Transcript for:
Shoulder Pain Relief and Mobility Techniques

this one fix could change your entire routine and make you more Progressive we're bringing it in in wow that top a PE deck that so if a lot of you guys you have to step away from a bar to go to dumbbells because of the pain this is going to fix it Knuckles squat so if you're struggling to hold that bar behind this is going to help even with that it's going to improve your bench it's going to improve your overheads it's going to improve your stability it's going to improve your mechanics which all tied up is going to improve progression mhm got intro that was a stabbing stabby bad fine it's definitely all right you look like you're being attacked by like a a th Lego block no it's fine man it's comfortable it's cozy it's warm it's winter in it guess who's back back again ramy's back fix a friend Jess back on the Fly for a White Guy yes we are back at the Mitchell Ram gy/ pt/ massage Body Mind Spirit whole circle now so not just uh massage this is the goal though isn't it is to expand and grow we are hoping in the future very soon to do some little Retreat escapades together for you escapades escapades well we're going to do some mental health Retreats talking about the whole 360 Body Mind and Spirit not just training and massage but applying it all together as one to become one no we're serious though we want to do this so if you were interested in something like that let us know in the comments section because we're going to be doing it sooner rather than later and I know we've had a bit of a sabatical we both always as humans have UPS downs lefts and rights and Mitch and I have both been through those recently and we've now come out the other side and we're ready to rock and roll again and today we're focusing on something that might seem minor but is actually a major problem if you do not get it sorted shoulder pain shoulder tightness shoulder mobility issues the shoulders are like the hinge point of a huge variety of upper body exercises so if you get a little bit of pain don't just push through watch our video and fix it they're saying isn't there prevention rather than pain that works probably can we show him my um my bu you want to show your buha as long as it's not a euphemism name a better background man to squatting zoom in on this so the annoying thing is I don't know why they've done this but look the nipple of Glory why have they highlighted it though AI print an AI loves a nipple and wonky eyes matches my logo colors so oh it does let's crack on what we're going to do first is to see if youve got tightness in the shoulder there's three muscles which are not addressed is the lat the subscap and the Terrace major these are responsible for extension of the arm so if they're tight they pull you in which is causing your shoulder to round then when you bench press you're struggling to get this back here and then you get pain here just do the pose that you know we're all thinking right now do that dude everybody knows in the gym do the posture oh F that's so common yeah three basic tests easy one is just to stand squeeze your glutes raise your arms up like this you should be able to see your ear if you don't you'll probably get this going on then your spine will do this second test f with healthy shoulders everyone should be able to do this squeeze your glutes shoulders back up and over if you can't do this you'll get this going on yeah in case you've got tightness cuz watch if I protract this look what happens yeah if I retrack this it unlocks that's a shoulder mobility issue we all should have healthy shoulders to allow us to squat to squat the bench press to overhead press okay you haven't got that you're going to lead to getting then an injury so we're using these uh Road mics today hopefully give you guys a little bit better less echoey audio I've also trained arms before so I just look awesome but this is not how they always are can you do this it's quite heavy as well M Mobility you fair that'd be good um rehab right this just to train your rotate Cs and everything oh dude I'm a Jedi so just to give you guys a bit of perspective in the time off I've done a 3,000m motorbike ride through Europe eight countries in 8 Days check that out it be linked here or here I can never remember which corner it is the motorcycle ride was a physical challenge so I came back actually looking pretty decent from that I got back I took a week off from the gym and then got the new covid variant which was just flu but I'm not so I didn't want to go out and infect other people basically had 5 weeks off training my right shoulder is giving me a little bit of front delt pain if you've watched the series before you'll know that we've completely fixed my left side subscap all the way through to the shoulder and it's been fantastic I've been able to get back to bench press been able to overhead press no pain nothing so what we're feeling now is a generic tightening up of the body over time Dr me tie my hair up manly yeah I'll tie it right up high like a Jedi yeah squeeze your ass yep lock your shoulders back okay drop them down now okay now the muscles are contracted now you're going to raise the arm above your head see how mobile they are that's very tight that's almost stopping me breathing a little not too bad though but he's got a straight line but I want to see his ear I'm fighting this dude pull on it hey that's literally lot dude okay people who are really bad will be here so we want to be a to unlock all this here so I want you to do over there the head and then you're going to face the camera to see if you can see any imbalances you see that that's pain in my front right out now yeah okay now watch you'll see over compensation from his left side to help for his right go [Music] again this that now to explain this in a little more depth so you guys know exactly what we're going to be messing around with