Transcript for:
Essential Life Advice for Young Adults

if you're between 18 and 25 this video is for you as someone who's in this age group and interacts with it daily I've got a lot to say to our generation this is probably the toughest phase you'll go through my friend you face tons of social pressures feel lost don't know your purpose and lack experience plus we often treat ourselves harshly sure I know that you're now responsible for yourself and your actions no longer that little kid but despite all this you got to be kind to yourself today I'm dropping some advice and tips that you'll wish you heard and followed when you hit 30 I want everyone who clicked on this video to watch it till the end because the key points I want you to get are at the very end I'm not just trying to build suspense it's genuinely worth your time buddy first off don't keep yourself locked away at home home is a place of rest only I remember a time when I only left the house for Essentials like school or the hospital looking back it feels like I was punishing myself for no reason I'd spend all day in my room playing video games or scrolling through social media only taking breaks to grab a snack sometimes I'd even forget to eat I wasn't in good shape in terms of health and I was wasting time without any purpose sure I enjoyed playing video games but that pleasure was shortlived it became an addiction and I kept doing the same thing every day to get those brief hits of Happiness which left me never fully satisfied I just kept wasting time on video games and scrolling not going out and doing nothing productive and it got even worse when you lock yourself up at home you're really just wasting your days you're not making any memories not doing anything new or exciting you're stuck in the same routine and time flies by without you even realizing it every day feels the same and those years end up feeling like they passed in just a few weeks it's like you've been tricked time doesn't come back so better use it wisely going out meeting people and talking to them will make you happier you're truly living life and creating memories when you're out having fun with friends traveling or just talking with someone close you start feeling the moment staying home can make you sad and anxious especially if you overthink being alone will consume you undoubtedly when I started going out meeting friends hitting the gym or going to Boxing Club and traveling I felt so much better I've realized how important it is to be around people and talk to them so get of that account you check every 5 minutes and those games you play all day you'll see just how much better life can be secondly exercise I'm not saying you need to live at the gym and work out all day but you should definitely make exercise a top priority there are endless reasons why if I'm grateful for anything it's definitely working out to kick things off it boosts your confidence gives you a killer physique and builds the muscle strength you need you'll age more slowly so if you keep at it you'll stay young exercise helps keep stress at Bay and has tons of health benefits don't skip on cardio it's the secret source for good health and a long life run or bike regularly just 30 minutes a day gets your heart pumping and helps your body move oxygen and blood more efficiently cutting down on future health risks try a martial art like I do it builds character boosts confidence and reduces stress your early 20s are crucial they set the stage for the rest of your life will you be an athlete or a couch potato it all hinges on your early development Now's the Time to get up and start building a strong Natural Body eat well sleep enough and take care of yourself my friend I swear I want to see all my friends watching this video at their best because only someone who's been through it can really understand what you're going through thirdly get some Hobbies having a hobby is super important it's something you do in your free time always trying to get better at hobbies are crucial because they break up the routine and boredom and they help you grow mentally and physically when you see yourself improving in your hobbies it boosts your self-worth plus they give you something to look forward to and think about if you're stressed or caught up in other thoughts you can turn to your hobby as a getaway that old saying Idol hands are the Devil's Playground really Nails it if you don't have something to do or think about it's easier for negative thoughts or painful memories to creep in there are three types of hobbies ones that develop your mind ones that get your body in shape and ones that can make you money money let's start with hobbies that work your brain there are many cool hobbies that really get your brain buzzing and and are super fun to do personally I prefer playing pool because it challenges both my mind and body it's a game of precision and high hand eye coordination your eyes and hands need to work perfectly together to be accurate overall it's a fantastic game that doesn't get enough love chess on the other hand is another excellent game that exercises your brain and concentration it's all about strategic thinking problem solving and planning ahead if you want to boost your creativity try writing it's an underrated hobby I've been writing since I was 14 and I'm still at it today writing and reading have significantly sharpened my mind and helped me understand things people and the world better write down whatever you think or feel it will help you express