Transcript for:
Health Tips with Dr. Marco: Interview with Rudi Verspoor

[Music] hello everyone welcome to this week's health tip this is dr marco and this week i have a special interview with uh somebody who's a client and he's um another natural health practitioner who i think provides a really interesting service which can be very helpful to a lot of people and i'd like you to kind of know about them so i'd like to introduce rudy can rudy can just introduce yourself a little bit and tell us what you do well uh thank you uh dr marco i appreciate this opportunity um my background is really uh natural health in a general sense i started out studying naturopathic medicine then i went into homeopathic medicine and since then i've kind of put the two together into a form which is rather unique and from my perspective it's offers something that i haven't seen offered anywhere else and that allows you know me to do certain things that don't seem possible in other cases and you know we can talk more about that but that's basically my background okay and so the fundamental things that are sort of how would you say are different from your approach to other approaches how would you say that well essentially in our system we make a fundamental distinction in terms of what we could call the life force or the living power most of us we just see it as a well there's this life force this living power and we make a distinction based on a lot of work done by people over the last 200 years between what we call the sustaining power which is responsible for homeostasis and the generative power which is responsible for what medicine calls paleogenesis so let's say cellular division uh reproduction sexual reproduction all of those things right that difference is fundamental because if you're not eating the right foods and you're not getting enough exercise and you're not getting enough sunshine and you know whatever nutrition that can create an imbalance in your sustenant power a homeostatic imbalance so that's one thing to fix well you have to get more exercise uh you know eat the right foods etc etc maybe get some adjustments uh things to balance we call it balancing and dynamic balancing right on the other hand if something happens to affect your generative power this cannot be corrected it's a bit like getting pregnant you can't change the fact that you're pregnant by eating different foods or doing different exercise but you have to apply a different remedial technique which we would label of course medicinal agents now of course the ones we use are energetic not material as in the case of drugs but the idea is the same is that you're applying a medicinal agent to remove a specific blockage so an example would be someone gets rear-ended in a car accident and that creates a concussion now you can get an adjustment you can have your spine put back into place etc but once you've removed all of that and balanced at that level underneath it remains what we could call a force field and that's the shock of that rear ending to your spine etc your axis and that won't go away even though you readjust everything that remains like a piece of shrapnel in your system to get rid of that you need an energetic medicine so that's what we would apply so the what we offer is really a way of removing all of these blockages that can build up through your life whether it's birth trauma vaccination okay drugs uh emotional traumas accidents sports injuries etc all of these things can accumulate and create little bits of blockages in your system which are energetic blockages and they prevent the full effect of all the other good things you're trying to do for yourself in terms of adjustment diet exercise fresh air or sunshine they're all wonderful things but they can only go so far because they cannot remove these specific force field blockages you could say in our system what we're removing is these blockages now the nice thing about the technique is that it can be applied to anything so it doesn't matter whether you're suffering from diabetes or heart problems or respiratory problems or depression or migraines or you have an autistic problem all of these things can be addressed using these principles because they're all involved with these various blockages now other things too on the regimenal side in terms of diet nutrition exercise adjustment but they also all contain these particular blockages in some degree or other right and so by removing them then your health can move forward and this is something i don't see anyone else doing really so very interesting so if i was kind of into pictures sort of like your body has this baseline when we say homeostasis that just means our body kind of running itself um you know adapting to stresses of day-to-day life you know blood pressure that kind of things all kind of regulate it that's the suspensive one right and then above that there's the regenerative one is that correct so most people would kind of try to just play with this area here but you're kind of trying to do this other part where the body was kind of like going past just being alive so to speak and adapting to them but the part where it has to repair itself in a higher level can we kind of think about it that way yes it it's if you think of a disease is degenerative it it it keeps sapping your power i'll give you a very simple example i had a patient once who came in and she had been to see somebody you know a naturopathic type of practitioner and she had all sorts of complaints and they changed her diet and did more exercise and other things and wonderful things good things and all of her problems disappeared her symptoms disappeared but then a couple of years later despite maintaining all of those measures which were good her symptoms came back and so the problem was why did they come back if they had gone away with all these measures why did they come back the answer really is because the underlying force field of the traumas that she had received that were contributing to the symptoms she had had not been removed now all these wonderful things she was doing was like building up her system like a tonic so she was strong enough to carry the burden but as she aged it became harder but also the underlying disease states also kept increasing in severity and eventually right they re-emerge so the way we were able to help her is by going in and removing those underlying conditions disease states blockages and then her health was restored you could say so the difference really is that there's one uh doctor as a wonderful chart and he describes the you know the life energy is a wave right and if you do the balancing you get this wonderful wave right however you've got a an upper end and a lower end in terms of optimality which we could call the amplitude of the wave if you have these underlying blockages you'll never get the full amplitude all you get is the partial amplitude something is it's like a ceiling it's preventing you from you know going the full extent of your capacity which then of course means you you will suffer symptoms even though you're balanced you're going to suffer things because you you