Transcript for:
Personality Types and Effective Communication

there so I'm really excited to be able to do this like Alicia said I do this professionally this is one of the courses that I teach at the corporation's at the corporation that I work for this is very unique as for lens as it comes from a company called Shipley communications and so this isn't something that my company invented but I am certified in this and the and the more that I research it and the more that I get into this more opportunity that I had to teach this course the more I really enjoy it I see the applications that I have throughout throughout just my everyday life so there's a there's a great phrase that says this that that all of us think we see the world as it is when actually we see the world the way we see things and so we see through our we've all heard the phrase we look at the world through rose-colored lenses we've all kind of been afraid you know that that whole I you know everything is great when we're in love and there's are these rose-color and lens as well the truth is we all see the world through our different set of lenses now you may have been through something like this in the past this is not to cancel out this actually kind of support some of the things that are out there you might through them through a DSC program a disc program there are other programs that deal with with colors and so what I want to preference this by saying is simply this this is not really understanding about you and your personality as it is about understanding how other people receive or other people hear conversations and so like Alicia said we tend to come at people or we didn't have the conversations that were most comfortable with and I'm giving an example so when I we've all done this you know we're working with doTERRA we've all done this and so we'll we'll do a class and nobody you know nobody may sign up or we see some people that are just completely checked out the board or receive some people who are completely leaning in and it's amazing and and you know we might give you the same class over and over again and some people it's just it's like a hit myth sometimes it's it's an amazing hit and and lots of people sign up or we just it's just we're on a roll and then we'll do the same class and it's dead and it's it's like crickets that's because we're trying to do the same thing we're trying to have the same conversation with everyone so what I want to teach you tonight is how to have effective influential conversations based on personalities that you perceive and I want to give you some some tools and some tricks for you to be able to perceive what type of personalities people have and this goes beyond introvert extrovert what kind of personalities people have so that you can have effective conversations with them that they hear and that you can speak the language that they hear and and that makes you more successful it makes you quite honestly makes you more dangerous and it makes you a better leader and so listen let's just jump in here so the objectives for tonight first of all is to identify your personality preference we're gonna go through a quick little survey a quick little assessment and you're gonna understand a little bit about your personality and it's a lot of fun I love teaching this class it's fun it's it's it people laugh because they it's it really does ring true in a lot of places I also want you to understand accept and value others for their unique strengths we all have our unique strengths to play on a team and and one of the dangers we can do is that by not by not customizing at the language that we use in empowering the people below us we can run the risk of making our team's ineffective so you want to understand the unique strengths that people have and be able to utilize that to make our team's and make them make the people that that are beneath us make them more effective we want to learn to apply principles and processes to improve our ability to effectively interact with and influence others honestly if there's one phrase that I can think of that would be so successful that would make us so successful in this line of work it's our ability to effectively interact with and to influence others we want to take what we know about us in oils the the great information and the wonderful world that is doTERRA and be able to influence others so that they can experience what we've experienced and last we want to increase your I want to increase your ability to lead yourself and delete others I want to make you a better leader and so if you're trying to build or interested in building or you've been building I want to make you I want to increase your ability to not only lead yourself to understand your strengths and your weaknesses but also to lead other people and make them successful as well and this assessment is got three parts so the first part what I'm gonna do is I'm going to show you a series of pictures and so what I'm going to do is the next slide that I show you is gonna have four sets of pictures on it and so in the top you'll have four quadrants okay and what's gonna happen is when you see these pictures your eye is going to immediately be drawn to a certain group of pictures this is intuitive I don't want you to think too much about this this is all intuitive and so when you'll see a group of pictures that really stands out to you and it's gonna really communicate you it's gonna go like yeah that's me absolutely you're gonna see that group of pictures and it's gonna really communicate to you what you want to do is on your paper you want to look I'll excuse me on the screen see the color that's around that group of pictures each group of pictures is surrounded by a certain color and you want to write on your paper you want to