Assalamualaikum study room friends how are you all hopefully healthy always meet me again Eko Prasetyo Welcome to the study room channel according to study room friends what is the difference between traders and entrepreneurs Don't they both sell products Don't they both want profit so what then? the difference? in this video we will discuss some basic differences between entrepreneurs and traders in terms of the activities carried out between a trader and an entrepreneur, so actually they both carry out the activity of selling entrepreneurs' products and also a trader both needs their consumers to interact with each other. and relate to their consumers in their own way without selling products without consumers, entrepreneurs or traders alike will die apart from selling products. entrepreneurs have three other activities while traders rarely do this, entrepreneurs don't just focus on selling product but more than that entrepreneurs focus on building a system in the end this system will then run automatically and provide enormous profits to entrepreneurs if today you are a trader and start thinking about becoming an entrepreneur So don't stop just selling products, start thinking about building a system, start thinking, How to delegate our work to others, how to organize a good flow in the supervision process, start implementing a procedure in carrying out work, start setting standards in carrying out and completing an activity. Another activity carried out by an entrepreneur is to focus on building networks ranging from distribution networks to product marketing networks building strategic partnerships with their business partners and building very good relationships with consumers and their colleagues in terms of how money is usually managed by traders. them in a very traditional way They tend to make one between their money for business and their personal money yet there is no very clear separation between the two very different things entrepreneurs do they make have a clear line between their personal money and their business money. If you want to shift to becoming an entrepreneur, then start applying this. Distinguish between your personal money and the money you use for business . have fun buying a house or buying a car different things are done by entrepreneurs when they get profits they are more oriented to build a strong business foundation and grow their business they use some of these profits to then invest and develop their business from the side of the traders' goals and entrepreneurs both have a goal to make a profit, both have a goal to increase sales volume, the difference is traders. Sometimes they don't care about how they are more focused on how today I sold a lot and h today I get an advantage while their entrepreneurs take a slightly different way they are more focused How to serve consumers to give satisfaction to their customers and maintain product standards and quality when consumers are satisfied there will be two possibilities for their consumers, namely to make repeat purchases the second one invites other people to buy the same product that they use , so this is where the main orientation of their entrepreneurs is trying to increase their business profits through this route by maintaining consumer satisfaction related to product quality. The owners of small home industries sometimes do not have a good ability to control their products, today they are able to produce products with quality A, maybe tomorrow the quality will go down. This quality has the potential to disturb and harm consumers B. different from the entrepreneurs they are very focused on maintaining the quality of their products they try to maintain and set the same standards from the times about the products they produce entrepreneurs Do not hesitate to withdraw their products if the products produced are not in accordance with the standards they have set from In terms of innovation and education, traders usually some of them tend to be lazy to learn they use the same way from the past in trading the way they trade today with 10 years ago or maybe 20 years ago relatively the same not much has changed this is proof that they are very lazy in learning while entrepreneurs they are very aware that the world is changing they have to transform they have to innovate ways to be able to continue to transform ways to always be able to innovate they are always learning by continuing to learn they will get knowledge that is always new they will have the ability to adapt and change to the conditions they encounter they are very aware of today's conditions with 10 years ago must be different Therefore learning is one of the main choices they always do if today you are serious about becoming an entrepreneur Then don't Tired of learning Don't be tired of transforming Don't be tired of continuing to adapt without a learning process Without a transformation process without innovation activities it's very possible that we will be destroyed from now on. Have an entrepreneur mindset, don't just sell products, but start focusing on building systems and building networks related to ways manage money start to separate your personal money and business money when you get profit use some of the profit for investment and development of your business in terms of orientation and purpose it is very important not to just focus on pursuing profit but start thinking to maintain customer satisfaction you also have to focus on maintaining product quality, don't let your product quality drop so this can annoy and disappoint consumers that's a brief explanation of the basic differences between a trader and an entrepreneur, hopefully this video is useful, see you in the video We are next, thank you for watching Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh