Transcript for:
Biotechnology and Its Applications Lecture Notes

biotechnology is also called great Boon for mankind reolution the world Dr Ms Swan in India and entire world Norman Bor PR so we are preventing successfully with the help of genetic engineering with the help of biotechnology you want to show its mind you have to publish that at least in local newspaper or News Channel or social media hi hello everyone welcome back so previously we were discussing about the chapter biotechnology principles and processes so under the series summary lecture so where I'm going to explain all the concept in a simplified manner important okay so today I'm here with one more chapter under the same unit that's nothing but biotechnology so the chapter name is biotechnology and its application very first chapter so the chapter name is biotechnology and its application okay now yes we are discussing about all the topics which they have given in your textbook you can easily remember all the topics so here we are discussing biotechnological applications in agriculture agriculture field biology how we are applying that to obtain genetically modified crops next biological applications in medicine medicine yes there are many Concepts we are going to make transgenic animals and we are utilizing them for many purposes means engineered detction of different dis ethical issue issues okay now so let's start the very first topic is here chapter so I have written here I have taken so what are the different you know topics in the chapter first one critical research areas critical research are and how that is very helpful in biotechnology and how it is Ed to obtain the useful again we are talking about agriculture biotechnological applications in agriculture best resistant plants P resistant plant in Cotton by using bases pest resistant plant by using know gentically engineered insulin that's also called humin medic Rel how we are able to obtain that insulin today with the help of recant DNA technology gene therapy gen what is the process involved in that involve molecular diagnosis stem cell technology so no problem okay next transic animals for all the different types of competitive exams including your board exam ethical issues ethical issue okay these are all the topics of the chapter biotechnology and its application now let's discuss one by one biotechology and application just 20 years back so what are the likewise biotechology new you know that is a subject you can call it as field you can call it as under biology what are the applications of biotechnology and just remember biotechnology is also called great Boon for mankind and this is also called many people used to call it as a double edged sword because it has boths and okay so here there are many advantages of biotechnology first one is Therapeutics theraputics therap treatment yes treatment bi example if a person suffering from the disease called diabetes a diabetes there are many diseases which are related to genes genes and example deficiency we are going to correct the genes treat and also we are going to diagnose the disease disease identify so treatment diabetes only with the help of genetically engineered insulin insulin diis for the identification or the detection detection of many diseases early diagnosis we can easily take the treatment and we can cure that cure so genetically modified crops for agriculture agriculturally genetically modified crops so these are usually why we are able to make and why we are making them because we are enhancing the nutritive value of that and also we are you know increasing the product you can say more yield just efficiency of mineral absorption efficiency of efficiency of Mineral Mineral absorption advant absorption for for that purpose we are making genetically modified [Music] crops different PLS next processed food food process so example preservatives preservatives so today we are creating and making these preservatives with the help of recombinant DNA technology preservatives these are the substances are chemicals which increases the shelf life of the food material so nowadays are previously if you are able to store the food for about 2 to three days now we are able to store the same food for about two months because they are using different types of chemicals substances which they have created by biotechnology recombinant DNA technology next bio remediation Environ to decrease the pollution or reduce the pollution reduce reduce the pollution pollution Nows we know that bi fortification right and also we are going to use seage treatment remediation energy production treatment Baga again nowadays they are trying trying trying better and best way so when we enter the kitchen everywhere you can observe plastic materials right those metallic vessels metallic containers everything is replaced by plastic today but they are trying to digest uh the plastic decompose the plastic with the help of microorganisms treat everything that comes under biotechnology you can say it's a next era okay so it is all about biotechnology and application use now we are going to discuss about the very first topic that is three critical research areas of biotechology biology research one the best Catalyst as improved organisms usually a micro or pure enzyme time see first for anything for anything the rate of reaction and the velocity is very important we are always expecting that you know light speed if you want to the process we need some Catalyst bio Catalyst which increases