how big is this table so big it makes us look like infants yeah we're just we're just [Music] babies hello everyone welcome back to Foster the meele a Channel all about gam and B gam things exactly we're back again today with another game day review of paloa video we've really been enjoying doing these and it seems like people also enjoy them so why not keep doing them all right yep so today we're actually going to be focusing on um games that we got at Gen Con now some of these were gifted to us and some of them we bought with our own money we'll let you know which is which as per usual but we're just going to Dive Right In because we learned may I learned a bunch of games for today had to throw that one in so we are going to try get through as many as can we got a couple of chunky boys and then we got a couple little little ones okay so we're going to mix it up but we are in case you couldn't tell from the table holy this is heavy we are starting with undaunted 2020 Kalisto now we did purchase what 22 20 what we are going to start with undaunted 2200 Kalisto got the year wrong uh we did purchase this one with our own money this is from Osprey games everybody knows we love undaunted we haven't played this yet so that I guess goes without saying that all of these this is our first time playing them so these are more like First Impressions yep than anything else okay so this plays similarly to regular yeah I'll kind of I'm not going to get into a full rules teach but if you've played undaunted it plays very similarly to the rest of the undaunted series the major differences in Kalisto is you now have Mech units uh Jamie will be playing the uh faction uh I believe it's the LFA uh who have mechs um and so each Mech has a series of three cards that will control her mechs uh there's a gunner there's a navigator and a commander card I believe so there's those three cards um that will control her mechs I am playing as the breakers I have vehicles um but none in this scenario so uh you have mechs I have scenario one yes I have vehicles uh that's one of the key differences uh a couple of the other major ones is there's now elevation uh so I also teaching Jamie as I'm teaching you elevation in this game is relatively straightforward you'll notice that there are uh these dotted boundaries that means it is an elevated space and that is going to impact attacks so if you are attacking from High Ground to low ground you're going to get a bonus die uh a bonus I shouldn't say a bonus die you're going to get an upgraded die to a D12 okay if you are on the same level elevation as someone else you will roll what is normal UN in undaunted the d10 and if you are attacking from low ground to High Ground you will take a die penalty and roll a d8 straightforward uh the only other I think major difference is there's no Auto hits so so in undaunted um outside of Kalisto if you roll a uh zero I believe um 10 it is a auto success an auto hit not not in Kalisto a 10 is just a 10 10's just a 10 all right the only other I think major difference is there is now there's some keywords that are words and things that are different but it's fundamentally the same uh there are different types of attacks now um targeting is a little bit different some cards you can Target combat units some um some targets don't let you attack say a scout they have to be a combat unit some have range um requirements so some of the cards actually require you to be in the same space as your opponent in order to utilize it for combat uh in the first just based on me looking there's no keywords that are new in the first scenario there's a Pathfinder I believe oh I don't have it you might I don't have which might not be in the scenario but basically pathfind or Pathfinder is a different way to do the Scout ability normally when you do a scout action you would move into the space and Scout that region with pathfind or Pathfinder you actually can stay immobile and uh Scout three regions ahead of you so it's basically to represent like you scouting the field kind of deal but that's the fundamental difference everything else is relatively the same okay so my objective is to control five our objectives are the same um my objective is to control five objective points or neutralize three of your units neutralizes to remove them from the game totally or remove them from the board I should mention uh your objective is the same control five objective points or neutralize three of my units I will note you start with control of your region for two so you already start at two of your objective points I start at zero places on interferences like fog of War correct okay uh LFA does start with uh initiative uh in this scenario so the first turn uh initiative is not established uh normally we would flip cards uh from our hand to an uh determined initiative but in the first round it is inherently with whatever the scenario book says and that's LFA so that's Jamie and uh we are not doing initiative right you just said that I just said that I wasn't listening yeah know all right I am going to use Commander a to move where's he at emis oh that's your Mech card one you can't move into a space that's not sced remember that right am I discard yep discard you see my discard pile okay it'll say a emis for emis V for Vulcan got it move too that's that's me Jeff I remembered how to play perfectly okay all right so I'm going to pathfind to be or not to uh and I'm going to pathfind one two so I have to take a interference so just scating from a distance is all it is yeah correct ha all right so uh ties go to whoever currently has it so yep Jamie they sure the heck do Jeff what if I got going on here I have an interference unfortunately and then I'm going to play Neil Neil Neil Neil nail Gunner C Neil uh and I'm going to move one get out of the way Neil here oh wait no I'm not no I'm not no I'm not cuz I still need the card yeah yeah okay uh actually I still might no I don't no I'm not going to snip snap snip snap Ripper C again to move one not allowed to do that not allowed to do that I want to do that it's something SC it okay who's up there oh you're there they're there um I O wrong got him take off jeck uh and that's me I'm annoyed at you yeah how do I unsuppress you have to play your card and then it just it's null but it flips the token back up I'll do that for my Zed scat ouch and for my y scope then I will inspire my my why um and I will attack you in your face all and here how many die I don't know one that's it Attack One let's go why Attack One you six got you Su got got you sacka all right nail Gunner be so it would normally come from my hand but I don't have any are you going to get into some cheese soon or what go do it now if you want no soon uh Ripper B I'm going to uh use to control so I now have uh two of my five why do you have so many di cuz I get four wow perhaps I will attack you mhm so you need seven got him 10 nail Gunner is suppressed need six I got a one you did not automatic success do you want to do your stuff now what stuff your cheese and whatever no not yet okay well you're the one that's like going on about it well I'm hungry cuz I woke up so much earlier than you so I have breakfast I know but no I'm going to wait until we're done this game does that mean I can move cuz they've been scouted no you need to scout them yourself I'm going to attack one on your scout so I need five o five 6 7 8 n good luck one die is a two didn't get it didn't get it I'll Scout two one two coming for your face two interference n H three dice please help got him o didn't get it get it six sevens got it didn't get it uh attack you again good luck 25 six got four didn't get it you're up let go too two [Music] interference uh then I will attack mhm you need fives I get two dice please got him all right Ripper C yep cost you here we go sucker cost you a lot it cost you a lot Saka Saka just know you can't control on region that I'm in I'm K you so you have to remove me first we'll see I would like to oh if I attack you you're up I am and when I'm up I can't get down I can't get down I can't get level well I'm just going to do it I'm going to try it got it got him okay none in my hand none here so it's got to come out with my deck je got him doesn't surprise me at all he's off the board so long farewell yep got him me oh yeah right I'm not used to going first mhm get corpse x z you come out your hand first then your discard Z yeah Zed Jeff this is