write on your paper the different color so there's blue green gold and orange those are the four colors blue green gold and orange and you're gonna want to give the color that you were immediately drawn to you want to give that a four so in this assessment everything that's just like you when you look at something like yeah that's me that's exactly like me the most like me you would give that a four and then the thing that is the least like you or the least often like you you give that a one and so you're gonna rank there's four there's four things you're gonna rank them for three to one from most like you to least like you okay so I'm going to show you these pictures and I'll explain it again but here are the pictures so on the top of your screen you've got green and you've got orange that looks red I know it's just because it came up that way but it's that's actually orange up there then down below you've got gold and blue okay so right now you're should be drawn to a set of pictures it really stands out to you so from the top you've got some science e research e stuff with a puzzle and the brain on the other top of corner you've got you've got people doing extreme sports and rollercoasters and having fun and and throwing all their chips in at the the Vegas table they're down in the bottom you've got the stacks of coins and the and the ROYGBIV closet and the library and the tools in their place and the filing cabinet and then over on the other side you've got babies and puppies and kissing and hugging and Ferris wheels and love letters so your eyes should be drawn to one group of pictures first don't think about it the one that stands out to you the most that is just like you give that a four on your paper and then rank the next the one the next one you want to pick is the one that's least liked you the one that kind of repels you like yeah that's not me give that a one on your paper and then rank the other two so you want to have a four three two and one on your paper ranked green orange gold and blue four three two one I'll give you a second to do that so the next thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna look at words so now this is a little more of thinking it's still a little intuitive but you're gonna look at some words I'm gonna give you four groups of words again broken down by color and so you want me to give you four groups of words what I'm gonna ask you to do is read all four groups of words first read all four groups first and then pick this the group of words that's most like you now exactly like you just most like you pick the group of words that's most like you and next to the numbers that you've already written down you want to rank for three two and one I can smell all the brain activity all the way over here now some of you are already feeling stress about getting this right and if you're already feeling stress about getting this right I can already tell you what color you might be some of you are looking at this and saying this is dumb I can already tell you what color you might be some of you are thinking to yourselves I'm gonna get the best score out of anyone that's doing this I can already tell you what color you might be your competitive juices are kicking in some of you have already picked out that there's not the same amount of words in each box I might be able to tell you what color you might be just based on those things okay let's keep going because we're gonna get to the fun stuff so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give you a quick survey and the way this survey works and give each number in a B C and D what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you a sentence it's a situation and there are four reactions to that situation you're going to rank those four reactions from four to one for being most like you the most the most likely this is how I would respond and one being the least like you you're gonna rank those responses for three two and one so I'm gonna show you the first question the first sentence and then you're going to rank a B C and D by which one's most liked you give that a four and the one that's least like you give that a one so let's look at the first question here's the for it's not a question it's a situation here we go first sentence so when I have to make a decision I like to and there are four reactions ranked a b c and d give it a 4 3 2 & 1 ranked those from most like you to least liked you alright here we're gonna go with the next question so now that you've ranked those four reactions 4 3 2 & 1 here's the next situation here we go my friends can count on me to be and here are four options ranked those from most like you to least liked you ignore the extra b c and d in there if that's bothering you I can probably tell you what color you might be also fully of energy probably bothers some of you too here we go next situation ok next situation question for her here we go in a crisis situation others depend upon my so now you want to add your scores you probably got a really good idea now of what color your personality preference is now this isn't your personality this is your personality preference this is how you make decisions this is how you process information and how you receive information so based on what your score is now let's go into learning about the different colors and this is where it's gonna provide a lot of great insight for you because you're gonna start probably right away begin you're gonna be able to identify probably people close to you spouses children you'll be able to do you'll be able to identify people around you pretty quickly which personality preference they have so let's jump into this let's start with greens so you'll notice there at the beginning right there in the middle at the core of a green