Power Politics in America and the Role of the Negro

Jul 11, 2024

Power Politics in America and the Role of the Negro

Key Themes

  • Race and Politics: The lecture discusses how race, civil rights, and integration issues are used as tools by different political groups in America.
  • White Liberals vs. White Conservatives: The main distinction is that white liberals are described as more deceitful and hypocritical, posing as friends and benefactors to the Negro for political gain.

Liberal and Conservative Dynamics

  • Both white liberals and conservatives aim for power, and they collaborate across party lines.
  • White liberals use tokenism, false promises of integration, and civil rights to control the political landscape and manipulate the Negro.
  • White civil rights leaders cooperate with white liberals, offering token recognition and progress for the masses in return.

Negro Voters' Influence

  • Statistics and Influence: Out of 11 million eligible Negro voters, only 3 million vote, impacting presidential elections.
    • The remaining 8 million are inactive, holding potential power if politically mobilized.
  • Three Million Voters: Mainly middle-class, integration-minded, and seen as the 'black bourgeoisie,' lacking racial pride and seeking assimilation.
  • Eight Million Non-Voters: Represent the poor, downtrodden black masses who reject the 'Uncle Tom' leadership hand-picked by white political interests.

Race Problem and Effective Leadership

  • Misalignment of Leadership: The current leadership does not represent the black masses but the black bourgeoisie, which seeks to assimilate rather than embrace racial identity.
  • Desire of the Black Masses: To accurately solve the race problem, it's crucial to understand the needs and desires of the black majority, not the minority who vote.
  • Elijah Muhammad: Presented as the true voice of the dissatisfied black masses, although labeled negatively by mainstream society.


  • Understanding and addressing the desires of the black majority is essential for solving America's race problem.