Canada discarded gone stop cheating you're up okay I'll do this here's what I'll do I'll Attack you're Ripper so four five six please how are you doing that with my corpse fly how many dice you one you had one but anyway got him I'm not used to going first well you took forever so what two please you have two Jamie she does that all the time got him she'll be like I need two dice and I'm like there's two sitting right in front of your face she's a dice hoarder that's what we call you're going to call me something different then my y SC where's he at up there is he up there there that's boy oh okay well attack you're Ripper I need some dice which Ripper the one that's in with my scope you don't need dice Jamie you have them in front of you I know that's why I picked it up when I said it yep got him Jamie dice luck is oh my foot's asleep Jeff he's gone uh oh you just know you have four cards left what did you just redraw what do you mean how do you have four cards oh that was my turn yeah can you stop cheating please sorry I'm not used to going first can you also we've heard that I'm not used to going first yeah I'm going to attack your scout I'm fight you okay it's because he hasn't had any cheese yet today it's why he's so I'm not I'm fine I'm I'm not sassy I'm attacking you good where with two so I need five good luck didn't get it got them I'm attacking you with my other nail Gunner or the same nail Gunner and I'm attacking your SC Z again it dead SC Z so why that was annoying is I was a boat to control that area but then Jamie decided to move in and now I can't now I can't yeah it's annoying it stays with me and then did I get it I got it I'll Inspire him Jamie is purposely trying to be annoying today just FYI I'll Inspire him to try again cuz if at first you don't succeed try try again got him Ripper C yep is he dead no no what does he need five got him she rolled a 910 got him is he dead yet Ripper see well this guy just won't die I think he is goodbye he's a baby just FYI we had to take a break to eat some cheese it was an emergency it was a emerging cheese I'm going to attack your scat are you ready for this chef yep that's unfortunate for you yeah thank you can do what we do I doubt it you got the energy will tell you all about it I can't wait for you to see this ready for this [Laughter] totally nothing but interference ready for this just just had one I will shoot your face your survey text phas okay so I need seven why are you you're like give me a die and you just kept your hand closed the cheese tax the cheese tax you got to the cheese tax got him you have no I was about to win yeah well that sucks I was about to move in control yeah now I do nothing wow well that's unfortunate for you Jamie it was that was maybe the most annoying thing you could have ever done in your entire life I don't know if you knew this but it basically for you it just sucks to suck so I uh I control this now so I have two 4 six you win I ran out of uh C uh units that let me control so I had yeah I had oh you just had to kill people I had to Pivot to killing you all right Jeff that was undaunted 2200 Kalisto what are our thoughts um I very much like it it's undaunted it's undaunted yeah uh I really like the the little changes that they made it they always add little variants to make every addition seem a bit different I really like the added elevation element to the game mhm um I still prefer the war theme yeah I like the historical Wars yeah I but that's just me I don't the war theme has never bothered me I do like the mechs the mechs are very cool I like the difference between like you can only attack Personnel versus like yeah they they they added maches some differentiations into this that I think a lot of people are going to enjoy to Jamie's Point like certain attacks can only go against Personnel or mechs or vehicles or that sort of thing um we also only played the first scenario and normally in undaunted basic you are playing the base scenario and then it's going to add complexity as you go through um I really do even though it adds more in the Box I do like the boards I did always find so in the old undaunted the maps are basically tiles that you place out and you're building each map separately I did find that to be a bit finicky I like this it's easier to set up but those tiles also added increased variability um so I don't know how that's going to play out long term with this but I very much enjoyed it um it comes with eight scenarios in case you are wondering I thought the thing that you could do that I couldn't do was cool pathfind pathfind like there I feel like there was more variability between in terms of actions and the factions yeah between our two factions whereas like in Normandy like we're basically working with the same stuff uh yeah I think so I had Max Normandy Normandy and uh North Africa and Battle of Britain each faction does have some differences in terms of unit types like in Normandy for example like one side will have snipers and you both can get them but they've added a little bit more I don't want to call it asymmetry but they've added a little bit more variance between the two factions in this instance uh which I think is great um and it's beautiful it looks incredible the maps the boards they're very awesome I like the two faction types they've produced but I'm biased I love undaunted and this is just more undaunted to play yeah we love undaunted in general so like the game play is something that we're familiar with and that we know we enjoy so it's this was pretty much going to be a guaranteed like for us if you if you like undaunted and you like the system uh you will like this game it it it plays very similarly this and it's again in order to if you've played undaunted in order I don't think undaunted is a difficult system to get into no they have wonderful Rule books they as mentioned the scenarios do walk you through things it's not a complex game to learn from scratch but if you've played undaunted you will pick this up in an instant um lot a lot of the same DNA yeah all right so we're going to pack this up and set up another game so we will be our B yep all righty we are on to our next game but before we get into that we just want to mention again that we have a Kickstarter coming we do have a Kickstarter coming up I did wow the page is now up so you can go and follow it it is going to be live on August 27th and essentially we are raising funds for the channel so we can upgrade some equipment build a new studio we're just doing all sorts of things so that we can provide you with more content and better quality content so there's going to be lots of perks and stuff that you can pledge for all of that is coming up soon okay so follow along Link in the description it's going to be a good time I think fundamentally it is the it's kind of us being like this is a long-term thing now yeah and we we're we are committed our forever thing we've committed to this and we've dipped a lot of our own personal money into doing it and now it's like hey we have to be a little bit smarter uh just to make sure that we don't dip all of our money into it yeah exactly and a big part of that is that starting in September I will actually be going down part-time at my job so that I have more time to dedicate to the channel so that we are able to provide like once again more and better content let's be clear I was it's more so so that Jamie has a better work life balance what's that no complaints here we're not complaining about Jamie working too much because this is a personal choice but she needed a better mental balance in terms of Channel stuff and uh her actual position so this is um moving into that direction precisely but that's the kickstarter if you're interested follow along and we will keep updating you and let you know all the stuff when it launches you could be in the Discord too if you like because that's we're going to put a bunch of updates and stuff in there all right but for now we are actually going to be playing sausage Sizzle and this is from 25th sausage party which is what Jamie has been referenc I was like I want to play sausage party not this game sausage Sizzle shizel sausage Sizzle is from 25th Century games it was designed by Inca and Mark brand who designed of course lost Runes of arac and has art by Ian tul who we of course love so this one we did purchase with I wonder how Ian felt drawing a bunch of sausages I think he felt awesome