry seek out the best mentors to work with so that's point number one and the tip you're gonna get number two is the following since you know and i know that this thing's gonna be hard mentally and emotionally what worked for me is over and over and over again i read autobiographies and content about people that persevered like even this one the book of the month for my sales guys i have 20 000 plus insurance agents this one the book we're reading is a book called endurance this is a book about you lasting this is a book about you being able to go through tough times you need to feed yourself so much of that because your friends your family your cousins your girlfriend your boyfriend your husband your wife they're all putting so much fear babe why are you doing this babe why don't you go back to your job they want to go back to you need to you need to almost fight off all that negativity with positivity they can make it in sales point number three whatever product you're selling do whatever you can to sell yourself on the product before i give you point number four if you were in the sales office i was in encino from 2002 until 2005 you would have found me all over the office with a role play buddy role playing script it didn't matter what it was we would role play scripts and objections we'd sit in a room for one hour after nine o'clock at night while everybody else was gone and i would give an objection and you'd overcome it then i'm like i can't i think we can come out with a better way to overcome it i would give it you would give it i would give it you would give it oh that was good then we write it down and so let me try this one how about this one how about well that's the perfect one how about that how about this how about that we roll plates so much until any objection that people ask throughout the day i could do my eyes closed i can do it with my eyes closed today even though it was in 2003 2004 so find yourself a role play buddy and role play with them constantly until you can overcome all the major objections without even thinking about them point number five when it comes down to prospecting too many times people all they think about what prospect is let me send an email on linkedin let me dm this person let me go out there and prospect that any man let me do some business let me do this let me do that right so everybody they look at as a customer but i want to kind of give you a complete different perspective there's nothing wrong with looking at everybody as a customer but think about it this way okay imagine you like this 22 year old girl okay and you're 25 26 years old and you want to date her and you go into a room and you spot her okay so she's the customer like i want her she's the customer right okay no problem then there is a 58 year old woman over here you have no interest in because all you're thinking about is a 22 year old but what you don't know is that 58 year old woman is her mentor her mom her auntie that she admires the most that if you win her she'll put in a good ward into the 22 year old and then she's gonna go on a date with you because she'll make the introduction so rather than going 22 you go to the 58 year old you talk to her you get what can i get you something ma'am is there anything i can get you oh wow you're so sweet yeah you know what i would like them no problem let me get you a drink here you go thank you enjoy your evening and you walk away that that fellow right there got me a drink why didn't i say hey let me introduce you to my niece let me introduce you and then boom so pat where are you going with this here's where i'm going with this i would go networking for my main referral source influencers okay and i took care of them as much as i could whatever they wanted i took care of them because i knew they were going to lead me to the customers that i wanted not just once not just twice not just three times for for years and years and years and years to come so going back to it as much as it's great to think about prospecting as and let me go get the client think about prospecting as a let me find the influencers that can introduce me to customers for years and years and years to come point number six is try to redefine in your own mind like think about when you think about what a salesperson looks like and how they work and how they talk try to redefine that like oh to be great in sales you have to be a car salesman no it's and there's nothing wrong with that but no that's not the personality when you think about a salesperson to me a great salesperson is one who asks the right question is a great listener who's coming from a place of wanting to help you as the individual that may be different than others and is able to tailor something that matches your needs right so think of sales that way don't think of sales as somebody who you know has all everything is just perfect and put together and all this stuff you know i got a three-piece suit on right now because i'm shooting the video with you but believe me i'm a guy that just went out there and i looked in and said i wonder how i can help this person let me you know this person is slightly different than the other client i sat down with man i if they understood this product and if they said they want this this can be so hey you know what after spending a lot of time here's what i think would be a great uh product for you these are the different things we can look at but this is what i felt was great for you but i want to open it up what questions do you have on these products before i make the recommendations this one i think is good for you're taking a very consultative approach then just a slam dunk i got to be able to be the best sales person and push them and i got gotta make them sign the check that's in the movies and quite frankly those types of sales people maybe worked in the 60s 70s 80s they don't work that well today and even if you close you ain't never going to get referrals and this whole name of the game is referrals so sales people like that rarely be customers become be backs and rarely do those customers give referrals you want a lot of referrals so redefine your image of what a sales person looks like this next one's pretty much a story by life and it has to do with follow-up my confidence comes from follow-up if you asked anybody that ever did business with me they'll tell you pat's biggest strength who work with me closing sales pat's biggest strength and sales just follow up here's why did you know 80 of customers who buy they'll say yes but you got to follow up five times before they say yes but did you also know 44 of salespeople don't follow up after the first time they don't hear back from the client let me say this one more time 80 of sales requires five follow-up calls before they say yes and you fill out the paperwork 44 of the time sales people don't follow up after the first call so they leave a message ah man she's not interested how do you know uh they didn't pick up or call me back so wait let me get this straight to you you define that as they're not interested oh yeah of course if they were interested they'd call me back are you kidding me let me ask you a question how many times like right now while i'm sitting here i got two texts i'm telling these guys i gotta go make these texts right i clicked on the text it shows it's read i may forget about it after this meeting because i'm in the middle of something and if that person doesn't follow up this text may be lost in translation and that could end up being business for one of the people right now that just texted me right we make that mistake you don't know that person forgot to call you back that person maybe no longer checks messages or emails or texts but you got to keep following up don't be discouraged when somebody says no or doesn't follow up with you or doesn't call you back don't take it personal this isn't the dating game where you call them and you don't want to call too many times to seem desperate you definitely don't want to be overly pestering your customer but you do want to be a smooth operator and keep following up because chances are they'll eventually do business with you so you made it to the very end even though i gave you the warnings even though i try to scare you off you still want more tips no problem more power to you today's content isn't a pdf as well as three additional bonus tips below if you click on the link below you'll be able to get that pdf on top of that i did talk about referrals if you want to get better at referrals i made a video about a year and a half ago or so maybe a year ago that gets into referrals in a very deep way if you've never watched it click over here to watch it take care everybody bye-bye [Music]