the rate of reaction so that can be provided by biotechnology in the form of improved microorganisms we know that biolog because it's very useful to increase the rate of reaction increase the rate of increase the rate of reaction so these enzymes increases the process more than million to billion times okay so critical research area of biotechology providing the best Catalyst again any substances which increases the rate of reaction soly as as improved or organisms usually now if this microbes and enzymes to be act we must provide suitable condition suitable condition enzymes are very specific in in their action they work efficiently in Optimum temperature and pH pH creating optimal condition by engineering for a catalyst to act engineering optimal condition so that optimal condition may be availability of the oxygen throughout the process just like a bioreactor so availability availability of oxygen a or the optimum pH optimum optimum pH and the temperature and the temperature so bioreactor the large vessels where we are going to convert the raw materials into specific biological products they are called bioreactors gening okay so that is all about creating optimal condition uh by the engineering for this Catalyst to act next to downstreaming processing Downstream processing Technologies to purify the protein and organic compounds final obtain now we have to extract we have to separate it so we have to purify it we have to preserve it see there separation purification preservation expression expression is not the word under I mean that does not comes under downstreaming only the separation or the extraction purification then the preservation then we have to marketing the entire process Downstream processing Technologies downstreaming process on the health okay so is three critical research areas of biotechnology and so from the beginning of providing the Catalyst till the end of downstreaming process okay so now here it is biotechnological applications in agriculture agriculture biotechnology we know few words like okay BT cotton golden rice right but nowadays rise which is created by biotechnology or genetic engineering recom and DNA technology also have vitamin and protein okay just by introducing the gene so where that Express then they are able to produce different types of components of the food constituents of the food like proteins and vitamins okay so agricultur mineral absorption effess 1960 Dr condition so India announced emergency period perod five years condition emergency period so everyone in India was usually struggling to get food even for two meals a [Music] day so Dr and he started a process called Green Revolution in indiaia Green Revolution so first Norman you should remember the name Norman borlak he was the father of he is the father of Green Revolution India Green Revolution father Dr Ms swam biotechnology food production can be increased by applying biotechnology by the following ways okay what are they agrochemical based agriculture agrochemical based agriculture here agrochemical the chemical fertilizers we are using in agriculture to obtain more yeld so you can call it as chemical fertilizers chemical fertilizers fertilizers they started to supply the chemical fertilizers uh for low cost and they started to use those chemical fertilizes the reason is if that land does not have any kind of potassium or it may be nitrogen cont we are just supplying from the outside so chemical fertilizers agrochemical based agriculture second one organic agriculture so biological man biological biological manure so in the sense we can say without using any type of chemicals agrochemical based agriculture where we are applying chemicals everywhere means to at least to kill the insects to kill such type of insects which are destroying the crop are commonly called pest to destroy The Unwanted weeds you can say weeds weeds unwanted PLS which are growing in the cop field in between the plant that you need gentically engineered crop based gentically engineered crop based here we are using biotechnological hbd gentically modified crops that we are obtaining through the recant DNA technology recant DNA techology so through all these things we are just trying to increase the food production food production now reolution World Dr msan in India and entire world noral borag noral borag next genetically modified organisms GMOs what are these These are plants animals bacteria fungi whatever they are so organisms whose DNA is altered by manipulation see here genetically modified organisms are the organisms or the organisms organisms whose whose DNA is altered altered by manipulation by manipulation manipulation so those organisms are commonly called what genetically modified organisms Gene expr andely they were producing and they were having large amount of carbohydrates nowadays their biochemical nature is quite different they're able to produce vitamin as well as the protein next what are the advantages of these genetically modified crops and organisms advantages let's study one by one which among the following is not an advantage or is an advantage of genetically modified crops so first one increased tolerance against so these plants genetically modified plants have increased tolerance against against what ABI abiotic stress abiotic abiotic stress so so again those are nothing but the temperature cold Dr Sal against capacity genetically modified crops okay so genetically modified crops and that made the plan to increase the tolerance