so Jack yes we haven't talked about planets in a long time this is true all right I we're overdue throw a little extra Planet Pop [Music] Culture can you recite the planets in order in order you mean like coming from Mercury okay right and then Venus Earth right and then uh Mars going out after that that's the big one uh that's Jupiter and then you got Neptune behind Jupiter no you got oh I'm sorry Saturn Saturn God we were Saturn Neptune and then you know Uranus right Uranus Neptune sorry and then no no and yeah we done it Uranus Neptune and then we're done the planet count over the years has fluctuated yes to the Ancients there were seven planets I will recite them for you okay Mercury okay Venus Mars Jupiter juper Saturn Saturn the Sun what and the moon all right now I could see the Moon being considered a planet because you know it's like com the definition of planet has changed can what in the day yeah planet was anything that moved against the background Sky okay so all the other stars are staying kind of where they are correct what they the fixed Stars fixed stars then you got these little bodies that just kind of matter wander along size didn't matter rightness didn't matter did you move did you move against the background Stars so any satellite the Greek word for Wanderer because these are things that wandered among the background Stars right is planus planus yes that's very romantic planus that's where we get the word planet from and the fact that they use the word wander is evidenced they had no clue what was going on right yeah okay so seven planets it is not an accident that there's seven days a week okay each day of the week is named for one of those seven planets Sunday that's exactly Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday yeah is named after Sunday the sun the sun okay how about Saturday sabid no sabido is different you that's that's Spanish yes okay sabido is Sabbath oh so it has nothing to do with the planet no I'm talking about English dude yeah okay okay okay okay so Saturday yeah it's got to be Saturn Saturn Saturn Sunday is the Sun and how about moonday well there you go moonday yeah guess what moonday is named after but now that works in Spanish because it's Luna Lun all right now what do you do with Tuesday now where you going to get a planet now now okay now now you got to do something impressive because you got to you got to come up with a planet for Tuesday I will okay planet Mars okay okay why are you trolling me okay all right so watch watch you just okay okay so let's go back to the romance languages what do they call Tuesday in the romance language that Lunes Martz I know it in Spanish Martz Mars right Mars okay okay all right there you go that's cool so Tuesday well Tuesday doesn't sound like Mars but there is a North God called Tes TW Tes yes and this is a God of War okay it's kind of a Wimpy name for the God of [Music] War stand down or TW twos will come kick your ass will come for you okay he come kick your ass so we now have North olog joining in on this naming scheme right okay but they have corresponding planets is all I'm saying got so what's next as Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday wednes so what's Wednesday in Spanish meres meres right which would be Mercury right so Mercury is oh where there you go Mercury is the god of what um what did he what's he good at he was a postman moving fast right he's moving fast and Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and when you're that close you move fast so you don't fall in so Mercury is the fastest moving planet and the Romans knew this the Greeks knew this so Mires Mercury but it for us it's Wednesday Wednesday so Wednesday right Wen Wen wen's day yeah yeah and so he's the closest Norse God as a counterpart to Mercury okay okay so Mercury was a messenger god Wen had some other features about him yeah but it included uh serving as a as a traveler back and forth to Hell whatever they called hell Thursday we all know who that's named after well THS Thor Thor Thor Thor's it's Thor's day Thor's day Thor Thor wields what the hammer well the hammer and lightning lightning right okay who in Greek mythology wields lightning well Greek and Roman okay Jupiter Jupiter wow so what is what do we have in in in the romance languages what do we call Thursday oh wait I don't I don't lunis marus mirus Wes okay so with J it's Jupiter right in French Judi oh Judi oh you put the hand in no so there you get Jupiter right the corresponding God to Thor okay that makes sense all right and what we left with Friday Friday and that that's the last day it's Friday the last day out of the seven Saturn was Saturday Okay so Friday uh what's that in Romance languages uh so again in Spanish I know it's bees beess okay right uh at Venus Venus name for Venus the goddess of love love and beauty and all that but we've once again drawn from the Norse Traditions there so that it's frigga frga frga is the goddess of beauty I didn't know that nor Legend nor Legend sounds like a member of wuang but fr jig FR does doesn't yeah FR jiger jiz right J so frer has less sort of poetry for that then I think Venus yes yes Venus and Beauty go together right yeah nobody wrote a song about nobody wrote a song about FR so we have this amalgum of words that track those seven days of the week okay and we borrowed from Norse we have Latin and some of that Latin we would see in the the romance languages right and so but they all track back to the seven planets seven the seven planets correct right seven planets right and so here's what goes on we have the seven planets and cernus comes along yes mid 1500s mid 15 and he says you people are dumb asses because the sun is not a planet we we lose the Sun and the Moon right in the planet count that takes it down to five but we gain what wait I'm I'm I'm you're losing me I'm before cernus we had seven planets right all of them moved against the background Stars after cernus we have five we have five because we lost the Sun and the Moon Sun and the Moon okay right but we gain one oh us yes exactly we well of course that makes sense we but only to find that we were The Wanderer all [Music] along so we went from s to five back up to six and there would remain until William hersel discovers Planet George Planet George yeah right named it after King George King George the George of the American Revolution George oh okay that they were contemporaries yeah right yeah and and the rest of the world was going to have none of that I'm sure yeah Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn and George yeah we ain't do we ain't play we don't play that oh my God I wish we had kept that planet George Planet George but that's a whole other conversation other naming schemes but I just wanted to catch you up on the days of the week there you go that was awesome days of the week explainer there you go all right seven planets this has been star talk yet another explainer there's a lot out there that needs explaining that's I love every minute of it all right as always keep looking up a [Music]