
Aug 16, 2024

Definition of Hypertension

  • Resistance of blood pumping through the body/arteries.
  • Narrowing of arteries increases blood pressure (analogy: squeezing a water hose).

Blood Pressure Ranges

  • Normal: 120/80 or less.
  • Pre-Hypertension: 120-139 systolic / 80-89 diastolic.
  • Stage 1: 140-159 systolic / 90-99 diastolic.
  • Stage 2: >160 systolic / >100 diastolic.

Organs Affected by Hypertension

  • Silent Killer: Symptoms appear when body systems are affected.
  • Mnemonic CAKE:
    • C - Cardiovascular: Congestive heart failure.
    • A - Brain: Risk of stroke.
    • K - Kidneys: Risk of renal failure.
    • E - Eyes: Vision problems due to retina damage.

Causes of Hypertension

  • Primary/Essential Hypertension: Unknown cause, identified by risk factors.
  • Mnemonic RISK FACTORS:
    • R - Race: Black males at higher risk.
    • I - Increased sodium/alcohol intake.
    • S - Smoking/stress.
    • K - Low potassium/vitamin D levels.
    • F - Family history.
    • A - Advanced age.
    • C - Cholesterol level.
    • T - Too much caffeine.
    • O - Obesity.
    • R - Restricted activity.
    • S - Sleep apnea.
  • Secondary Hypertension: Caused by pre-existing conditions (e.g., pregnancy, Cushing syndrome, chronic renal failure, diabetes, thyroid issues).

Nursing Management

  • Patients often asymptomatic at first.
  • Common symptoms: Blurred vision, headache, chest pain.
  • Responsibilities include assessment, evaluation, and education.
    • Measure blood pressure in both arms.
    • Take family history.
    • Assess sensory changes.
    • Monitor BMI and report high readings.
    • Ensure medication compliance.

Patient Education

  • Limit sodium, alcohol, and caffeine.
  • Smoking cessation.
  • Encourage exercise and cardiovascular activities.
  • Teach home blood pressure monitoring.

Pharmacological Management

  • Initial Approach: Lifestyle changes for 1-3 months before medication.

Common Medications

  1. Thiazide Diuretics

    • Drugs: Hydrochlorothiazide.
    • Action: Remove water and sodium via kidneys.
    • Not for renal patients, monitor lithium levels.
    • Education: Potassium supplements, photosensitivity precautions.
  2. ACE Inhibitors

    • Drugs: Lisinopril.
    • Action: Prevent vasoconstriction.
    • Education: Dry cough warning, avoid potassium substitutes, risk of rebound hypertension.
  3. ARBs

    • Drugs: Losartan.
    • Action: Block aldosterone and Angiotensin receptors.
    • Similar effects to ACE inhibitors minus the cough.
  4. Calcium Channel Blockers

    • Drugs: Amlodipine, Verapamil.
    • Action: Lower heart rate, cause vasodilation.
    • Monitor for bradycardia and avoid in CHF or heart block patients.
  5. Beta Blockers

    • Drugs: Metoprolol.
    • Action: Block sympathetic system, slow heart rate.
    • Not for asthma/COPD patients.
    • Education: Monitor glucose in diabetics, caution with low heart rate, orthostatic hypotension management.