[Music] my name is Robin Saavedra I'm from Barcelona I studied biotech in Barcelona when I finished my bachelor's moved to London I worked three years for pharmaceutical companies in the UK then moved to Holland to do my PhD in neuroscience as' which I didn't really finish I started metrical sports before finishing my PhD and I'm now the co-founder and CEO of magical sports I co-founded medical sports with Bruno de Nino an Enzoani later they are both from Argentina we met here in Holland I met Bruno during our PhD he studied physics he was also doing his speech the neurosciences at the Netherlands Institute were never the way things happen and then we made Enzo playing football and so has a background in video production here he had his own video production company and also a background in UX UI design so the three of us together combined our backgrounds and our passion in football to start American sports we help coaches improve the performance of their teams with data and video analytics so until now coaches mainly use video for their analysis and data is mainly used for physical performance analysis not for tactical we combine data and video to empower the tactical analysis tools of the of the coaches they permit a comprar van pues las más que es lo que quieres of them oh okay no they were after in Aleppo little bit para see if you can locate garrison so the company is now three three and a half years old and this is our let's say fourth season and we've worked we worked well for Via Rail this our first season with vol FC in Spain they were our luncheon customer and we've also worked with our cilona at the moment we work also we have three customers in the US so we work with the winner of the MLS in the United States the Seattle Sounders we also do the analysis of the referees of the MLS network for the national team and hopefully in the next day it will close a couple more put my piece is a revision software in the end because that's how they analyze the game and how they communicate with the players and internally within the stuff with video but the unique feature of fodmap is that it's linked with data my data I mean the positional data of the players and the bold data and by linking data with video we make the whole process more objective faster for them and it provides them an extra information that they could not have just by watching videos hello dr. Oren Oh Cory hey nuestra perception in Adana rappy de poder Oliver are distintos proyectos para distintos posiciones e mostrar lo siento muy reverie tiempo we provide the club with a mobile system of to record the match those are two cameras that stitch together and provides a panoramic video of the game so it's a static video of the game that covers the whole pitch and then we have our own technology to track the players in the pitch but tracking means that the software follows every player in the pitch and acquires the coordinates of every player so we say the bottom left corner is zero zero and the top right is 1 1 and then the software tracks the player and gives us coordinates of each of a position of each player 15 data points per second and the software is an automatic software that tracks the player but there's moments like corner cakes and moments where the software when they separate the software doesn't really know who is who there's no facial recognition or anything like that so that's what they have to do like reassign identities so that we make sure that the data of one players activate the data of that so when we started metric are the biggest bottleneck we had this that as I said we're two neuroscientists and one video production guy so it didn't really come from professional football we didn't have any context at all in professional football and so we had to be very creative we tried all the things you can imagine from recording videos personalized for coaches or sending them on LinkedIn tried everything eventually what worked for VR well in that case that was our launching customer was Twitter so we found that one of the analysts in in the first team was a very young guy he was 27 years old and already analyst in the first team and brl is known for being a very open club and very innovative club and we identified that guy found him on Twitter and sent him a tweet saying we are three Argentinians which is not really true I'm not but it worked starting this project very innovative explaining him what he was all about and asking him if we could go there and show it to him he accepted he was very open for that then when he saw it he thought halfway through my presentation we thought well the coach needs to see that and he called in the coach the coach liked it called in the sports director and everything happened very quickly with Barcelona it's not like that a huge company let's say with a lot of layers and we had to attack the club from very different angles and I founded the official verse alone - in Amsterdam a couple of years ago four or five years ago I explained and Barcelona here so there were some people from the club like from the management of the club that came here so we organized a dinner for all our members and we invited the management and eventually one of the vice presidents came to the to the dinner and in the dinner I was sitting with him and the president of the fan club was sitting with him so I explained him what I was doing I were just starting the company and yeah well he got interested that was one of the angles so when I went to Barcelona I met with him I explained him or showed him what we were doing then he made some introductions inside the club and at the same time I also used another angle which was a husband of a friend of my mom he's the sports director of risk esthetic of school in Barcelona and he also knew some people at the club so he made introductions from another side so in a way we're attacking the club from two different fronts until everything made sense together and we got to the right people the decision-makers and we convinced them and we got the contract our link with the University of Amsterdam was through a venture lab which is an incubator that is linked to the University of Amsterdam that we applied at the very early stages of the company we got in and we are still part of his venture lab and it's venture lab eventually moved to the startup village so they presented the project to us I thought it was amazing and I'm really happy we made the move with them so we decided to continue with them and we're now part of where one of the companies here in the village and really happy we made this choice really so in three years we we had we have now six customers in what we call the elite market and the professional elite sports soccer in this case football market the company's called metric a sports not metric a football that's because we think that these kind of solutions can be applied to other sports in the near near future our goal is first to establish in football as one of the reference companies in analysis in for football and the later than the idea is to expand this to other sports and also move down so right now we work for professional clubs but our dream is to be able to provide solutions like that to lower tier clubs like second third division and eventually go down to a matter club so any club like where your kids play can have solutions for foreigner to analyze the game based on data that's the that's the goal well the main driver was actually motivation to find something that would motivate my my day life basically so after six years doing my PhD and as I said before I did three years of working from a city called industry I was done like a and I knew that if I finished my PhD and I continued that path would have been just post after post doc and I knew that wasn't for me football and sports in general is my passion same with the other two founders it's our passion where we spend our free time playing watching analyzing at what we like and the fact that I found something that combined my background in analyzing positional data and scientific analysis of data with my passion in sports and analytics that's what motivated me and that would drive my day-to-day life now I wake up in the morning and I have a motivation to go to the office and do my work what I've learned in this process is that it's very hard to start a company it's not a joke I thought doing a PhD was hard and it is but starting up a company is way harder there's no way you can start the company my opinion we have the passion for it so what I find there's a lot of students of entrepreneurship especially say I want to start up something I think the key is what is something if you don't find something that motivates you badly really a lot there's no point on starting up a company in my opinion [Music]