Transcript for:
Introduction to Nursing Research

hi this is still introduction to nursing research in this discussion we're talking about nursing research versus research in nursing so these two terms are actually used interchangeably by several authors but the author krista tatan has differentiated between the following terms so nursing research when i talk about nursing research they deal with a study on the process of providing care and the concomitant problems included therein whereas when i talk about research in nursing they deal with a wider study of the profession in general including the historical ethical and developmental aspects of the profession to differentiate them clearly if i will be studying about nurses that's research in nursing when i'm studying about health other than nurses that's nursing research so when i talk about research in nursing this is focus on the nurse the nursing administration and anything about nurses so for example if i would want to know about the quality of life of nurses working in a private hospital that would be research in nursing whereas if i would want to know the efficacy between treatment a treatment b treatment c in the care of a patient with diabetes mellitus that would be nursing research if i will try to find out if the quality of life of nurses is good average or poor that is research in nursing if i would want to know for example if what is the perception of the staff nurses in their new boss that is still research in nursing if i would want to know how would mothers would react if their children have the newborn screening detectable disorders that is considered to be nursing research so i hope that with a few examples you'll be able to differentiate between the two next what are the importance of nursing research there are different importance to nursing research one it would improve health practices two it would create a strategy that will bridge the gap between knowledge and practice as a researcher one of your roles is to gap between is to merge the gap is to meet the gap between knowledge and practice oftentimes we would say that what is being practiced is not actually what is being taught that's why the purpose of research is to be inclined on evidence-based practice when i talk about evidence-based practice it would mean that the things that we do okay should be anchored to research we don't do things because the old nurses have been doing it instead we do research because this is how or we do the procedure intervention because this is how research recommendations would do or say now research would also enhance the capability of nurses to make intelligent decisions involving the client's problem so let's say for example if your patient is having difficulty of breathing in coville research would tell us what are the best interventions for these patients also research would tell us that these patients or some other patients may be uh not compatible with a certain type of medication because of their increased risk for the side effect associated with that okay that's why we would have the following importance of nursing research other than that what are the goals of nursing research one efficiency and effectiveness in nursing care so when i say efficiency okay you are maximizing the resources available to us effectiveness meaning the resources or intervention that you have done is working so when i talk about efficiency in healthcare guys is that it does not mean that giving everything to your patient because remember you have limited number of resources for several patients that you will be taking care of so the role of efficiency is to make the most out of these resources not because we have the resources you'll maximize or use all of them okay that's efficiency now effectiveness when i say effectiveness the patient's condition improve after you have done your intervention or let's say will the patient's condition improve after you have done the surgery or after the doctor has done the surgery so the goal is the combination of both efficiency and effectiveness in nursing care added to that optimum care for clients so when we say optimum the maximum possible care or quality of care that your client could receive next acts as a service to society based on accurate knowledge so our role as nurses or researcher is also to educate the community we do not just stop after we have conducted our research a research which is just done for the purpose of submission or requirement is just a piece of paper next identify clinical problems it's possible causes and evaluate the nursing care outcomes so what do we mean by this for example if you are dealing with a patient you know that fever is one of the signs of coping you know that cough is one of the signs of the clovid and you know also that there are patients who might be asymptomatic now you need to try to look into statistics if one of the most common signs and symptoms experienced by this patient that way it will be able to help us identify the clinical problems and its possible causes okay then evaluate nursing care outcomes so what do you mean by this again for example if you're using okay let's say for example you're using the fish skin to deal with the computer's ulcer or to deal with a burn patient okay how would i know that the fish skin which is being used by the physician or dermatologist would be effective in the treatment of this patient that will be research next describe explain predict and control the phenomena okay so research is capable of description viewer research is capable of describing a phenomenon for example i would want to know the level of knowledge of staff nurses in covid19 okay the descriptive or actual research should be able to do that now when i talk about explain it will try to explain why is um number two okay why is question number two i would have a lot of wrong responses so how would the researcher analyze this okay um next predict and control predict and control could be best done using your regression analysis but there are other designs in research also that could be used for this so what do we mean by predicament control for example your patient is a 65 year old male who had cardiac arrest now