their core value is competency competency is is huge so when I say competency what I mean by that is this people who typically greens they want to be seen as competent they like to be around competent people and one of the things that drives the crazy are people that they think are incompetent and so competency is huge they typically greens want to be the smartest person in the room they try to be the smartest person in a setting in a gathering they're usually the ones spouting information data they're usually the ones that will will challenge if somebody says you know it's really a great thing and they'll say you know um Disneyland is so much fun oh no no no Disneyland's not very good it tell you where she'd go those people who are constantly trying to correct and and try to establish that their opinion is the right opinion they're typically green now the reason why you want green people on your team the reason why you love to have green people on your team is because they're excellent at research and they're excellent at data when you have a need for research then you want to ask somebody on your team that you perceive to be green you want to ask them to do the research for you because they're gonna love it they're gonna go crazy on it and they're gonna provide really great information and data to your team to you they're gonna be your go-to person on your team when somebody post something on the facebook says does anybody you know any oils that can do this your green is going to know that information your greens gonna have that information because they're gonna research it you know that modern essentials book they're gonna read that they're voracious readers they'll read everything go read books magazines they'll read the backs of milk cartons they'll read the size of cereal boxes they'll read everything they love to read and so those greens are valuable on your team now at the very bottom though you steal word that is the negative perception of agreement unfortunately greens have a tendency to come across as arrogant it doesn't mean that they are arrogant it's just they come across that way and so you'll have people that are very off-putting but it's not that they're arrogant they just come across as as more intellectual and more intelligent than you or somebody else and so you have to really temper that and understand that that's just the way they communicate information it's not that they're arrogant is not Meem is just some people they tend to be called robotic and they're not robotic but they just they come across as unfeeling and unemotional now what a greens value greens value correct data they want correct data you can you could hand them information and if they find something wrong because by the way they'll double check the information that you give them when you give them facts and figures and you go out and say I read on a website that the essential oils do this and that then they're gonna go out and research it they're gonna go out and prove it not to prove you wrong but they got to correct the data and so they value correct data so you want to give greens correct data they're typically greens a very calm cool and collected they're typically not emotional they don't react emotionally and they don't they don't feel things deeply they react intellectually so they're extremely analytical now the things that they love let's jump down to their their joys they love being right they love to be the smartest person in the room and they love to continually learn these are why this is why you want to take the Greens on your team and put them to work say listen you need to be my go-to guy you need to be my go-to girl when we have questions on our team about what oils do or or the process of how to put oils on and the right way to use them and combine them I'm gonna refer to you because you're gonna be you're gonna be our go-to person for that kind of information and they love taking tests Green's love taking tests for one simple reason they love to prove that they're right they love the challenge they love they love to show how smart they are now what do they need they need numbers and data so when you're teaching class to greens you've got to go through numbers you guys go through data you've got to go through the cpt GE and you've got to go through you know those five stages that you know your greens are the ones that are your skeptics you like yeah show me that show me the numbers show me what it means that you say this isn't this what's the science behind it they love the puzzles and the challenges they love things that cause them to think and and the challenge of trying to solve something and they like logical explanations Green's do not respond to the feel-good explanations they don't respond to you smell this oil it makes you feel good they don't care about the field good they want to know what does it do what's the science behind it the challenges that they have are in communication your greens are gonna be hard communicators they're not gonna see sitting down and take doing a class that's really easy greens are not easy communicators and so you're gonna have to help your greens on your team learn how to communicate and grow their team in a way that helps their personality but also help them expand that personality they're challenged by relationships the interesting thing about greens is that greens if you're agreeing if you've got a high number of green I'm gonna scroll through here but if you're a high green typically you've had the same two to three to four friends for most of your life nod your head if that's true you've probably had the same two to three to four friends for most of your life and and that's probably not going to change because you're not interested in making more friends you made friends those spots