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Mastering Attraction: Key Insights for Men

if you search for how to make a girl like you you'll find some people say you need to have a strong body others say you need money and some say you need to learn seduction but when we look at reality most people who enter healthy relationships and attract girls don't have any of these things this is because attracting women is very easy and easier than you think all you need to do is forget all those superficial tips and return to the basic principles of Attraction I will walk you through step by step and explain everything you need to know to make any go no matter who she is like you and desire you when I was in university like any other guy I tried my best to make girls like me and get their attention however all my attempts ended in failure until a friend gave me a book I finished it in a week and when I did it felt like a fog had lifted from my eyes believe me attracting women is incredibly easy all you need to do is learn this formula and apply it please listen to me carefully because I'm going to change your life by the way if this video reaches 1K likes I will put the name of the book in the first comment success with women is a state of mind and nothing else because what is in your mind will reflect in your actions which is why when a great majority of men don't even feel they deserve the company of an attractive woman they don't get any the most important statement you must remember is she feels what you feel women will never judge judge you based on your looks words or even how much money you have they will always judge you based on what sort of feelings are circulating inside of you what you feel will reflect on your personality and this is the reason why when you are nervous you have a very high chance of being rejected because the girl senses that you aren't confident enough around her but at the same time if you were to make your approach seeming very confident calm and relaxed she will respond to you more positively consequentially you have to demonstrate that you consider yourself as a man who women naturally desire our character of the day is the chap who tries to win a girl over by pandering to her every whim don't put a girl on a pedestal as though she's your future spouse if you catch yourself saying things you shouldn't or going out of your way to make an impression you're probably trying to mask an inner sense of inadequacy it's this hidden deficiency that makes you pull out all the stops to impress the girl the best way to wow a girl is actually by not trying to wow her when you're making a song and dance about getting her attention she's not going to be impressed the moment you stop seeking her approval that's when she'll genuinely be wowed why you wonder it's because she's seen so many men trying to woo her that when someone doesn't it gets her attention consider these two instances situation one guy hi can I get you a drink go I'm good thanks Guy speechless situation two guy hey what's the best drink here go it's the XYZ guy great fancy buying me one spot the difference the second approach gets a stronger reaction because it's not a clear-cut pick pickup attempt the guy isn't trying to win her over most women are so used to men trying to impress them that when they come across something unexpected it Peaks their interest the Quest for validation is deeply rooted in our self-perception and self-esteem it's a story unfolding in your mind revolving around how you perceive yourself men who constantly seek approval often struggle with low self-esteem surrendering their own power in exchange for acceptance or validation from women this implies an underlying fear of losing the girl even before the dialogue has initiated as a result they engage in any action that might avert potential rejection such a man is often unsure about the appropriateness of his actions prompting him to seek validation from the woman merely to confirm he's on the right path in essence here's the mental Journey an approval Seeker takes upon seeing an attractive woman a strong interest in her ensues she's strikingly beautiful I hope everything unfolds well this mindset leads him to try too hard sacrificing his own power for a smidgen of approval but what impact does this have on the woman here's a glimpse into her thoughts gosh he's really pulling out all the stops to get my attention yet he's unexciting when will this night be over the instant a woman senses you're craving her approval she could lose interest almost immediately bear in mind that attraction isn't a switch she can consciously flip the desperate need for approval is a major attraction deterrent as long as you're seeking her approval she's unlikely to exhibit genuine interest in you men who effortlessly attract women do not tie themselves to the outcome picture this you approach a woman and get rejected or even Graver you get rejected in front of your bodies how would that make you feel for many there's nothing more devastating than facing rejection however those who excel at attracting women grasp that rejection is insignificant it's merely a component of the dating landscape and they aren't perturbed by the woman's reaction their primary concern is to enjoy the experience and nothing more consider these two scenarios hello how are you girl go away jerk guy oh I'm sorry and leaves guy hello how are you girl go away jerk guy ouch seems like a rough day for you my mom warned me about Angry Birds I'm scared goodbye now who do you think had a better time no competition there when you're indifferent to the outcome you don't fret about the girl's response your focus remains on how to make the most out of every interaction one tendency among men that irks me is the propensity to lose all sense of control at the sight of an attractive woman I fail to understand why a woman should be awarded extra points merely for her looks physical attractiveness is something she didn't necessarily work for so why Place her on a Divine pedestal when you start behaving on usually jittery