Transcript for:
Time Management and Life Updates Discussion

okay look at my office look at the mess look at how is just stuff everywhere hello oh it's been a minute we're just gonna hang out today if that's okay with you what are you doing with your life well you know when you're gone from New York for two months and you just feel terrible and unproductive and just like the worst you know having things organized just doesn't seem like priority right this all of the boxes for the 300 DS in the office I gotta find these at home the cables just not gonna work out this will be easy to clean this is the podcast setup hello that creative life check it out I'm doing three podcast this coming week I'm including Ryan Serhant so stick around for that I'm just in like some other negotiation right now and I guess dots coming this what is this little preview of a video I just filmed today feeling good in another video so I haven't posted a video in a while and if you follow me on social media the topics have changed right what we've been talking about um so I haven't posted a while just cuz I feel like certain voices like you didn't need to focus on whatever I had to say last week you know but I just want to say thank you to the people who listened to the podcast and who donated I did a call to action with matching donations and you guys showed up amazing thank you for sticking around thank you for watching my videos I have like I have a ton of love for so many people and it's been weird just not hanging out with people and so that's why I just decided to kind of just make a random video like this to just catch up with you guys I feel like you guys are kind of my friends so I just wanted to make videos say hi how are you doing I'll be sharing about two things today one is something that you can do within the confines of your home to maybe win some filmmaking prizes heyo and the other thing is what I've done to actually make a huge difference in my life in the past three years three years in the past three months it's felt like three years so when you're a person where hard work is equal to self-worth that means when you're not productive when you're not on your game you just kind of like start to spiral and you start to beat yourself up right that has been kind of the thing that I've been dealing with for literally oh hi Sarah there is getting too much on a soapbox so I'm here to say shut up Sarah you're not here to complain but to help the people who are struggling with the same things that you have struggled with that is anxiety not being able to be productive because there's a lot of things going out in the world and like I'm here to say hey that's okay we're all struggling with that there's a lot of worth connected to the work I do and I really enjoy it and I do feel good when I post a video or I get to talk to you guys and I accomplish something and I think that is something that other people experience so I'm actually gonna share with you a very practical thing I've been doing that I was waiting for my like what's on my iPad video but hey I figure right now is the best like why wait why wait so I've been tracking my time you're like Sarah you built this up and you're just gonna talk about tracking your time like that's existed since like forever okay but I found a cool app where it's super quick it's super easy so you can incorporate it into your flow and actually use it and analyze oh okay today I actually did four hours of really solid good work and that is one hour more than yesterday I'm improving and I'm proud of myself I think a lot of people working from home you you realize that oh really like good intense work you're actually not doing that for eight hours a day even though you're at the office for eight hours you know maybe it's only four to five hours of like really good creative work I know I say uh skateboarder John Hill here we should take the new Electric skateboards out today do you guys want to see some new electric skateboards now that booster board is dead so the core of all this time tracking is a website and an app called toggle and the website right out the gate is a much better experience in the app the app is actually terrible we'll talk about that in a minute what you want to do is set up your different projects and also tags to go along with any of those projects so I have different projects like that creative life my podcasts which for it sera YouTube that's what you're seeing here and personal a breakfast lunch and dinner time I'm not tracking those times because that's when I'm just like relaxing hanging out John I don't want to feel pressure during those moments to like track every moment of my day so my active work time that's how I separate it into different projects and I actually created a whole nother workspace that's just sleeping um where I track my sleep because I want to get more consistent I'm the type of person who will sleep ten hours on a Saturday but I'll sleep only five to six hours you know right before a day with a lot of podcasts or something so I want to get to more of a consistent place of seven to eight hours every single night so that's gonna help me track that I put it into a different workspace cuz when you go back to see what you've logged and that's what is really great about toggle is how it displays all of your time and these beautiful graphs sleeping is in a different workspace because I want to know how long I'm sleeping what are the times but I don't want sleeping a part of that working pie chart I want that pie chart to really illustrate where my time is going when I'm intentionally sitting down to work okay so you have the different projects as a billable non-billable and then you have the different tags to really break down what you're actually doing within these projects so Sara teach YouTube that creative life I could be editing I could be giving feedback to editors this helps you break it down even more the act of actually setting these timers has made me so much more accountable to doing work because if I'm on the Sarah YouTube editing oh no I'm not gonna watch the office for a fifth time during this timer because that would be you know it just wouldn't be helpful I would be skewing my date so the toggle website is really great for you to set up the projects and the tags but the app is terrible for setting these timers because you are not going to be using this if there's not a way to just super quickly set a timer and then move on to your work like the toggle app is : key well these you're fine these are teasing the skateboards at will right yeah it took you fine so this started to be really fun when I download it fun I'm calling time tracking fun I'm sorry this became really effective when I downloaded the app called timer II so this is where you can actually make saved timers and then put them in your today view on your iPad or your iPhone so when you scroll over here you have all these saved timers and time where I can come over just click the timer boom it starts the