your patient is in need for surgeon okay so for example your patient would need a shunting surgeon okay now once the doctor will be talking to these patients you would oftentimes hear oh you are only a 10 risk of mortality ah you're a 30 risk for mortality these numbers are actually based in research okay so we have the odds ratio we have the confidence interval then we also have your regression analysis so they will be able to say if by how many percentage you will be at risk okay for mortality when you have a certain procedure that you'll be going through and then of course to implement nursing care services okay so when i talk about nursing care should be inclined on evidence-based practice now what are the possible roles of a nurse in a researcher okay as a research i mean so tan in 2011 would expound on the following possible roles of nurses in research so there are a lot of roles where in we can embark on one principal investigator when i say principal investigator it's like you're the lead agent okay all of the research will be supervised the entire project will be supervised by you you are the principal investigator okay who can be a person or a principal investigator can anybody be just a principal investigator so that's not the case guys for you to qualify as a principal investigator you should be able of course to have done research okay you should be able to have done research and then this research should have been under a supervision also of an expert in research uh when i say principal investigator a student or even a fresh graduate from the bsn program is not yet entitled to be a principal investigator because as a principal investigator you should have advanced master's degree okay you should have advanced degrees compared to the graduates okay so you have your postgraduate degree an example of which is your master's degree so that's a principle investigator you oversee the entire project next member of a research team when i say member it could be that you're the runner okay um it could be that you will be doing parts in the research let's say for example you'll be contributing one chapter gary will be contributing a review of related literature okay you could be a member of a research team next evaluator of research findings so as nurses we could see it as panel members in different kinds of research and perhaps the question that comes into our mind is that is this research usable is this research necessary to us will this research have a significance to us okay so we evaluate we do not just get to use research without looking into the methodology because there might be erroneous studies being published so you don't just pick up a piece of paper read it and apply it okay another consideration that you can have is the culture where it came from so for example you might have seen studies in the us that says medication x is effective and so we don't just believe it instead we need to see other literatures next we are also consumers of research findings so when we say consumers we use the finding we should use the finding after we have evaluated it so we are using the findings of this research to promote care to our patient if we know from research for example that i need to turn my patient every two hours to prevent bedsore i should be able to do it because i am a consumer of research if i have seen for example that in this time of pandemic in this time of govid19 my students are not coping properly then i should devise ways to engage the coping mechanism of the students okay so consumers of research next client advocates in a research study if i am a nurse let's say for example i am the nurse in the world i am not supposed to want to convince my patient to participate in a clinical trial okay or to participate in answering the questions okay as a researcher and as a nurse for example person you your patient would have autonomy but there are times that your patient is having loss of consciousness assembling as a patient is could not able to decide for him or her own so as a nurse assigned to this patient we need to make sure that the patient understands the patient should have understand okay before you would push or before you would even convince that patient to participate so legally you are not supposed the one to convince them because your role is to protect them and to speak in their behalf okay that's our role in autonomy next subjects of research we are nurses we are we can be subjects in research in nursing so for example in your case of student nurses i might want to do a study as to what are the factors associated with your mental health or maybe what are the factors associated with your screen time in the internet you are subjects of research or for example when i'm talking about the staff nurses the staff nurses could encounter a study that would that would say for example what is your quality of life right now what do you think is the organizational climate so the hr may be doing this type of research so you need to understand that from time to time you are also a subject of research you are the respondent you are the participant next what are the responsibilities of a beginning nurse researcher by the time you graduate you are not a nurse researcher expert but you are a beginning nurse researcher so what are your responsibilities engage in nursing or health related research oftentimes you will hear people talk and talk about a certain problem and talk about the problem as i would always mention we do not just focus on the problem but we should be geared towards finding solution to this problem we identify the problem we describe the problem in such a way that we will know how to solve the problem okay so engage in nursing or health related research if you want to improve something do research okay you might be thinking oh will the improvement be immediate of course it's not an immediate improvement but at least you have done something next evaluate a research study for report as i have mentioned earlier and then apply the research process on improving patient care okay so again the overall goal is improve patient care improve patient experience okay and maximize all of this through the available resources so