today llin and I are spectating a fortnite Lobby where we have to witness 25 different challenges but if you guess the winner before the top 10 you win now Lin yes here's what's at stake whoever loses has to remove laser beam on the recording right here no you know what I actually think he might have un added me for a joke no he's there okay no okay damn bro I don't want to delete Lin how am I going to get my bangers man oh trust me I'm thinking the same thing all right let's lock in bro so we have a list of challenges wait find a TTV I found a YouTube no that doesn't count there's actually such a long list here oh power back Bling's on there okay yeah yeah yeah they know you're in this video so someone definitely has a power back bling on wait is peely one of them find a peely oh my God star bb09 that's already number one done so if you get it I can't get it right is that how it works you cannot get it you cannot get it so I got to stop sweating all right all right you got to lock in bro you got to lock in I got a power power back bling power back bling done oh wait if he has Twitch in the name does that count that's fine no that counts that counts this guy's got nine Shield left and he's got two fizzes in his inventory and he's not using it and he's not using them man come on oh wait this guy's got a Fizz but he's full health no dude just Fizz up fiz up wait wait wait wait no he dropped the Fizz on the floor see someone use a guitar Rift see someone wait wait is that a thing where where is that one see someone use a guitar is number 25 okay yeah I saw that I saw that I saw I saw someone using guitar oh okay no he dropped he dropped the I'll give it yeah yeah I'll give I'll give it to you I'll give it to you it's okay man it's okay you know I'll be generous you're my guest in this video this is hard man like there's a lot of things on this list wait there's a bush elim that's going to be hard to find oh is this guy going to dance I just watched this person get a kill and now please Dance please dance oh they're going to die oh my gosh oh he's got to never give up aicon on his superhero skin that's actually so clean wait Nick 30 wait does that count no you see a Nick 30 that's a Creator icon skin you get that but it's not an actual Nick a th it's just the aot on the back but it's on the skin about what are you talking abouto listen listen I'm a nice guy but I'm not giving you everything bro no no no no that's fair that's fair all right Nick 30 icon skin Cloud Daniel got it bang baby bang wait oh no I swear that guy took full damage wait he did he did he did you got yo come on you swear he did he did he did yo are you cheating are you cheating in my video already dog no no no no no I heard it and I went back okay well guess what I got bad news for you Lain I just got another one I just found another Nick a30 skin which just see the same skin twice bro bro I'm getting rolled right now it's actually crazy it's okay oh my God I found a laser beam sitting in a tree wait there's oh let's find the laser bro that's one of them that's one I didn't even know that was one of them wait wait wait this guy might Fizz heal this guy might Fizz heal got it Fizz heal Don give it to me you got that oh my God see the same back bling twice I've seen multiple power back blings but I assume you have two oh no I didn't call it out though I didn't call it out you get it I'm calling it out okay now remember remember you can get all these but whoever guesses correctly if you guess before the top 10 you can just win the video outright what's impulse into a limb we don't have impulse days anymore do we like a shock wave oh shock wave yeah that's definitely the impulse oh uh Legion gave me a message to give you for this video guess what he said what's that I'll tell you later you got me with that last time I swear like is everyone this is actually the it's so easy it's so bad stop bro stop that's like really hurtful my gosh I'm so sensitive go shut up bro yo is no one in here wait someone just fell to their death how are you falling to your death in this video is actually pretty cringe find someone in a vault I guess wait the vaults haven't open yet oh someone doing potty hips someone doing potty hips you found someone doing party hips yep I want to start thinking about who I think could win this game too cuz you got to remember like that's a big call later so I'm going to keep that in mind wait to I haven't seen a single person carrying a tow hook there's I guess oh we did ban cars for this video so maybe people aren't going to tow hook but it's still a good item yeah I actually haven't played with it yet you haven't used it I actually wait this guy's in a bush he just I got it never back down never what I got the N 30 emote okay you got that but I got someone I got a bushy limb no way dude we're flying through these no that's actually crazy I literally just moved on them in the sun walk in his Bush that's actually crazy a come on wait if this person gets this go go Nitro in Nitro in Nitro in use that Nitro get a Nitro kill yeah but he's not do who are you spectating I'm not telling obviously like I know I'm I think we're spectating the same person wait actually twitch LOL fritza yes we are wait so what happens well he