timer and then just their overall app is so much better so much better than toggle this is an app that basically lives on top of toggle so you log in via your toggle account so yeah I've been talking about this for a while now but toggle timer II tracking time maybe you can do this in your own personal way like in a journal or in a notes app it doesn't have to be using these specific apps but it has helped me so much get out of the slump of literally just doing nothing playing Animal Crossing watching the office for the fifth time just you know yeah this helped me so much getting from zero hours of work a day to like two to three to now back to kind of a normal 5 to 7 to 8 and then of course I always have those intense days that are more but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna worry about that right now cuz there's a lot of things going on in the world and your entire worth is not tied to if you had a productive day or not ok people but I hope this helps you I'm really excited to unbox these new electric skateboards but before then before then hey if you want to get back at it get swingin with some editing again I throw these filmmaking contests with collective every month we obviously kind of took a break there with everything happening but they're coming back with a contest called the found-footage challenge and it's with Colin and Samir are amazing people in this YouTube career community they make documentaries with yes theory and they're just there's so good at what they do we all have those projects that are just sitting on our hard drive that we've never edited or maybe it's a picture so basically for this challenge we want you to make a 60-second video about that picture or about that project that you just haven't finished Collin and Samir are going to judge they're going to claim winners and you have the chance to win up to $10,000 worth of filmmaking prizes this is just such a fun project because you can do it from the comfort of your home you don't have to feel the pressure to go out and film something with other people but it's all up to that that footage I know me personally I shot so much stuff when I went to Germany to film all that stuff with Leica and there's so much footage on my hard drive I just haven't even started because I'm kind of intimidated by it so what is that project for you again so many prizes are on the line and you can enter now the contest is officially open and it was such a pleasure to sit down and have a conversation with Colin and Samir they're so smart and they really have this video thing on luck and so I learned a lot about them so all the contest details and also the interview I did with them are in the description below thank you so much to Lucy for sponsoring these contests putting them together giving filmmakers a chance to win these epic prizes that can literally like elevate your filmmaking career to another level but also building a community of filmmakers to where when you're doing these challenges every month you are learning skills you're a part of the community that is growing together and it's been really fun to do these so okay are you having fun over there with your tech deck oh my gosh I've been thinking about tricks the whole day you were talking I was like can I do this and that welcome to another episode of unboxing youtube couple Sarah Haan whoa it looks like a guitar let's call it docked do [Music] but look at this battery what is the range on this guy I think it goes like [Music] it looks like it's from a sci-fi movie or something's cool maybe you just hold it like this you know it looks really stupid cuz this is plus and minus the grip tape is really really creepy actually very creepy oh it's super light it's light yeah it's very light so that's only a one wheel drive okay so this one's one wheel that one's two wheels [Music] [Music] [Music] which I can tell you everything about what are these dots Kate yeah you can hear the protest in the background yeah exactly it's really fun like you can really carve on it and the wheels are so smooth and it feels amazing the stopping so it's just a stop it's not like a reverse like the boost of work the stopping is really sketch it is you know how in a boost of work you could just like you could stop on a dime and when you're in New York City carving throughout the streets like you need that but it's probably one of the best experiences I've had outside of this world just like carving and speed-wise has it been I usually fun yeah yes and I feel like you can more carve like a like a proper longboard so I was actually really pleased with that how about yours same the complaint is the brakes okay right when it's about to stop completely it jitters a little bit so it's like I'm about to stop that goes like that every time so besides the brakes everything else is fun oh yeah there's a catch yeah right I don't like this it's weird maybe cuz I'm just so used to the the wheel oh I wasn't an expert mode oh so maybe let's try another speed test but an expert go so right here you can see the miles per hour it actually got up to 23 and once you reach that top speed it take you off gotcha is a little wobbly because the trucks are pretty loose but that actually is what makes it super fun to cruise and kind of carve so I guess so it's always something you can tighten yourself I think collectively we stopped trying Electric skateboards because all of them were a disappointment in comparison to booster burn we literally have like four booster boards that weren't able to be prepared because they went out of business and we were really bummed because we loved our booster board stuff and this is the one the first one that I'm like [Music] I only started filming like halfway crews but I was insane [Music] [Music] okay so would you guys think about the new electric skateboard it was super fun we actually ended up grabbing some food grabbing some takeout and going to a park with the views of Manhattan watch sunset so it was really really nice yeah I'm hoping this was kind of just like a light hello how are you fun video to get back into the swing of things everything that I talked about in this video will be in the description below the apps the boards but also most importantly the Lisi collective contests it just launched with Colin Sameer found-footage challenge you don't even have to go out and film anything you can sit in the safety of your home edit up the 60-second film and I'm just so excited to see all of them thank you so much for tuning into this video I'm slowly getting back into the groove to just have some some videos I have to attack put a smile on your face hopefully and we're getting back into the groove the podcast is always going every single Monday that creative life and until next time guys stay peachy let me know if you like this video hit the subscribe button down below for new videos every single week and until next time stay peachy I already said that yeah I'm kind of out of the swing of things aren't you okay bye you