around an attractive woman you're bound to fumble and ruin things however if you avoid doing out extra nicity solely based on her looks an intriguing phenomenon occurs for example Envision a scenario where a man is engaging in a conversation with a stunning woman man my buddy believes it's hard to come across smart women woman why does he think so man well I share the same belief I mean beauty is pretty commonplace nowadays but most beautiful women don't quite cut it in the intelligence Department how does the woman process this she's unaccustomed to such reactions her thoughts might go like wait is he insinuating that I'm not attractive enough for him what's with the smart women are hard to find remark am I projecting myself as dimwitted and just like that she begins to see your validation since you didn't readily hand it over like the average guy would around an attractive woman now she'll strive to prove her worth to you because indirectly she's been led to believe that she might not measure up this immediately categorizes you as that different and unique guy a woman would be genuinely interested in essentially it's about understanding that no matter how strikingly beautiful a woman is with the right approach to attraction any woman can be captivated imagine you're a man who knows how to attract women you're not rushing to get married instead you choose the women you date rather than accepting whoever comes along imagine this situation you're at a restaurant and you order chicken soup the waiter says sorry we don't have chicken soup today you ask for vegetable soup instead but they don't have that either you ask what do you have then the waiter replies we only have tomato soup you settle and order the tomato soup do you see what happened there you wanted chicken soup but settle for tomato because it's what was available what you should have done was look for another restaurant that that has what you really want a lot of guys do the same thing with women they have an idea of the perfect woman they'd like to be with but when they face reality and see that their ideal woman seems unattainable they start to settle a guy who really understands attraction never settles he always goes for the best and chooses the kind of women he truly wants to date he doesn't just accept any woman he has high standards and sticks to them a man of value puts his principles above all else even the woman he's with he's not afraid to step back if his principles are being violated let's say you're having a heated discussion with your girlfriend and she threatens to leave you what do you do the average guy would immediately apologize worried that he's upset her he might even do things he doesn't want to or agree to things he actually disagrees with just to prevent her from leaving him but a high value man reacts differently the woman says I'm going to leave you his response it seems we're not really compatible anyway Charlie might be a better match for you then he calmly walks away a high value man won't compromise his principles he knows there are plenty of other options out there he's confident in his worth and is not afraid to stand alone we often Overlook the things that come too easily to us there's a significant difference in the worth we attach to things we're given effortlessly and things we strive hard to obtain the same principle applies to relationships women tend to Value men they have to put effort into understanding when you don't react like the average man would she starts to think there must be something special about you that's why it's crucial to learn how to make a woman strive for your attention don't be an open book she can read in one go one strategy involves showing interest and then quickly showing disinterest for example an average man might simply compliment her hey you're really pretty he'd then wait for her reaction and she'd probably see him as just another guy but a high value man might say something like you're pretty sure but I'm not convinced we get along you seem like too much of a goody two shoes for me can you see the difference the second statement will provoke a strong emotional reaction she will be left wondering he said I'm pretty but why doesn't he think we'd get along this guy is different I need to find out more about him so when a woman has to work for your attention she becomes incredibly curious about you because you're not afraid to challenge her a common mistake many men make is to modify their behavior or lifestyle to align with the preferences of the woman there with this usually stems from the fear of not meeting her expectations adapting to a woman's preferences can be likened to a dead fish in the Stream you have no control over where you're going and ultimately when decides to end things you're left with no control At All by reshaping your life to suit hers you're sending a message that you view her as higher value and you need to change to match that value ultimately you shouldn't alter who you are just to make a woman feel at ease the truth is simple if she doesn't appreciate certain aspects about you she doesn't deserve you if she can't accept you as you are then she's the one who needs to change you don't need to change anything to cater to her needs but if she wants to be with you she definitely needs to adapt to your reality remember a high value man isn't overly concerned with other people's opinions or judgments he shapes his own reality and follows his own course a high value man understands that there's no shortage of attractive women out there he doesn't fixate on one woman putting all his hopes in her if one woman rejects him he knows that there are plenty of other opportunities he sees the abundance not scarcity when it comes to women and there you have it the untold psychological Playbook to level up your dat game this isn't just advice it's a mindset shift as always remember to put these strategies into action because Theory without practice is futile this is the dark needle thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more realistic guides see you in the next one