against the abiotic stress reduced Reliance on chemical pesticides you can say chemical chemical pesticides pesticides in the sense so these are the chemicals which we are using are spraying over the crop to destroy the insects or the pests next help to reduce help to reduce post Harvest losses post Harvest Harvest losses previously we were losing lot of crops lot of yield so before Harvest har we are we are losing lot of yield or it may be crop buta they are able to with and they are able to hold the crops so we are not losing much you know reduce post Harvest losses increase the efficiency of minerals used by plant so now these plants have an ability to uh you know absorb the minerals efficiently efficient so in capacity okay so this prevents early exhaustion of fertility of the soil fertility of the if you are applying too much of chemical fertilizers including pesticides vdes herbicides whatever it is features of ferti means that they should not alter the nature of soil and water but nowadays if you are applying too much of chemical fertilizers that alters the nature of soil soil gentically modified crops inbu ability to absorb the minerals from the soil and also maintaining the fertility of the soil next enhanced nutritional value of the food nutritional value enro it be any kind of beans including the tomato or you can say plant including the rice so en nutritional value of the food examp example vitamin A enriched rice that's commonly called Golden rice golden rice India two lakh varieties of rice are present in India only engineering and they're just giving the names randomly nowadays golden R Vin a enr rice bet vamin so betao vamin aied next creation of tailor made plants to supply alternative resources such as starches Fuel and pharmaceutical Industries two pharmaceutical Industries sorry two industries we know that alternative form of food is also called bi ification single in microbes in human welf we are propagating to enhance the nutritive value and also to supply for all the field so creation of tailor made linking together so plants to supply the alternative resources alternative resour for all the food products anything that powder you are going to mix that with milk we are creating so and we are providing to the next one so advantages okay of what genetically modified crops now we are going to discuss about B cotton P resistant plant one example Bey cotton so what is that pest these are the insects which are destroying the crop gregorious Animal Kingdom chapter example so that's nothing but locusts Locust loc so they usually come together thousands lack together and destroy the whole cop Fieldy ofs prevent so we are preventing successfully with the help of genetic engineering with the help of biotechnology okay so best resistant plant like a b coton explain the best obtaining the best resistant plant by using genetic engineering in related to with reference to B okay so terminologies are very important for your competitive exams so some strains of Y basilensis I'm writing here some strains of bassilus bassilus tenses thees tenses produce proteins that kill some insects insects different types of ins ability some strains of Basil bacteria so what is that bacteria that is basil so what that b stands in b coton b basilensis not the biotechnology okay basilensis it's a bacteria some strains varieties they able to produce some proteins prots protein crystals which are able to kill some insects ins here I'm going to write it again okay basus tenses tenses okay forms protein crystals which contain that forms protein crystals protein crystals crystals which contain toxic insecticidal protein toxic insecticidal protein crystals which are having a toxic insecticidal proteins okay next B toxin now we are talking it as a b toxin basilensis toxins are initially inactive we used to call it as a protoxin toxin it's active it's a poisonous able to kill the insects inactive it is inactive State and it is also called protoxin insulin Pro insulin pro hormone initially but after ingestion by the insects insect inest once they consume once they swallow their inactive toxin becomes active due to the alkaline pH of due to the alkaline alkaline pH of s for that alkaline pH alkaline pH of the gut insect that insect is called balom balom that's usually you know e eat the cotton cotton so there that is creating a hole and entering into the bird and having whole pul once that attacks encounters the cotton plant now cotton plants are usually inbuon once this Bey cotton and B toxin which are inactive inate protoxin enters their body once they reach the gut of the insect in the presence of alkaline pH of the gut of insect so which Sol the crystalic it's alkaline solize next the activated toxin binds to the surface of the midg epithelial cells that's creating the pores now once it becomes active in the presence of alkaline pH active this activated toxin protoxin activ tox now it binds to the surface of the midgut of epithelial cells a midgut ell thereby creating pores which causes swell swelling cells Andes so that breaks break so further leading to the death of the insects insects see this is the process how it is destroying an insect which are attacking the plant PL next the toxin is coded by Gene called cry what is that Gene which is encoded in that toxic that is called Kine a Kine which is I mean VAR cry AC and Cry 2 AB cry1 AC and cry to AB that controls the cotton balm cotton ball contr Cry 1ab Cry 1 AB that controls corn B okay I hope you