okay this is the situation today in my in my view in the world today we have endured your upside down backwards nonsense world for a very long time uh and I think that the majority of people in the world feel that it's well past time for some new terms to be set firstly uh something very easy and very obvious well it's easy and obvious for us it's easy and obvious to us it's obvious to everyone else in the world and easy for everyone else in the world but it will be very hard and maybe shocking for you which is that we will no longer deal with you according to what you tell us about yourselves the west but according to what you do to us that's how we'll identify what western values actually are not by what you say but by what you show and that's retroactive in other words we're going to uh factor into our evaluation everything that you have always shown us about what you believe in through your actions through your Deeds through your policies not through your words and speeches and documents so of course this this should trigger uh an identity crisis for you because you built a world in which uh only your words were supposed to be the uh the the the primary thing or the exclusive thing that anyone ever used to understand your values and you always had beautiful words there's no question about that you always had beautiful words but your words and your Deeds Were Strangers to one another and we in the Muslim world and in the global South are painfully well acquainted with your deeds and your Deeds have had considerably greater uh impact on our lives uh than your words ever did so we will use your actions as the true reflection of your belief system That's How we'll know what western values really are and I think that's fair and most people in the world uh genuinely do believe In fairness which is probably why you always talk about fairness so much any equality and so on because you recognize that fairness is a basic value that most people have fairness isn't a western value however it's just one of those things that you say in speeches but it is a value That Matters to the rest of the planet to most people on the planet so to be fair we have to look at your Deeds we have to look at your policies throughout history and today to assign the correct determination about what kind of people you are and therefore uh once we understand what kind of people you are then we can deter DET how you should be dealt with and as I said looking at your actions let us know that fairness is not a western value that's how I determine and how anyone would determine that it's not a western value because of looking at your Deeds Now understand this process what I'm talking about this isn't about trying to change you trying to change the west or trying to make you better frankly no one expects you to do that no one expects you to agree with the opinion uh that your victims have of you this is about us this is about the Muslim world and about the global South it's about ourselves coming to terms with the reality of what you are how you are and who you are in reality so that we can stop dealing with you as if you actually are uh what how and who you constantly say you are because again if you if if you were actually your words and your words were you then there wouldn't be a problem in the world but the problem is that your words uh catfish everyone everyone in the world until we meet your actions face to face and then we realize that we've been talking to someone that doesn't exist now this is for our own Clarity Coming to Terms uh with the reality that your words are like a glammer filter that you apply to camouflage the Hideous reality of your actions see this matters it matters uh that we can properly uh Define what your real values are because otherwise uh frankly we're left in a situation where we have to uh perpetually conclude that you're just extraordinarily in at actualizing the values that you articulate in other words we have to continue uh believing that all the vile corruption and unfairness the exploitation the sabotage the cheating the violence the subjugation and so on uh that all of these uh negative things have always been uh somehow catastrophic accidents something you never meant to happen you know a repeated constant NeverEnding series of wonderfully virtuous magnanimous plans always gone horribly arai again and again and again that essentially you are uh guilty of incessant malpractice but not malice malpractice in the application of your values not maliciousness that you know you really uh you really actually do mean what you talk about when you talk about fairness and equality for example you talk about free markets and fair trade and all of that respect for sovereignty you know uh we have to believe that you have a sincere desire to promote development around the world for example but just accidentally you know through no fault of your own uh somehow uh you happen to have overseen the creation of an international order that criminally dispossesses and impoverishes the most resourcer countries in the world that's by accident and accidentally all the wealth that should rightfully be in the accounts of the global South just inexplicably ended up in the accounts of Europe and America for reasons that continued to baffle and perplex you because it's against your belief system yet somehow it ended up like this so either you're just uh incredibly bad at actualizing your great and wonderful values or you're actually really great at actualizing your extremely bad values these are the only two options but frankly no one can uh seriously entertain uh the plausibility uh of you being so accident prone for so long uh and that uh somehow all of your accidents uh miraculously have resulted in your unparalleled economic benefit so any intelligent person uh would have to exclude the option uh of any of this being inadvertent or accidental which leaves us only with the option of malice you have malicious values you have predatory values an objective evaluation of History can't conclude anything else about the West an EV valuation of the history of your Deeds your actions so this leads uh for us to reset our relationship with you when we recognize and acknowledge that you actually do deliberately operate in the world according to malicious predatory values and deliberate criminality criminality according to our values the values of genuine fairness and Justice and decency because we really believe in these principles and when we uh when we apply an evaluation of you according to our values where you're Menace so for example uh the way you operated in Africa for example not only in Africa but just as an example the way you operated in Africa uh the system has been that you pay us a wage to extract our wealth from the earth our natural resources our minerals our gold our diamonds and so on you pay us a wage to extract all of that for you to hand it over to you and we're supposed to be grateful to you for giving us jobs you gave us the job of digging up our buried treasures and giving them to you that's our job okay this is obviously grotesque and as I said we can't uh reasonably believe that this disgraceful unfairness has come about by accident no it's come about by vicious contempt on your part so