Beginner's Guide to Python Programming

Sep 20, 2024

Python Programming Tutorial by Mosh Hamadani


  • Learn Python from scratch
  • Ideal for beginners in data science, machine learning, and web development
  • Python: multi-purpose, popular in machine learning (ML), web development, and automation

Applications of Python

  • Machine learning and AI
  • Web development using frameworks like Django
    • Sites powered by Django include YouTube, Instagram, Spotify, Dropbox, Pinterest
  • Automation of repetitive tasks to increase productivity

Getting Started

  1. Download Python:
    • Go to, download latest version
    • Check 'Add Python to PATH' if on Windows
  2. Install a Code Editor:
    • PyCharm is recommended
    • Community edition is free
    • Setup and create a new Python project

Writing Your First Python Program

  • Create a Python file in your project
  • Write a simple "Hello World" program using the print() function
  • Strings in Python: sequence of characters, can be in single or double quotes


  • Used to store data temporarily in memory
  • Declaration: variable_name = value
  • Examples: age = 20, price = 19.95, is_online = True
  • Python is case-sensitive

User Input and Data Types

  • Use input() to receive user input
  • Convert inputs using functions:
    • int(), float(), str(), bool()
  • Example: Calculate age from birth year

Working with Strings

  • Strings are objects in Python with methods
  • Methods include: upper(), lower(), find(), replace()
  • Strings are immutable

Arithmetic Operators

  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
  • Modulus % returns remainder
  • Exponentiation using **
  • Use augmented assignment (e.g., x += 3)

Comparison Operators

  • Greater than >, less than <, equal to ==, not equal to !=
  • Produce boolean values, used in conditions

Logical Operators

  • and, or, not
  • Combine multiple conditions in expressions

If Statements

  • Make decisions in programs
  • Syntax: if, elif, else
  • Indentation represents a block of code

Loops in Python

While Loops

  • Repeat a block of code
  • Use with a condition, increment variables to prevent infinite loops

For Loops

  • Iterate over sequences (lists, strings, etc.)
  • for item in sequence:

Range Function

  • Generate sequences of numbers
  • range(start, stop, step)


  • Used to store a sequence of objects
  • Mutable: can change elements
  • Methods include: append(), insert(), remove(), clear()
  • Use indexes to access elements


  • Like lists but immutable
  • Defined with parentheses ()
  • Limited methods: count(), index()
  • Use when you want to ensure data cannot be changed

Conclusion and Resources

  • Additional courses available at
  • Explore more advanced topics in Python
  • Online Python course with a money-back guarantee and certification