understood this particular slide I'm going to explain this once again explain by writing schematic representation here okay considering that here is a plant plant so okay that plant is usually having the cotton cotton cotton plant so considering that [Music] so what is attacking this PL so caterpillar ins those are commonly called what ball worm ball worms okay so now this ball worm once that ingest the protein ingest the protoxin so now writing that so considering this is the ball worm okay having number of hair on this body like this so this is the ball worm okay so now so ball worm is ingesting so ingesting ingesting what BT toxin initially inactive protoxin but after injection so inactive protoxin protoxin okay ingesting or you can ingested by insect inest so inside their gut okay so considering this is the gut so now in the presence of alkaline pH in the presence of alkaline pH alkaline pH presence this protoxin inactive protoxin is converted into active toxin active active toxin also called toxin so now this Soliz Crystal toxin that is able to create the Poe creating the poe and also liing swelling and lizing of the midgard so now I am writing here creating creating pores in the midgut and also leads to the swelling leads to the swelling as well as the liing means so so that leads to the death of an insect death of an insect in so this is just a life cycle how it goes so once B toxin Crystal so now in the presence of alkaline pH that is converted into active toxin now that's creating the pores in the midgut leads to swelling and licing and finally that leads to the death of insect okay now it's a pure cotton this cotton is not attacked by you know you can say healthy cotton healthy okay it is just like a flower okay so now you can observe the bir considering that is the bird of flow you can observe there are many pores here and there and also there is a worm ball worm ball worm and they are able to enter into the but and they are able to consume the whole the pul of this cotton and so there that decreases the productivity of the cotton so once they started to consume all these white portion means we are losing the productivity productivity but Nows we know it is already toxin they are able to destroy they are able to kill this kind of Bal okay so it is all about B cotton P resistant plant now we are talking about a p resistant plant called tobacco toac okay tobacco plant which part of the plant in tobacco we are using for the for the production that is the leaf basic part very essential for the absorption of water minerals and that supplies nutrients to each and every part of the body and helpful for the photosynthesis so here the tobacco plant here in this case the root part of the tobacco plant is infected by a kind of worm called Meo incog which part of the tobacco plant is infected the root part you can observe this is the healthy healthy root healthy root and of course we know that it is a reticulate okay Tap Root system so sorry fibbr root system FIB Tap Root so you can observe here it is infected root infected root infected root and you are observing many knots nodules here and there just like a leguminous plants which are having rium bacteria rium bacteria there is a presence of a nematode called mogen incognita let's understand okay so a nematode ascal minus neat commonly called Meo doine Meo Meo doine doine incognita incognita incognita infect the root of tobacco plant question there are three questions in the same same are in one sentence one which plant is affected by the neat Meo design incognit tobacco which part of the plant is infected root Leaf stem flower root the which NE that is mogen incognit so like this they are going to ask question in one and examination which reduces the production of tobacco so toac production reduce okay so understanding that it can be prevented by using RNA interference silencing of mRNA RNA interference is also called RNA okay how we are preventing this pest by using RNA interference process which is checking by silencing of specific mRNA due to complimentary double stranded RNA RNA single strand especially in all living organisms especially when it comes to eukariotic living organisms we know the process commonly called translation mRNA produces protein mRNA produce protein I'm writing here Mna you know reducing the protein this process is commonly called translation so if we are able to check this silence so that means we are preventing the translation of mRNA translation prevent but by using double stranded RNA so now by using double strandard RNA complimentary double stranded RNA we are silencing the specific mRNA thereby we are are you know preventing the entry of these organisms even though that enters that is not a suitable condition for the development and growth of this kind of okay so what is the process we are using RNA interference process what we are doing here we are just silencing the MRNA specific mRNA by using double stranded RNA okay this entire process is commonly called RNA interference double strandard RNA double standard that binds and prevents the translation of mRNA this process is commonly called silencing simple so the neat specific gen that is already present within the plant they are able to produce a sense anti sense RNA sense and anti sense RNA they binds together to form a double standard RNA now this double standard RNA binding to the MRNA preventing the translation so hence this process is commonly called silencing silencing so thereby we are preventing