cuz this is all an Aussie based game okay all of them are from Australia and that is what this game is focused on Australian animals and sausage so saus sausage Sizzle is like something that they do in Australia it's kind of like how you'd have like a cooko or a barbecue they call it a sausage Sizzle that's very Australian yeah but they do sausage and they put it in like a slice of white bread with grilled onions and like either tomato sauce or barbecue sauce which I assume by tomato sauce they actually mean ketchup but I don't know why do they use just a sliced bread I don't know why don't they use a bun this is their Traditions it's not our Traditions anyways we did purchase this it's from 21st century games very excited about it it is uh it's basically a pusher luck game so what we are going to be doing is we're going to be playing over six rounds and each round we are going to be scoring one of our six different animals so there's quas kangaroos tiger snakes platypuses crocodiles and these things which I want to call enchiladas but I know that's not what they're called a Aid a kidna how would you say it Aid a kidna it looks like a hedgehog uh enchilada is not an animal it's definitely not delicious food it is a delicious food so what we are going to be doing on a player's turn they are going to be rolling the dice now on your turn you have to decide to keep at least one dice that you have rolled and you're are going to continue doing that until all dice have been locked in there are four food dice so there are two orange and two red the difference is what they have on them the red ones have two sausages uh four uh two three four and five I think and the other one only have one one sausage and some higher numbers um I'll get to why that's important the other dice are all different animals now like I said we're playing over six rounds so each round you're only going to be scoring one animal and after you've scored it you will flip it over and you cannot score it again for the rest of the game so how you're going to score so let's I don't know let's just say that's a terrible example I'm doing this for Jeff cuz he's never played before but let's just say that this is your final roll okay you're going to choose which animal you'd like to score you have the most crocodile so you'll score that then you multiply it by the lowest number food dye that you've rolled now if you have a sausage it's one okay there is a caveat to that which I'll get to in a second so you would score two points in that round O not very good but if you had this and your highest or your lowest was the two then it would be four points okay now if you manage to roll four sausages that is now worth seven points so this would be 2 * 7 okay that's what we're doing but if you roll like this it's still only one exactly you have to get all you have to shoot for the moon to get all four sausages cool okay so that's the game all right we're just going to be going back and forth would you like to go first and I'll be the score uh can I uh lock in more than one dice if I so choose but once it's locked in lock to be yeah and it has to be a minimum of one and it's not like if I lock it I can bring back in it's locked Lo once it's locked it's locked off you go Ah that's not bad Jeff why all those fours four is a good number it only goes up to five he's got some tiger snakes oh you have to keep one I have to keep one mhm okay I get it okay so four * two is eight on my snake eight for Jeff's snake so now he great game he can't yeah this is amazing I love it I like little Pusher luck oh we love Pusher luck ooh all right I am that's hard not to keep can you lock those too yeah all right I have three of the enchiladas and two sausages but you need to now roll two o all right I'll keep a sausage I need roll one more sausage all right you got to keep it you got to go with the animal yeah and try for the sausage did it no okay so and I got three of the wow 21 on your these I just got to call them hedgehogs because if I don't I'll call themas enchiladas just call them enchiladas Tas maybe they are I don't know to that's almost like the best the best score you could get is that it's so close is 28 yeah okay so so uh 10 points on the enchilada okay oh that that locks it in yeah there's no point damn so well I got three for my kakas y m yikes well I got to try for it right yeah oh you did it 10 on crocodile well I mean that's a pretty the sausage one's pretty Dynamite Kies I'll just keep the Kangas you're not going to go for it I should shouldn't I no why oops too late I did it sausages oo sausages no well I I'll have to try to get a kangaroo I didn't get it so I have 2 * seven for 14 for which animal is that kangaroos je you just got to go for the wieners this is a terrible roll mhm ah a okay okay but now I need platypi or Kangas that was like the worst take yeah possible outcome oh my God so seven points what would you like if for uh I'll do it on the platypi oh I'll take two oh are you not going to take the sausages I am I got to you just got to go for it sometimes in life you know we'll take a plat well it doesn't matter no it doesn't all right so I got 3 * 1 for three that's too risky I should stopped risking it for the biscuit it oh yeah I rolled four enchiladas nerd you got the sauce I got the kga one more roll I need another there you go so 3 * 7 is 21 21 uh-oh I needed that Jeff is I think winning all right so I can only do crocodiles or snake you got two sausages you just said I shouldn't do it and she did it yeah but like what if you can get it you know oh no well I mean that yeah well give me a sausage comes down here we go give me a sausage oh that might that hurts that's a twofer that's a two I can't do that again Jeff stop letting me do that okay I there's sausage I only have Kaa Kaaka he's going for the sages well I don't want to but oh you got to jaff I'm not rolling any koaka I haven't rolled one of them oh my God you haven't what have you don't you just need one like once you keep one of these you you're committing to it right you are committing to it I still didn't get one is it even on here yes of course no you just take the two and then see if you can roll a Col cuz at least you get one oh you didn't zero all right I'm not going for sausages this time I would grab a crocodile as soon as you can yeah there's your five there's your another five oh and a Croc oh my God that's changing everything for you and a Croc oh my God that's 20 points okay that's it so now we count you want me to do it five I could do it look there's no way you got 135 that I not yeah that math is not correct I guess I let you do the math Jamie wrote down 135 and she had 63 yeah 10 20 41 48 55 do you want to know why I did that because I had these lined up with yeah yeah yeah Jamie wins 6355 review perfect great great little game no notes don't don't change anything love it great little push your luck game I love push your luck games and it's so cute and you could play it so quickly yeah and it plays up to five players yeah love it perfect little party game so cute okay so we are back and we are going to be playing Harvest from Key Master games which was gifted to us at Gen Con and was also one of our most anticipated games I'm so excited to play this okay so Harvest is a worker placement game Jeff and I have each uh selected a character to be I am Jamie the bunny I'm Floyd The Beaver Never never underestimate a good piece of wood you don't have to choose between quality and quantity if you're fast enough so Jeffrey let me teach you how to play this this game is played over four rounds which is tracked up here with the little tractor uh and on uh during each round we are going to be placing out our little wheelbarrows but the first thing that happens yeah I was like what are these things they're wheelbarrows yeah I see it now mhm my one and uh complaint I haven't played this game yet but there's no reference cards M so that's a that's a thing yep okay so the first thing that happens in each round is the sunrise phase we're going to do all of the sunrise actions okay we're going to do that based on our uh player order which are on these Sunrise tokens okay so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to reveal three Sunrise tokens which we're going to be drafting in a minute then we are going to uh use our current Sunrise order so that's the ones that we have in front of us um and one at a time we are going to