obviously this can't be allowed to continue we have to see all of these types of agreements uh as what they truly are not as well-intentioned deals that unfortunately and unpredictably somehow uh ended up disadvantaging us and dispossessing us no they're are very calculated uh deliberate plunder and subjugation so this needs to be reversed in other words the deal has to be flipped the term should be uh you can extract our resources for wage and those resources will remain in our lands to be refined and processed and used in manufacturing in our lands for our companies and we will uh sell the products that we make from our resources to you not the current situation where uh we take out our resources from the earth give them to you for you to process for you to refine and for you to use in manufacturing to make products by by your companies that then you sell to us now this is backwards that makes no sense I mean it makes sense to you it makes sense for you obviously because you have no respect for the values of fairness and sovereignty as I said by your actions we see what you really believe in and what you don't really believe in you believe in unfairness but your values can no longer be used to guide any agreements or deals that we make any any deals or agreements between the west and the global South has to be according to the the values of the global South and this should apply to our human resources as well because you do the same thing uh with our labor as you do with our natural resources you extract our Labor uh for your companies for your products and for your profits and all we get is the wage and the privilege uh of not even being able to afford at that wage to buy the products that we make for you so no that has to stop our labor for our companies our products our goods and services and you can purchase that from us oh we're commandeering your great reset we're going to reset your reset because your great reset was just a Revival of colonization and slavery and that's not going to work anymore and okay if that means that our minerals must stay in the ground uh and if it means that our labor has to slow down uh until we reach a higher level of manufacturing capacity so be it you have to decide whether your uh batteries whether your electric cars and your mobile phones and your plasma televisions and all of that you have to decide if that's more important to you having those things having that technology if that's more important to you or your domination over us is more important to you because the only way uh that you're going to get that technology is if you abandon domination because we can drop tools indefinitely we can stop digging we can stop drilling we can stop mining we can stop extraction until we have our own refining we have our own processing and we have our own manufacturing capacity that's not a problem we can do that now if you can't wait uh we're saying you can invest but in our companies invest in our development invest in our industry to get our capacity up to speed and then we'll provide you with the technology and if one of your companies wants to work on extraction of our minerals and resources that's fine too but you're going to do it for wage not for a share of the minerals we'll pay you for your labor we'll pay you for your services the same way that you're paying us a wage for our services now I mean when you hire someone to dig a well you know for water you pay him for his work you pay him to dig the well he doesn't get to take the water in perpetuity if you hire someone uh who owns a moving truck to move your furniture from one house to another okay you hire him because he happens to own the truck so he has the uh the tools he has the equipment that you don't have and you need him to do that so you pay him for the service but he doesn't get to keep your furniture so no uh we're not saying that we won't do business with you but our transactions have to be fair and proportional so like for example if you want to drill oil okay drill it extract it and we'll pay you for the service but you don't get a share of the oil you still have to buy that be reasonable and if that's unacceptable for you uh then you'll just have to wait until we have the capacity to drill it ourselves to extract it ourselves without you you just have to wait see you made us already accustomed to minimum subsistence so we can cope with it because coping with that uh only really means uh our ability to cope with you not being able to maintain your lifestyle our lifestyle will stay the same because of the way you've treated us we're used to this so we can weather an economic slowdown you can't it's only a Slowdown for you not for us for us it'll be exactly the same cuz we're not getting anything uh from the from from your extraction in the first place so if we stop extracting you're the only one who's going to lose and while we're at it you know how you uh westerners you always whail and winge about immigrants about foreigners coming into your countries and now that it's a big thing in the election campaign the the presidential campaign uh complaining about foreigners coming into your countries and some of them committing crimes inside your borders so now you want to crack down on immigration legal and illegal immigration okay I understand that we feel the same way and there are no foreigners who come into our countries and commit crimes crimes on a vastly larger scale than you your armies your military bases your multinational corporations your Banks and we're tired of this invasion of aliens into borders disrupting our societies stealing cheating vandalizing corrupting uh and raping and pillaging our resources we're tired of that too we know how you feel times 10 so I think we need uh our own border walls regulatory walls walls of policy that restrict your ability to infiltrate our borders and you know whoever's in our countries now uh whoever is in our countries now and stealing and exploiting and abusing our people and our resources whatever company and whatever military and whatever intelligence agency that may be they need to be deported yes you took our wealth and then you don't want our people to come anywhere near where you took it the place you took it to you don't want the people to be reunited with their things that's why you hate immigration from the global South you don't want the people to be reunited with the wealth that you stole from them and we know who you mean when you rant about immigration you don't mean uh some flood of intra Western immigration you don't mean white immigration or european immigration you mean people from the countries that you robbed you don't want your victims anywhere near you well okay we don't want our victimizers anywhere near us so you need to go back to your countries and the first ones the first illegal aliens that need to be repatriated back to where they came from are the zionists oh yes you talk about illegal immigrants coming into your country and committing crimes meanwhile uh you have been funding and facilitating the mass migration of illegal immigrants into our land festine and literally arming and training and colluding with them in their crimes their war crimes their crimes against humanity for decades we're not talking about