here in the massage enter Mitchell and his friendly skeleton Bob this is Bob when we zoom in on his shoulder these are the three muscles that are not talked about for when it comes to shoulder internal rotation so first one is is subscapularis you see where it attaches to that there will pull the shoulder internal okay the most untalked about one is the Terrace major which is not a rotate C which are these ones here and this one here it's this one there the Terrace major you see it goes from the scy up and around underneath all these rticles here you'll get D pain course cuz you think it's a d it's actually a rotal the third one that's not talked about is the lat the big juicy lat that goes again in the internal side of the arm so these three need to be addressed and loosened off so essentially what you're saying is if they get tightened this rolls in like this that's it yeah and then obviously we get that pain because we're not moving within the ball and socket as we should in and the last one we're going to massage is the PEC Miner why because look it goes into the chromium process this here okay will pull in the shoulder you can see that clearly can't you yeah so we address these deep muscles here this should help relieve this bone here to allow the shoulder then to relax then you can bench and overhead okay wonderful thank you Bob this one fix could change your entire routine and make you more Progressive so if a lot of you guys you had to step away from a bar to go to dumbbells because of the pain this is going to fix it squat so if you're struggling to hold that bar behind this is going to help even with that now we go and do the massage and loosen them off then retest you call it massage border CL on torture how every going to take it how to open the shoulder how deep you're going to be able to get into the shoulder muscle really deep we're talking an inch deep into the muscle on these things because it's such an open joint but not only that he's going to be going into the lat and we've seen before in these videos that you can get four fingers in between that Circle that's going to get my four fingers deep I'm going to show you little hidden areas to get into to the Lattin art so we what have to go to the back on a scale of 0 to 10 zero being you getting lit by a kitten 10 being quitting this is going to be this basically you have you have nerves around there as well it's very sensitive area if you tick you're doomed but if it's tight you'll know and it feels you're getting s ripping your skin off so painful then guess I'll do it yeah okay just for the yeah in in okay so Mitchell is now going to be an enigma I'm just a hand like imagine the whole the whole series you know when someone face there all all with his hand oh you'd be Legend sure this is going to be a great camera okay oh I did not that wasn't me no that's not broke did it just slip no it is broke F let broke I did that wasn't me no arguments L right meant torture so before the muscles dude it really hurt then okay what was that I was ful relaxed then bam good life so okay that was extension now we're going to do Flex the arm to open up so these are muscles responsible for extending the arm so we're going to literally Flex them as hard as you can open it up and then you get the scalp hold of the scap deep muscle to get to the Terrace major and the sub scap should deep in this okay so here we get to the lat first watch your lat here oh it shorten your breath isn't it you see how can move his whole shoulder though look seriously it's responsible if the scap's tight look pulling it in look at the arm see it moves so here let how you open it up deep breath in Knuckles oh yeah that's that's let somebody do tap that's in your ribs just be careful around this area he's got lmph notes so you press too hard on the LI it might swell up okay and be inflamed and then what it's just painful yeah what this is doing as well cuz obviously you need lymph nodes is a lymph drainage which obviously you're pushing fluids around the lymphatic system yeah which then he can sweat out he can pee out get S all this is two birs and one stone dude there's a SCA right there deep inside on the inside of it now so open up a little bit get a bit movement this will break up the fash a bit as well see his whole arm gets controlled we moving this around okay so what you do now is flexion extension of the arm down then up so you see it stretches over my pH Down this is going to improve his overhead mobility in the the fashion is tight it just pull it all in as well like that you want to open that up there okay this my favorite heel of the hand in this way here oh that's small what's that scap as well like this you see his whole scap move you can apply a bit of pressure which is fine it will move OB don't go too aggressive you can't actually then do more damage than good so I won't be yanking this as hard as I can so you have rotate C rememberers you have external internal rotation we're going to bring it in okay yeah that see it hurts take off we're bringing it in in WoW right there yeah so that so you get impingement there from the rotate CU that that like almost click that come from behind as well so what I need to do when I grab it is to bring it in like that so ready yeah go deep in right to here and press yeah get that you see this okay okay now watch ready down oh yeah all right I can feel it exactly way I'm get the pain yeah I can feel it up here yeah oh yeah that sucks go as far as you want to go this loosens up he gets to go fur this way which means overhead press better and squat better if he holds the bar his back look if this is you see that see see here though relax that watch this here this is this is it here flexing you know contract it you see it all turns on if this is loose you get more internal and external rotation good ter SM now and and sub SC pressing in deep this is going to be for nice keep going