all right well thank you back to everyone who's been to the first uh couple sessions that we've had and welcome to those of you who this is your first live session um you're joining the uh collaboration and partnership uh session for the cph review session brought to you by the MBP um so my name is Ashley meller I am the manager of educational programs and just as the last few sessions and then I can see many of you are very experienced now um we will have chat open so you can interact and um the Q&A section please place your questions in there for our presenter so she can answer them at the end of her presentation um and we still are doing our raffle so once again we will be giving away another one of the APA study guides our last um our last winner was Thomas K so congrat congratulations to Thomas um and with that I would like to um introduce our speaker today Sabrina deis so Sabrina DUIs is a doctoral candidate at the fineberg school of medicine at Northwestern University she holds a master in public health from the University of Alberta Canada and is certified in public health since 2016 since then Serena has worked as a research consultant at the school of Public Health in the University of Alberta working on a team of clinical experts on Canada's largest epidemiological cohort of medical cannabis users and measuring their health outcomes for her doctorate dis her doctoral dissertation Serena is studying the association of medical cannabis with pain levels in opioids in Illinois's opioid alternative pilot program with MBP Serena has been volunteering as an exam item writer and reviewer and in 2022 she was appointed to the member of the cph partnership development task force course so with that I'm going to turn it over to Serena and Serena will um go over our presentation today hi everybody oh I love the person who's like I love Canada hi everybody so excited to join you um again my name is Serena du I'm on my last three months of my PhD at Northwestern and very soon I'll be moving over to the US very very soon this summer um with the my background in with the cph I've been with the CP nbp since 2014 it's coming up on 10 years I was one of the very first guinea pigs to write the cph exam um here in Canada so since then I've been kind of been um representing the Canadian side and trying to merge with the US side um on this exam and create and creating more public health professionals so without further Ado um let's get started so I'm going to talk for about an hour like this uh section is not that difficult but I want to make sure that you are successful and you know exactly what concepts to focus on for this exam with that being said uh feel free to an uh ask any questions you have and then we will be doing a lot of interactive activity in this session so just giving you fair warning I'm going to be asking for your participation and before we do anything Ashley you know this I always have this book with me if you are serious about writing this exam I'm not pitching this but I am it this is a really great exam review guide um one of the editors you can see Jamie a Corbin she's she actually is one of the exam item writers with me on the exam item writing committee so U we're she's very well-versed uh this really gives a great you know guide set step by step for all the different domains of the exam you know there's a lot of information so I highly uh recommend it also after every domain in the book there are some really good exam questions of course they're not multiple choice they're kind of a mix but it gets you really thinking about the main Concepts you need to know for the exam okay so today what are we doing so we're looking at collaboration and partnership and just as a review it'll be 10% of of your exam today a grant yeah you got it yep that's right okay so these are the 15 kind of subects under the domain and we will be kind of going through all of them as we go through it so without further Ado I gave you fair warning about the participation let's do it what is a partnership can somebody tell me and I've got the chat out I can see you if you want to unmute yourself if that is accessible I don't know Ashley if they're a available to immute but feel free to write out what is a partnership yep if you raise your hand you will be able I can unmute you um okay gotcha but yeah and I know there's 150 something of us so okay Amy says working collaboratively with other professionals to meet a goal okay Abby says reciprocal relationship to advance common work ASA says collaboration between two or more groups Rhonda a group of people working together to meet a common goal we're seeing a lot of good repeats here collaboration between a group relationship between organizations individuals okay so looking at that chat do you agree with those definitions would you change something would you revise something anything else that the definitions presented in the chat has not covered investment from both parties M okay mutually beneficial agreement okay you're all on yes equal power okay good anything else working with groups to fulfill goals mission and vision could be a formal legal relationship see you're all experts already I don't even have to tell you so without further Ado you need to know this if you don't know what this is have a notebook write it out so I'm GNA write read out to you what a Public Health Partnership is obviously there's many different definitions but for the exam a Public Health Partnership is a relationship in which two or more entities work together for a common purpose okay so this could be between individuals organizations systems programs different levels but the biggest thing is it's two or more entities working together for one common purpose okay so this the next part is really important see how I wrote it in red if it's in red you know it's important this is typically in a cont contract or some sort of written agreement this is really important so partnership is typically written it has a written agreement or contract Partnerships can also be internal within organizations or external by something called Outsourcing having Partnerships outside the organization clear as mud so that is what a Public Health Partnership is remember okay ready to move on so KN knowing that it's typically in a written agreement and contract what are some examples of Public Health Partnerships remember the definition written agreement or formal contract between two entities can somebody give me an example of some examples of Public Health Partnerships yes yes NATO yeah that's large but yes health information exchange that's a great one what about some smaller levels like lower levels what are some Public Health Partnerships oh Abby that's a good one data sharing between your public health department and WIC y so Leon good good memorandum of understanding is a type of agreement yes okay so everybody's getting it so Community organizations in itself is not a partnership but you could form a partnership between a community organization and another entity again Bertha advisory boards in itself is not a partnership but a partnership would be like an Advisory Board partnering with the hospital does that make sense everybody so an organization itself can't be just a partnership it you have to be able to identify both parties and it has to be a written agreement or a contract is that clear okay know that yes everybody's doing so good okay so now that you know what a partnership is there are four types that you need to know for the exam okay anybody know what the four types are any guesses we got to play some like drum music back here um any ideas of the four levels of Partnerships no right or wrong answer I just want to see where you're at okay you're getting there y yep Coalition yes yes yes you got it okay so let's it's the chat is a little bit quieter so let's it's in the textbook but that's probably cheating yeah no cheating um so let's go dive in let's let's figure it out you got it the first one is an Advisory board or committee okay so Advisory board or committee now if any of these following terms you're looking at it going oh I don't know what that is write it down right now so Advisory board can serve multiple functions oh why is this not working there you go Advisory board or committee can serve multiple functions they inform the design implementation and evaluation of public health programs and they can do all sorts of things that's the whole purpose of an Advisory Board of committee multiple functions and it depends what your advisory committee is assigned to do that is the big thing they can serve multiple functions is that I hope that's clear