ladies and gents Anthony Taylor here from strategy I just wanted to thank you for downloading your tool whether it's the 15 questions the strategic planning template uh strategic planning assessment or something else and as an added bonus I wanted to uh run through the strategic planning process with you so that you could get the most out of your tool and bring the most value to your organization so I endeavored to do this in under 15 minutes so let's do it so strategic planning process when we do it there's basically four components there's where are we now where are we going what's going to get in our way and what do we need to do to get to where we want to go uh in our process our align strategy development process that we do here there's three types of alignment alignment with the leadership team so making sure everybody on the leadership team is on the same page that's board or leadership uh alignment with the vision and the strategy and Alignment within the whole organization so top down bottom up everybody's the same page so the first part of the strategic planning process is getting inputs where are we now that's things like doing an external analysis whether that's a SWAT or a pestal analysis you need to figure out what's going on outside of your organization as well as inside your organization uh as you build your strategy the second input that I would recommend is doing an internal analysis something like a stakeholder engagement survey or just management team inputs and that's why a strategic planning session is so valuable and we even do a survey before all of ours this is the overview of the strategic planning process so it starts with the vision where are we going then you'll get there by accomplishing your mission you'll have goals and objectives along the way that help you accomplish your mission that help you accomplish your vision and then the strategies how you going to accomplish your goals and the tactics are the individual pieces to your strategic plan so creating your strategic plan most important piece of this is the vision where are we going the future is uncertain but we as an organization have an opportunity to create that future so how do you create a vision that isn't just words a vision is super valuable to be able to motivate your people and inspire people to want to do more and contribute so a way to think about it is if success was a place how would we know if we got there where are we going why should we go there and what is winning we're creating the future however long it is from now and we want to be as descriptive as possible um on the outset so what do you see for your organization in 3 to 5 years or maybe 10 to 25 years what's a big goal within that Vision that could polarize your team and ideally that one big Target everybody can contribute to uh it's really important for them to describe the vision as vividly as possible so what do operations look like what a staff look like what do clients look like how else does your organization look different and think of it like a blueprint for for a house that's what you're building the next piece to this is the mission and the purpose if you complete your mission you will move forward towards the vision why do you exist what do you do it for who is your main customer and what do you do for them it's important to realize that you have to make it simple to understand no buzzwords and this is not a me marketing exercise this is at the core Foundation of why your organization exists so the next piece that helps the mission Stay Together are values within the organization you could use values or culture but it's really the DNA of your organization what do you value currently within the organization what are the cultures and Norms of your organization and of your people why are they important um what values are important to them how would you describe the organization if it were a person good or bad what is the way we do things around here if you're explaining it to somebody new what's not except Behavior it's important for you to recognize that values drive performance it ties the whole strategy together so again you have to align your strategy with your vision and your purpose if you accomplish your purpose your mission and then you will be closer to accomplishing your vision so here's some risk what's going to get in our way leadership if you don't have the whole management team on board it's going to pull back your strategy because they're the ones uh giving the marching orders to your staff and your employees communication this is the biggest uh hindrance to a successful implementation because people don't know what the plan is they don't know what they're doing and they're withholding important information that is really crucial to the plan resources if you don't give enough time or money to put something in place then it's just not going to happen and then buy in do you want to be creating a plan and pushing it on your people or do you want them to buy into the plan because you're allowing them to contribute and move forward on it themselves so other implementation Contra constraints time budgets Human Resources technology and pretty much anything you can think of uh it's waiting around the corner and there are opportunities in the planning process to identify them create uh impact studies as well as mitigation plans to minimize uh the downside of these risks so what uncertainties exist for us what are the impacts of those uncertainties what is the likelihood of that happening and what can we do to mitigate that risk that way you are proactive instead of reactive and it keeps your plan on task so what are the most important things you should be doing in your organization to accomplish your mission and your vision strategy inherently is about choices and there are a million in one choices every single day so when you create the plan you need to work backwards to create the tasks the roles the individual uh areas of responsibility and you can just look right now how do you create work plans as it exists this is one of the tools that we actually sell on strategy and this is the Pyramid of purpose in other words and we just say hey focus on a handful of objectives don't do too much do the Strategic priorities well make significant progress on them and then move forward from there ideally your strategic priorities help you accomplish your mission help you accomplish your vision it's all aligned and then from there you have to put the specific objectives and initiatives the strategies and tactics underneath as well as kpis so kpis uh performance measures and targets how are you going to measure your strategic priorities how are you going to know if you are successful and this is really important you have to have a scoreboard for your people they need to know how they are going to be successful in your plan if you don't have that then they're just going to be working with a Le less aim almost aimlessly um and it will really hurt you coming by in so this is the balance scorecard um you can find this on strategy or anywhere else or your organization fundamentally does four things there's Financial metrics there's customer metrics there's learning and growth metrics and there's internal business processes and from each you have objectives measures targets and initiatives that all roll into your strategy and that help you accomplish your vision so another important piece of that are cascading goals so think of the goals from the organizational level the team level the functional level and the individual they all should roll up into the ultimate uh goal of the organization and so this can be designed um can't really be done run in one meeting it needs to be done over time and everybody needs to know how they can do their part to contribute to the strategy so big picture uh versus practical application there's people that you have to manage so who are the key people in your organization that are responsible for functional areas where are gaps as far as key functions that you have right now and are there people responsible for more than one area that basically means who is going to be the human being not the department that is responsible for moving these strategic initiatives forward the Buck has to stop with a person and people can be hard to manage um communicating the plan like I said earlier communication is ke how are you going to share this strategic plan with your organization so everybody can know how to contribute keep in mind that different people obsorb information in different ways words audio pictures whatever works for you um you need to keep the plan top of mind so that people can be aware of where the organization is going and what they need to do to move forward in it it's all about alignment if you lose out on some of these pieces the entire strategy can fall you need to make sure that the plan is aligned your people are aligned and it goes from the top down to the bottom up and once you get alignment and buying that's when real magic starts happening and you make really big progress and important progress on your plan and everything that you work on how do you get alignment you got to communicate clearly and simply you need to get Buy in so bring people into the process so they know how they can contribute you need to match goals and motivation think of it from their perspective every everybody has a different reason to come to work and that's why we're really passionate about what we do because we make people's lives better your employees will have better lives it will affect their families and their communities when they can be successful in their work and to be successful they need to have the capability to do that so you got to give them the tools and the resources they need to succeed if you give them a plan but you know uh chop block them and don't allow them to be successful they're not going to be very motivated to come into work and to give it their best so so when the rubber hits the road you need to align your team and execute the plan that means getting communication and then working backwards from the vision to build a plan that comes together and is well aligned like I said strategy is about choices and you just need to pick the most important things that are going to move your organization forward in the most effective way possible so if you have an aligned plan and you have a clear direction and you keep that top of mind and don't sway pay from it you're going to save time money and resources your people are going to be happier and you're just going to get more done which means you're going to have a bigger impact and you're going to help more people and that's really what it's about so happy planning everyone I hope you enjoyed this video I hope it helps you structure your strategic planning process and I hope it uh helps you add more value to your customers and anyone that else is that is affected by your business so it's been Anthony Taylor I'm the managing partner at SM strategy and I really hope this has helped have an amazing day and happy planning