yeah soft tissue releases this we're moving that arm moving that muscle while there's a clam popping then that okay the internal rotation is cing your shoulder the pop good in the okay the hard to be gripping so put your arm over your head okay look at his right one you see how his whole arm sits further back cuz you loosened off this this all feels healthy and good and yet still yeah there's that so this is general maintenance work to do to stop it going into an injury so the root cause is from this but the injury will happen in [Music] Here and Now for Something Completely Different could you got quite a big L here put a cup on it electric one I never put a cup here by the way you done oh oh so we're going to pick the skin up get it moving do you come here often feel weird his external will stretch this his internal will contract it so while we're lifting that tissue up lifting the skin up we're going to move the muscle underneath rub [Music] up just going to flush that up it' be tender for the next day or so but then obviously then when when the Mobility is restored then we start to increase our range of motion in these new areas up over your head okay do you see that so this is completely dropped look the difference that's insane okay that's fully relaxed look look look you see see his ear is in front of the shoulder so that's the test we did at the beginning yes call back woo so the pet major goes into here into humorous but the pet minor will go into the shoulder joint the Caraco process here you'll feel it watch this is painful you'll find a little rigid bone yeah mother that's where the tendons are going to be okay so we're going to massage all that okay that's sucked you're going to see a massive difference in your shoulders trust me the ultimate pain C already we've got marking up I do have you know those so ever sought after armpit veins yeah so they Pro though yeah I didn't go much either look how much youve open it up look at all that blood flow all the veins you can actually see coming even round from the back SM it that is crazy so the Peet Min again like we said we're going into that Caro process we going to find where it is s there it is okay so watch there there you getting right now okay yeah that's going to work to a hand okay his PE Mage is going to here his PE Miner is coming up to here oh got you yeah I can feel that yeah L thought you run up the five that's it there son of a mud so I'm going to press with my [Music] thumb okay then what you can do now is two things a PE deck like that s pot go again contract then relax bring it out contract bring it out good relax so I'm going to grab the whole thing now watch lift it upo a better angle on my hand this way yeah hey what am I doing pack hey nice I've got a headache that's I think that's the first time I've had a headache to one of these that's actually must have put my blood pressure through the roof okay relax okay good what you going to do now I want you to rotate in and out ready same thing now rotate in then out a little bit go to external it's literally coming up into into the my hand here so you see how we W pressing on some nerves you can get tingle down your hand same thing if your shoulder protracted too much you can get tingles down your hand okay so if people are getting tingles in the hand after trainer during training trap muscle okay right we're just going to do get the blade out a little bit the what you can hear it I wonder if you pick up on the camera you can literally feel like going over the fibers yeah so let break bit the fascia get a bit blood flow there okay last little bit I'm going to break up the fascia and then pick the muscle up so we're going to get underneath the whole pack here probably better sh from there okay so I'm underneath the pet now okay so I'm going to break it up so you can run your THB right on the knee FL wow that sucks we're lifting it up fine fine fine and two into there got okay getting close to his tendons now as well you can pick that up there so now we can then bring it in at a diagonal cuz the pet will come in out diagonal angle yeah see that's your capsules cuz you landay on the bench shoulders prot forward so we retract them now s together it won't happen now doing this okay yeah that's where you get shoulder pain from if you keep benching a flat back like that that's when you're going to get issues up in here got to lock these into a safe positiony basically the stabilizers are not stabilizing this this is getting thrown around like no tomorrow right so then what you have to do then is is get these stabilizers working and unlock him and this can take off some of the pressure but OB this gets beat up so yes we can massage this to loosen it off now [Music] you find his split there there's his split okay so there there's his lateral there's his front D this one's solid you see it's like really firm so you can massage this here that [Music] sucks what was that it starts to get a th here so you that that top point there where you're whipping off that sucks is NES around here so you to be careful okay cool so the SE is D toid better this BR your back oh I know this one thiss horrible thiss this isn't working properly this this gets overloaded oh yeah it feels like it's right all at that top wa wait wait wait wait right there yeah you got give okay okay there [ __ ] dude that's bad that's the split hey yeah that's the exact point that's the bit that's getting being getting overloaded because of those St it tend to be here a light little massage on here that was like stabbing stabby bad F yep the watch is lateral run around like this okay so it will come around yeah see that all feels just nice normal deep tissue pain the main issue you'll get is going to be your front and your posterior DS your rear do cuz these to take a Bea until you when you do your pressing and you're pulling side doubt doesn't get as beat up as the front and the rear