that so next how we are introducing that gen NE specific Gene here it is the word by using agrobacterium remember this agrobacterium it's a vector so you anus we are using as a vector retroviruses most retr viruses plants AG bacterium vectors by using this vector vector Gene carrier Gene carrier so neat specific Gene were introduced into the host plant which produce both sense and anti-sense RNA in the host cell now a plant we are introducing the neat specific genes by using agrobacterium vector and this Neato specific Gene is able to produ both sense and anti-sense RNA in the host cell a toac these two complementary to each other and forms double stranded RNA now that initiates RNA interference that initiates R in interference and hence silence the specific mRNA of the Neato Neato specific mRNA translation prent just by binding to that b the parasite cannot survive what is that parasite here now that's nothing but neat that parasite Neato so cannot survive in the transic host trans toac so protects the plants from the pest so these are the two plants they have given in your textbook you have to remember okay related to biotechnology and agriculture now we are talking about genetically engineered insulin biology in medicine how we are producing insulin today with the help of recombinant DNA technology or genetic engineering so it was a you know great mystery to create genetically engineered insulin the person who was suffering from diabetes you know only uh the destination is death but nowadays we are able to increase the lifespan of a person who is suffering from diabetes just by giving the injection of insulin insulin can be taken into the subcutaneous layer of our skin subcutaneous layer in okay insul insulin it's a peptide hormone which is being produced from the eyelets of flerin endocrine part of the pancreas ofin in prod insulin bet so ins which is a to convert the excess of glucose into glycogen and stores that in liver and as well as different muscles and uptake of glucose by the heyes heyes as well asev coordination and integration chap but in few people if isets of flarin fails to produce enough amount of insulin that condition is called diabetes melus insulin produ blood glucose level increases that condition is commonly called diabetes mlus the sub glucose excretes through the urine urr keto glyos KET gly so yes noways we are administrating the genetically engineered insulin called humin hum chemically synthesized or genetically synthesized human insulin is also called humin okay now the production of insulin by recombinant DNA techniques was achieved by an American company in the year 1983 1983 by using recom DNA technology an American company earning more than billions together in a year our netork many countries are becoming they are you know fighting to become a capital city of diabetes diabetic patient one of the most pioner leading company in producing insulin that is called okay any that was uh you know producing by Rec technology El 1983 genetically engineered insulin humin insulin contains two short polypeptide now we are talking about the structure of insulin so insulin contain two short polypeptide chains chains those chains are chain a peptide a and chain B peptide B linked by disulfide Bridge questions one okay which company when and by which process and next one is insulin contain option 2 3 four five polypeptides two polypeptides so mature insulin functional insulin chain a chain B so both peptide chain are linked by y coent Bond hydrogen bond D so the answer is disulfide Bridge or Bond so in mammal insulin is synthesized as a pro hormone ins IM Sy that needs to be processed process number of series of changes has to happen H have to happen so next to to become mature and functional hormone okay IM nonfunctional pro hormone hormone needs to be processed to become a mature functional hormone so now it contains an extra stretch called cepde that is called C peptide C peptide do AP peptide B peptide and now there is an extra stretch called C peptide y proh hormonally now C peptide is absent in mature insulin and is removed during the maturation into insulin maturation of insulin AA a thereby we are getting the what functional two poep and they are linked by D suide Bridge functional insulin so that is nothing but how we are obtaining it and now you can observe so the very first diagram di first one and second one okay this is pro insulin proinsulin have are three peptides so a chain is a chain and here it is a b chain B chain chain okay now you are observing an extra stretch this is called C peptide C peptide so that is a nonfunctional pro insulin now it has to be processed okay sorry dulfi brid here only A and B are here free C peptide C this is nothing but functional insulin mature insulin processing c one of the greatest challeng all the company is facing is assembling both the chain they are not able to make both chains in a single host they are using the host commonly called esta coli where the gene cloning is happening considering these two are the Okay so now uh from one esta coli they are extracting a peptide they are producing AP peptide and another esta coli they are extracting B peptide B peptide and one of the greatest challenge they have is assembling of both of them greatest challenge the health this is the insulin insulin we are obtaining today understood so so this is how they are okay confusion This Is How They are obtaining the insulin today separate a peptide bde so then only that becomes