they can serve multiple functions okay so now that you know what an Advisory Board is they can kind of do kind of everything you know um what is a t task force any ideas do you like my pictures so if you know what a Advisory Board does what what would a task force be oh Bertha yes works on specific goals love the imagery anamarie thank you I tried Focus specific you're all see you're all experts you don't even need my help you're you're all getting it so you got it t Force action oriented so going back to advisory that's multiple functions broad task force is action oriented group spec with a specific issue or priority couple things with this task force it could be time limited it doesn't have to be but could be um and it's it's under an overseeing committee so we're looking at different levels Advisory Board could be kind of over seeing it's a little bit higher level broad right task force is specific it's niche it it's constituted by a committee or some sort of institution and Latrice you got it specific projects working together to Target a specific need Madison great everybody got it is it clear the difference between Advisory Board and task force okay we're moving on you're gonna like the next one okay somebody mentioned this before okay so you got advis board then you got a task force what the heck is this what is the Coalition then and you you got to know these terms because you're going to get something on the exam where there's a description and they're going to ask you is this a task force Coalition or is it an advisory report you're gonna you're going to ask what would a coalition then be a group of diverse organization oh Victoria you're so smart uhuh she's correct oh you're correct yep you got it okay po okay this is really important I didn't put this in red but I should have formal Alliance of organizations that's really really important that act jointly not between individuals right it's between organizations does that make sense there in this case there is very defined leadership structure um they share usually resources together and it could this again this is flexible it could be time limited or you know over a period of time and there could be different levels of Coalition so they could be operate at the community State Regional or national level but biggest thing is it's a a formal alliance of organizations I'm going to go back to the Advisory Board broad they can do anything task force Niche underneath an overseeing committee action oriented Coalition is between two organizations that have a formal alliance and remember all of these are Partnerships so they have a written agreement or contract yes okay all right moving on next one you'll love the next one I keep saying that but you're just going to get better all right what's the next one executive border committee by the way I love this show if you don't love this show you got to rewatch it executive border committee what is that now this is our last there four types is the last one any ideas I'm gonna give a few seconds for people to type okay Anam Marie what do you mean by leadership because remember we're talking about a partnership so panel of decision makers okay money okay I think that's the best answer today I love it I love it okay Rak make sure makes sure that the actions are carried out leadership of one or more organizations ownership within one organization okay how about I ask this if it's a partnership what would they do okay yeah Victoria Victoria yeah you you just know all of it hey okay so executive border committee you're all right so this one's again it's a formal group fight with each other okay so this one is a formal group it's not an alliance it's a group okay um in this case they have membership may be elected so there may be actual elections or nominations to get into this formal group and somebody said this I can't remember I think it was REO um they provide oversight they Prov they oversee kind of everything they oversee the strategy the mission values all of that and they plan for the larger entity okay Pop Quiz I love Pop quizzes what are the four types of Partnerships what's the first one advisory two what's two what's two what's two starts with the T task force three my name starts with what starts with it yes and last one exact Bo you got it um make an acronym for yourself write that out you should know the differences uh between the four okay so if there's an example and we're going to do a little another quiz coming on you should know the differences great work everybody okay now we know the four different types we know the definition of partnership now there's different levels okay and we talked about this before for for the um exact board there's local State national and Global I I don't think I need to review what these terms are but if you're sitting there going I'm not sure what that is go back to your notes and read through what the differences are so there's four four different types of Partnerships four different levels kind of it's kind of easy to remember right okay let's do some tests hey let's test what we learned y'all so I'm going to give an example but you don't it doesn't have to be exactly this but what is an example example of a coalition at a global level of partnership oh we're we're getting yeah we're getting nitty-gritty here oh simbr you got it WHL yes yep oh my goodness Jacqueline you're reading my mind yes okay so there's so many so I'm just going to give you one example you all got it there's no wrong answers in the chat there so here's just one I'm just giving one example community anti-d drug coalitions of America I think somebody said it cadca so the reason why it's a coalition is because it represents members in every US state and territory and Global level because more than 30 countries around the world yeah every every single chat message there is all correct does that make sense so you need to know the type of partnership and need to know the level okay let's do one more because we're getting spicy here okay let's do one more what is an example of a task force at a local level this is kind of fun and obviously local there's so many different types of local levels but this is just for fun what levels are there again okay so there's local State national Global those are the four okay drug enforcement task team can you be a bit more specific suicide prevention task force yes a little bit more specific uhhuh okay so Illinois somebody from Chicago I live in Chicago too Illinois's violence prevention task force so state level Illinois violence prevention task force is the task force does that make sense I hope so if it's not I want you to go back to your notes reread the definitions of the four types of Partnerships and then just make sure you know the four levels of Partnerships okay so that's our segment on Partnerships just a general what Partnerships should be we're going to move on because we don't have much time I know back to the chat and no cheating from the book what is a collaborator you're like what so this is different than partnership what's a collaborator and somebody wrote Ashley do you remember back in Kansas somebody said somebody who collaborates which is the best answer but someone who provides background info okay Kelly good job provides input or products yep yep this is all good invites meetings for projects Consultants yep yeah so these are all great examples of collaborators and I'm going to go straight to the definition here so collaborators so there's a choice here collaborators may choose to form a partnership agreement but they don't have to okay and very similar to Partnerships they work together in a Cooperative relationship but here's the kicker they don't have to be in a written agreement or contract is that clear so Partnerships for public health for the CPE exam written agreement or contract collaborator freefor all you can or you don't have to same thing could be multiple individuals groups organizations they could come together in a coalition so very similar but they're not bound about by a partnership agreement you need to know that okay because if they're on the exam if they ask you of an example between a partnership and a collaboration you got to know okay all right here's some examples because you're like and it looks very similar to Partnerships very similar I'm just giving some examples uh Community organization same thing they can collaborate with you know State hos Community leaders hospitals these are just some examples okay so Community organizations they don't need to be bound maybe it's sometimes they come and collaborate with you get your input on a project right so