well inland must be I mean the first time I reviewed it Tesla sued me and lost and then the appeal didn't lost that as well you know it was a it was affair it was a hard hitting review but it was a fairly original Tesla I think was very good that then and I still don't know they've come on we have a Tesla Model X in the new series in a lot of it's very impressive some of its a bit dodgy but a lot of it's very impressive it's a really interesting new way of looking at what a car is there's a lot of stuff in that thing for a nine-year-old and all men have a mental age of nine I mean you're sitting there you enjoy you know you're not knowing but in there you know I know we all got we're all silly and there's a lot of silly stuff in that car that appeals to the in and the linear old [Music] [Music] I think the world could become kinda better place perhaps because of electrical cars I said I have no problem with electricity as a means of propulsion [Music]