Transcript for:
Faith and Spiritual Warfare

Hallelujah he says who against hope believed in hope that he might become H this is wonderful in other words look at it he says that he might become he believed in hope that he might become isn't that what we read in Romans chapter 10: 10 with the heart man believes under righteousness with the mouth confession is made unto that he might become he declared his faith so he was carted to that position that he had seen with the mouth confession is made un you catapult yourself into that position that you have seen in your spirit with your mouth I told you keep [Applause] talking let no one stop you keep talking keep talking I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus I walk in righteousness in the name of the Lord Jesus I walk in righteousness see the devil has been defeated stop trying to defeat him we don't need to defeat the Devil because he's already been defeated somebody said well I'm wrestling with the devil you don't need to wrestle with the devil you you have put him down there is a fight of Faith now and you have to understand when the Bible talks about the fight of faith and when it talks about our Warfare what is this Warfare what is this this fight of Faith the Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against rulers of Darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places he says we wrestle not what do you mean wrestle the word wrestle there doesn't mean that we're fight in them it's not a fight he's referring to the fight of faith not fighting the devil but he's talking about the demon spirits of Darkness trying to swear you from the truth and that's what the fire of faith is all about that's what it's all about it's not like we are engaged with satanic forces in a physical combat it's not that we at all we are not engaged with satanic forces in no physical physical comeback no when it talks about the the the wires of the devil what does he tell us to take he says the shield of Faith he didn't say take your Shield he said it's a shield of Faith it's not a physical Shield faith is your Shield you want to understand faith is The Shield it's not that there is a shield all right it's not talking about a shield in the realm of the spirit that is applied by faith come on come on come on are you hearing me there is no shield in the realm of the spirit that we need to take by faith and use no your faith is The Shield that is why it is called The Shield of Faith your faith is The Shield oh come on here and then it says the sword of the spirit what is it he says the word of God which you Proclaim which you profess which you declare which you confess and announce he says that is the sword of the spirit it's not that there is a sword in the realm of the spirit that you declare I take now in the name of Jesus the sword of the spirit uh-uh when you speak the word of God that is the sword when you stand your ground in faith and proclaim the word in faith that is The Shield you don't need to picture any shield and try to catch it I confess I receive the shield of Faith No no no no your faith is The Shield let me just get a second Corinthians for a moment 2 Corinthians in in the third chapter did I say the third chapter no no it's the 10th chapter and the third verse 2 Corinthians the 10th chapter oh we have Victors in Christ Jesus Hallelujah for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh he as though we walk in the flesh that means walk in a human body we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our Warfare are not caral but Mary through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down casting down what casting down imaginations and every High thing oh Glory that exalted itself against the knowledge of God and bringing in a captivity every thought to The Obedience of Christ now I want you to understand that this must not be taken out of context we're going to read it in its context to begin to understand it I'm reading from verse one we started from verse three right most of us know how to quote it from verse three not many of us know what is connected to it from verse one but when you begin to read it from verse one and then beyond verse five you get to understand all right verse one now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ who in presence and B among you but being absent and bold towards you but I beseech you that I may not be bold when I am present with that confidence where with I think to be bold against some which think of us now watch this some which think of us as if we worked according to the flesh so he's not talking about everybody he's talking about some because he refers to some people in the church now you have to understand where this is all coming from this whole thing has to be understood from First Corinthians you're going to have to understand the whole subject from First Corinthians into 2 Corinthians to know what he's dealing with here now he says you can you can understand that there's something wrong somewhere there's a problem somewhere and Paul is referring to this thing so verse two again but I beseech you that I may not be bold when I am present with that confidence where with I think to be bold against some which think of us as if we walked according to the flesh he says I'm coming to you and I I plan to be bold against you but somehow he says I know what you think about me that um I'm bold when I'm away and I'm not bold when I'm present said but this time I'm coming with boldness because I've got to talk to some of you who think that we are walking according to the the flesh see he's talking to the church to the church in Corinth there's an issue there a matter up and he's upset about this thing so he says some of you think that we are walking according to the flesh so he goes in verse three to say for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh now I'm going to tell you something about this as we go on so he says for the weapons of our Warfare not Canal but marage regard to the pulling down of strongholds etc etc etc then in verse 5 I want you to notice casting down imaginations and every High thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to The Obedience of Christ and having in Readiness or in a Readiness to Revenge all Disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled do you look on things after the outward appearance see you notice he's asking them do you look on things after the outward appearance If any man trust to himself that he is Christ let him of himself think this again that as he is Christ as he belongs to Christ even so are we also Christ we also belong to Christ see the man is upset about something so when he says we he's not talking of everybody okay I get you now you're so quiet on me now let me read that verse 7 into verse 8 so you see do you look on things after the out of appearance If any man trust to himself that he is Christ let him of himself think this again that as he is Christ even so are we Christ for though I should boast somewhat more of our Authority uh-huh of our Authority which the Lord had given us for edification and not for your destruction I should not be ashamed you see that he's