Transcript for:
Solving Wordles: Trying to Guess the Theme

your comments turned into worldles hey guys why today I'm solving the words that you guys put in the comments and then trying to guess the theme first up we have PK pagy with a three-letter word let's do c no yellow a means we know it's not the third letter but it's somewhere else in the word let's do War a we found it map nope please don't fail this tag well there it goes I can it's I'm going to lose this let's do can okay thank goodness an N all right it could be Dan fan Lan ban how do we fall this far already okay I'm going to go with ban cuz it's been banned before thank goodness there probably like a 20% chance right there for letter word I got band on wle okay that's a new title um let's do read of course hey let's do mail like this a okay all we get is the a until the end it seems let's do Bang oh wow okay so it's ban and bang my job is to find the similarities between your words the first word was ban we added a g this one's pretty self-explanatory let me guess this one's bangs don't tell me oh my gosh what wait what um okay well it was banned I'm assuming the topic is just the consistency of bans staying there ban not sure if it's a word BS banss or Banks okay bans of course you don't want to go ban for bans we can go RZ for RZ A wise man once said next up six letter we're moving quickly ban bang bans ban of course banter well it could be banter nope but I get the ban we're halfway there although I knew this this was a freebie I'm going to solve it right now I'm not going to guess another one I'm going to Solve IT band oh I say band aid banic I don't know wait bang Bank it could be Banky like that artist dude okay no not a word bany b Bank wait bans bana oh is it banana oh my God it is wow that one was actually pretty hard only three letters used in a sixlet word although yeah know we had a huge hint with ban so okay well let me guess the topic of the words are just words starting with ban thank you next up we have Atomic with a three letter we're one for one three letter what do we want to do here I'm feeling spontaneous let's go row no lip no p word pan what I typed n pan oh it was pan that's so weird I typed I could have swore I typed pan but I missed the N I guess okay we have pan after getting ban nice what a coincidence pan ban and now let's just do tree no let's let's do read oh let's do this good one what um loft it has to be one letter in here oh okay oh flow flow yeah okay pan flow those are our two words so far not establishing a pattern pan flow unless these are like editing references like a panic crop not sure what a flow would be though five letter wrote I like that one TR okay not sure the pattern yet so let me just guess a TR word trick no going to assume there's an A in there somewhere let's guess the word plant I just saw this there's a p so we have four of the five letters let's type them out per we have the equivalent of the word trap though okay I've determined either starts with an A or a letter we don't have yet because we've tried the other three letters as first and it's not them our oh no it's probably something oh strap oh just strap probably y okay strap what do we have pan flow strap there is no correlation there can't be last word six letters I have nothing to go off here do oh wait house whatever forgot it's six letters ends with a d let me just guess learn learnt that's a word okay I didn't know it spell like that I have just now leared that that's a word okay so the a is definitely not the first letter let's do r e blank a blank d That's what I have Amed oh could be Aid repaid let's try that repaid and yep okay what we have pan flow scrap repaid pan flow scrap I have no idea I'm giving up on this one what is this anad drumes words that spell a different word when reversed wait a minute okay pan was nap wait a minute did I really miss this flow what is that wolf okay wait what is repaid hold on right I'm going type this out I already lost so oh is that diaper D I never would have gotten that one I think this is the first time I've just fully lost on a good theme props to you Atomic forgetting me I did not think I would lose like that congratulations next up we have Diffy with a threel let's do lot Ram M okay Few e something M could be gem or that's it gim okay I didn't see anything else there I was looking at the keyboard for a second nothing came to mind only a real word four letter Okay g remember we were playing Clash of Clans or something part shed okay we have S big news smog let's try that oh it's over there slow SLO okay oh no s blank o l what an interesting word school not a word you never know what's a word these days sometimes they just have a random combination of letters let's try Su I know this is going to be a word I don't know what it is yep so s blank O soul this way no let's try this way oh so it can't be a word that is not a word unless it's some sort of crazy rare reference I do I'm not supposed to know this right like s probably some Disney show or something these are the characters unless we're flipping the words around again wait is that a word l o i s l and J would be Meg wait Megan L Lois wa how you pronounce your name from Family Guy Lois Griffin are we talking about I think we're talking about Family Guy there's no way we have to be okay in the case we are talking about family guy who else is in there Cleveland Peter Joe Peter's five letters what is Peter backwards Peter I could guess Peter or I could flip it around and guess R yep you guys are really going with the backwards theme here I mean my last video I did have a reference to backwards words I forget what it was so I'm assuming you guys are just capitalizing off of that I do like the theme last word wait Swanson no Joe Swanson we have Meg we have Lois if that's how you spell it Peter Quagmire now who else is in that show [Music] Brian it's five right I'm not sure how you spell Brian to be honest I'm sorry if you're watching this I'm not sure which way the dog spells its name why would I even remember that um what is another character we're definitely on the topic trying to think about Chris who else is in that house Stewie oh my God I don't know how I forgot about him I'm assuming this is it let me try and spell this backwards St like that yep okay I'm surprised I got that who else is even in Family Guy well I get two out four correct on the first guess there let's see the topic Family Guy characters but spelled backwards yep thank you DIY appreciate that next up we have charal uh with a three letter red no what no saw whoa okay this is awkward where did the a go it could be something sa right here or it could be as s or a blank s somebody just do ask oh what okay this is something sa so it could be Isa could be PSA it could be an acronym GSA USA that would make sense let me go with the USA yep now I wonder if we're going for a person here or if we're going for maybe just countries what's another country um four-letter