freefor all okay so I just asked this let's check your knowledge so what's the primary difference between collaborators versus Partnerships and everyone's like typing furiously yes you got it everybody got it yes okay not bound good I hope that makes sense because there's going to be some sort of case scenario where the case scenario will say that there there is a two organizations working together in a bound contract and you'll need to know whether it's a partnership or a collaboration okay all right you got it collaborators may not always choose to form a partnership Partnerships are written agreements good okay moving on that was collaboration we did partnership collaboration what is a community then you're like oh my gosh Serena there's so many terms what the heck is this now are you trying to trick me no I'm not what is the community and I will give you the public health definition but just in general ronak yes a group of people with similar belief Collective identity are we a community right now please tell me I'm in a community yes yes good good good good yes we are good David most definitely I like that answer okay so Community a group of people who share a sense of collective identity common values goals and institutions notice that doesn't say collaborate or working together it just says share so that's the biggest thing the share Collective values they share goals but they're it doesn't necessarily mean that they collaborate it's just a community right characteristics this could be they could share geography GE Geographic boundaries they could share you know cultural you know different different things that they share it could be anything really social boundaries we we're sharing the zoom space we're a community um so the biggest thing I want you to take away from this because you're looking at this being like okay that's so easy I already know it is it doesn't say anything about collaboration it doesn't say anything about partnership Community for the public health exam is a group of people who share values okay yes okay so now we're going to add- on so we're kind of doing like a layering thing so now if we know about Community why should we include community members when we develop Partnerships or collaborations diversity yes facilitate buyin incentive yes you all have it you know it Bo they're the ones that are directly impacted by the project or intervention y'all got it Carla yes Monica betam yes you all got it sorry that's Laura you talk in caps locks okay I I love it I love it you got it so Buy in they know what they need they are the ones that are impacted so let's talk about the power of involving community so this is from a framework and this is from the book so you should know these terms if the following terms are confusing you need to highlight and write that write them down so the reason why we involve them is because of empowerment community members can gain or expand their own power to create change right they can create the change within their own communities Community capacity these community members they share values but they can gain skills from the project they can get skills from the intervention they have access to power through their participation and then that leads to participation of essentially they're the ones that are participating in the project they're the ones that need to be involved to have Community change relevance we can't just uh if you know what the helicopter analogy is it's like the helicopter comes into a Rand Community just drops off resources and then just flies away that is what we're trying to prevent is these the intervention and project needs to be relevant to the community issue selection so again same thing the community members it's great if they can participate in identifying what the issues are because they know what they need Carla just said it they're chosen because they know how to lead that strategy and last but not least somebody said this too trust they know the root causes you know they have trust and Rapport amongst each other because they are a community so these are the six power domains of community-led Public Health actions or projects you should know these terms okay um and you should know what they mean good okay write this down because you'll need to you need to know this framework okay you need to know this plan I don't care if you have it not memorized you just need to know what it is and where it fits so it's called the mobilization plan and community health model okay so I'm not going to go through all of them but I just want you to know that whenever you see ccss you know that it's going to be under the Partnerships and collaboration section okay so essentially it's talking about why it's important to include community members in your project we're not going to go through this but I want you to go and read it at least know what it is and know which domain it is so that when you're looking at the exam you go oh yeah this Theory okay now I know which section I'm on now I know what hat to put on um yeah okay Community Development Community organization social planning social acction action and the point is again I'm going to say it one more time is it's talking about why you need to include Community okay let's just take a breather let's just do a quick check okay so at this point of the presentation everybody you should know what a partnership is the four levels four types four and four you should know what a collaborator is oh tell me again what's the difference between collaboration and partnership what's the difference you you you're going to be saying this in your sleep yes Roo's like yes okay and Community what's the difference Community is share they share values but they don't need to be in a partnership and they don't need to collaborate but they can choose to collaborate on a project okay breathe for a second here just solidify those because we're there's more there is more you ready let's go what's a stakeholder you're like what now what is this I thought we were done what's a stakeholder geeeez someone who has buyin an investor yes stake in the process shared interest so try not to sorry mitigate trying to use the same definition as Community or collaborators what is different about stakeholders yeah I keep saying investor and I love that love love that good okay we're going to go for it so stakeholders are individuals and organizations that have an interest or are directly affected by the project okay see the red red same thing it does not have to be bound by an agreement or partnership ship they can like stakeholders can be part of a but they don't have to okay interested parties yes but they're they have to have an interest or they're directly affected okay community members and stakeholders some people use it interchangeably because most likely community members have an interest and they're usually affected so they do use it interchangeably but this one it's specific have an interest or affected by your evaluation strategy intervention and its results a Community member could be a stakeholder it's an example of a stakeholder okay knowing that some I'm not going to go through these but I just want to tell you that we have them these are some questions that you may ask as a project manager when you're looking for key stakeholders okay what's the problem who are the key players who's affected why are you interested how are you interested what types of changes are you looking for so very similar to Community member but remember a Community member can be a stake sorry stake community members are examples of stakeholders but stakeholders not may not always be community members I hope that makes sense make sure you get those two down pat because you know they're two different things okay so two red red definitions that you need to know from stakeholders is Gatekeepers and opinion leaders okay so Gatekeepers they control access to Priority populations or specific aspects of a community again they're interested and they're directly impacted by the intervention that's why they're Gatekeepers and then the second thing I want you to know is opinion leaders these are at look respected community members I told you um and they represent views of a priority population okay write those down if you're not sure if you cover up the definition and I ask you what they are you should be able to know what they are okay Gatekeepers opinion leaders and they're examples of stakeholders okay y'all this is great we have a strategy to identify Partnerships and stakeholders now we know what collaborators are that's great you know you can come up with all this but it's not good if you don't