talking about our Authority which God has given to us for your edification not for your destruction God gave us Authority for your edification so when he said we us he wasn't referring to everybody he was talking about the leaders and I said you have to study from First Corinthians into 2 Corinthians to know what he was talking about and who he was referring to how many of you are understanding it in context right now thank you now this will become clearer go back to verse three he says for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh the word War there is Greek stratum my it means to lead soldiers in an expedition it means to lead soldiers to war so he's not talking about fighting the Devil he's talking about strategizing so when we tell you what to do he's saying we know what we're dealing with we are operating from a high realm because we understand the manipulations of Satan so it says the authority which the Lord has given to us for your edification and not for your destruction so the leadership that we give to you we given from a high Realm of the spirit our military leadership he's saying strategizing in the realm of the SP spirit it's not according to the flesh it's not according to our brains we are not thinking it out we're not trying to reason out with our senses we understand these things from the realm of the spirit for though we walk in the flesh we do not lead and guide and strategize according to the flesh why because the weapons that we use are not [Music] man-made that's why we have to strategize according to the spirit we have to function according to the spirit so when we give instructions they are coming from the realm of the spirit because the kind of weapons that we use are not of human understanding how come on here the whole Army of Egypt coming against Israel God says Moses stretch your hand over the water and divide it how how how the weapons of our Warfare [Applause] Egypt can't believe it it came go through their minds that the Red Sea would speak wide open they have never heard about it they have never thought about it they have never imagined it and right before their eyes the red SE spit wide open they couldn't believe it could this be God they thought the they were standing right in presence of history in the making but they thought well we didn't see nobody we only saw Moses ahead of them so they watch the children of Israel go through the Bible says which the Egyptians are saying to do with drowns the weapons of our Warfare are not Canal our strategies are different the canal ones began to say oh God what are we going to do Moses you want to destroy us they looked at the water they said no way they look this way and that way we can't escape we are dead men what they forgot was that Moses was strategizing with Almighty Jehovah Hallelujah you see Jehovah already introduced himself to Moses he said Moses Abraham Isaac and Jacob your your fathers knew me as El Shad but I am Jehovah Hallelujah he said I'm going to bring you out of Egypt I'm not going to function as as Shi but as Jehovah I'll lead you out of bondage I am Jehovah Oh Come and Shout amen somebody the weapons of our Warfare are not caner they are Mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds hey glory to God one of our pastors told me the other day there was a building that they wanted for church and the man the agent who was in charge of it said no way I can't give it to you he made up his mind he wasn't going to give it to them well he tried to make it very difficult and several times they had a meeting with him no way so what the last time they came to the building to take a look at it he said they got together he and his Brethren and they began to pray they began to speak in other tongues this man who was upset with them was going away while there was praying and then he looked at them he couldn't move any further are you hearing me that day he made up his mind he was going to give them the property can you shout hallelujah hallelujah the weapons of our Warfare are not Canal Hallelujah we are strategizing in the realm of the spirit don't worry about your imaginations of fear he says these weapons are Mighty through God to pull down strongholds to cast down imaginations and bring down every High thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God can you shout amen [Applause] somebody Hallelujah we are strategizing in the realm of the spirit and you know when we get into that wall room and we begin to pray in the Holy Ghost we pray in the Holy Ghost we pray in the Holy Ghost we pray in the Holy Ghost we pray the Holy Ghost glory to God oh Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Joshua learned it from Moses when it was time to take Jericho Joshua knew he couldn't sit down with the Elders of Israel to be planning on how to take Jericho he couldn't look for the oldest men in Israel to say how are we going to take Jericho no he couldn't count how many swords they had to know how to take Jericho he was waiting for something the same God that appeared to Moses and before long the angel of the Lord stood before Joshua and introduced himself and said now here is the strategy here is the strategy hallelujah it's not for the sge he said the SS will wait all those weapons will have to wait no swords no Shields no spares no staves they all have to wait so what are we going to do he said here is the strategy because the weapons are not manmade we're going to bring down these walls he said you're going to go around the walls one time each day for seven days on the seventh day you're going to go around seven times and each time you're going around nobody talking at the last time the seventh time of the seventh day he said you blow the trumpets and you shout the word of God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he said when you shout he said these walls that you see before you they will fall down flat they will fall down flat they will fall down flat they will fall down flat Oh Glory to God I don't know the kind of wordss you are facing in your life maybe the wars of cancer maybe the wars of financial impossibilities maybe there are Wars in your business maybe there are Wars in your academics but I'm telling you we are using the weapons of our Warfare they are not canal and the walls will come down Flats oh Hallelujah glory to God woo oh glory to God sit [Applause] down tell somebody anything is possible anything is possible tell three people anything is possible possible anything is possible tell another three people anything is possible go hey W hey hey hey Glory Glory Glory Glory hey hey hey hey hey hey anything is possible Hallelujah M [Applause] he and anything is [Applause] possible anything is [Applause] possible anything is possible anything is possible hey [Music] anything anything is [Music] possible anything is possible brother Victory is on the way keep shouting the victory Anything is Possible Oh Oh Glory to God it you can have anything you can do anything you can be anything anything is possible Hallelujah woo amen [Applause] [Music] hallelujah Glory [Music] amen hallelujah my faith is working my faith is working my faith is working I said my faith is