Introduction to Python Programming Basics

Aug 25, 2024

Python Programming Lecture Notes

Introduction to Python

  • Python is the easiest programming language to learn.
  • Popular and highly sought after in the job market with a starting salary of $64,000.

Setting Up Python Environment

  1. Download Python

    • Visit and download the latest version.
    • Ensure to check the box to add Python to the PATH during installation.
  2. Install an IDE

    • Recommended IDE: PyCharm.
    • Download PyCharm from
    • Choose between Professional (paid) and Community (free).
  3. Creating a New Project

    • Open PyCharm and create a new project.
    • Name it (e.g., "Hello World").
  4. Creating a Python File

    • Go to File > New > Python File and name it

Basic Python Syntax

  • Printing Messages: Use print() to display messages.
  • Creating Variables: Assign values to variables using =.

Understanding Variables

  • A variable is a container for a value.
  • Different data types:
    • Strings: Series of characters surrounded by quotes.
    • Integers (int): Whole numbers.
    • Floats: Numbers with decimal points.
    • Booleans: True or False values.

Using Variables in Python

  • Define variables using unique names and assign values.
  • Use type checking with type(variable).
  • Combining strings using +.

Control Structures

  • Use if, elif, and else statements for conditions.
  • Logical operators: and, or, not.

Functions in Python

  • Define functions using def function_name():.
  • Use return statements to send back a value.

Lists and Tuples

  • Lists: Ordered collections of items that can be changed.
  • Tuples: Ordered collections of items that cannot be changed.


  • Used to store data values in key:value pairs.
  • Use dictionaries for structured data storage.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Classes: Blueprint for creating objects.
  • Objects: Instances of classes.
  • Inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation are key OOP concepts.

GUI Programming with Tkinter

  • Create windows, buttons, labels, and other widgets.
  • Use .pack(), .grid(), and .place() for layout management.

File Handling

  • Open, read, write, and delete files using Python.
  • Use with open('file.txt', 'r') to read files safely.

Examples of GUI Widgets

  • Buttons: Clickable buttons that perform actions.
  • Entry: Text boxes for single line input.
  • Text Area: Multi-line text input.
  • Check Buttons: Allow users to select multiple options.
  • Radio Buttons: Allow users to select only one option from multiple choices.
  • List Box: Displays a list of selectable items.

Advanced Topics

  • List and Dictionary Comprehensions: Compact way to create lists/dictionaries.
  • Threading: Allows concurrent execution of tasks.
  • File Dialogs: Open and save files from a GUI.
  • Canvas: Draw shapes and images.

Useful Functions and Features

  • Lambda Functions: Anonymous functions for short, single-use situations.
  • Map, Filter, Reduce: Functional programming tools for lists.
  • Tkinter Menu: Create dropdown menus in GUI.
  • Progress Bars: Indicate progress of tasks.


  • Python is a versatile language suitable for various applications including web development, data science, automation, and GUI applications.
  • Mastering the concepts outlined will enhance your programming skills.