didn't get a Nitro kill so it doesn't matter he got three elims oh you got it no I didn't even realize let's go baby I'm so stupid okay okay well you know what I'm going to do something insane what are you going to do I'm going to call that LOL fritzer is going to win this game with 46 left I have never done that before nah dude he was looking kind of washed I would not back that he was you can wait till later but I'm picking wall fritzer now and I may or may not be cheating because I know he's an unreal player okay that's fine that's fine he was looking unreal if you know what I'm saying yeah ain't looking that unreal wait what are you talking trash this my community lock and chill bro all right I'm missing a couple shots there oh I'm watching a bush of lim right now oh yeah but it's but it's already been taken oh dude yeah I got to startop L looking for my uh my winner here wait I I I just swapped to a black knight who's taking selfies on the hiding on the edge of the map we're not C we're not The Cypher PK Army bro we're better than this come on what are we doing bro this Nick a 30 skin is hiding in the back of the car with no mats I swear people think in these videos that we're doing a hideand-seek when that's just not what it is at all yeah c yeah a lot of lot of bush campers in here dude so many people are hiding in bushes is this o oce like hey man look maybe yo this Black Knight has one Health oh wait no no it just not no that's a spectator br oh wait I just saw someone use a Nitro fist oh it's a Nitro fist elim I'm an idiot bro I thought it was just use a Nitro fist what am I stupid come on Courage oh traversal emote traversal emot he did the bunny hops he did the Bunny Hop starting to fall behind he knew he knew I was and he's doing party hips too like he he know he trying to give me points he tried to give me points but I already got him did you did you cheat for this video hey maybe I might have made a few calls you know just uh can't lose another one of these oh wait this guy wait oh no I might have messed up uhoh is he dead no I see someone that's actually the true sweat of the lobby this guy's insane chat this guy is insane look at this dude's loot man oh my gosh yo what skin is this oh nit elim Nitro elim I just saw it wait wait that was a shotgun no no no no no that was a shotgun he shotgunned him what do you mean Nitro through I watched chronic Armon yeah I didn't call it out cuz that was a shotgun kill he busted the wall and shoted him oh they actually have to like bash them bash them yeah they have to bash him okay yep no my apologies I'm putting my money on this guy okay so wait is that your official pig that's my official Pig for the win this guy and he's gone oh no okay oh bash him he's going for it oh so wait he's weak he's weak he got out go stay alive my boy stay alive this guy's crazy I might have made the wrong pick he's got all the mythics too like it's crazy all right I got to try and get some other stuff you better start trying to get more on this list here in case you guys I am I am I know I know oh this guy's got the crossbow come on try and get a crossbow kill you can do it emote after an elim we haven't seen yet tow hook I don't think we'll wind up seeing yeah I don't think that'll end up happen happen come on someone's going dude this is the biggest skin of all time this t60 power armor picks up half the screen bro this is pay to lose what am I looking at right now dude this guy's got a crossbow but I feel like crossbows aren't that easy to get kills with oh in a vault bunker got one in a vault let's go give me give me that this is not good I need to stay spectating this person they're trying to use the gauntlets and that's no oh my gosh dude oh no no no no no no no no no where is my dude even alive still is my guy even alive still bro where's l fritzer oh yeah he might be dead hey is he dead isn't even paying attention to his own his own player oh we got power Alex skin in here let's go I'm spamming through I don't see anyone if you need to repick this duck star X guy might be yeah Power Punch might go might be a good shout uh he's wearing par Alex skin that's like one of the best players in power so he's like obviously going to be one of the best players this Lobby what about this skin I'm looking at right here it's this guy he's got a receding hairline uh like this undercut haircut it's kind of slick back uh like a white jacket and like white and gold and white and yellow and black shoes and damn that guy must suck dude honestly bro this laser beam skin it's swaa bro swaa is just floating around as laser beam my guy's still alive my guy is still alive okay okay hold on where is he where is he I I got you know what I might just fully sell out on him bro where is my guy I still haven't found him bro I found my guy yes yes yes come on bro please fritzer please if I call LOL fritzer to win this game in the the top 50 that's insane that would be wild that would be wild and I guess all my points would mean nothing then oh I see that guy you were talking about oh he's not winning at all he's trying to blend in with the trees but like you know it might it might work it might work hey man it might work you could only eat one cheese for the rest of your life what