working my faith is working it's working it's working it's working it's working it's working it's working it's working it's working glory to God it's working it's working it's working glory to God it's working my faith it's working it's working it's working Hallelujah hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Glory Glory my faith is a lie tell somebody my faith is a lie [Music] hallelujah amen sit down let's finish this thing Hallelujah y The Book of Romans Romans chapter 4 are you in Romans chapter 4 some of you are getting your own Rama right [Applause] now hey glory to God woo Romans chapter 4 let's get the rest of it all [Applause] right you are going to be so rich so prosperous so strong [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah sit down Verse 18 Romans chapter 4 who against hope believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations according to that which was spoken so shall thy seed be he believed in hope to become what he saw how did he do it I told you yesterday about different kinds of Faith little faith great faith or much Faith weak faith and strong faith there can be a lot of faith that is weak and we said for weak Faith to become strong you've got to exercise it all right now verse 19 and being not weak in faith weak faith is faith that is not being exercised faith that is not being used that guy who says I know but I know but you don't have to say it out I know we are blessed but must we tell everybody we've got to tell everybody I know you're rich but must you say it out you know what the devil does to many people he says don't say anything because the manifestation is not in your life so don't say it until you can really prove it uh-uh you've got to say it you've got to say it you've got to say it that lying devil don't believe him he tells you not to say it until you have it the truth is you have it and until you say it you may not see it so you've got to say [Applause] it somebody said I used to say it but when I didn't see the reality I stopped saying it you made a mistake that's when you should have said it more hallelujah look at this and being not weak in faith he consider hey he considered not his own body brothers and sisters this is Faith I told you the other night faith is not the denial of facts we do not deny the fact but we deny the fact the ability or authority to control the circumstances of our existence that's exactly what Abraham did the Bible says his body was As Good As Dead As far as giv birth to Children was concerned but he considered not his body he didn't deny the fact that his body was old but he denied his body the ability to control his believing Hallelujah being not weak in faith he considered not his own body I was listening the other day to one of our programs and uh and she gave a testimony about a a certain business uh a certain interview that she went for it was already over they had selected the people they wanted to select and she said uh-uh when I was praying I God Rama to go there she got there they said they have already done the selection they didn't send her an invitation letter for the interview they already invited those they wanted she was not shortlisted she was not invited she heard about it and went there when she got there because she considered not the [Applause] letter in spite of the fact that they had already selected those they wanted it was already final she considered not their reports they said all right come inside they took her inside she did her own interview several people sat down to interview her when they were through they cancelled the ones they had selected before and give it to her being not weak in fath he considered not his own body now dead look at it when he was about a 100 years old neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb he did not consider his own body which was as good as dead neither did he consider the deadness of Sarah's womb oh Hallelujah but look at this he's tagged not at the promise of God through unbelief unbelief makes you stagger unbelief makes you stagger here you are you're praying and believing and then you raise your your head and you see it looks like man listen is getting worse you are staggering now you're staggering the Bible says he refused to consider the facts he had the facts he refused to consider the facts he set aside the [Music] fs he staggered not at the promise of God he had God's promise so he held onto God's promise that's what we're doing in our ministry we're holding on to God's [Applause] promise hallelujah we're holding on to God's promise he said it and we're holding on to it he staggered not at the promise of God through [Music] unbelief the Bible says but was strong in faith giving Glory giving Glory how do you give Glory let me explain to you you know in our lives we need to look for the glory of God and give him the glory stop looking for your [Music] sickness listen if you didn't hear anything tonight hear this [Music] one stop looking for your sickness look for your healing listen to me you know in life you feel hey I better find out what this is you're looking for your sickness look for your [Music] healing many don't look for their healing if you have had problems in your body or problems in your life can you recognize that that swelling that drow is [Music] reducing the Bible says he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith giving Glory how do you give Glory every time he looked at his wife and said honey you are looking fresher he said I can see the change your body is changing thank you thank you thank you Lord thank you Lord I can see the [Music] changes can I tell you something [Music] you know some people they have a pregnancy and every time they lose the pregnancy you know they say oh I saw blood oh you are looking for the wrong [Applause] thing Hallelujah Lord stop looking for the wrong thing don't let fear get a hold of you he staggered nuts at the promise of God through unbelief he was strong in faith giving glory to God he recognized the changes you know Elijah was waiting for God there was a sound and God was not there he was waiting for him everything that could bring God didn't bring God where was God God was in the still small voice God didn't show up in the way he expected him to show up that child that has not been able to walk when you woke up in the morning didn't you notice that his legs had moved and changed position you didn't observe when you should have been given glory to God this leg moved I saw it it moved thank you Jesus the Bible says Abraham believed in a hope to become with the mouth confession is made onto you want to move from point A to point B you are going to have to speak yourself to that point you're going to have to talk yourself to strength you're going to have to talk yourself to that place that you want to be in they refuse to promote you forget it promotion doesn't come from the east or west or from the south it comes from God so what are you going to do talk yourself to the top tell somebody use your mouth tell the other person use your mouth yourth use your mouth use your mouth use your mouth the miracle is in your mouth the miracle is in your mouth