are filled and you're not really interested in making anymore friends that's it you're done see and so they have a challenge with relationships you want to be their friend but in their mind they're thinking that's great I already have friends I don't need anymore I've got I've got enough so I've got four friends that's all I need I'm done and so they're challenged to innovate and they're challenged to change to come out of that that's why when we work with greens on our team we have to learn we have to help them come out of that she'll and help them communicate with other people all right raise your hand I'm going to look really quickly here raise your hand if you're high number was Green you're high all Jeff and Cristie both green okay any other greens okay cool let's go to the next color which is blue at the core of a blue is the warm squishy relationship these are your huggers they're your passionate ones your blues are interested in relationships where greens don't want to make any more friends if you're within five feet of a blue you're more than a friend you're a family member if you come over for dinner once you're family you'll be adopted and you'll never be able to leave because you'll always be family blues value relationships they make friends easily they are centered towards making relationships work they value everyone being treated with love and fairness which is what makes them so great at the top of that you see here's why you want them on your team they're great at communication because blues value relationships and they want everyone to be treated equally and they want everyone to have the same information if you have to have information communicate it out to your team give it to somebody that you perceive to be blue they will do an absolute fantastic job at getting that information out to everyone because they're great communicators okay now unfortunately the negative perception of Blues is that they're a bit of an enabler what happens is is that blues have a hard time letting go of relationships even when relationships should have been broken off a long time ago even when if the relationship that might actually be damaging they have a hard time letting go of relationships they will excuse bad behavior for a long long time they'll put up with a lot of hurts they'll put up with a long a lot of bad behavior and even abusive behavior for too long because it's so important to them they have this idea that I can repair the relationship and if I just do this it'll make everything better and it's just not working and they're not returning my calls I should go over there with a plate of cookies and that'll make everything better and so it's constantly trying to repair the relationship now what do they value they value family they value friends they really just value people they value you as a person your blues they're just very warm loving you feel you feel taken care of by blues what do they joy enjoy they enjoy quality time if you have a blue in your life and you need to speak their love language chances are all you have to do is sit the blue down on the couch sit next to them be completely quiet and just stare at the stars or look at a painting or just sit outside go for a walk and you don't even have to say anything just being with them is going to fill their tank up now for somebody like me who has to fill the space with talking that's not good I'm not a natural quiet you know quality time just sit there and be quiet kind of person but I know people who are and just being next to them just spending time with them you could take a car ride with them and not say anything and they're gonna love it they're gonna just sing the praises of this car ride they love one-on-one time they wanted because they love relationships they love one on one side they like group gatherings but they like one-on-ones and they love meeting new people typically your blues are constantly trying to make new friends and bring on new friends and bring them into the family now what do they need blues tend to be a bit fragile we're greens you could you could say mean things to agree and they're gonna go yeah I don't really care cuz you're not really my friend and you're not in that for group so it doesn't really bother blues very fragile they bruise easily they they need acceptance they need Pat's on the back they need to be known that they need to be told that they're a good person they're doing a good job they need praise and they also need fairness they need to know that everybody has the same opportunities and has the same chance to be everything that they can be okay so they're gonna want that now what are they challenged by they're challenged by stubborn people they don't understand stubbornness if you don't want to do it they're gonna say but why and they're gonna try to reason with you and they're gonna they're gonna try to use the relationship but please do it for me it doesn't mean anything to agreeing to say do it for me they don't like dominance and they and they don't understand bullies they don't understand why people would be mean at all they just don't understand meanness and they really don't get angry blues are very long-suffering they're very patient they're usually they kind of people to stuff their emotions and they don't really express their emotions although they have very deep deep deep emotions they feel emotions very deeply and so the reason why you want these blues on your team is this is that creates that great family atmosphere on your team you're gonna want blues to create that camaraderie and that team Mintel you know there's Romy's rock stars kind of person you know Romy is a very blue person you can see that in Romy because she loves her people and she's constants to get everybody piled up onto a truck and take a