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Cranial Nerves Examination
May 18, 2024
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Cranial Nerves Examination 🧠
Medical student: David
Patient: Yousef Smith, DOB: January 1, 1993
Purpose: Perform a cranial nerves examination.
Patient consent obtained, no pain reported.
Examination Procedure
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory
Asked about changes in sense of smell: No changes reported.
Cranial Nerve II: Optic
Visual Acuity Test
: Reading letters off a chart.
Covered right eye, read lowest line: TVHXUAHTYOVUAXT
Covered left eye, read lowest line: TV
Pupillary Light Reflex
: Shined light into the eye while patient looked ahead.
Accommodation Reflex
: Patient looked at a wall and then at a pen repeatedly.
Color Vision Test
: Reading numbers on color plates.
Right eye covered: numbers 12, 8, 29, 5, 3
Visual Field Test
: Wiggling fingers in peripheral vision.
Right eye covered, patient indicated seeing: Yes
Left eye covered, patient indicated seeing: Yes
: Not performed in the transcript but mentioned.
Cranial Nerves III, IV, VI: Oculomotor, Trochlear, Abducens
Tested eye movements: Patient followed a red pin, reported when it disappeared and reappeared in vision.
Cranial Nerve V: Trigeminal
Sensory Test
: Used cotton and pin to test feeling on the face; patient reported sensation as same on both sides.
Motor Test
: Clench jaw, push against resistance; jaw reflex tested.
Cranial Nerve VII: Facial
Facial Movements
: Raise eyebrows, scrunch eyes, puff cheeks, show teeth, smile, purse lips. All actions performed well.
No changes noted in taste or hearing.
Cranial Nerve VIII: Vestibulocochlear
Hearing Test
: Whispered numbers in ear: 34, 26
Used tuning fork:
Behind ear: Patient indicated when sound stopped.
On forehead: Patient heard sound in the middle.
Cranial Nerve IX, X: Glossopharyngeal, Vagus
Voice and Swallowing
: No changes in voice, no difficulty swallowing.
Asked to say 'ah,' turn to the side and cough, sip water.
Cranial Nerve XI: Accessory
Shoulder and Neck Movements
: Shrug shoulders, turn cheek towards resistance.
Cranial Nerve XII: Hypoglossal
Tongue Movements
: Stick out tongue, push against cheek with resistance.
No Stigmata of neurological disease.
No abnormalities in cranial nerves I through XII.
Findings consistent with a normal cranial nerves examination.
Next steps: Perform upper and lower limb neurological examinations.
Additional Resources
Mention of Geeky Medics for practicing OSCE stations with friends or AI virtual patients.
Full transcript