mature insulin okay this is all about genetically engineered insulin also called Humulin now we are talking about gene therapy so geney it is nothing but a collection of all the methods which we are using to correct the gene defect Gene def of all methods gene therapy observe here gene therapy is a collection of methods that allows the correction of Gene defects diagnosed in child or embryo Mal embryo stally we are correcting the gene defect so this process is commonly called gene therapy Gene treatment genes treat we are replacing the nonfunctional gene by using the functional active genes so now by insertion of normal genes obser by insertion of normal in the sense functional normal in the sense functional genes the defective mutant Al mutant defected one and which is not able to work properly or efficiently mutant Al of the genes are placed and the nonfunctional gene is compensated a nonfunctional mutant Gene replace compens so they are replacing the non-functional one with the help of functional normal Gene next for the first time 1990 l in the year 1990 and WF and Resco of National Institute of Health scientist y b and WF andco of National Institute of Health attempt gene therapy on foury old girl clinical trial you can say clinical treatment trial clinical treatment foury old girl M okay so after that so that girl who was suffering from a disease called adinos Dam deficiency also called Ada deficiency Ada in the sense adinos Dam and immune system immune response why because Ada Gene is absent in that girl right now Ada is caused due to the delion of Gene for adinos Dam adinos D and sorry am and enzyme en is caused due to the delion of the gene Gene okay so for the d i me okay deficien in some cases it can be cured by bone marrow transplantation and enzyme replacement therapy but it is not fully Curative which among the following is a fully Curative of gene therapy treatment or Gene treatment bone marrow sorry early EMB stage replacement marrow permanent one otherwise not fully Curative even recant one is not a fully Curative okay lymphocytes from the patient's blood were grown in culture and functional Ada look at here IM in the laboratory in a simulated condition how they are growing the lymphocytes which is extracted from the patient and the lym lyes from the patient's blood patient in the lymphocytes extra grow in a culture and functional Ada and functional Ada and complimentary DNA was introduced in these lymy Lymes okay considering these are the lymphocytes these are the lymphocytes we have extracted from the patient now we are introducing functional Ada functional functional a Ada with a complimentary DNA introd introduced in these lymphocytes using retral Vector why so previously Meo Des Meo do genf genac that was a plant that is retal Vector okay the lymphocytes were transferred after culturing not now after culturing after culturing culture M once all these lymphocytes acquire the functional ad Gene exract separate now they are transferring into the patient's body e lymphocytes which are having the functional Ada now they are transferring into the patient's body periodic infusion of such genetically engineered lymphocytes Lymes gentically engineered lymphocytes periodic infusion requirement because they are mortal they are not Immortal moral they also have some lifespan so that's why as they are mortal as they are not Immortal periodic infusion of such genetically engineered lymphocytes is required it is not a permanent methodone marrow transation enzy replacement therapy dyy sorry genetically engy fully Curative Allah periodic infusion is required lymphocytes is done because the cells are mortal calal you know half death and certain limited lifespan you can say limited limited LIF span Li next for permanent cure isolated from bone marrow cells producing Ada Gene isolated from the bone marrow cells bone marrow cells and these genes are able to produce Ada deam enzyme at early embrionic stage can be possible cure Zen from the bone marrow cell which are having the functional Ada during early embryonic stage is the permanent here you are observing isolate cells with a genetic defect from a patient these cells are called lymphocytes Lymes exract now grow the cells in a culture culturally simulated condition laborat next introduce the therapeutic Gene functional Ada gen functional Ada introduce model again we are culturing that select the genetically corrected cells grow and grow genetically corrected cells you can say corrected corrected lymphocytes corrected lymphocytes with with functional with functional Ada with functional Ada again we are growing that because we need more number of cells again transplant or you can say transfer the modified cells into the patient modify lyos patient body so this is the recombinant DNA technology gene therapy and it is not a permanent curable method because lymphoid are Mortal Mortal I hope you understood about the gene therapy now we are going to talk about another concept that is called molecular diagnosis so molecular diagnosis early diagnosis of early you can say diagnosis early Det detction of detection of detection of infection again here the word infection is indicating the disease infection pathogens any kind of microorganisms bacteria viruses anything now first one polymerized chain reaction polymerized Chain Reaction so it's also called PCR PCR method so in PCR method we are going to amplif so amplification of amplification of nucleic acid of nucleic acid of nucleic acid