country I swear I've done this before I cannot think of a four-letter country Scotland Ireland China Russia Macedonia Bulgaria Slovenia like those are all very long names Madagascar South Africa Australia Chad wait we swung and we missed it's not Chad I can't think of um countries that are for letters at the moment it's hard to think of them in order of how many characters they have so let me just guess lost nope maybe we're not in countries maybe this is something else oh ping I saw a ping right there op P nice if we in country see we got p p let's do oh Peru is it Peru y USA Peru I wonder if these countries are meant to be related in some way I'm not sure what these two countries have in common other than they're parallel like they're in relatively the same time zone I think let me look that up what time is it in Peru it's 7 it's 7 right now for me okay I'm in the same time zone as Peru is that cheating well what's another country along that line then there's no way T the p um Mexico Brazil cuz Brazil is probably really similar in time zone oh wait Chile right below it we have an eye we have an eye maybe it's not in the Americas um Italy wait Italy has an i oh there's no l India India yep I want to see the correlation at all USA Peru India we're just these are just countries maybe that's just the topic though I'm thinking too deep not every topic has to be perfect we're just doing countries so what's the six letter country um Canada that's really bad for letters that's four letters whatever Canada it ends with an a this probably should help but I think if anything it makes it more complicated CU now I'm just thinking of the last letter of countries there's so many countries they just don't come to mind off the top of my head when I'm thinking of length of name I don't have a dictionary in my head where I'm organizing by length first I don't know if you guys operate that way something in Asia potentially Singapore Philippines Japan Korea I can't even think of a sixlet country right now Germany No England Estonia oh it could just be Russia let get that yep okay not bad the topic is probably just countries yep countries okay we're recovering from our loss a few rounds ago next up we have Joshy actually say Josh but it's Joshy I'm not sure if that's your illegal name is that why really on your actual ID card I don't think so let's do has s sit son that's a good one okay son other son nice I said it technically before this Joshy with the four letter yep what would a dude named Joshy put wave no we assume they're together let's do seat Sun seat does make sense eat wait meat Sun meat does that make sense heat that makes more sense or feet but yeah it doesn't really work that way let's do heat cuz heat makes sense with uh with sun yep Sun heat is this like summer uh words whoa wait what this is seven letters Sun heat Beach is Beach is whatever okay an H once we get past six letters it's really impossible for me to process I don't know what you guys or if you guys ever play longer than six letters I doubt it doesn't seem to be a very common thing people do the thought let me just guess this for letters oh ATT with th th there's a u Thor thund Thunder yep Sun heat Thunder tropical storm is that what we're doing okay next up Joshy with a five letter okay we're going backwards now in length uh okay now I can do storm right that makes sense storm no just an M oh wait I say windy unless it's Mindy that's not a word okay nor would that really fit the topic you know what screw it i'm gu champ there are some good letters there could be something M oh it say something ma here like ligma I just guess windy anyways there's an I can we afford the five letters Sun heat Thunder Acme aam Macy M there's no way magic wait Sun heat Thunder magic it wait Sun heat Thunder magic we talking about NBA teams I think we have to be right Sun heat Thunder magic Phoenix Suns Miami Heat Oklahoma Thunder and Orlando Magic let me see NBA teams yep I hate how it took me to the last word to get the topic well I didn't even get it until I saw this was the correct word I mean to be Sun heat Thunder I was not thinking basketball those words all go together like why would I think basketball okay well you guys got me twice so far in this video I don't normally lose these I I think it's extremely rare I don't even know if I have to be honest next up and last words of the day we have flip-flop Croc we're starting with a five letter word let's do trade it's speaking to me T thing H where could that H go there there's a c still so it could be later on teach no teach could have worked what else can fit there we have two other vowels we we touch okay starting with touch interesting let's see let's Mo to the second one what are we touching God like button which is what you guys should do right now you should touch it with your finger on the phone or or with the left Mouse button click on the computer saying touch the like button just sounds weird feel the like button for me guys touch the Subscribe button while you're still here that's that's that's uncomfortable let's do Ranch touch Ranch doesn't make any sense but neither does this trade I guess trade last time okay gr gr speaking to me Grand Grail wait the Holy Grail no touch grass oh touch grass okay yeah that makes sense touch grass a four letter now now true I need to touch grass we have a u duck touch grass duck doesn't make sense there's a d it could be un touch grass fund that would be a crazy fundraiser let's try that no oh so it was UD right here could be something why like Rudy o i nope a oh it's is this suda okay that took me way too long to get my own name that's kind of embarrassing Actually All Right Touch grass Suda of course something I should do three letter now we're going downwards now get yeah as far as you guys know I really sit here all day every day playing wle cuz you don't ever see me not playing wle when you think about it have you guys ever caught me not playing wle probably not you guys have never seen Yuda and grass in the same place you only see me when you click on these videos car what is happening my videos are kind of like the Apple t TV show Severance my work life is a continuous loop of me playing whle as soon as I'm done I switch back to my regular me and I have no idea what I was doing for 1 hour when I play wh on Wednesdays you barely have any vowels left let's do lip oh what pole is it pole that word oh my gosh it's PL touch grassa please I'm guessing it this please that makes sense okay touch grass suda please I really should I'm going to take your advice I'm going to go do that right now this is a good way to end off the video I encourage you guys to go touch grass as well okay I'm going to go roll around and play in the grass leave some words in the comments for next video today's comments are actually really good so please more of those thank you guys for watching click the video on the outro if you want to watch more and I'll see you next time goodbye [Music]