do you want what do you pick oh Brie for sure dude good choice man no Bri I honestly feel like you're secretly like a fat kid internally but you're like in in good shape secretly a fat kid that was crazy but I think I went to like a um a nutritious the other day and we did my blood apparently I'm like predisposed to have obesity so like that's that's a fun fact I think I'm going to sell out for a minute on just watching this one po oh no swap is dead there goes laser beam oh now this luckland skin looks like he can actually get a dumb Mr Cheese I actually believe he's bush camping oh oh my gosh wait my guy's in a big fight bro my guy's in a big fight bro okay he's alive no why is nobody fisting in this Lobby do your community not fist what what I just watched a whole fist fight but no one got a kill um okay okay oh oh I got a wol fritzer kill the boom bolt yes he nice nice you need that you need that you need that yeah yeah wait stop feeling bad for me bro oh here's L Fritz yo he's actually keying though okay not looking good no no no you started spectating him and he's getting clapped no no man BR watching that like he was not looking good wait wait wait Lan L will you let me pick one more 100% cuz I'm locked in on my boy yes thank goodness okay then I get to pick one more there's a laser beam skin just dancing the whole time put your money on him that's what I would do he Shockwave get an elim get an elim right now shock wave into an elim oh bro these rotates are not H bro is your guy still alive I actually don't know he could be dead where is my guy I'm going blubbery I'm going to make my new pick is blubbery okay my guy's also dead oh no he's not he's alive he's alive he's alive he's alive let's go my go my go oh he's bro he's I'm so winning I'm so winning bro I actually do think you're going to win bro I think I called mine way too early bro I could just tell L fritzley wasn't moving like that this guy though he moving he got all the mythics he's getting straight in box like bro chill oh bash him Li I got it first I got it first I got it first you know what you need it you need it man you need it oh my god dude your guy is so cracked llin like there's only 14 left my brother is closing this out yo I'm not kidding if your guy wins it's the earliest this has ever been called in a video for a win ever I like holding records I I do like it but I feel like there could be an upset still though I feel like blue blueberry is actually a shot not going to lie the other guys maybe not so much I promise I'll eat blueberries all week if you win this you know what I just want to say I'm a little disappointed in your community courage not a single sky base to be seen not a single one that is actually you know what that is actually a great point that is actually really disappointing oh Arman just got another elimination dude your guy might just slay the whole Lobby let's get a fisty live you're just watching my guy no no I'm watching blueberry now all right come on get a fist I'm with my guy to the end from here on out oh is my guy's not using he's using that Mythic shy which is actually fair oh wa okay wao oh this is us this is us this is the game this is the game oh my God oh my God just still slaying he's actually crazy my guy's hiding he's trying to sneak around come on come on blueberry you're my favorite fruit please please please why did he drop his guitar what is is this like the Michael B Jordan skin what's that Creed yeah yeah it's Creed it looks I not had this style it's actually bro my guy's doing Nitro exploits what yeah no what you mean he's take down power Alex no he's not cheating he's just using skill to outsmart the enemy but you said the word exploits yeah you know look exploit be this is not count as a sky base by the way this is the poorest Sky it does not abely oh my I trying to break into the building where what's wrong the locky skin nearly took out Michael B Jordan oh my guy just got a kill let's go blueberry come on my guy got to refresh top seven please blueberry please if Rand if the lucky skin wins I still win I I'll give that cuz I got two oh come on he's going crazy so my guys got the unlimited Nitro buff oh my God we're so even in points too what if it ends in like a fist a fist kill here we go top five top five now my guy's fighting another dude no's your mats my guy's got like 500 mats my guy's got 650 oh my dude's beaming though he's kind of beaming okay my guy's not on he's going to take it though he's taking height off of is that Nick a 30 Nick 30 thinks he runs height Arman got another oh no it's all doomed man now the other two are fighting on low ground it's all doom my guy's popping a med kit did oh he's trying to oh God he's oh my go he's so crack where's the other guy okay he's going okay one V One One V one no oh through the ramp bro that's oh that's crazy bro is D you called that in the top 40 bro um just want to say emote after elim as well oh yeah yeah really good he just left he just leave left the game that for him that was just beating up on a Lobby all he did actually just beat the whole Lobby up not going to lie laser beam please if you see this I love you please add me back please add me back congratulations Lin you won the video laser laser bro dude