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Understanding Late Pregnancy and Childbirth Processes
Sep 6, 2024
Lecture Notes: Final Weeks of Pregnancy and Childbirth
Fetal Development in Final Weeks
Continued weight gain and body fat accumulation.
Uterus expands, leading to increased discomfort for the mother (lower back, pelvis, abdomen).
Baby may change positions in preparation for birth:
Commonly settles into
cephalic presentation
(head-down position).
This position relieves diaphragm pressure, aiding maternal breathing but increases bladder pressure (more frequent urination).
Lung Development
Lungs continue to mature, producing a substance that keeps air sacs open for oxygen exchange.
Baby practices breathing movements, which involve rhythmic contractions of diaphragm and chest muscles.
Maternal Emotions and Nesting Instinct
A range of emotions may occur before labor: excitement, anxiety, nervousness.
Nesting instinct
: urge to clean and prepare for the baby's arrival.
Braxton Hicks and True Labor Contractions
Braxton Hicks contractions
: practice contractions that may start in the second trimester but become noticeable later.
True labor contractions
: have a regular pattern; become more frequent, longer, and intense, leading to cervical dilation.
Amniotic Sac and Labor Process
Rupture of the amniotic sac
: can happen naturally or be done by a healthcare provider (amniotomy).
Relaxin hormone
: softens and loosens ligaments and tissues in the pelvic area for childbirth.
Cervical Changes and Delivery
Cervix undergoes changes: softens, thins, and dilates (measured in centimeters; 10 cm = full dilation).
Once fully dilated, mother enters the
pushing stage
Actively pushes during contractions to move the baby through the birth canal.
Vaginal walls stretch to accommodate the baby's size.
: surgical cut in the perineum, performed if necessary to prevent tearing (not routine).
Birth Process
Baby emerges with head first, followed by the body; shoulders rotate to align with pelvic outlet.
Post-birth transition: respiratory system changes as baby starts breathing air; cord clamped and cut after pulsating stops.
Continued contractions to deliver the
, typically shorter and less intense than labor stages.
Monitor the baby's condition after birth, including vital signs, weight, and overall well-being.
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