these are the competencies or responsibilities i mean of a beginning nurse researcher so what's a research problem the first problem that you will have right now is that you don't have a problem yet do you need to look for a problem other than the fact that it is required in this subject you should be able to look for a problem so that will be able to offer a solution to this problem so the research problem students would always say my problem is that i don't have a problem and this is the time wherein we would want problems because we would solve them okay the research problem when i talk about the research problem dear students in research a problem statement is an expression of dilemma in other words it's not settled it's still disputed okay for example i would say what are the effective sleeping habits or what are the sleeping habits of student nurses because oftentimes they would say they're very stressed or unable to sleep well they think there's a lot of things to do but then here comes me as a teacher who might be very interested to teach the student to give them requirements in order to measure okay if they are indeed learning or not so there is a dilemma what could be better for the students is it really helping them okay so it's a researchable problem second for example i am very worried if what is the possible treatment for kovid19 well the um will the antiviral help do i need to prone my patient do i need to place my patient in mechanical ventilator okay and the light so whenever there is a struggle as to what is the real situation or what is the ideal situation that could be a subject for research next a disturbing situation that needs investigation an example would be let's point at let's say for example you are uh near your household and then they are producing a lot of noise a very loud sound etc okay is it a disturbing situation if you are studying or perhaps if you are listening to our class that would be disturbing so is there a possible research there yeah you could find out if what are the factors associated with the sound practices or what are the factors associated with the being loud of your neighborhood because there is a disturbing situation not all disturbing situation could be subject to research but they could be possible sources of research so what are the characteristics of a good research problem there are a lot of problems so how would i know if this problem is indeed researchable or not one you should be interested and qualified it's not advisable for you to conduct a research in which you are not interested for example if your area of interest is in nursing i would suggest that you need to conduct studies also related to nursing i'm not expecting you to conduct studies about developing a certain machine which is what engineers would do i am not also encouraging you to conduct studies about fisheries okay or about topics which you are not interested of unless you could collect it in health because if you're not interested on a certain topic the tendency is that you'll be falling out of research you'll you'll end up to hate research next you should be qualified so when i talk about qualification a primary investigator could be someone who has already completed their master's degree in your case you are under a supervision of a teacher who was able to complete a master's degree that's why we are qualified to teach your research i've also conducted the research for example and that's why we are also qualified to teach your research second it should be important so when i say important it is not something that you just want to do just for the purpose of doing it okay it needs to be important there needs to be a reason why do i need to conduct this research okay that but my dahilan that part my basis style as to why we need to conduct this research others would say the social value of research in other words there should be a significance to the population and when i talk about significance this does not mean statistical significance this does not mean that your result should say there is a significant difference or there is a significant relationship okay that's different so statistical significance and clinical significance are two different things although they are related with one another next it should be feasible as i would give as an example it's not possible for me to study the lived experience of a person who have been through a black hole because i have not met somebody who has been through a black hole okay so it's not visible next it should be observable when i say observable there should be empiric evidence okay there should be it could be seen by your five senses it could be analyzed with the aid of your five senses it's not possible for us to measure a certain phenomenon a certain data or a certain event if we could not gather data from it okay so when i say observable it should be uh it should be seen could be felt could be touch okay it could be a smell so those are the criteria for it to be observable clearly defined an example would be mental health of student nurses in university x what do you mean by mental health will it include depression is it level of anxiety is it the incidence for suicide because when i talk about mental health there's a lot of topics sub topics included that one major construct your mental health um another example could be effectiveness of intervention x in the management of condition a how will you measure effectiveness how will you measure uh the efficacy of a certain intervention so you need to be more specific when you are defining this problem okay that will help the reader understand where you are coming from that will also help you later on to set the appropriate design for your research so these are the characteristics of a good research problem and the list goes on okay the list goes on next what are the ways of stating the problem a question let's say for example what is the social quality of life of a child with epilepsy declarative sentence we study aims to determine the cognitive quality of life of a child with epilepsy or it could also be the combination of both okay so these are the different ways of stating your research problem what are the possible