picture at Convention that's very blue behavior okay all right raise your hand if you are a blue I'm gonna look uh I knew iris I knew you were a blue I knew it Cindy I could tell you were a blue anyone else okay I could see you good all right we've got two or three four blues that's great that's great perfect this deal with golds at the core of a gold is order its structure it is everything in its place everything is place all the time please don't here's a great thing about golds I work with a very strong gold at my work and their papers and their pencils then everything is an exact alignment everything needs to be exactly worse I love to go up after they've gone home and rearrange everything now it's horribly mean I'm a bully that's why blues don't understand me but the reaction that I get every morning makes it always worth it you hear I usually hear in it's across the room I usually hear homer and that's just that makes my day it just makes my day so order you're gonna put a gold in a room that is a mess lock him in there for an hour and when you come back in an hour it will be alphabetized and organizing and color-coordinated okay and they're gonna have a system and probably even a spreadsheet on how they ranked it and and they'll have a something pinned up on the wall and you can write on it every time you clean it and and they'll have things outlined in tape yeah you know my grandfather had had a pegboard and all of his tools had an outline around the mid tape and so he knew that what if you took this tool off the peg and use it you know there's there was a silhouette there and that's where it went so he knew that you didn't hang the screwdriver where the wrench went now the reason why you love golds is this goals love structure gold our Gold's are gonna get the the structure of doTERRA they're gonna get that the structure the order the compensation plan they're gonna get it there it's gonna make sense to them and they're gonna be your go-to people when it comes down to the business when it come to sit down to understanding the business and the structure of you know how the power of three works and how the fast start works and and all that they're gonna get it because they understand the structure of things they're really gonna delve into that and understand how that works and how the back-office works they're gonna be your go-to person for that kind of stuff now unfortunately the negative perceptions of Gold's is a control freak okay if you're a gold you know what I'm talking about because typically Gold's don't like to let other people do it they just rather do it themselves because you're gonna mess it up and so just let me that way you don't mess it up and I can just do it I know if I'd do it it'll be done right if you it for instance if a gold is trying to show somebody how to do something on the computer they're gonna go they're gonna it's gonna go something like this they're gonna say okay good go ahead and click on that right move move movie but no move move the cursor down down to the bottom right you know I just let me do it I got it I'll just get you logged in there and so the Gold's are gonna they're not going to be able to release control very well they'd rather just do it themselves which makes them very bad delegate errs Gold's don't like to dole out work very well they'll just they just rather do it themselves now what do they value they value success goals love to be successful because it shows that the way they're doing things is right and it just it's just proof that you should do it my way and if you want to be successful just do it my way okay they love stability and they love being taught they love training because they want to be they want to learn the right thing to do here's interesting about golds and blues golds and blues both love recipes they love recipes blues love recipes because every time they cook this recipe it just brings them back to the old country the way grandma used to cook it back in the old country Gold's love recipes because that's the way it's done if I follow the recipe I'll get the same result every time I need a recipe write it down I don't want to make it up just where's the recipe and so both love recipes both love traditions - the reason why they love tradition you can see down there enjoys they both love tradition blues love traditions because this is the way it was always done guys this is the way we did it when I was a child the way my grandparents did it when they were children goes like yeah I don't care about that stuff this is just tradition this is the way it's done it's dependable and I know that we take out our Christmas tree on Thanksgiving Day and we set it up and we set it up by Christmas Day and we all toast and we all sing kumbaya and and that's it it's tradition it's the way we do things and that's just that's just it so they love that and brings security to them and again they love the data in the info then they love the back just like greens they love that data in for that proof okay now what do they need yes yes I have the same score in the blue and the gold that's not uncommon okay that's not uncommon and all okay in fact having a tie is actually really really good it just means it was that iris it just means that you it just means that you can jump back and forth we call that we call that environmental personalities uses it means in certain personalities you can be one in certain environments you could be one personality in other environments you can be another it's not but it's it's it's not schizophrenic or anything it just means that you you've become you've become adept at two different personalities that's that's not a problem okay okay so what do they need any clear goals you can't tell a goal to just do better you can't tell a gold to just try harder