can't get that full it's like having your car can't go through the full piston up and down yeah you don't get the full energy and and okay that's cool so um as you know like i have an interest in working with kids on the spectrum and that kind of thing and you know we're trying to do our neurological work balancing brain function to get the body as you know coherent as we can and that kind of thing and uh you mentioned that you do a lot of work with the kids on autism autism and you know spectrum children that kind of thing so could you just maybe highlight a little bit but you approach what the parents would be told to do or how you kind of interact with those kind of patients okay well actually um i got into treating autism i actually had not heard anything about it this was back in 1997 and i had a patient who came to me who was actually a student studying with us at the time and she had an autistic child who was 12 or 13. and she had tried many things and they had help to a degree but the child was still quite significantly autistic or on the spectrum i guess they would say and she wondered if what we were doing could help and my answer was simply it should because in principle we're going to be removing things that are blocking his progress now how much he was going to help i i didn't know i'd never treated a case like that before but i have lots of cases like that i've never treated before but again the principle allows you to treat them right the we had great success with that and this was a a case that everyone else had given up on because the child was too old they tried many different things nothing seemed to be working and the child was kind of stuck so we were able to get him out of his autistic state and as a result of word of mouth i guess we suddenly started getting all of these cases now these were not what i would call relatively easy cases of autism these were the cases that were called non-performing or non-responsive cases and very difficult ones lots of some some violent cases lots of stimming just total contact language that kind of thing and they were trying many things and some things were helping and other things not so much it depended on the case but by applying our technique we were able to help i can only think of one case and we weren't able to help but the reason for that is probably because some of these cases can take quite a while as you may well know if this case is serious it can take several years and some people don't have the patience for that so you need to have an understanding of the logic of the approach and what it's doing and also some testimony from someone who's done it because that gives you some confidence that it's actually going to work but the process is really as i described it which is to address the shocks and traumas which these kids have and they have a lot and drug trauma vaccination birth traumas emotional traumas accidents surgeries you name it so those all have to be removed and we have a set process for doing that it's very simple very easy using these homeopathic energetic medicines the kids don't mind because there there's no nasty taste easy to to take etc and then we also have to go back and treat what are called inherited conditions now these are not genetic right we don't treat genetic conditions but genetic conditions only make up maybe one to three percent of problems that we fleece what we're dealing with is what's now called epigenetic conditions these are inherited tendencies so if you look at a tendency in a family for cancer heart problems respiratory problems nervous disorders asthma you name it this will show up in the child but these days it's showing up as a condition we call autism uh which is a kind of withdrawal from reality from the world these ice in my view when i saw these children and started treating them i thought they were no different than soldiers coming off a battlefield they're suffering from a kind of post-traumatic stress disorder and that's the result of a lot of trauma but not just trauma in this lifetime but you could say a certain amount of trauma that they brought into this world with them inherited from the family line and why by going back and treating for that which again is something i've never come across in any other system that i've studied allows us to get at these really difficult so-called non-responsive cases so those are the kinds that we tend to treat now we can treat any kind of case but by the they usually try other things which is good because those things need to be done as well but if they get stuck or it seems like they can't get past a certain point right then it really makes sense to consider looking at these deeper underlying traumas and stuff yeah that makes sense so then what what are the steps let's say there's a parent with an autistic kid um obviously you're not even seeing them in person you're doing this all virtually right so just no because yeah we developed uh patients all around the world really it was almost impossible for them to come and visit us and so we started just doing everything about sixty percent of the people i treat our autistic cases and so we just started doing it online and that just seemed easier because i was moving around and in different places so it was easier to do that for everyone which is what we do now which it makes sense given the circumstances but uh basically we have an initial consultation and we talk them about the process we explain uh how the treatment works we give them a chance to ask any questions we ask them to prepare a timeline of shocks and traumas and then we start the treatment we send them the initial remedies these are all male doesn't matter where you are in the world and then we have a follow-up roughly once every month now if there's something that comes up in between questions or whatever they can contact the office it's pretty rare that i have to talk to them i usually do it via email in between our regular follow-up consultations because after a couple of months a rhythm sets in and you can see the child start to improve and things calm down and it just gets into a nice rhythm which is probably the case for any good therapy that you just see once you've got it moving in a certain direction things move that way and it's not that much that's unpredictable but yes occasionally things pop up because you can't predict or anticipate everything but we have ways of addressing acute things and you know things that were forgotten or issues that uh you know just arise as the nature of the treatment because remember as you well know as well that we're dealing with living beings we're not dealing with robots so when they respond to a treatment you can anticipate more or less how they're going to respond but occasionally there's a response that you might not anticipate that you then have to assist by additional remedies and therapies to help them through that process okay and so the um let's say the shock timeline whatever you want to call it that's part of your paperwork so you'll be giving the parents like no um did your child have any of these so they'll kind of cued in to know what to write down sort