have backup you always need backup some sort of theoretical backup to justify your strategy for your Partnerships and collaboration so get your pencil ready this theory is probably one of the most pivotal ones under this domain you need to know I even wrote it you need to know this framework you need to know it the ccat ccat anybody have heard of this if you haven't all good I'm showing it to you right now right here it describes the structures and processes that Encompass engagement consensus building yada yada yada among Community levels leadership membership process so it's just talking you can already see it ccat it's got community in it as soon as you see ccat you know you're under the domain of Partnerships and collaboration okay let's Zoom through these because I think you need to know this this is what it looks like okay and I don't you don't need to know this framework exactly you know how it looks like in a Prisma diagram you don't need to know that but I'm showing you what it looks like now and there's three stages so there's three stages of Coalition development under this ccat and they call it Coalition development because it's multiple organizations coming together okay so the first stage sorry I'm going to just show it to you all at once first stage is formation second stage is maintenance third stage is institutionalization now if you're not sure what these are you're like what the heck is that go to your book and or just Google CCAP and read through each of these stages chances are they're not going to ever ask you like what is the name of this Theory like that's ridiculous but they might say using a framework like this at what stage would you bring a stakeholder in and you should know things like that okay there are four membership levels and again you don't need to memorize you just need to know that this is under Partnerships and collaboration there's criteria to select your stakeholders there's selection there's diversity somebody said this and essential members okay I'm not going to go through these but just know that this is part of Partnerships and collaboration ccat four four notice there's a lot of fours in this section which should make it easier to remember okay let's move on I love this picture I have a dog does anybody else have a dog I just love dogs what are strategies for a successful collaboration and or partnership and this is from your own experience um from your work it doesn't have to be from work from school oh Pamela I love Love Dogs yes active communication like think about collaborating with your peers your manager um what would make it successful if you were starting a new job communication trust understanding yes so these are all really self-explanatory but you need to remember them for the exam transparency open-mindedness mutual respect anything else I think everybody got it okay so encouragement of Staff yes yes I love encouragement you know okay so I'm going to go through a few these are kind of the obviously there's more strategies but I'm just going to cover the primary ones okay obviously there's more but for the exam sake going to cover the primary ones and they're pretty easy okay you you you know them have a shared mutually agreed upon Vision right you you should both kind of be on the same page on what you're working towards you should be listening um yeah it you know you should be on the same page okay include multiple perspectives somebody said diversity open-mindedness okay different ways to deal with differences and conflicts uh having clearly defined expectations follow through I mean these are very clear right this is all stuff that you know and you have experienced in your own work well how to create better and improved collaboration between organizations individuals you know work peer relationships CER roles and responsibilities one thing you should know is the four levels um this is also part of that ccat inform consult involve collaborate in power you should know these oh Daniela yes clear deliverables yes you got it um one thing I just put an example here if it's a really good example of what collaboration looks like is the Western Pacific child welfare implementation Center they have a stakeholder engagement tool um very similar to what we're um proposing something that you might want to look at I think it's been updated since 2013 so um but it's the same concept clear roles and responsibilities clear deliverables like Daniela said all very self-explanatory okay everybody moving forward uh together you determine a best strategy and approach and together you review what's been done what has been working what has not been and not just making random you know random decisions but making sure all your decisions that you make together are research evidence-based or informed okay see these are these are not bad you all know them maybe one successful way to have good collaboration is to create a partnership agreement somebody said this at the beginning of the class example MOA does everybody know what that is if you're not sure look it up because that is an example of a partnership agreement by the way notice I notice there's a difference collaborative and partnership agreements collaborative it doesn't have to be a written agreement or contract but partnership agreements do need that okay um it has to have enough details yeah you got a grant um you need to be able to consult with everybody that's on that partnership agreement and making sure that you all have clear deliverables okay so this is an example it doesn't always have to be but this could be an option last one but not least you know this open and clear communication who hates colleagues that don't respond back to your emails uh yeah I'm just one of those people I I need I need you to respond back to my email you know active listening um making sure you're both listening and speaking and sending regular updates to each other again maintaining open and clear communic okay everybody taking a breather we're about 37 minutes in how y'all doing doing good so we we went through Partnerships we went through collaboration we went through community and we went through stakeholders and we went through how to identify stakeholders and different types of collaborations how is everyone doing okay so the next part is kind of like the G part because it's a lot of theory but I'm going to I've condensed it so these are a few theoretical Frameworks that you may want to just review okay the ccat is really important but these are the other ones that fall under the same domain okay I love how Sarah's the only one that said I'm good everyone's in limbo trying to absorb all this information so the first one is the collective impact framework so I'm again I'm not going to go through all of this but just know that think Collective as soon as you see that word Collective you know we're talking about Community you know you're talking about collaboration oh I know I love dogs too I love it um yeah so C right that acronym down the second one I think a lot of people know this one does everybody know patch the planned approach to Community Health Yes again still surviving David I know I know exactly how you feel yeah so just read through them they're in your book okay just read through them and they're under that same domain so just write out the acronyms and you know which domain you're on ABCD this one I think everybody knows um asset-based Community Development and essentially you're looking at the strengths and weaknesses and resources in a community and then not to reinvent the wheel you work with the community to mobilize the development and you create something called map assets you literally create like a beautiful almost like a logic model and through there um uh you build relationships you mobile iiz development and you work with your stakeholders to develop a shared vision and plan so it's just a different way um of doing it obviously when you're out in real world you're not going to be like I'm going to pick the ABCD framework for it this and obviously it's not that but you obviously still want to have backup to back up your justification for how you're rolling your plan around okay so she means the study guide yes the study guide Collective impact framework was the I yeah you got it so Monica the guide is not provided to you I'm talking about the book uh remember the nice book called the cph review guide Ashley can you hold it up yeah and so just you know I did put in the questions one of the first questions was where can I get this I did put the link to get it so if you do have a question about it that's where you can get it oh thank you yes it's