you can't tell a gold to to earn more you have to give them a clear plan they need clear goals any specifics they need the organization in their structure if you introduce a gold to the back-office and the compensation plan and the way the doTERRA structure is they're gonna take off they're just gonna know it okay now what are they challenged by they're challenged by just flying by the seat of the pants they've challenged by out-of-the-box thinking four or Gould's rules are it rules are what makes the earth turn around they love rules they do not handle failure very well last week you heard about Alisha curling up in the fetal position in the corner because she she perceived that she failed that's a very gold personality trait okay they don't like to perceive that they failed and they take it very very hard and they don't like chaos and so they're very structured they like things where they're supposed to be let's jump into orange but before we do that whose gold raised your hand if you're gold I see one two three four okay Lennie's gold - okay good let's jump into orange orange oranges are your juvenile delinquents oranges are the ones that were sitting in detention in junior high school oranges are the ones that are usually saying look what I can do hey watch this that kind of stuff okay oranges are on the wall walking on the tops of the walls oranges are the ones that indented most of our extreme sports okay it wasn't enough to ride a bike now you have to ride a bike down a gigantic ramp or you have to turn your bike and do us put skis on your bike it's just not enough now you know it's not enough to take your bike off a jump now you got to do three flips off the jump and and so oranges are your out-of-the-box thinkers they're the ones that are constantly growing and experimenting and trying to find new things let's say I'm going to check the chat room here really quickly here right Oh illicit courtney says she has three tires that's not unheard of that's not unheard of I'll tell you my scores in just a minute and you'll find out it's pretty interesting so let's go back to the oranges oranges love to touch they love to explore they the world is their oyster at work oranges are the ones that are never sitting at their desk they're always wandering around and visiting with people okay at school they're always the ones that are being told to sit back down they're always the ones that are running around oranges get get mistaken for a DeeDee a lot and there's not that they're a DeeDee but the oranges battlecry is on board okay and if they're not having fun you'll know it because they decide to turn something into a game they turn everything into a game everything is a challenge and everything's a game now what are they at the center of who they are is freedom they love the ability the idea of being free to make decisions to to choose their new options they're their life as a choose your own adventure book the reason why you love these people on your team is they are creative they're out-of-the-box thinkers they're the ones that are constantly thinking of new ideas and new challenges those are the ones thinking of new combinations for the oils they're thinking of new ways to reach people they're thinking of great they're great party planners because they're thinking of how can it how can we just have fun with everyone what are they valued they love friends here's the problem we're greens have three to four friends and they've had three to four friends for most of their life oranges have a lot of really they have a lot of acquaintances but they'd be challenged to really determine who their close friends are outside of a spouse they'd be really challenged to pick two or three and typically their their close friends are probably their close friends by proximity it means like it's somebody that they work with or it's more recent but they'll struggle having like lifelong friends for most of their life okay they love rewards okay you can usually incentivize an orange to do something by offering some kind of reward heck I'll show up for this sizzle just because there's an award at the end okay that's the thing I love rewards I love you you give me a cookie or give me a Scooby Snack I'll do whatever you want they love physical connections typically oranges like to touch and so you'll know oranges because they like to high-five and they like to give you knuckles they'd like to tap you on the shoulder oranges and blues or huggers they're usually off on the corner hugging and the goals and the greens are staring at each other awkwardly hoping that nobody touches them okay so you got your oranges and your blues and your oranges and moving and working through the crowd and they're just like they're usually the popular one there'll be no and very very quickly if you put them you take him to summer camp they're usually the popular kid okay they're the one eating bugs for for challenges unfortunately the negative perception is that they're very self-centered oranges love to think about what's in it for me and they typically leave people behind they're thinking about I'm bored what's in it for me what can I do I'm not having fun and so they they tend be very self-centered when it comes to their decisions what are their values again they love friends rewards physical connections they love action they love to be active they love fun they love adventure they like to play with new toys that do they go buy new toys they're early adopters when it comes to technology they love the new exciting toys and unfortunately the greatest thing to ever happen to an orange was the first time they had sex it's like the greatest thing ever it's true that what are they what do they need they need flexibility where rules are comfort to gold rules are our discomfort to