Transcript for:
Lecture Notes on Interactions with Pillagers and new Assignments

[Music] so I think the first thing I can do is first thing I can do is show you the notes that I have that I've been working on how am I doing I'm doing good I've been I didn't fall asleep in the library I've been going back and forth between house and Library been making a lot of use of that new nether tunnel um yeah I thought I'd I'd show you the notes that I've been working on um the first couple of pages are very messy um but yeah [Music] um I think I think they're organized not falling asleep in library hey I am smarter and cooler than all of the other losers I am sophisticated and put together well and I don't fall asleep in random places in fact I find it very hard to fall asleep in places that are not a bed I don't know how you guys do it anyway um my notes from the meeting were very uh um I'm just hoping no one else sees these um I don't want to read through them too much I don't want to think too much about any of this let's get into the notes we've been working on um so things I've picked up from pill I don't think I've got any more notes than anyone else but um I haven't been doing much because so s leg saw arm the cut of my face keeps reopening and it's just um but pillagers seem hostile until pillagers seem hostile when they see you near their bases but they seem to not specifically take Chase so I don't know what the difference was with um with Aris um someone found AR's Communicator so that's that was in the the chest um whoever did this did a very good job I'm going to make it an assumption that it was like Ray or something cuz I don't think it could have been anyone else um motives I think they're independent Source I don't know just trust me on this one uh they don't seem to be focused on capturing us they only seem to be focusing on capturing our so I think they're just independent um I fa was asking about them being endan related so I hope those notes are like they make sense to to him I think I'm going to I think I'm going to go talk to him about it actually or at least like make steps toward talking to him about it cuz I actually don't know where to find him um yeah the pill is new Ari I okay that's new I did not know that one I'll add it into the notes can I help you hey okay all right you keep doing that um I'm so I'm so lost where did he come from okay um Step number one if you don't know where to find someone find their closest contact let's go see shevet or Icarus that's the name I I know that I I told Wolf the other day that he genely had no idea that IUS which was the same person I was telling the truth I where are you all coming from might have to tell call them ick hey that seems a little unprofessional I don't want to do that will they get mad if I do that I think they will do I check his ma no no no no no no Knock knock hello hey can I come in hi hi hey um I think you might have like a frog infestation yeah are oh you have a bell oh I'm sorry they got you're you're good I I was down I was down here did they get like off the property did they yeah there was a um uh how do how do I how always State this um there was a frog up by like that way yeah that's that's fair I I mean they're not they're not really mine they just they were kind of just leaves before I don't know hi what are you what's up what's up it's been a minute I got to I got to do something do it do it me let me do something real quick am my little loud shut up I I all of my Discord like the audio user volumes have reset themselves that's okay I'm my mic is known to be loud hey hey um um uh hey iara say something random that particles oh my goodness oh bird I'm bird baby all right so hi uh what's what's what what's up it's been it's been a minute um I um well firstly I'm Jo to your house um how are you doing what's going on you looking I a little little injured yeah I mean it's been a it's been a like a rough no it it has do you want do you want to come in I don't want you to stand out here in in my in my dirt yeah hold hold on I'll come I'll come in um hold on I yeah I I guess it everyone seems a little little injured um yeah H I actually had a question um it do you know you seem like the person to ask about this do you know how to get blood out of your clothes because I've had blood in my pants this whole time it's it's hold on I'll take off my boots let me it's very faded but it's because it's stained it's stained the black fabric but I'm like I'm annoyed by it I I definitely have that I get a lot um my my my jacket I mean I guess has a little bit on it right now oh yeah it does yeah I want to point that also I have a little bit on my collar too I don't know if you can yeah yeah yeah okay okay I have a I have a thing so this is one of the things that comes in po like handy of being a being a potion boy uh by the way since the last time you were here I have a closet o this okay this this is nice thank you thank you I got some Renovations from from my dad oh okay that's that's cool here if you take take this if you if you need more I have I have some more but o that's kind of a potion it's it's I wouldn't drink it if I were you but it's it it helps like loosen the the fabric particles and it lets it like kind of a more Co that's cool in sciency okay that's thank you thank you okay okay that's that's really I didn't I was expecting to come over here and maybe you like tell me how to make it myself or like give me like a vague point of Direction you you had it on hand that's I quite impressive actually I kind of had to I have I have kind of like a bulk of it because of you like when you wake up in the morning and you know how it bleeds like all the time it's like oh it's everywhere let just you got to start your day yeah what are you going to do I know what you mean um that's good because like I've been bleeding through bandages and and stuff like that and now I can actually like clean them properly and yeah hang on look