choose a new Sunrise token and then you're going to put your old one there so you're placing it the number on the Sun R token is going to be turn order for the action phase so the lower the number the better and we're also going to be getting some kind of a benefit based on what's on that token yep then we're going to go into the action phase and then the action phase is where we're going to be putting out our wheelbarrows one at a time based on uh player order so right now I have a three so I would go first you can place your wheelbarrow onto any open Action space um so they're all single action space with the exception of anything that has an infinity and as many players can go there okay I'll go through the different locations the first one is the General Store and that's where you're buying seeds Okay which is kind of these tiles if you go to the top one you see that three that means you get three actions there yep two two actions one one action and if you go there you gain a coin this section here is uh you can get three actions in the Fields but you have to pay whatever the round is so if it's round one it's $1 two $2 Etc but you get three actions here planting so when you gain seeds you put them over here from the general store or whatever planting allows you to put them in your field right y so it's also going to show you how much fertilizer you need and you'll be moving this up and down this one is tending so when you tend to it so let's just say I already had this here it's it's going to let you just take one and oops and put it into your field but it has to go adjacent to the same thing y okay uh and that's going to show you how much water you need to spend you'll notice that you have a bucket that shows you the max amount of water you can collect there will be ways to increase that throughout the game then uh these are the points that you're going to be able to um to score when you harvest okay and when you harvest you remove it with the exception of the Blueberry field so Blueberry Field stays out on your board um because it'll score you an extra two points but whenever you um you take the blueberries you take the blueberries and put them on and then when you harvest it you take the blueberries because blueberries keep growing yes they do it's a bush um okay so next we have uh the workshop which is up here and in the workshop uh so you are going to be able to do a couple of different things the first thing here is you can pay a dollar to increase your water limit this one is going to pay $2 to clear yeah your field when you clear your field you'll flip it over and you'll put it um in one of these spaces I think it's in the top most SP the die there so then you will roll this die and take whatever the benefit is uhhuh okay then this one is going going to allow you to construct a building yeah onto your field the buildings are going to give you victory points and some kind of either an instant ability or an end of season or whatever and it'll say right on it you also have to pay this cost the Trading Post is pretty simple you're just trading this one over here these are all spaces and you just get to do the thing so in a two-player game though we have to play with the mayor so um they are also going to be getting a tile um and then they are going to be flipping one of these which is going to tell us where go they're block yeah that's all they do is block spaces so now we are going to be doing our Sunrise so I have a lower number so I'll go first just so you know my special thing is that um I I collect one less dollar from my Sunrise stuff but once all wheelbarrows are out I get to take one of my wheelbarrows and move it to another location to take another action and you your special thing is you never pay to build um okay okay I might go here cuz I would like a [Music] money and I will get I'll spend two to get a blueberry F and then a tomato I think or is that a pumpkin pumpkin is there anywhere I can get freaking money and then it says instant action plant a seed in your supply do not pay its manure cost what so for my second thing I may as well just do this so I'll Harvest them um and I will gain one manure two victory points you put me up two and then I'll get one coin cuz it was only one crop type do a field action one field action so I will plant my blue bees right here two water I'll put out another Blueberry Field can you pass me blue Bees No that's expensive holy smok four pennies who's got that kind of money yeah Farmers Market nobody wants to there it's too expensive I'm going to spend two p oops to uh clear my land a strawberry and a poop where do I get poo oh right there I don't know I don't know Jeff I don't think I'm doing very good I'm feeling pretty good I'm not well I need this one even though it's only going to give me $1 and a poo one poo I need poo you keep going to where I want to go tend first you know what this looks like someone one posing with their leg up like that can you grab me a Bluey I'll do a straw why do you do that and then I'll do another strawy what do you mean why do you short form those oh one water does two straw oh oh I only one two one oh well then I'll save that water who could it be this animal who I did see his name is Dairy but it felted like Dairy the cow I really banked on endgame scoring I don't think it's going to pay off for me yikes we'll see all right so that's it y right all right so I get plus two for each C type in your supply so eight and then I get plus one for every two coins 3 6 9 12 15 uh so it would be seven 2 4 six uhhuh two points for each blueberry bush so I'm going to get 2 4 6 8 10 mhm so that's uh 56 this flips over I get four each player scores one point for every two leftover coins Three 6 9 12 15 7 I get one you fraking turd that's it I love farming games yeah it's a bit like a farming Sim isn't it yeah is really good I really like it it's it's light I it's lighter than I thought it was going to be oh really yeah this is kind of exactly what I thought it would be but then again I did learn it so that makes sense this this is a really good like light medium weight game it is a bit of a head down game though you what I mean you're doing your own puzzle the only interaction is like blocking spaces I was really hoping that I was going to have enough blueberry bushes well I mean I kind of figured I would score good based off of building with him like yeah yeah that's the thing so all of the characters have some kind of an asymmetric ability which I really like um I think that that like the cow is easy to handle you only use it in a Solo or two-player game uh in a Solo game you'd have two sets I bet you this is a really good solo I'm excited to play I feel like this is a game that would either be really good solo mhm or really good at like four player yeah I would like to play with more but overall yeah I enjoyed that I really liked it it's very cute yep I was into that mhm love the little poops all right we're going to take a break to take Juno Juno you want to go for walkies walkie Juno go walkie you going to go for a walkie you want to go for walkies where's my bean you want to go for a walkie hi do you want to go walk yeah there a Big Stretch want go for walkies she's like all right let's go yeah let's go okay we're going to go for walkie and then we're going to come back and set up another game beb do we each get one of these yeah that's cute where did mine go a I put it back that was silly we are back we just had our walkie Juno is pooped but will not get a drink just is what it is we're are going we're we are going to be playing Parks rolling hike also from Key Master games so two key Masters back to back this is was it gifted it was gifted this one was also gifted to us this is the roll and right version of parks which is a game that obviously we love especially me I love Parks do you love Parks have you outgrown Parks um no I I like Parks someone pulling into our driveway like they freaking on the Place get out of here I'm always playing parks on BGA it's gone what it's not on BGA anymore it was removed from BJ I'm not making this up why would I make that up but why I don't know anyways like I mentioned this is a roll and right version of parks uh the game is played in three days essentially and one day is when this shoe gets to the end of the trail then we reset and we're going to do that three times so basically how the whoo how the game works is we're going to roll the dice okay