oranges oranges sea rules as a suggestion Gold sea rules as the necessary things that make the world go round oranges like yeah we'll see you know it's more of a suggest really they need changed they need constant change they need the physical touches they need the hands-on activities they need the gatherings they need those things what are they challenged by they're challenged by gold people truly oranges do not get gold people they don't understand there are rules they don't understand the structure everything's kind of flexible and movable and nothing's really sacred but for golds it's absolutely sacred it has to be that way they challenge their challenge to focus on anything for a long period of time it's not impossible that get really passionate about it and so you know the guy that started Virgin Airlines he's a he's a very high orange he focuses on something it gets it successful and he moves on into the next thing Elon Musk is very much the same way he gets something if successful he moves on to the next thing and makes it successful it's a very orange behavior okay raise your hand if you are high orange all right okay so my scores actually I've taken this this quiz a lot and my scores I'm actually tied in all four so my top two ties are orange green I'm tied in orange and green and I'm tied in blue and gold so my orange being a my dominant my blue gold or my my my secondary colors and so and the reason why it's like that for me is because I train so many different groups of people with so many different personalities I've learned to adjust and kind of chameleon eyes myself to be what I need to be in order to effectively train these groups of people now that's great but at the same time it's very frustrating because you tend to lack an identity youth you tend to feel like you don't really belong anywhere to any group let me just check the chat room here yep I'm a chameleon exactly right okay so this would not be complete unless I I finish this up with this when you're talking to people about doTERRA when you're talking to new people and you're out there having conversations with new people you are going to very quickly pick up on their color and what's important to the based on the questions that they're asking so when you're talking to a green and you're offering statistics they're gonna say things like where did you find that who said that did you read that where did you read that what doctor what what hospital Johns Hopkins which doctor at Johns Hopkins what date was that published they're gone to it they're gonna ask those questions because they want to go back and research it now you can't just give them stats and figures and be black and white things have to be theoretical they're not just going to just arbitrarily believe you so with greens you want to have links you would have websites and links and resources that you can send them to where they can do data and research greens will not make a decision on the first visit the first conversation it will not be a decision you're gonna have to work on a green two or three times to get them to decide because they're gonna research it and think about it and think about the logic of it they're not gonna make an emotional decision right there on the spot okay with with blues blues are gonna ask you about sick family members we're gonna ask you okay well I have a child who has this what would I use it on them I bet I've got a family member who has this what can i is there something that I could do that it what could I put in the house that would really just make it nice for everyone and and and they're gonna talk about sharing oils and and they're typically give their oils away and you know I have a mother-in-law that's very blue and she just gives the Royals away or she'll buy oils for people and just give them and we're like like mom you gotta sign them up that's the whole process of signing them up you got to put them get them their own account so they can buy their own oils but she's so giving she just wants to give those oils and so typically Blues are gonna ask questions about relationships how do these oils affect the people that they love greens are weird greens blues golds are gonna ask about the structure they're gonna ask about the compensation plan they're gonna ask about that is it a pyramid scheme they're gonna ask you to explain the structure of things and they're gonna ask you to explain how things work and the value of things and then oranges are going to they're gonna use phrases like cool oh that's awesome that's exciting how new is this how many oils are there can you get them all what a new oil how often do new oils come out they're always talking about the new stuff and so I want to show you this slide and this will be information great information for you to to take down so when you're talking about selling points for oils I know we don't sell oils but when we're talking about the selling points on how to really convince people and speak their language when we're talking about doTERRA to agreeing we want to talk about the data and the research and the research and the science when it comes to blue we want to talk about taking care of loved ones and how it's gonna bring everybody together and it's just a big family when we talk about goals we're just going with the value in the compensation and the structure of doTERRA and how the business runs and when we talk about oranges how exciting it is how much money they can make and it will finance their dream life and how having all that money will allow them to live their dream life now greens and blues and golds all have to live their dream life too but for oranges specifically you want to talk about that earning potential and what it could possibly do for them and it's going to get them excited and emotional