through it so watch it's there look come up oh M's tending now and coming off it feels much nicer I think there's a little trigger T just way better Top's going to be horrible so now we put some cups on there the electric one oh yeah side and the front one in the front here and one here you got two of them yeah improved blood flow equals improved healing progression that's why we're saying movement is medicine comes from CU his medicine Mo in your blood to heal this let's get the front Dart going yeah up and down so you do if you're a close quit bencher yeah if you do a lot of overhead press this will the front do is bed do a wi grip bench press or W grip overhead press or you do done my shoulder press mimic that yeah okay now you're going to hit more the natural d as well flexion extension extension flexion oh yeah can that you can feel it at that top end how I work is I don't just do cing or just this I apply after just to get BF there wow cuz we're going to do a bit of rehab and now we're going to wake it up with the massage gun normally go fast just just get it alive get there get ready to train [Music] there we go you can literally see how much blood flow we've increased to this area I mean I look like I've done a workout a little bit of uh War damage so we should see an improvement in all of this so the first one is going to be the standing overhead um what you moving man okay see here okay this is open up a lot more now good I'm relaxed I can still just talk and I don't feel like I'm taking a lot extension now do the stick one together the head oh it just feels way too in fact I feel like I can just slowly oh look at that yeah oh dude come back over stay here is what you doing last time you got to here and you you go fast and the way down your force it into position so here's now nice controlled movement so what you can do now is we focus on keeping all this trct and hold it in still while steing the mobility so now we can bring it back and drop it down but if this was tight it' be a little bit raised and then round it for a little bit that's what happens when you get injuries okay if it's loose all here could come back like that so when you're pressing okay you can stay here without this wanting to go forward a little bit it's going to improve all pressing movements all overhead movement it's also going to improve squat why because we're adding stability to the chain mechanism that we're using to do those movements without that chain being able to hold you in the posture that you need to be in you're going to get breakdown breakdown is conversations conversations lead to injuries so for free that's right put your wallets away Mitchell is now going to show you things that you should be doing and can be doing on a regular basis to help keep you healthy now the muscle is mobile okay we got to get it moving rig or rra so a lot of people when they do their rotate across they're always doing their infras spinat and supinators okay the external rotation okay we do the internal so this time we're going to flip it around now we create tension then we lock it in yeah now it's on yeah yeah then we step and hold that position and then we're going to move micro movements like this how many reps just do about 20 okay you're going to open up all we're doing is sending blood to the area so now I can feel it burning okay you're waking up your stabilized take a step back in hold it turn your body watch you're Contracting the muscle now is Contracting and stopping it from pinging back we're locking it in and press one two 20 knees two sets then what will happen is as you let go of that band this is going to be free cuz now it wants to go that way okay now You' got that range of motion there now bench in when you overhead press last one on the floor lie down flat you bend your your elbows like this come up like that so you got a go a rugby post like that elbows a little bit higher then come round then come around like this okay you're keeping your elbows flat on the floor then from here push this hand into the floor for 10 seconds and you're going to swap up in hold push Buton you're opening up your rotations and when you train you can lock it all in and squat here okay as soon as that happens should pain so that is how fixing a single bit of shoulder pain can improve your entire workout progression and muscular gain right there so there we have it a shoulder fix the rehab the reasons that you should be doing this on a regular basis and the how uh I hope you've enjoyed this coming back we're going to be filming every week as we were before we've set aside our own little block of time to do it every Wednesday so I'll hopefully get these out for you by the weekends after they've been recorded let us know what you want to see in the comments below we will work to what you want to see and Mitch will help explain and break down everything about why you're feeling what you're feeling and how to fix it one of the big ones that we said we were going to do last time was the squat I have not squatted properly for over 5 years due to alignment issues which just caused a lot of General pain that I deemed the squat as not being suitable for me when I was incorrect what was wrong was this guy so we're going to see what we can do to improve it in a single session and I'm pretty sure that what we find what we dig into what he fixes will directly affect you guys to be able to hit brand new PRS in your squats or if you're just starting squatting start right so you'll finish right and be able to avoid all of these future issues plus you can now book online with Mitch you just go to this website here the Mitchy so simple so simple about dyslexic go to this dyslexic website here and you'll be able to literally book in Secure your slot and get fixed thanks again for tuning in thank you sir once again for your Pati and we will see you in the next one end all the things that I could be this