then we are going to be drafting Dice and taking actions in our little Park book so you just need to pick a blank page okay so um basically what we are going to be doing is looking at whatever is on the die and then doing that thing the orange D is special it's like the leader lead hiker dye if you take that you're going to get an extra action but let's just say you took it as your first die you have to pay one two three four suns in order to do it so it costs you and you can't afford to do it you can't do it we have a bunch of different animals so there's uh fish mammals reptiles and birds when you get one of those you are going to cross one of those things out which will then allow you to do another thing water droplet you fill in from top to bottom left to right uh once you score one of those we'll be scoring them at the end of each day your water points so that's your canteen when you fill a row that's when you'll be able to get those points um binoculars so if you get a binocular you're going to cross out one of the bubbles once you get two bubbles filled in you get to take that action the uh pencil is going to allow you to draw in lines on your Journal it'll be one line so it's right in journal so these are the landmarks there's four different kinds um there's mountains there's trees there's Meadows and there's arroe heads we're playing at yosity which is the intro level one so you can either mark in your Sunset section so remember I said you could do that or you can take it and draw it in a journal all right so if I had this mountain I could draw a mountain in on this page okay when you get the pencil you can write in your Journal which allows you to just do a squiggle line so the arrowe head for this one's going to be a waterfall so if it was an Arrow Head you would draw a waterfall you wouldn't draw the Arrow Head cuz that's just what the landmark type is in this one once you fill a journal all three spaces then you get this bonus and if you do this one then you get that bonus exactly when you do take the lead die you get to do whatever is on it plus you're going to move this and then you also get to do this action so there's the sunset phase so we'll trigger yeah this will also trigger this gotcha it's a rolling right let's roll these and there's an eraser remember these erasers I do as a kid all right so I'm first some of them never like the the red ones never worked yeah they were terrible yeah white erasers are bust I'm going to take this which is going to give me one sun and one water oops I think I accidentally rerolled that whatever it's beautiful waterfall jab good job smiley face and you could line yeah o I'll do the oh I'm sorry that was that was crazy so this is going to be the last round last and I knew you're going take that one I almost didn't though Jack oh that's why I should have taken that whoa Bassie all right so now we're going to do end scoring so the first thing is oh we need to Sunset yeah you finished the whole 16 oh my God yeah I did you crushed me all right I don't know how you're like how my brain works I just I never compete in these like it's not even ever close 65 51 it wasn't so far apart what do you think Jeff that's fine I love it they're not they're not these will never be this is a Jamie kind of game for sure I love right there's certain rolling rights that I very much enjoy like super skull pinball mhm I think for me rolling rights have gotten to the point where I want to do my own like I don't know you don't want I like super skill pinball because like it's kind of got this like little like pushy luck thing to it as well I don't know it's fine I'd rather just play parks but yeah this this is this is a really good example of the tonomy of interest in games between Jamie and I we share we share a lot of common interests in games yeah but these types of games would be ones that I would if someone were to say what's a game Jamie really likes and you're like kind of mid on it's these ones right yeah I really liked it I it does have a solo mode in case anybody was curious and a bunch of different Parks cards including Jeff look aadia people are really going to enjoy this oh yeah like it's not like it's fine I will play it if people want to play it it's not one I'm ever going to gravitate towards but I can see this mostely a J A lot of people grabbing this and wanting to play it and playing it solo over a cup of coffee or something this is a great coffee game uhoh I don't know how to put this in here though can you Shuffle those because you know oh I know you know you know what would be nice is if that card shuffler worked bought a card probably shouldn't have bought one for 15 bucks or whatever it was 30 did you introduce the game we are playing penguin party from 25th Century games we did purchase this one ourselves this is like a reimplementation of an older Riner kitzia game okay so basically what we are going to be doing is we are building up a pyramid of penguins cuz the penguins are having a party is this Co-op no this is not Co-op you want to be the person that has the least amount of penalties by the end of the game okay so the bottom of the pyramid is going to be in a two-player game seven cards 6 5 4 3 2 1 okay in order to play out a penguin uh so on the bottom row there's it's chaos no rules so let's say uh this is what we have it's a yellow and a green if you want to play something above it you have to match one of those colors so you could do that okay and if you don't you take a penalty if you can't you take a penalty so um the penalty tokens there's ones and you can exchange them for fives okay the round is going to end when no one can play another card because all players have either been eliminated or empty their hands even if all players have been eliminated the final player will continue to go right how would you get eliminated uh because you cannot play a it was a chip I was like that that was multiple chips no it was one um okay if you have no cards you can play during your turn you're immediately eliminated from the round you receive penalty tokens equal to the number of cards remaining in your hand put your remaining cards aside face down all right um okay so anyways if you can keep going you keep going until you can't even if somebody else is out for the round start a new round collect all the cards Shuffle deal them the same way play continues for a number of rounds equal to the number of players so it's two-player game we're going to be playing two rounds on it yep why am I shuffling I don't know I was just going to literally ask you that question all right uh did you want to go first all right ja are you allowed to play up here before this is soon as it's supported yes look how cute these penguins are though seven so the bottom row is done and 1 2 3 4 5 6 that row is done Jeff you're smirking like you think you're better than me at this game says it's rare to be able to actually finish anything I don't believe it look at our pyramid we're like okay that's round one unbelievable so in a two-player game there some of the cards are outat right did you take them out yeah there's one there o yeah cuz you just deal 14 I mean she did just pee and poop she just peed 1 million times shoot I got to make him lose this oh it's already two rounds yeah cuz there's two players it's as many as there are players MH one two three four five six seven bottom row is done mhm trying to box me into something I don't take very kind like that hope you don't have any purples left in your hand why interesting what's the matter I'm out I have two I can't play I also can't all right so I have neg3 and Jeff has -2 uh don't you take one for when you can't play though but yeah I I take two cuz I have two cards left what do you think I like it I like it too but here's my feedback this would play way better with more players mhm um the fact that we were able to like complete the pyramid in the first round we didn't we didn't get to toop no you had a card left if you would have been able to play that card then yes right yeah it's fun that's a quick little card game I think the I started to see little strategy before you did I still don't see a strategy blocking off colors I had no purple left in my hand so I was like if I can block off purple then she might not have any left I did but I figured if you did then you would be screwed and I was going to be in a better position now what ended up happening anyway is it gets blocked