Screen Time Tips and Earth Science Summary

Aug 6, 2024

Healthy Screen Time Tips

Key Points from Teacher Melvin

  1. Sit Properly

    • Ensure your back is touching the chair backrest.
  2. Change Position Regularly

    • Alternate sitting on couch, chair, or floor during long viewing periods.
  3. Maintain Dim Lighting

    • Use dim light rather than strong or no lighting to prevent eye damage.
  4. Stretch During Breaks

    • Utilize commercial breaks for gentle stretches and to walk around.
  5. Avoid Watching TV in Bed

    • Prevents neck and back pain.

Introduction to Module 2: Plate Boundaries

Review of Module 1

  • Completed four episodes on:
    • Plate tectonics
    • Earthquake epicenters
    • Active volcanoes
    • Major mountain ranges

Jigsaw Puzzle Activity

  • Images Represented:
    • Mount Everest
    • Mariana Trench
    • Great Rift Valley

Earth's Structure

  • Earth’s outer surface consists of tectonic plates at plate boundaries.
  • Types of Crust:
    • Continental Crust: Thicker, less dense
    • Oceanic Crust: Thinner, denser

Plate Boundaries

  • Movement of Plates:
    • Caused by convection currents in the Earth's interior.

Types of Plate Boundaries

  1. Divergent Boundaries

    • Plates move away from each other.
    • Example: Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
    • Forms rift valleys and ocean basins.
  2. Convergent Boundaries

    • Plates collide, leading to:
      • Mountain ranges (e.g., Himalayas)
      • Subduction (one plate diving under another).
    • Example: Mariana Trench.
  3. Transform Boundaries

    • Plates slide past each other horizontally.
    • Example: San Andreas Fault.

Oreo Cookie Experiment

  • Materials Needed: Oreo cookies to illustrate plate movements.
    1. Divergent: Slide upper cookie over filling, simulating plates moving apart.
    2. Convergent: Push cookies toward each other to show collision.
    3. Transform: Slide cookies laterally to demonstrate lateral movement.

Summary of Plate Movements

  • Divergent: Plates move apart, magma rises.
  • Convergent: Plates collide, forming mountains or subduction zones.
  • Transform: Plates slide past each other causing earthquakes.

Science Quiz


  1. Convection current causes lithospheric plates to:

    • A) Move slowly but constantly
    • Correct Answer: A
  2. Represents a divergent boundary:

    • C) Mid-Atlantic Ridge
    • Correct Answer: C
  3. Event when tectonic plates move apart:

    • D) Molten rock escapes from the mantle
    • Correct Answer: D
  4. Example of a transform plate boundary:

    • B) San Andreas Fault
    • Correct Answer: B
  5. At convergent boundary:

    • B) The older crust is melted by subduction
    • Correct Answer: B


  • Life's uncertainties should be faced with courage.
  • Remember: Science is fun for everyone!
  • Next episode to continue learning with Teacher Melvin.