yourself well to improve your writing skills you need a rich vocabulary so don't neglect reading it's very important dedicate 30 minutes a day to read a book you like if you keep at it you'll have read for 182.5 hours in a year a real treasure of knowledge apart from that there's something else I really enjoy cooking since I exercise regularly I had to start cooking my own meals when you cook your own food you have full control over what goes into it ensuring it's healthy and delicious sometimes I cook lunch for my mom and those are her favorite days because she gets a break from cooking and loves how I cook I recommend every guy learns how to cook because there will come a time when you'll have to live on your own and you shouldn't rely on takeout all the time now let's talk about hobbies that help you get fit I'll start with calisthenics it's a fun activity that teaches you how to control your body and builds the strength to do it calisthenics Pros look like superheroes mastering it isn't easy but it's worth the time swimming skating hiking these activities all strengthen your body and give you great Fitness finally let's discuss hobbies that can make you money besides your main job having another income source is great I'll start with content creation which is what I do on this channel you can start making your own content on YouTube or Tik Tok creating these videos is something I really enjoy especially with wonderful friends like you I put a lot of love into making these videos which is why they are well received and make me happy besides content creation there's freelancing there are websites where you can offer your skills writing editing programming graphic design and more just start and the path and ideas will become clear to you fourthly stop expecting and doing things for the outcome imagine your best friend Falls ill or gets into an accident and ends up in the hospital after hearing that you rush to see them and decide to stay by their side all night now even if you don't expect them to do the same for you you'd still expect a call to check on you if you were in a similar situation right this is how our expectations grow without us even realizing it due to various reasons and circumstances now let's say you go out for a morning walk on the weekend and to pick up a few things on your way you see a homeless man in need and decide to help him do you expect him to return the favor if you ever become homeless yourself of course not you helped him out of pure Humanity without expecting anything in return because you're not emotionally connected or involved in his problems your action was driven purely by kindness but similar help given to a friend relative or close partner plants the seeds of expectations so how can we stop expecting too much from others in life sometimes we receive the final Blow from our own expectations the higher we set them the harder and more devastating the fall if they aren't met this can harm our mental health our relationships and our overall life when our expectations aren't met we Face disappointment if that keeps happening it can turn into a fear of screwing up again down the road making us more frustrated and lowering our self-esteem and even apart from our relationships with people just concerning our work and what we do in our daily lives expectations are the biggest thieves of Joy people who focus on outcomes instead of the process enjoy experiences less because they aren't fully present but too focused on what they'll find at the end of the road this generation has come to live completely wrong today many people's actions are now motivated by by what they can gain and constrained by expectations this often leads us to feel disappointed whenever reality fails to meet our expectations I'll do this so I should get that in return or I'll put all my energy into this so I deserve this outcome or why is this person treating me badly when I treated them so well we need to understand that life doesn't always go as we expect or want listen buddy don't go out of your way to help someone because most of the time they won't return the favor if you keep raising your expectations and wait for others to treat you in a certain way you'll only end up resenting them or yourself for your wasted effort keep in mind that everyone has their own mess and personal issues and sometimes they'll do whatever it takes to feel better including not appreciating what you do for them or hurting you even if you didn't do anything in the first place therefore learn to do things just for the sake of doing them without expecting anything in return When You Reach that point anything you receive will be a gift that you'll truly appreciate making you happier free yourself from the chains of expectations and live in the present kind-hearted people do good things for others without expecting anything in return because that's who they are lastly guys I'd like you to be nice to your parents that argument you had with your parents go apologize now if one of them gets into a car accident on their way to work tomorrow your world will be turned upside down your parents might not be the smartest people around and they might not be as sharp as you think you are but they're still your parents they wiped your butt for 5 years before you could do it yourself they fed you kept you safe and made sure you weren't eaten by Wolves be kind to them those were the main things I wanted to talk about with that we have reached the end hope you like the video thanks for watching ilas out