off this way or this way so you'll notice like uh White got blocked off this way so I had black uh uh white and green mhm so I couldn't play White anywhere cuz it was out right white was out if you surround a color it eliminates it what a scandal I didn't know there was a strategy I was just playing cards and then Jeff's like hope you don't any purples and I was like I do was fun encircling a color effectively eliminates it from being able to be played yeah this would be a really good convention I like that I like that a lot yeah same you know what 21st century you're freaking crashing it I'm love I've loved like every game that we've played from the rec yep so good and big pretty decently sized variety of game too yeah like they're all over the Spectrum yeah all over it cool all right we're going to take a break so that Jeff can eat burritos damn right and uh that's that we'll be back okay right you want to keep eating I might go grab a coffee there's still coffee right I though still steaming really was it still on nope idea what this is a bad idea all right Jeff and everybody Welcome to Pagan fate of Rowan Oak this is from Capstone games who did gift us with this copy as well as the wooden token so shout out to them so basically we need to buy the playmat we need bu the playmat hundo what's the playmat do everything yeah everything everything and more like everything cuz all of like the these little things are on the player mat there's sections to put your tokens everything got it okay so this is a head-to-head 1 V one game I am playing as a witch Jeff is playing as a witch hunter I am one of these villagers so at the beginning of the game I'm actually going to see L draw one of them Y and look at it so you are up here yes and so I will know who I am and then I bet you you're Dr Annie I haven't picked yet but I will know who I am we will Shuffle the rest bet you she's Dr Annie and then Jeff is trying to figure out who I am and I am trying to do a ritual okay so it's like a timer thing mhm so essentially we're going to be going through a series of rounds and uh there are two phases in each round there is an upkeep phase and then there is an action phase we have some similar actions but then we also have some actions that are unique to us okay so um we do have a player Aid we do have another little thing that shows us all of our actions and this is just an up close look at what all of these do and an Ideal World we'd be uh face to face yeah but we're not we don't live in an Ideal World we don't live in an yeah we don't it is what it is all right so you have uh three spots for location cards three spots for Ally cards I have Brew cards and familiar cards these are your action tokens I have two witch actions and one familiar action the upkeep phase is always like the first the start of the phase basically um we will be returning all of the action pawns that we have used you must perform obligatory and you may perform voluntary upkeep effects in any order Hunter that's you you have to pay upkeep cost for your allies so they will have an upkeep cost um on the card itself you have to you have to be able to pay that pretty much everything we are paying for with influence we start with two influence um that we will be gaining more throughout the game love the way it looks yeah who did the art I don't actually know uh yeah it looks looks great I don't know who did the art I don't know anyways you want to know how I know when Jamie's like literally not interested in trying to figure something out when that happens she well usually it's like right on the oh it's right there Jeff Art by Marin gut you and I have different types of cards you have uh Ally cards like I mentioned play here you have location cards they'll do different things everything is going to have an inherent cost up in the corner the blue cost is how much you influence you have to P influence to play the cards right you will also have event cards that will be onetime things everything you need to know is pretty much written on yeah the card itself okay I have brute cards familiar cards and I have like they're not called events but they're called something I also have cards that are going to be put up there that I may have to pay for or whatever these are going to give me ongoing benefits so you don't really want me to have card up there basically um there's also going to be like influence cards and stuff that you are going to be playing out um to the villagers that are going to trigger in different things when they get activated if anything says available like this villager is no longer available because it's been used basically so we're going to do upkeep then we are going to do actions we have three actions that you can do okay the actions are all written here so you can visit a villager hey I'd like to visit this villager all of the villagers have something on them that they do written on the card and it's also written here basically I what I told you is I'm trying to perform a ritual I want to perform a ritual on who the character is that that I am y okay so that's kind of giving you some kind of a hint basically I will be putting out these tokens uh and then I will be able to convert three of these into one of these once I get three of these I can perform my ritual and I I win y straight up okay so you don't want me to do that you have Clues and evidence so you are going to have a mechanism where you can convert your Clues into evidence which will then allow you to spend evidence to do different things your thing to win is you have to find me there are going to be things that you can do to start eliminating villagers okay but If you eliminate three villagers and you haven't found me you lose I'll go here to gain one a one oh and then I'll go here draw the top three cards of the deck draw one discard the rest who shuffled these discard the rest you did I know jaff I didn't do a j oh five what and four I gain nine I'm rich and then use Vis v v villager skill just draw a card cha and then I'm going to exonerate a villager so pay three feet then draw a suspect [Music] card not this one that's mine okay I'm just going to keep it with me sure I'm into this me too but I'm like how do I do this uh distribute where so if that just question if that's your person you get one more of those you win that's correct yeah I need three hands on the person I'll do this one so I'm going to play an enchantment for three um and that Jeff lets me I think decide what you do with your first action and it has you have to visit a villager MH all right thanks for wasting my turn you're welcome I think I know but I don't think I know like I'm pretty sure this is a decoy then who Could It Be I'm a witch you're just a boy I am just a boy put it there uh uh you use villager skill draw two cards that one says right where am I going here okay one red is that annoy no did that annoy you no sure didn't uh upkeep of one that's where you're going mhm okay that's three is that her [Music] just give me a second no you did that for no reason no there's a reason for everything Jeff it's called an illusion because I'm a witch well Jeffy I win do you yeah I was banking I was banking on you uh I thought I would just automatically win yeah I I thought that was a decoy I thought it was this one because on my next I was basically trying to get everything to have one on it so I could eliminate it wouldn't have mattered because I was going to eliminate this one right but actually now that I think about it I'm an idiot do you have that card I have that [Laughter] card yeah I was like I was banking on the fact that I I was putting stuff here cuz I'm like oh he's he's not going to think that I'm just going to be trying to go after that one and I was like well I'm going to try and spread them across because I didn't you pulled two and I didn't know which ones you pulled which ones did you pull out uh this one and this turd oh okay so it's good I kept making you go there yeah what' you think I like it I like I mean there is there is figuring out strategy oh like I didn't put any clues out this operative was really great though cuz it let me basically keep putting the these out yeah but I mean it's just like it's really trying to figure out the optimization of the turn like again I probably it's tough because I'm like no this is a decoy so I don't want to waste my actions I didn't want to waste my actions trying to get rid of these but now in hindsight if