Navigating Feudal Succession Strategies

Aug 17, 2024

Notes on Succession and Feudal Gerrymandering

Key Concepts

  • Succession Fracture: Common occurrence where land is divided among heirs, leading to fragmentation.
  • Feudal Gerrymandering: A strategy to avoid succession issues by manipulating succession laws.

Types of Succession

  1. Primogeniture

    • Innovation allowing all titles to pass to a single heir.
    • Not commonly available in many games.
  2. Partition Succession

    • Heirs receive equal inheritances.
    • Leads to issues when there aren’t enough high-level titles (duchies, counties) to distribute.

Risks of Partition Succession

  • Loss of counties can weaken the realm’s income and military strength.
  • Increased likelihood of civil wars after succession.

Strategies to Handle Partition Succession

  • Disinheritance

    • Spend prestige and renown to disinherit unwanted heirs.
    • Quick solution but not optimal, especially with many heirs.
  • Early Inheritance

    • Grant early duchies to heirs to prevent them from taking important titles later.
    • Useful for tribal or clan nations.
    • Effective when expanding quickly.
    • Challenging with many children or large title inheritances.
  • Elective Succession Laws

    • Use of elective laws to rig elections in favor of a chosen heir.
    • Requires managing vassals to ensure they cannot out-vote you.
    • Voting Power: Based on rank (Emperors, Kings, Dukes, Counts) and influence.
    • Ensure control of duchies to win elections.

Example of Elective Succession

  • Maintain a small enough number of vassals to control elections.
  • If you own the entire duchy, there are no other electors.
  • Even in ties, ruler's preference breaks the tie in favor.

Managing Vassal Titles

  • Feudal Vassals: Titles inherited by their heirs.
  • Theocratic or Republic Vassals: Do not pass their titles; this prevents unintended power accumulation.
    • Creating Theocratic Vassals: Possible through specific gameplay strategies.
    • Creating Republic Vassals: Easier if you have a city.

Cautions with Different Electives

  • Be careful with Scandinavian Electives where voting is based on domain development and opinion; this complicates control.


  • With clever use of feudal elective laws, it’s possible to ensure that the primary heir receives all titles, effectively sidestepping the challenges of partition and multiple heirs.
  • Proper understanding and management of succession laws can keep realms intact.