so worth it yes yes so worth it so so so worth it you're lucky cuz I didn't get that book when I did the exam you have to write your own notes but now we we lay it out for you so it's nice okay the last one everybody map I think everybody knows this one as well uh this one is looking at Visions it's almost it's literally creating a like a vision map and then they have different phases and then using those phases you uh Implement sorry you initiate with the community and then you organize your project so it's just different versions of how to engage your stakeholders and potentially form partnership agreements potentially form Community potentially inform you know your stakeholders that want to be invested in the project it's just different versions of the same concept okay so let's just I like always going back and reviewing what we learned but your course is more comprehensive even though you're going fast oh love it love it okay what we learned at this point everybody there's 194 of you you should know the difference between and I want you to feel successful okay because I don't want you coming out of you're being like Oh my God I will never write this test because this ridiculous I want to make it stupid simple for you okay I want you to know what you need to know but also be successful and be you know confident going into this exam so you should know partnership I even wrote it here for you Bound by agreement collaborators community members and stakeholders and I put in brackets they have to have an interest or directly affected an example of a stakeholder is a Community member okay okay I'm just going to leave that up there for just like 10 more seconds you should know the difference okay perfect timing because I didn't want to go I don't want I never like to lecture more than an hour and 10 minutes um because your brain's like so before we do practice questions we're gonna finish off this part it's gonna take about 10 minutes we're going to do a case study together and it's going to be fun so we're going to do a case study and and I'm going to read it out slow and then we'll will break it down okay and we're going to just apply everything we learned to this point okay so in May 26 so put on your hats your exam hats in May 2016 in response to a call from Florida Surgeon General to mobilize communities around infant mortality a County Health Department examined its infant mortality rates Trends disparities and risk factor factors and then organized its first community meeting you see see these words now for the Florida Healthy Babies initiative project by the way I didn't make this up this this actually exists okay the State Department of Health required County Health departments to convene partners and set smart goals now if you're looking at smart you're like what the heck is that write it down right now yes you need to know this they set smart goals for five years of this initiative with quarterly reporting of their progress the first year and annually thereafter the health department in this case study partnered with two Public Health researchers from a nearby University to present the County's infant mortality statistics and are planning to hold an interactive discussion with Community stakeholders on possible causes and solutions so we're looking at infant mortality rates we're looking at causes of infant mortality and we're looking specifically on with the Florida Healthy Babies initiative project okay the state of State Department of Health is now planning to hold an interactive discussion with Community stakeholders on possible causes and solutions yep Grant you got it you got it so today's case study together is we're going to write down two to three on your own just get a little notebook I want you to write down two to three community members and then two to three stakeholders and two to three possible Partnerships and they have to be distinct so notice I I wrote my community and stakeholders so they have to be separate things entities so just take let's give you like three two minutes um and I do have some example uh example answers on the next page but I want us to talk about it in the chat so let's start with community members what do you think everybody community members we're looking at the Florida families mothers yes hey I love the fact that we're allowing babies a community by itself the babies themselves I love it I love that expectant mothers okay local pediatricians a new parents group caregivers of children yes hey military Nora any grandp okay so like any family member who just loves babies good okay so just write that down everybody just write those answers down because I want it to be distinct from stakeholders okay so now let's do stakeholders remember they're invested they're interested and they're directly impacted okay depart doctors yes because we're look talking about infant mortality right hospitals yep Child Care Facilities local Health Department yep so the State Department of Health be a stakeholder yep worship dimes nice military again Health departments everyone okay let's be a bit more specific Bera I do love your your your ambition there I I love it Bertha has literally the best answers today I I love you Bera I don't know you but I I we need to be friends Healthcare Personnel so at this point I just want to make sure everybody is on the same page so community members remember they don't have to be in a written partnership they have a shared Vision or goal right um stakeholders on the other hand they have to be directly invested and they have to be directly impacted by the project so this is the Florida Healthy Babies initiative project yep duas and midwives yes teachers medical examiners yes okay I think everybody's got the difference now the last thing is Partnerships and remember what is a partnership what could be some Partnerships let's I'm going to challenge you and ask you to talk about two entities forming a partnership okay Rhonda you already beat me you're too fast health department and the researchers yep Sarah you got it health department and public health researcher same thing Esther beat me to it Florida department and hospitals yes epidemiologists and hospitals hospitals and new parent groups Church churches and religious institutions okay interesting so again these are all good answers there's no right or wrong but I just want I wanted to use this case study to make sure you know the difference between the three okay so I'm going to just jump to the some some examples of answers so yeah see I told you it's real I didn't make it up some community members could be mothers with babies women who are expecting that could they could have their own little Community parents pediatricians obviously this is doesn't Encompass everything I'm just giving some examples and then some stakeholders could be Florida's healthcare workers specifically pediatricians Obstetricians dentists right Dental Health y'all yeah you know social workers teachers who work at with parent education child care and then policy makers at the state level who are interested in infant mortality statistics and then Partnerships between you know specialty health clinics and organizations that offer educational programs so is that clear everybody those three levels I just want to make sure like today that's the one thing you get out is you go home to dinner and your bestie or your kid or your whoever is at the dinner table ask you what you learned today and you can say I can tell you let me tell you the difference between collaboration and Partnerships you can say that in your sleep good okay I'm gonna stop here Ashley because it's perfect timing um and I'm gonna stop here for questions before we do some practice questions so we should be done within an hour and a half not even so that's my my go I don't like going to far yeah all right so we do have a couple questions if you have any more questions um please put them in the Q&A so that we see them um separate from the chat all right first question please clarify why Advisory Board is not a partnership in and of itself a type of partnership yeah so for pop for the exam the partnership um definition is between two entities do you remember that so it's it's a type so it is a type of partnership so between Advisory board members it could be between organizations um but it's a type of partnership I hope that makes sense yeah I think the next one is then can you explain the difference between Advisory Board I think that's the same thing okay so you for answering asking that so Advisory Board is Broad it could be anything like multiple functions it could be as small as something really Niche