Faith and Spiritual Warfare

Jul 11, 2024

Lecture Notes

Key Points

  • Faith involves confession and speaking out beliefs.
  • The importance of hope and belief to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Romans Chapter 10:10 emphasizes confessing faith verbally.
  • Romans Chapter 4:18: Abraham believed in hope to become the father of many nations.
  • Confessing with mouth catapults you to the seen position in spirit.
  • The concept of "fighting" in faith: not a physical battle but spiritual affirmation.

Concepts Explained

Spiritual Warfare

  • Ephesians 6:12: Wrestling not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness.
  • Faith is The Shield, not a physical object.
  • Word of God is the sword; proclaiming and confessing it is the act of wielding it.

2 Corinthians 10: Spiritual Strategy

  • Verses 3-5: Weapons of warfare are not carnal but mighty to pull down strongholds.
  • Context: Apostle Paul addressing conflict with certain members of the Corinthian church in a spiritual manner.
  • Verse 7-8: Asserts authority given for edification, not destruction.
  • Leadership in spiritual warfare involves strategizing in the realm of the spirit.
  • Verse 3: 'War' means to strategize, not physically fight.

Examples and Parables

  • Moses and the Red Sea: Instructions from God led to victory; emphasizes strategic spiritual leadership.
  • Jericho and Joshua: Strategic spiritual instruction leading to victory without conventional weapons.
  • Pastor's testimony: Power of prayer and faith to change outcomes in an immutable situation.

Application to Life

Confession and Belief

  • Speak affirmations like “I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.”
  • Importance of continually professing faith and beliefs.

Analyzing Barriers

  • Recognize the evidences of progress and transformation.
  • Focus on what God is doing, not on what isn't happening.
  • Example: Abraham’s faith, not considering the physical impossibilities but believing in God’s promises.
  • Seek and affirm the positive signs even if they seem insignificant.

Faith in Practice

  • Faith is not denial of facts but denying those facts authority over your beliefs.
  • Recognize and praise progress, no matter how small.
  • Testimony of persistence in declaring and holding onto faith.

Practical Steps

  • Confess progress (e.g., noticing small improvements).
  • Against adversity, hold strong in proclaiming faith and positive outcomes.
  • Stop looking for failures and signs of defeat.

Key Statements

  • “Your faith is the shield.”