Street crime we're not talking about shoplifting and then the rest of your criminal aliens in our lands have to go unless of course they learn to assimilate with our values they need to assimilate with our values with our culture with our laws with our customs and with our morals if you want to be in our lands then you have to assimilate does that sound familiar and you have to contribute to our countries does that sound familiar not parasitically leech off of us to enrich your home countries which is what you do oh we are resetting the terms of our relationship with you and it's about time all of the elements of your economies that Rely Upon Our subjugation upon our our exploitation and Upon Our deindustrialization and upon violation of our sovereignty Corruption of our political systems debt slavery and on and on and on all of the elements of your economy that depend on that evil uh where you're going to have to figure out some other way to survive and that's a you problem and of course we all know perfectly well because again we have identified the reality that your values are malicious we have recognized and acknowledged and accepted the reality that your values are actually malicious so we all know uh that your go-to survival method will be violence and brutal Conquest I mean I can already hear you talking to yourselves along these lines how dare they think that they can dictate to us deprive us disrupt our uh colonization enabled Lifestyles we'll take it by force if we have to that's how you feel I know that's how you feel I know that would be your knee-jerk reaction so you really should just admit to yourselves that you are predatory tyrants and drop the pretense of having Humane enlightened values you and I both know that you don't believe in anything but theft and violence and savagery why you kill just for Comfort not even for survival you kill just to avoid inconvenience and discomfort you're willing to shed uh the blood of others just for your convenience to to preserve your convenience and easy lifestyle that's who you are that's what you are so let's just put it all out in the open you're Pirates and Marauders and you always have been let's just be open about this with each other and this knowing this collectively knowing this in the global South about you is itself a preemptive defense it's a preemptive defense strategy against Conquest because one of the main methods that you've always used of course is divide and conquer pitting one group of us against the other so when we know and we understand and we incorporate this knowledge into our own policies and our own approaches uh then we can instantly recognize uh that when any of these types of divisive movements when any of these uh typ of Divisions emerge we know that you're the ones behind it you know you Insight Africans against Arabs you Insight sunnis against Shia tribes against tribes regions against regions people against rulers uh and everybody against your Rivals like against China and against Russia and so on we know what you're doing so we are uh opposing that preemptively working to build unity and solidarity in the global South like in the uh sah Confederation like with pan-africanism pan-islamic solidarity Global Pro Palestinian Unity reproach man between Iran and Saudi Arabia bricks inshallah either a reform of ecoas or abandonment of ecoas if it can't be decontaminated from Western influence you know strengthening asan the OIC and the article 6 campaign to expel the United States from the United Nations so that that instrument of global consensus can actually uh operate properly inshallah these are all preemptive steps to cut you off in your inevitable attempts to divide us against one another because we all know you know and we know that that's what you're going to do and that's what you're doing now and all of this reflects the collective recognition of the Muslim world and the global South that you in the west you are your deeds and not your words and that your Deeds reveal a set of pernicious malicious and cannibalistic values that pose nothing but a threat to humanity so we all have to act together to contain that threat and to disarm that threat once and for all I mean we'll be reasonable let's be reasonable if you want to have a military base for example if you want to have a military base in one of our countries well okay you have to accept a military base of ours in your country if you want to uh police Security in Africa or the Middle East or Asia okay let's make it reciprocal and we'll send our security forces to Chicago we'll send our security forces to San Francisco to Detroit and to New York do you see how ludicrous that sounds when someone suggests doing to you what you do to everyone else every day I mean do you want to have the New York City subway patrolled by armed uh senales forces to protect your civilians against your uh armed mass shooting terrorists that you have over there well fair is fair should be like this I mean the truth is your cities are more dangerous than ours but you have your troops all over our part of the world how does that make any sense even though it's none of your business our security is none of your business just like your security is none of our business but let's play it the way that you play it you know you occupied land inside of Syria the size of West Virginia so what if we sent some of our uh military forces over to your country to occupy say New Mexico New Mexico is one of the most violent states in America so we'll send our troops over there occupy New Mexico and restore order for you how does that sound is that that's unreasonable I mean let's make these security agreements reciprocal because let's face it uh your Society is far more unstable than any of ours it's more violent it's more dangerous it's more explosive and more implosive than any of our countries I mean the only reason our countries are even dangerous at all is because you're in them so either you let us come over there if you're going to come over here or else we just decide to leave each other alone I said enough of this nonsense already the whole world is waking up and our vision is clearer than it has ever been before about you and no one is accepting your terms anymore no one's accepting your conditions no one's accepting your promises and your assurances no one is accepting your words anymore from now on we judge you by your actions past and present and if you want to change if you want to civilize that's up to you but you're not the main characters in the story of the world the entire Muslim world and the and and the entire Global South Africa Asia the Middle East Central and South America are not just supporting characters in your story the real story of the world is what you would call a Ensemble piece but the West has never been able to accept that the only thing that ever enabled you to push yourselves uh forward as the protagonist of History uh was your disproportionate power and the uh the necessary ruthlessness to use it but of course the fact that you even did that uh just shows that you never were the protagonist of History even by pushing yourself forward as that the fact that you pushed yourself forward as that just always meant that you were nothing but the villain