Beginner's Guide to React Essentials

Aug 7, 2024

React Crash Course for Beginners


  • A comprehensive 2-hour crash course on React.
  • Build a React project from scratch covering essential topics.

Topics Covered

  1. Basics of React
    • Creating a React application.
  2. Components
    • Class components.
    • Functional components.
  3. JSX
    • Writing JSX in components.
  4. Props and State
  5. React Hooks
    • useState and useEffect.
  6. Component Lifecycle
  7. Conditional Rendering
  8. Lists and Keys
  9. Form Handling
  10. Project Structure
  11. React Routing
  • Navigating between pages.
  • Programmatically navigating pages.
  1. JSON Server Setup
  • Using fake APIs with Axios.
  1. CRUD Operations
  • Creating a search filter functionality.


  • Install Node.js on your system.

Creating a React App

  • Use command: npx create-react-app contact-app
  • Explanation of folder structure:
    • node_modules: Dependencies.
    • public: Contains index.html with a root div.
    • src: Application code.

Initial Setup

  • Run the development server using:
    • npm start
  • Modify the default files to remove unnecessary content.

Creating Components

  • Create a folder for components:
    • Header, AddContact, ContactList, ContactCard components.

App Component Structure

  • Import components in App.js.
  • Create a functional component with JSX syntax.

Adding Semantic UI

  • Integrate Semantic UI for styling.
  • Update index.html with Semantic UI CSS link.

State and Props

  • Utilize state management for contacts.
  • Pass props between components.

Component Lifecycle and Hooks

  • Understand component lifecycle methods and how to use hooks effectively.
  • Example: Use useEffect for data fetching and synchronization.

Implementing Routing with React Router

  • Install React Router: npm install react-router-dom
  • Set up routing in App.js to navigate between components.

Data Management with JSON Server

  • Set up a JSON server for fake API interactions.
    • Install JSON server and create a db.json for resource management.

CRUD Operations with Axios

  • Install Axios for making HTTP requests.
  • Implement methods for creating, reading, updating, and deleting data.

Search Functionality

  • Add a search bar to filter contacts in the ContactList component.
  • Manage search terms and render filtered results.


  • Review of key React concepts and application structure.
  • Encouragement to practice and implement learned concepts in real projects.