we're matching I've got them on my arm you got them on your leg Yeah I mean I have yeah it's it's been a fa Fable actually bandaged my leg um oh it's been a rough time since since with stuff with like my wings and Etc yeah are you I how are you healing are you doing yeah I'm I'm okay I'm okay now um my my wings they're back they're big they're big nowy boys you have so much more feather I do it's a lot of feather and then um my leg uh yeah my uh it isn't actually I I didn't I didn't get too messed up in the in the Pillager raid oh this actually was pretty good Pillager related I thought it was Pillager related no um this was actually uh Ray um oh he kind of I guess mind controlled me and made me kind of walk off a cliff I I don't know I would be a little careful yeah I don't know exactly what he's going on right now but I've I've been trying to be a little cautious so if if oh hey oh hey oh uh Vin I did not know that you were here sorry actually Icarus I've looked through uh another section for ARs and found nothing unfortunately that's that's that's fair though I'm I'm glad you're out looking uh yeah Ben Ben came by yeah actually I was um you you asked me to to to get some some notes on the on the pillages I have some some notes for you um that's actually why I I came by I was going to ask um Icarus where to where to find you uh terrific yeah if you would mind my section of the house I guess is upstairs if you wanted to speak of what you have found maybe I can write some things down okay yeah um let's let's let's go up I'll want me to stay down here or Icarus I know that any official business I've ever had you found a way to get inside of it even as a child I believe it is time that you are accepted at these meetings rather than I don't know provided a a small [Music] seat okay let's go this is the the the new floor I actually haven't gotten to get a good look at it you've hope it's not cluttering your area no I mean I said I said full floor and this is this is this is this is good good I left it open uh to the Orchid Garden you had made it it was nice to look at them yeah but Vin you said you have information yes um you you asked for me to take some some some notes I suppose um um last I saw you pillagers or anything else you can find of them um so I will be um uh completely upfront about this um my injuries have kept me to the ground so I haven't um been able to uh get to any of the the sites myself but these are the notes i' I've collected and also notes from experience um so I I I could have done a better job is is is what I'm saying um so sorry about that so but uh I've got couple of notes um behavior-wise you asked for you believe this was somehow related to endan and I'd like to debunk that actually um motivation wise they seem to be working uh independently um uh they seem to only be focused on arisana um when approached they become hostile uh but when you leave them alone and you uh leave their land they seem to back off um so the only reason they would see have um to to leave their post I suppose would be to um get someone specific and it seems they've got there someone specific because arisana is uh Gone um I do have updates on arisa's location though um uh good yes uh our sound has been traced back to a couple of places um I can write down the coordinates for you uh however what do you know of the vexing process nothing I knew of the alleys but not of the vexing but if these pillagers are not connected to endan this is a good sign I will was worried that they were a show that endiran was trying to grow forces here in the Overworld but perhaps she is more limited than I earlier anticipated yeah um that's that's H um arisana seems to not from what I know of the vexing process um I don't think arisan is going to come back as the same person um but either way um it's not anderan related so that's that's the news I I thought i' I'd bring um I hope those notes were um uh up to scratch I I'm I'm a little rusty I haven't done this in a while but um yeah I it is all right Vin you have provided the information that was critical and important as you always have thanks I guess um uh I'm I'm happy that I could be of help you are of help veneer icus if these pillagers are not trying to seek you out in any way then we were right to allow you more freedom we do not need to be as afraid of anderan as I thought she does not have control of Rey and she does not control these pillagers she is still a threat but she isn't an immedi iate danger to us all that's that's really good okay well I'm happy I could bring good news I suppose yes well not that like you know still it's not good news but that's that's kind of good news by um it's good to know that there's there's progress on actually finding Arizona that's yeah yeah um it's been a little strange um not having her around I suppose yes she's a member of this Grove all miss her yeah if you have nothing else to report on these pillagers and era aras's location then perhaps Vin you could begin collecting information on something else something new um to to what extent do you mean like um do you mean like my my old my old job under you yes in a sense though we are not in a war currently yes but yes information gathering we are I am critically lacking in a lot of information I've been gone for a long time many things have changed changed I need to get up to speed okay um regarding me taking up my old position would this uh would this also um entail our old um I verbal contract I suppose of course just as you have left it all contracts in place okay okay yeah um yeah that that I I happily do that that's that's good that's good that's good okay um um on the on the topic um I suppose this is this is news that um I wasn't holding back this information I just uh I I suppose um this this information was something I would have given you back during the war um so I I have last last I spoke to you one onone we were with um Ry and uh the we were talking about old uh