sources of your research problem there's a lot one issues hey look around you listen to the radio television there are a lot of issues an example why are nurses dying in the field why are nurses dying in the hospital setting so for example you might be able to conduct a study okay we call it time and motion studies wherein you sit there and then you look at the nurses observe what they are doing identify what could be improved in their practices those are issues for example politics is coming what are the factors associated with the trust of people to a specific politician okay that is still research or how do you think would health agenda or health platforms impact the choice of people when it comes to politicians especially in this time of pandemic is the health agenda or the health platform of this politician very significant if they will be voted or not there are a lot of issues next external sources it could be a person from another school it could be a journal it could be okay other references that could tell us aha there is a problem in this aspect third it could be your experience for example you've been in the hospital and then you notice that you've been waiting a lot okay let's say for example you have waited for two hours and then the physician might not have been able to see you or the nurse is too busy to entertain you the question that comes into your mind is that what's happening why am i not accommodated why am i not entertained here okay that's your personal experience and maybe you can conduct a research what is the reason for the delayed turnaround time of this uh hospital is it the bulk of the patient is it related to the change in the ovid 19 protocols is it related to human factors research could be done to that literature let's say a literature would say nurses would have poor quality of life once they had go vid19 and let's say for example this study was conducted in country x and then you came to ask yourself is this true among filipino nurses working in the philippines what would you do you could conduct a research on the basis of that theory or let's say for example during literature review you have seen study a study a says drug a is effective here comes study b study b says drug a is not effective there is conflict of literature and that's possible so as a nurse as a researcher you could do a research to confirm which one is which and then you have your theory example we have your florence nightingales theory we might check on your the florence nightingale and then say what is the possible or what is the what do you think is the most important factor in this time of pandemic is it the lighting is it the ventilation is it the comfort of your patient or is it the food that they eat okay what do you think is the most important there are a lot of nursing theories that we could embark on so another characteristic of a good research problem is that or a good problem statement is that it's clear it's uh it's not ambiguous and then the study variables are identified so usually we would say level of stress and intent to stay among staff nurses in a government hospital in iloilo so you have level of stress that's variable intent to stay that's valuable it's clear in the study it clearly expresses the relationship between each other so later on we will see while we are stating the objectives of the study okay uh that's after the statement of the problem we'll be able to say aha okay so this is how the study would want to do a relational study a comparative study so these are the factors that we need to look into other than that it should specify the nature of the population being studied for example we would say level of stress and intent to stay among staff nurses in a hospital who is the population being studied the staff nurses okay also it implies the possibility for empirical testing so a good research statement would say this study aims to find out okay what is the problem okay or how would we quantify the level of stress so it would want empirical testing it would want testing that would be able to observe the problem at hand so those are some of the characteristics of your problem statement so when i talk about the title should be clear specific eh could it just say again mental health of student nurses what's with mental health then include variables relationship target population and setting so we usually say level of anxiety and stress among student nurses in a private college of nursing in iloilo that means that we are conducting a study among student nurses from this institution should have a maximum also of 20 substantive words with function words not included in counting so when you're counting your title 20 is just an arbitrary guideline okay because if you would look at it if you are unable to capture it in 20 words your participant or i mean your reader will not be able to capture the message of your research oftentimes the readers of research would look into the title okay either when they do not understand the title it's very lengthy their tendency is that not to proceed to further readings about your research that's why you have the arbitrary guideline of 30. okay you have the arbitrary guideline of having 20 i mean 20 words for this research okay so your title needs to be specific let's say for example academic performance let's say for example study habits and academic performance of student nurses in a private university in illinois but before you embark on student nurse study my question to you would be what will be the relevance of that what will be the significance of that or in our case would usually say so what so what if you'll find out that there is a significant relationship so what if there is no significant relationship what would we do that is how we find out for a good research problem the types of research for the purpose of giving you a background will be discussed in the next uh recorded lecture so there are different types of research this is the research design is usually discussed at the middle part of research but uh i'm having it here for you so that you'll have more ideas on what are the problems that you can embark on thank you very much for your attention in this lecture