they could still call themselves an Advisory Board they don't have to be elected they don't have to be nominated they just call themselves an Advisory board for something um exec board is very specific it's nominated it's elected um it oversees some sort of other subsect of the organization uh it's much more I'm not I don't want to you say the word legit but it is it's it's an overseeing committee that has to have elected members okay does okay Pop Quiz what is a formal alliance of organizations we're waiting in the chat okay we got it okay good good good makes sense um are all Partnerships considered a type of collaboration no um for the exam I think the best way so that you don't get all caught up in the weeds this is where people get confused is when ever you see a case study or exam question that's talking about a written or for formal agreement right away Pamela you should be like K A partnership don't get too caught up in the weeds because once you start getting into the weeds you're going to confuse yourself and I've seen so many remember Ashley in Kansas people were like no it's they started debating like no it's a partnership no no no no it's a CL no we could be so don't fight yourself on that because you're gonna you're GNA get very frustrated focus on the question read carefully that's what I really recommend I've been on the exam writer committee for gosh Ashley it's been a long time and the biggest mistake candidates make is they didn't read they didn't read the fine print so read slowly are all Partnerships considered a type of collaboration no Partnerships are written agreements for right written agreements or contracts collaboration could be a partnership but it doesn't have to be okay uh Monica you said please repeat that which part should I repeat toana which one yeah so the last statement I made okay so whenever you read uh if you see question in the I don't know what that means but yeah so when you read when you're tackling the exam okay so I'm just talking about the examp in real life this is different obviously in real life as a public health professional people use it interchangeably right but for the exam cph whenever you see a stem that is talking about a formal agreement or contract or an Mo MOA you know they're talking about Partnerships yeah so the agreement comes in within advisory boards yeah so I'm sorry Rhonda if I did wasn't clear so there are partnership agreements or written agreements within advisory boards so for example okay I'm just going to give an example just this is a terrible example let's say we're an Advisory board for the this exists World toilet organization we just really really interested in you know hygiene in the bathroom and we're going to do a written agreement between our Advisory board on what we're going to do but it doesn't have to be an overseeing committee it can be something small so one asked to be an organization equal entity equals partnership uh Bera can you ask the question one more time one has to be what do you mean by one has to be an organization okay so I'm not quite understanding what the question is but uh so which partnership sorry I'm not sure oh okay um one of them doesn't have to be an organization for it to be a partnership remember there's four levels so it could be between you know it could be between individuals it can be between um [Music] organizations so it doesn't have to be like it partnership doesn't have to be an organization and then something else it could be within remember internal versus Outsourcing remember internal external there could be two different ones so I think we're getting in the weed so biggest thing everybody is if there's a written agreement I keep going back to this you know it's a partnership if it's a collaboration it's kind of freefor all you could have a written agreement but if it's like oh they agreed to collaborate on a project you know that it might not be bound by a contract okay just know the difference and I know we can get caught up in the weeds because you all have so much experience to bring this to this table and I get it because in real life that's not how we work we don't go hey Ashley so do you want to form a partnership or do you want to form a collaboration or do you want to form like we don't do stuff like that right it's it's just common knowledge that you know what we're talking about before the exam you need to know what the difference is I hope that makes sense and so gr yeah oh sorry I just lean a grant is considered a partnership so so make sure if you're looking at stuff like that you it needs to be able to fall under the four types of partnership so I think you need to be a bit more specific on what you're asking so is the grant is The Advisory Board applying for a grant like is a is is the exec board working together to write up a grant I'm not quite sure what you're asking but I I think you need to know the context of what the relation ship is to be able to answer that question I hope that makes sense um yeah Joanne you got it yeah exactly that's that's right that's correct um yeah between public health and School District you create a memorandum of understanding um to agree to work together perfect that's exactly what right that would be a partnership example yeah you got it so for for example members of your youth program Advisory Board could create a partnership and right yeah so Coalition Sharm mitah is a formal alliance of organizations I'm just going to go back to that slide because this all really good questions so thank you I I really appreciate it so formal alliance of organizations that act jointly okay so this one they could be at Community State Regional National LEL biggest thing it's not individuals it's organizations so sharmista is this part clear the Coalition part okay collaboration is kind of freefor all they can choose to it can be individuals or organizations doesn't matter um they can come together in a coalition if they want but they don't have to so it's freefor all Coalition is very set it's a joint align formal joint Alliance of organizations collaboration collaborators don't have to do that they it's freefor all they can um but it's usually called a Cooperative or integrative relationship I hope that makes sense um again if these terms are not clear after this session I want you to rewatch the session or um get the book because the book is great because at the end of that chapter there are so many questions that test you on the differences and you should be able to know the differences also once this is clear all the other domains the language that we use will make so much more sense especially in po um program management evaluation they all use these terms so I find like this is a great domain to start with and then everything kind of just falls through any other questions doesn't look like we have any okay all right Ashley should we get started on the questions then yeah so I do have them in poll form so as soon as you um if you just have them on the screen I'll pull up the poll so everyone can answer okay so we have about I would like to leave some time for actual just Q&A we have 12 12 questions today to go through and then um I'm just going to leave some time for you all to chat with me and make sure that you feel supported as you move on towards the exam so question one out of 12 which of the following defines a Stak folder and I want you to just read through it yourself I'm not even going to read it you read it through yourself your own head and you can use the the poll let's give them a minute Ashley one minute yeah one minute okay I'll let you leap that part yes yeah all right we're halfway about through our time one more seconds I do have one caveat for the questions moving forward which I always say in person but I always forget online so I will say it after we go through this question so okay good so everybody got it pretty much so a stakeholder an individual a group of people or an organization that can affect or be affected positively or negatively by a project okay great work okay I forgot to say the caveat so the caveat is this happens to me every time I present with the nvp which I totally get is as we move to the next questions mitigate trying to I guess critically at uh provide feedback back for how it's written because some of these are retired questions and they're not perfect okay so you know some of you may want to be like you know oh it's written wrong or it doesn't make sense try to get to the actual Crux of the question rather than trying to provide feedback on the way it's written obviously these questions are you know not perfect okay so I I'm putting that out