you ever have two like now that I play again regardless of whether or not it's a decoy or not it's probably worth me not letting you have two well the other thing that I could have done like I could have just kept building these up and then I could have converted them and I'm assuming that needed to be ready so if I had been here you would have to spend an action to ready because I had been there last time I knew I'm like unless you would have used the action to ready a villager you always could just ready it yourself you could have just spent multiple actions to make that happen yeah no this is it's great I am in love with this the only thing is you didn't get a chance to play out any investigation that's what I said I I purposely didn't oh you had some I had some but one of them this one I had was really good but it was really expensive and I just couldn't stay ahead of the currency so I had lockdown so lockdown you need two witches slash um familiars to visit mhm so I could have locked if if I got back to my turn I could have locked down that and then you would need to have spent two to get there but it wouldn't have mattered cuz you would have been able to anyway right and then you may move this card to another eligible V villager with one yeah I mean I didn't have a lot though I only had the one I kept I kept drawing the instance and then I was drawing some duplicate um well like we didn't get through all of these cards like there's so much left to explore this game and there's scenarios and there's Advanced rules and like there's a bunch of this this is my favorite so far today yeah this is really good we we really like head to head and I like a bit this is like a bit of deduction oh it's 100% deduction it's a one V one deduction game I love deduction yeah that this was great yeah and I really like the the potions and that you you have to like Brew them and then you consume them I don't know what these these must be I probably should have gotten rid of this that card earlier because that was really that kept making you wa yeah you were basically wasting one action every time no it's funny okay up next whoo good Lord up next we are going to be playing Corridor Pac-Man this is from uh haset well it was gifted To Us by haset the publisher is gigac gik it's French ready Jeff all right so in Corridor uh the Pac-Man version uh we are normally we'd be sitting across from each other mhm but we are trying to get to the other side of the board whoever gets to the other side of the board first wins the game the other side of the board is considered any of the nine squares on your side of the board or mine on your turn you have two options you can place a fence or move your character one space forwards or backwards diagonal does not count got it when you place fences they have to be placed touching you know effectively two squares they can't they can't be placed like that for example yes um if you have a run out of fences your only option is then to move okay okay so you are allowed to place fences anywhere um but once you run out of them uh you then are only able to move your character okay the only other thing uh to consider uh I'll just show you cuz it's easier and an instance where we are facing off uh and you were to go move you would actually just jump over me so you then would get to actually move one extra space oo okay if there's ever a situation like this where you could technically jump me you instead of going over the fence you would go to the spaces to the side okay that's the whole game okay it's quite rude how you like them apples can I just put a wall you can uh you cannot block uh people from being able to draw a line from one side to the other okay you're being annoying leave me alone I'm not good at these kind of games I don't think I'm not going to win am I no you can do that how oh cuz you have to I'd have to go back and up oh yeah that's a good idea maybe maybe not do you have any fences left no weave we I win that's coridor Pac-Man I suck at these games it's just like when I play koal I can't think that far ahead I like it I do too it's fun I like these little gigamic abstract games abstract strategy games what is cdor koal uh yep what's the other one Quinto Quinto I don't know I think that there's like four or five of them but the thing is these games are fantastic anybody can play them this one is very welcoming because it's Pac-Man I want to play this with my mom yeah Jeff's M like that's our meter for everything is can Jeff's mom play it if my mom can play it it's it's an intro here's what I don't understand I am so good at some abstract strategy games like aul sure but when it comes to something that's more spatial like this like Boop this koal I just don't I just can't you can play this with up to five people that would be chaos there is uh another variant there's like a Pac-Man variant so actually this is a really cool way to play it it's Ghosts versus Pac-Man so you can play like one V one an actual Pac-Man game in the uh special Pac-Man variant which I would like to try it somewh we're we're not going to play right now but there's four power tokens out the Pac-Man player has to get all four power Tokens The Ghost player has to eat Pac-Man three times those are his life counters okay I love it I like it yeah yeah no notes welcome to the Middle Ages thank you I a lady all right everyone we are playing Middle Ages and this was gifted to us from hasette published by Studio H and this is a reimplementation of an older game I believe it's called ancient Realms something like that very simple game it plays over 16 rounds it's a lot of rounds okay but they go very quickly sure so all we're doing on our turn is we're going to be placing our little person so you're going to need space to build up okay uh on we're going to reveal all of the these tiles I just want to show you it's very King Domino esque when we refill a row you look at the back and you organize them from lowest highest okay on your turn you are going to take your little person and you are going to select a tile okay so uh let's just say this is the first round whoever goes uh whoever's on the left most will be the person who goes first your first thing you're going to do is take this and choose another tile then you're going to place the tile in the corresponding row they all have different shapes it can only fit in one spot okay then you are going to trigger this section of your board so there's an action and then there's going to be an income you will trigger that as you build up your Castle or your realm or whatever more you're going to score more like this one is one coin per Yep this lady once we get to the bottom um we will resolve an event card then we flip it over that's the game got it uh so first player is determined by doing this it's Jeff so you are going to um pick the tile first uh all right I'm going to go uh analysis paralysis from this where do you go it's part of the puzzle okay um all players with fewer Mill tiles than you must give you two coins that's nice Scandal yeah don't like that but I'm I putting all my eggs in one mill basket so you have to give me two coins the way you did all that was very weird it's math it's hard uh and then I will get 2 46 fre get rich yeah you're crushing me like a grape there you go took us both a long time to figure that out whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you are like chaos a child with your hands and hers yeah I know oo nine for me y did you already get your stuff I get none you didn't get none no I wish you would stop taking the things those things from me there's no way I'm letting you have any more of those hi baby hi bigy hey baby fre stiner trying to take all my stuff well that's annoying do you have a 50 yeah this is not going to be close if you're past 117 you I don't know one two oh yeah we pass 1 2 3 4 5 six s did you hear that what nothing you're what oh way past so I have 14 9 107 what do you think it's good yeah it's like better King Domino yeah yeah yeah yeah I love King Domino but I would rather play this now same like this maybe because it's new but like this is like a little bit more crunchier and it is so Snappy yeah I suppose though if you do it's not quite the same though if you struggle with analysis paralysis it's not that bad though no but like not for us because we're pretty quick at at a higher was it play up to four I five you're going to get there's more tiles okay I was going