the Overworld Court um I have news on vero's whereabouts uh I in fact I don't think verago is going to be uh of any kind of um uh I I don't want to use the word trouble um but I don't think we're going to be hearing from farago much uh because uh I was uh speaking to ulyses and he said that he uh turned verago into the Leviathan um I don't know how much you know of the Leviathan but uh it was oana has spoken of it it's spoken of it near a an underwater Tavern of some kind but you are saying that that the Leviathan is verago husk I I guess so um Uly's specific words were uh he pulled apart verago and turned him into the Leviathan um piece by piece without even realizing it was verago in the first place and then oh Peace by piece oh oh right yep those were the exact words I wish I was exaggerating but um that's oh in the in the past um this Ulisses tore apart a God and put them back together yeah I don't know how he did it but [Music] um perhaps you should learn how he did it concerning concerning yeah I'll do that um uh last last I saw yses uh he was uh running from uh oosi so so I suppose uh can do a bit more uh investigating around his um around his house uh so I I'll do that yeah um if he is already gone find what you can from what remains you've always been good at that yeah that's that's my job that's what I'm good at I will yeah I'll do that um if I'm if I'm getting this dropback is there anything else you want me to um look into uh to to help cuz I would yeah yes this revelation of Rago in any case the other things I wanted you to look into if you would do so are not Indian specifically but her abilities she has been looking in the shadows she has struck Icarus well not Icarus but she has struck Ry used centros in a way spoken with him none of it has been with much ferocity though we need to be ready if she amplifies her efforts but also I did not understand her abilities I thought she controlled all who she had influence over that is not correct I want to know more how and dear controls people or simply influences them have people in the past reacted to this can people resist her pressure I want to know if Rey can learn how to resist induan so that Rey may be may be able to protect himself as he see fits H okay so so surveillance yes this is not I'm not asking you for troop numbers and the movement of generals I don't think I don't think that's going to happen ever again I'm asking instead for understanding of perhaps not fully an enemy anymore but not a friend okay um I I will do my best I suppose um yeah okay um I can I can I can do that um is there is there anything else that you want me to keep an eye on because I can I can do that as well yes as you know veneer I've always I've always asked much of you but youve always been able to do it the nether with the festival I could not go into it because I feared what my presence may cause there I do not know if they still Harbor ill will to me I don't know if they've recreated armies to prepare for an assault or prepare for defense for all I know now they may know I'm here in the Overworld and someone left of the nether court has built an army to attack to recommence what has been done in the past I will not step in the nether myself but perhaps you can ease those concerns check around the Grove and the entrances to the nether that are nearby to see if if there are armies coming or strongholds being repaired if there are if war is coming or if all of that is in the past okay um well uh lead number one would be Athena but I don't think he likes me much um they're quite suspicious of me actually uh so this this might be a little bit difficult but I can I can make some sort of attempt um yes uh Athena recently has been difficult the relationship is strained for many of us and Athena but I want to give space for dialogue negotiations anything besides hostilities if you can find a way to soften the wall that they have put up I would be very appreciative okay yeah um I can I'll I'll I'll make an attempt at at the very least um it shouldn't be too hard I suppose [Music] um I'll also H okay I will I'll look into all of that for you so [Music] um it's nice to have my job back um it's nice to have a purpose um I'm happy that I could I could help with this I suppose is the terminology um thank you VIN you have always been better at this than I have always been able to look through and spot things as Icarus knows since I've arrived here I've made many small mistakes I'm hoping that with your reports and your knowledge I will make less of those okay um yeah I can it'll be easier for you to make less mistakes if I can be your eyes and ears here so if there's anything um that that you need me for um I don't know if you know where I'm living right now I can I can drop my coordinates by in like icarus's mailbox sometime soon um yes yeah I I do not know know where you live though I have swept over the Grove in my search for arisana oh I'm I'm I could not distinctly find your location yeah I'm I I'm not in the Grove um there there's a little village um out out that way uh where I live um it's very quiet um I I'm actually considering moving closer if I mean if I've got my job back it might be easier for me to move closer um just to keep an eye on things cuz it is a little far out um but yeah uh thank you uh if if I have one more then yes it's small minor compared to the rest but at the festival the person who made it uh wolf I believe icus is what you have been calling him yeah wolf there is something about him something I cannot place it it is as if I should know him but I cannot I don't know why I cannot remember him but I want you to if you have any information about him write a report okay I can I can do that um I mean I I remember him um good yeah who is he um General Nightingale he was affiliated with the um the uh the traitor situation General yeah General Nightingale is not is that not ringing a bell I yes no the general yes the general was in the war and