there great work okay let's move on to the next one okay thank you Abby uh it is important to identify write stakeholders for public health projects in order to and I'm going to not read it out because I find that it's distracting actually so you can read it out we're halfway through the time sharmista thank you you're so sweet um um I did iners sessions for with Ashley I've seen Ashley before in person which is so nice and in person is so much more fun because I had to change this presentation because I get you to like run around the room it's we do like a shark tank activity it's so much fun so yeah hopefully we'll see each other in the future in person okay so some folks wrote H C or D and the answer is actually a so um and usually when people go C or D it's because they overthink they're overthinking the question so the reason why we want to identify good stakeholders is because you want to improve the quality of the project as stakeholders can give Vital Information and make sure nothing important is missed um I think people get straight away by the whole point of C secure Financial commitments but it's not always from wealthy stakeholders that for projects that may be controversial but it's not directly just from wealthy stakeholders they might want to secure Financial commitments from stakeholders that are not as well off but they're important for the project so read carefully um a lot of these are there to test you and to make sure you pick the best answer a lot of the times most of them are actually the correct answer but it's the best answer okay ready Ashley yep question three when stakeholders are satisfied they may exhibit which of the following behaviors I always like to see this one because it's interesting who picks what for this question but 15 more seconds okay all right so this one always people get kind of like up and down but you all got it it's it is actually a um demonstrate loyal to the agency because they're stakeholders they're TI to the project they yeah you got it right um people find the biggest distractor is seeking to change things in the agency uh because you know people think that you know changing things and moving things along equal progress but if they're satisfied there's no need to change things um you should be happy with the way um your stakeholder relationship is U with the organization um so that was yeah so that's a very good distractor and if you didn't get it right that's okay because it's it's meant to distract you good good job everybody change requires a lot of energy Donnie tell me about it my goodness so most people fear change Grant how'd you know and they keep coming back yeah you got it okay all right question four I think we have 12 questions so uh the model typically used to analyze and categorize stakeholders for public health agencies is based on the level of interest and on which of the following now we didn't go through specifically the ccat model but this isn't specific to the ccat but it's kind of in relation to all the ones like the CIF patch all of the ABCD all of those so you know this answer um don't overthink it all right halfway through our time okay he so this one's another one so I as we go it'll get a little bit harder and harder so the so this one is one of the ones that are is tough so the answer is the level of power um so if you look back this has to do with the model so this is something that you just need to know is they specifically say level of interest and level of power so you know it's it's a theoretical thing so you need to go back and read through the Frameworks especially the ccat Okay remember the three formation institution that that section you need to read through those because they talk a lot about power okay um that's all I can say about that one there's really not much to it it's just directly from Community engagement yeah so go back Grant to that to the ccat framework and about identifying stakeholders remember that that that um slide that I had about community-led um Public Health action slide with all empowerment relevance that that's slide yeah okay good good good okay let's move along because I don't want to take too far too much time uh question five the practice of a public health agency Contracting with external Partners to handle specific functions on a permanent basis is referred to as go through our time I know and I honestly the biggest um advice I would give all of you as you write this exam just read it once carefully okay just read it one the stem carefully once and write write notes on the side of the main terms that stick out to you that that's the biggest thing because they're meant to make you not doubt but it's a second guess you know good so this is literally a definition of Partnerships everybody it's an example of Partnerships um external Partners the word is in there um it's called Outsourcing so contracts um yeah but the biggest the question is out sing because that is a direct type of external partnership so yeah the answer is d and a is a really good distractor really good distractor okay so I just want to give you a little dash of what distractors look like okay okay let's move on because I don't again I want to make sure we're we're on a good time here question six oh you don't look back I want to see if you get it the SE cat describes progress the stages of community engagement as and usually if you this is a really good example usually you can usually knock off two and it's always the last two you're like oh my gosh which one was it lawence yeah people are responding to the poll so I'm not sure if you want you can put your answer in the chat and we'll see that there just show I just love Caitlyn's I know it was a while ago but I just love her message oh man am I overthinking or underthinking this one yep I hear you all right here we go all right so this one interesting um the answer is actually C and I'm and and thank you for not going back to the slide but this is directly the theory so it's F sorry formation maintenance and institutionalization okay um this Theory everybody you should know it I'm going to say everybody everything else you need to know about kind of the back burner but this one you need to know good good good good good Q&A just checking can we get copies of today's sorry we're not sharing the slides we've gotten that question but we do have the recordings you can watch the recordings um as many times as you like it's the same link I've sent out a couple times um it's the same link for all of them so you can rewatch this as many times as you like for as long as you like this one's a wordy one so yes it is by the way the exam has yeah thank you um the exam has been modified so that it's not wordy like this I just want to give everybody it's not a because we realized it shouldn't be a reading comprehension test especially if there's Esa like English language English at a second language Learners so it won't be wordy like this but for the sake of the of today we're gonna just make it yeah Nora don't worry it's not it's just these are old questions but sake of the exam today and the review session I'm going to use it so imagine that you're a public health professional using the map model to conduct an assessment within the community and you've reached the third phase and the four assessments so there should be an end see what I mean it's not perfect you understand that the analysis of the legislation technology and other external influences that can have an impact on the promotion and protection of the public health Public's health is called and this one it h the answer is hidden in one of those Frameworks I gave you and this is a theoretical question so I had to put it in um and it's totally okay if you don't get it because I'm literally putting you on the spot and asking you to memorize and remember framewor so take it as a grain of salt just try and see what you end up with and don't be critical of yourself today because this is all learning and the only way you know what gaps to fill in your knowledge is to make mistakes so um yeah I'm gonna give everyone but I see a lot of responses coming in so let's give it about 10 more seconds yeah I think people are still reading so let's wait this one's a wordy one so um and I I like Zoom was send you out a link every time saying thank you for attending um that that email does have the same link but the link that Grant posted just a few um messages ago is that link so if you're in here right now and you're looking for the link click on that link and that'll take you to the YouTube channel that has the um sessions and just so you know it takes me a day to get them up there