to say like I feel like at two you're kind of actually able to do a lot of the things you want to do yeah well Jeff kept blocking me from like smartly rightly so was blocking me that's a really good one to get at the beginning yeah and then having this multiplication you didn't get any of those uh yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz I was getting extra coins extra things yeah and I had a bunch of them yeah I could see that getting real spicy at higher player kits that was very fun yeah I like that that's a good little puzzle so if you're a fan of King Domino and you're like I'm ready for something different you should try this game y last game for the day we are playing A Midsummer Night's fair this is from game right and we did purchase this one on our own uh this game is essentially just a bunch of mini gamess and we're going to be playing through all of these different mini gamess okay it's US versus the fairies so we start with three mini games face up in front of us on your turn the first step is the fairy Mischief phase so you can either play a card from your hand or draw a new one into your hand you can only have a maximum of three in your hand okay they are going to basically just let you manipulate dice then you could do a dice action so when we start we're going to be rolling our pile of dice which have six and that's going to be our starting dice pull so maybe we'll do that now you are then for your dice action going to select one of your die and you are going to put it into one of the mini games and keeping in mind the mini games are going to be scoring differently as soon as one of the mini games cards is full we will score it immediately and then then we'll put out a new mini game and there's 10 that we have to go through there's actually 12 in the game you take two out so the winner uh of the mini game is going to roll the goblin die they're going to Chuck it and they are going to score whatever they rolled multiplied by what is in the box if you roll the whoops if you roll the goblin you get zero points if the die goes into the dragon the dragon eats it and you get zero points if you Biff it and it blops out you get zero points oh it's actually what it lands on yes so if you roll a four and it lands on a five it's four * 5 is what you're going to be scoring okay uh if you place out any die that match the magic die um you will score an extra point second place scores extra point when you score it mhm uh and then second place will score three Whoever has the most die is considered the winner I'm assuming it's going to depend on each mini game so we right now we have up test your strength count up the total numbers on all of your dice on the card the player with the highest total wins so I'm assuming before players Place their dice roll one fairy Dy and place it on the fairy dice space which is this one once the game is complete the player with the most dice that match the fairy die number wins the game so it's going to be changing uh and this one is tin can volley the player with the longer consecutive run of numbers on on their dice in any order wins got it got it cool and then we're going to keep going through them so uh Jeff would you like to go first sure okay well I'm going to do this to close it off mhm okay so we'll score this um I win CU I have the longest consecutive 4 five6 mhm so I will five plus one is it h no five times one what is just like what you're closest to yeah so I will get Five Points roll them return the dice pool you're you're very bad at reading Rule books only when I'm looking for something specific what happens if you run out of dice oh you have to move you move it from one card to another all right so here you go zero it was the goblin anyway it was the goblin anyway good job good luck 6 * 4 whatever that is 24 okay you're green annoying oh now I get to do something 6 * 4 what's that 20 20 so wait no 24 oh just FY Jamie 100% shuffled those did cards it's Jimmy gets ansy roll one place die Goblin shoot yeah you're just kind of hedging you're have one of each number ready yeah a you turd bucket you got it two two that's it that's Midsummer Nights Fair what do you think uh it's it's good I like it I think it would be better with more players yeah I mean it's yeah it's all random mhm it's all random dice rolling I think kids would love it yeah um I think it's meant for kids the games are really fun screwing with other people's dice is fun I think this game exists in two kind of spheres one where uh people aren't into gaming I think you could pull this out totally and play it everyone knows how to roll dice and manipulate dice or like uh it's a good ice breaker M or when you're playing like a long game day and it's like hey let's let's just end off or start off orak midday like L like oh we've played a some heavy stuff yeah you're just rolling Dice and manipulating dice it's beautiful like it's crazy how good the production is for how simple of a game it is yeah overall very fun yeah I think this is something you would just bring to a game day this isn't something I think Jeff and I would just sit down and play the two of us but like there are many situations where I can see us pulling this game out yeah it's got a nice little like I'm glad there's a little like mean element to it otherwise I think it'd be a little a little Bland um but being able to screw around with people's dice is fun we like being games yep all right that is another review of paloa game day what was your favorite game of the day top Pagan for sure yeah I think Pagan was mine top three Pagan um sausage Sizzle I'm going to exclude undaunted because it's just it's just like everyone knows that I love undaunted so I feel like it's not really that fair I think Pagan Harvest and honestly either penguin party or sausage Sizzle sausage Sizzle for me Harvest I and parks's rolling hike was a really awes I think I'm going and middle AG is really good I everything we played today I I know but that's fence sitting I'm gonna do peg in one P Harvest Harvest to penguin Party 3 I would put sausage Sizzle at three I like I like P I liked I like being able to block that that whole block element there's a strategy there that's why I liked sausage Sizzle you just rolling Dice and push in locks yeah anyways that is everything that we have for this game day our Gen Con game day we got through a good chunk obviously not all of our Gen Con games but a decent amount y we'll do another game day soon we are actually planning on doing an allplay all day game day we're playing a bunch of allplay games uh we also would like to do maybe um an undaunted game day where we play through all of the undaunted games we got lots of different game Stalingrad that way maybe we totally could yeah but Stalingrad would be spoilers yeah we could play like one of it yeah anyways that's everything we have for today so if you're interested in buying board games like any of the many that we played today you should first by checking your friendly local gaming store and for us that is the boardroom Game Cafe yes it is and don't forget about our Kickstarter coming soon okay link is in the description below yes we appreciate any support you can provide yes and you know what's also a great way to support us if you subscribe to the channel yes because if we like what you see Please Subscribe we hope to see you again soon and now we say goodbye goodbye it is let's go watch our TV show I play a little bit of Hell divers Jeff's going to play hell divers [Music] wow oh what's control you just asked that flip a scout to control all right let's try that again you got your butt pillow yep whoa throw it on the floor I think I'm glowing so much I'm throwing off the white balance have a positive day Jeff Be Love for all time but the time is too got pieces shed as a let me [Music] cheed Commander I'm so obsessed with him heo me like [Music] the c a lot but I'm so it's an art we have cheese for lunch that was a big sneeze right into the microphone of course why you honking at bikers of course he was driving a Jeep oh buddy Jesus someone almost just got ran over what are these bikers doing okay yeah that was a ding dinkus move everybody's being a Dinko there today we almost saw someone get run over she can wait to go Juno you hungry she just did a poo and a pee hungries she's so clunky go hungry why do you like stay away and then as soon as I'm feeding her you're like oh come now go meow at me [Music]