was was in the war but okay but wolf looks nothing like General Nightingale Nightingale was it is it is a there is something I cannot grasp okay um I don't understand what it is but something about this wolf if they are the a general then I should know more I should know which side they fought for okay yeah okay um I will it it's clearly confusing you a bit I can definitely I'll write up a a very detailed report on it um thank you yeah I know I've asked for much but do not try and don't try and do all of this quickly Ben you know this takes time information is slow to find and easy to lose yeah I trust you to go at the correct Pace yeah I mean I remember how it used to be um I'll these These are long-term assignments this is this will take me a little bit and you know that but I will just know that the information will be succinct um yes and such any information on arisa's Direct location is priority everything else can happen after that yeah I will okay that's yeah I can I can do that I'll drop arisa's known coordinates um uh in a ch's mailbox and I'll also give you my coordinates as well if there is anything that um I think the the easiest way to contact you will be dropping a a letter in the mailbox um so just keep an eye on it um but if there's anything that I need emergency if there's any information that I need to get get to you in an emergency that's where it'll be otherwise I'll just come to you um you know how giving information can be um you know the the the less traces of it um the better uh but I will I will keep in touch yes yes I can also H perhaps I should have my own mailbox icor smart idea I suppose I could put one down next to mine if you would that would be nice I would appreciate it Icarus okay of course um sounds good um I suppose this is a time for me to take my leave then um thank you icus um everything and if you need more of the the the cleaning I can yeah I'll tell you I think I'm done bleeding so that's good that's that's very good I think we're just on the attack yeah um uh my leg's not doing the best and and my arms a bit wrapped and I think my face is going to scar but I that's that's okay you know um it was my first battle ever so you know is true we did not want you anywhere near a battle you were too valuable yeah no it's okay you can say it I was a little too scrawny and weak there a reason I stayed out of the um out of the battles um but yeah uh thank you um and thank you sir for the Reemployment I suppose um I will uh of course then I I will head out now but um it was it was uh lovely seeing you both I suppose yeah I'll keep in touch [Music] you a squishy I was squishy yes oh yeah let's go we're back in business baby oh my God okay okay did you hear that little guy I have a job oh he's not interested I'm interested hold on we're going the wrong way employment good for you thank you good for me God not jobless I'm not [Music] jobless ah um I think okay oh hey man okay um oh hold on let's look at this oh this is fun okay I don't know what that is um that was I I'm so happy to have my job back that was not how I was expecting that to go actually really happy with it I don't know who said up that ice skating that's cool okay let's go home oh my God I can't wait to tell cyanus that I got my jump back oh my gosh what benefits do you get for working on a f do you have dental I do have dental yeah you have dental what if the others find out I don't know what I'll tell them if if the others find out congrats on reyment thank you I'm really happy about it whim did you hear did you hear did you hear I have a job I have a job I'm going to take you on lot of Adventures now cuz I have a job and I have places I need to be get any other benefits none that I can talk about H I'm on the brink of a paycheck hear that cist I'm on the brink of a paycheck can you believe it you have to be very careful especially with SOS see here's a thing he said something very ominous last time Fable was in discussion confidential benefits yeah you can't talk about your contract that's kind of H I don't think you should be doing that H yeah Central said something very ominous and I I don't no I'm because of what he said he said like he was expecting to see me expecting to see more of me or or some or something like that and I I don't I don't know I don't know maybe I should go talk to him actually if he had something on om to say maybe it's because he and aru were very close I didn't think it was that I don't think it was it might have been either way I haven't seen the guy in like ages maybe he likes hanging out with it I hope he likes hanging out with me cuz I like hanging out with him as different as we may be I don't know he seems to understand in a weird kind of way [Music] H should get drinks together we should that would be that would be good this is going to trouble me though I don't know [Music] I think I'm going to have to devise some sort of plan wait Fable said since he he's come back to the Overworld since he's arrived he's lacked information what was he what was he doing before where he had this information what why would he suddenly now be out of information like as happy as I may be about getting this job back and I am happy about getting this job back I am questioning his motive Purgatory has all the hold on that means it's now possible to have information with withheld from him he he knows he he can't I I'll tell him the truth but I don't and he knows when I lie I think but it is possible to to withhold information from him now that is incredibly powerful that that's his weakness I I know that I know that's his weakness so now that he's out of purgatory now that he's here he doesn't have eyes and ears everywhere I'm literally it I'm his information stream aside from what he sees I'm the information stream listen I may I may be I may be pretty weak when it comes to physical function but this is oh I'm happy to have my job back okay okay um wait a minute Jesus Christ [Music] where