so that'll it'll be up there tomorrow okay um okay Paul results are are shared and this is actually very typical the way that you're seeing like the bell curve there very typical of our exam writers so um yeah so the answer is a it's actually B forces of change assessment and C is a distractor because it says Community okay so be aware there are going to be questions that will distract you by having those terms in there um but the answer is force of change and this is directly from um back in the Frameworks where with your cat and CIF and patch um go look at those and then if the thing is if the question is asking for the matap model you need to be able to remember that model most likely on the exam I'm going to tell you right now we're not going to ask you directly questions like this okay I just want you to get an understanding of distractors and best answers okay okay let's move along okay anamarie no worries um I'll I'll read it slowly and then I'll shut up so that you can read the I'm sorry public health professionals can help avoid cross-cultural misunderstandings during partnership meetings by about 10 more seconds good okay so the answer is up and yes the answer is a uh one thing that I wanted to also let you all know is that if there's a word in the stem most likely it will not be in an item so I know that's a mistake in this question for example crosscultural and then a has cultural that won't happen in the exam but I just want to let you know that's something that we fixed so good job okay you all got it question nine cultivating which of the following partnership environments will support increase knowledge and respect for public health team members for each other I'm going to shut my talking down close it now it looks like good okay good okay collaborative and participative good good good good okay we've got few more questions okay let's go for it the map model again I told you the map and the seat um is organized around the following themes except and again this has to do with going back and you know what for the sake of this you can go back and read it if you want um but if you want to try today uh feel free to give it a shot five more [Music] seconds we're almost done so yep you got it everybody's got it so it is D good job okay so we have two more questions left and again they are theoretical and I want to just give it to you so that you know kind of what to expect um the ABCD model recognizes the following assets except by the way for the exam we won't have questions with terms like except like um ex um I think those are called exclusionary questions we won't have stuff like that but can't believe these used to be the questions on the exam back in the day so you have to through them but just for the sake of the concept try your best is what I'm trying to say because the concept is what is important okay few more seconds think folks will get these last two very well so because you don't need to as long as you know yeah you got it so as long as you know the whole concept of Partnerships and collaborations and the reason why you include community members that shouldn't be this should be not hard it should be able to deduce what the answer is yes so accept English English fluency okay last one everybody and you never have to see me again I do the patch mod um um guides users through the following phase the same kind of question except right but Caitlyn I'm telling you people you'd be surprised how many people don't get this right you'd be surprised and it's all because we they read too fast so yeah it's easy to overthink Kaitlyn very easy to overthink um story I you all right I'm G close this one now yeah okay yeah we got it okay folks this is my email um if you would like to chat over Zoom about the exam or need some guidance let me know um I'm available obviously I can't give you the exam obviously I'm Bound by a partnership I'm Bound by partnership um but I just want to make sure that you come out of this feeling refreshed and confident uh about the exam and you know you you are all going to do amazing you don't overthink it you know you're gonna you're going to do come out of it and you're all going to succeed and it the cph credential makes a huge impact it made a huge impact for me getting into school in the US as a Canadian I think there was one person from Ontario that was asking about it huge if you're thinking of getting out of Canada or anywhere else yeah okay so at this point I'm gonna ask for questions Ashley and then go from there okay so I did see a couple come in in the chat somebody did ask um let me just see there was a good question do you have any suggestion of resources otherwise than you know the study guide but to learn about this section yeah yeah so the book I I know I keep pitching the book but the book is so good because there's so much on this section and when you go into that book Jamie has literally condensed it to 20 pages and it's amazing because she just outlines the key Concepts and what I would do is I would create like a beautiful flowchart of like write Partnerships collaborations write all the Frameworks under this section and so you know that which Frameworks you encounter in the exam you know you're in that domain thank you so much we have a couple people who found out that you're also a yoga instructor I know I'm crazy yeah I'm I'm I like to live my life vicariously through physical activity okay here's here's a very off-the-cuff question how can we take your yoga or kickboxing classes oh gosh uh you know I don't know if you're online I don't do it anymore because I don't think Northwestern does it anymore but uh if you're in Baltimore next summer I probably will see you at Merit clubs that's where I'm applying so um and then there is a question about ra the raffle for this book yes I am raffling off this book you're automatically um a part of the raffle if you're here today in person I can pull the attendance and then I you're automatically enrolled in our raffle and so I do announce the winner of the last session raffle at each beginning of the session so if if you are the winner then you would be selected um and you I would announce your name as well as you would have gotten an email from me before this so um and then there's a question about how many questions are on the exam there are 200 questions on the exam you have four hours to take the exam um and so that answers that and then do we have any more questions for Serena so Pamela I know that uh the one the blink that you shared that that those are really good um that is a really good resource I will say that be careful because some people the AR made by MBP and yes got and so um they could be good because they've taken it maybe from a pract one of our practice tests so they've seen the questions however we can't say yes or no to that an question you got it that's what I was trying to say well if you have any more questions I think everyone you do have my email but if you have any direct questions for Serena um then you can email her right here on the screen and if not um the zoom link has my email so if you have any like logistical questions about taking the exam then you can email me but if you have any like subject matter T questions please email Serena and by the way a lot of the questions I'm seeing in the chat can be easily answered on the website rather than bugging Ashley because Ashley probably gets thousands of emails a day with the same questions so go to the website first it is a beautiful website it will tell you everything about the exam that you possibly need to know per domain and then come back and ask because um chances are the website will tell you they're they the website has been awesome so all right and so everyone thank you so much for attending speci special thank you to Serena for being our presenter today um we really appreciated it and we hope to see you back here on Thursday for our next session thank Victoria the domain sections are not mixed it's sorry the questions are mixed but there's about 10% of e the exam per domain I hope that makes sense but the questions are all mixed like as in it's not like 10% 10% it's not like this section is Partnerships this section it's not like that you have to figure it out yourself which is why I gave you those Frameworks and theories if you see those you know you're in that section and you know what hat to put on because your evaluation hat is different than your Partnerships and collaboration hat Monica yes the book is worth it you told me the book has the book doesn't have everything but it's a great success rate tool for the exam I hope that makes sense any other questions