of thing because this might not remember all the things are not even saying things that are traumas but you do give them we give them a pretty detailed outline of the things we're looking for the other usual question is well what if i forget something that's fine if you forget something we can always pick it up right also if you forget something often people will remember it as we approach that point in the timeline it kind of seems to pop up into their mind so all that can be taken into account but what we need is the basic framework and then we get started and from there we make adjustments as we need to make adjustments that's very good and um some people might be curious the homeopathics themselves he said they might be like a wafer thing or little pellets or crops or how what it would do given that we're shipping everything uh we have two forms one is in a dropper bottle form which is for things they give every day right these are normally for support remedies so if there's problems with digestion gut inflammation uh candida problems uh you know violence issues etc we will give something in the short term to help calm that down it doesn't remove the cause but it calms it down the other form it comes in the form of little wafers which are made from uh it's called rice paper but it's really potato starch has no taste it melts very quickly in the mouth and these are impregnated with the remedies that are needed to remove a specific blockage so then again all that's pretty easy to mail in the uh be a post or courier or whatever and you don't even need to see the child you just basically have the interview with the mother or the father yeah it's it's not about what the child looks like or what they're doing it's i just take the report but we do it by zoom or skype or or phone but often i can see the child but at the end of the day that's not critical to determining what it is they need in order to to to get better and the key is more what are whatever the symptoms are whatever the block you know the manifestation is doesn't matter i want to know what the underlying causation is and once i have that then we can treat for it and then if there's something acute uh sometimes uh constipation might arise uh you know as a result of a healing process so we don't provide an additional remedy to resolve that that issue or there might be an issue with uh a slight uh skin eruption as part of a detox process which has some uh you know itching or whatever so we'll provide a remedy to help with that um could you guys give me another like a couple of examples of presentations let's say and what kind of things you saw over time when you were treating some of these kids like just some examples generally anything that's labeled on the on the spectrum so we have cases all the way from no speech to incredibly violent and destructive uh to what's called mute autism they're very quiet etc but they don't talk very shy to a lot of stimming behavior toe walking or pigeon walking to incredible sensitivity to sound so they have to wear you know headphones or that kind of thing we have cases where they have incredible constipation uh in issues of ticks and nervous disorders even seizures uh seizures not so much epileptic conditions but seizure conditions or activity so that's kind of the gamut and the range the most difficult ones tend to be the ones that are don't have speech because that origin is very very deep yes and the other one is the violent ones severely violent ones because the origin of that is also very deep right so we generally we have to you know tell people that can take a while a while can be a couple of years simply because you have to work your way systematically down now anything else they're doing in terms of diets you know treatments therapies etc that is helping and helping and seen as helping of course continue with those because you'll get even more benefit once you start removing some of these blockages and stuff yeah that's good so i kind of pushed with sort of like the uh the suspended wave might be going like this do some therapies it might be going like this but then you add your parting and then you're exactly more active yeah you keep assisting that wave to become a greater and greater amplitude and uh so yeah if if you um remove a blockage that's one thing but you the body also has to be able to take full advantage of that now there's an innate healing power as you well know internally but at the same time it also needs help so it can help nutritionally it can need help by your autonomic adjustment it can need help by you know other various approaches even speech therapies and things like that they all help but if if the ceiling is here right it can only go so far yeah maybe like a like a case study or just like an example of something that a parent said okay we started doing this and within this amount of time this started getting the kids starting or did singing behavior stop or what kind of stuff have you noticed i have a i have a book out it's a electronic version uh called the journey back uh you know from autism which is readily available if people contact the clinic office it's on our website and everything but basically a typical case would be normally in these cases we would see improvements and changes for the positive within three to six months sometimes sooner sometimes longer right but to really get to the deepest underlying causation you're looking at a year and a half to two years in in a typical case but some can stretch beyond that uh i'd say that in almost all cases um if we stretch it far enough we will get to the speech but it's not a hundred percent because uh there are some cases i have one case still uh where the child um doesn't speak but has told the mother via this keyboard that he has i can do it but i don't want to so that may be a developmental thing um some of these things can shift when children are in their 20s or their 30s just because of developmental programs now that takes us far afield in terms of you know the question from a soul spiritual perspective why someone would you know want to wait that long or need to wait that long but i i there's not much i can do i can remove the blockages but there are certain aspects that are even far beyond my capabilities that's really cool right that's pretty good so um how do people get in touch with you just like where do they reach out to you the clinic office is reachable mainly by emails the best it's called reception at we have a a website which is called and all of the information is on there we also have a specific uh website for geared to autism it says more or less the same as but it focuses on the autistic condition okay so thanks so what i think i might do maybe it will uh divide the interview in two parts so i'll have another interview and maybe we'll talk a little bit sort of just uh regular adult conditions for the the typical person not necessarily the autistic part so maybe next week we'll uh we'll talk about that to sound okay okay sounds great thank you all right good all right so thanks everyone for paying attention and uh rudy we'll see you next time thank you [Music] you