of what pathogen pathogen which is present in which is present in so are you can say which are of which are of which are of low concentration low concentration so what's the means so I am not example in there are no symptoms symptoms but without symptoms it is very difficult to identify the disease TR analis serum analysis Ur BL okay when a person is usually suffering from a disease when the characteristic symptoms are appearing appear ear diagnosis whether he is suffering from any disease or any infection is there in his body the are in low concentration they are going to amplify multiply the concentration of the nucleic acid of pathogen bacteria and viruses here is the blood sample okay blood sample we know that only two or three pathogens are present they are going to multiply today or tomorrow or day after tomorrow and they start to reaction extension on the thereby number of nucleic acids have been increased Justa so they come to know what pathogen is present inside the blood okay now so it is nothing but polymerized Chain Reaction low concentration of pathogens can be identified by using polymerized CH reaction PCR okay kis you should remember that as a radioactive probe radioactive radioactive probe using genetically engine sorry radioactive DNA are you can say nucleic acid and they are using there is a photography aut rut radiography Auto radiography Auto radiography use because there the mutant one mutant Al or you can say the gene is not visible so they can easily identify whether they are infected or not on the even Gene detection antigen and antibody reaction so the principle which is involved in enzyme link imun is antigen and antibody interaction antigen and antibody interaction antibody interaction infection so what type of antigens are entered into our body antigens nothing but pathogens foreign particles which are inducing the immune responses in the host okay so an enter second one what type of antibodies are being produced against the antigen an we can come to know what type of antigen entered into our body so en l immunos saent so that is also very useful to identify the sexual transmitter disease like AIDS Aids HIV infection okay so it is all about molecular diagnosis how the genetic engineering how the biotechnology is very useful in the detection of diseases in early stage early detection of infection next one stem cell culture stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells these are undifferentiated biological cells this can differentiate it into specialized cells and can drive sorry divide to produce more stem cells divide able to synthesize different types of cells able to form different organs and organ system so stem stem cells are found in multicellular organisms adult stem cells are used in medical therapies okay for example in bone marrow transplantation bone marrow transplantation use okay next bone this is this is the fluid present in the Long Hollow bone cavity and able to produces different types of cells including the lymphocytes as well as blood cells stem cells can also be taken from amical cord uh blood just after the birth after the birth after the pation they will extract that from the amical cord that's the duct connecting the maternal as well as the infant connect where everything is going to supply from the pleasant to the baby or embryo amical extract so bone trans now we are talking about trenic animals okay why we are creating this transic animals and what are the advantages advantages animals so there are five important significance advantag very first one is study of normal physiology and development so so here we are discussing about Gene regulation Gene regulation or the expression or the expression okay gen Express as also the growth factors growth factors growth factors like like insulin like insulin so for example we have created a kind of hormone okay before uh you know clinical triing over different human beings different human beings patient we have to check whether it is properly working or not and before the gene therapy like Ada we have to study how these genes are expressing these are the animals so where the DNA is manipulated and the genes are expressing in their animals animals okay so the expression of the genes regulation of the genes as well as the growth factors like insulin how they are physiologically working they may be the cow pig horse or including the rabbit and mice 95% of the transic animals are mice 95% of the transgenic animals are the M today okay are using them as experimental pieces we know that they are very sensitive to chemical they very sensitive to toxic okay if they survive that means we are able to survive with the help of those chemicals or the medicines that we have created with the help of recombinant DNA technology so now now second one is study of diseases we can study many type of diseases by using these kind of animals trans animal how we are able to cure them so example cancer cancer or you can say remid arthritis rheid rheid arthritis arthritis uh cystic fibrosis cystic fibrosis fibrosis and Alzheimer's diseases Alzheimer's Alzheimer's disease for example we must know even today also we are struggling to uh you know find out the cure for the cancer fully Cur benign tumor as well as malignant tumor so malignant tumor they usually invate the different parts of the body and they are creating and generating the new tumors uncontrollable manner div and how they are migrating and how we need to prevent them biolog Humane human Okay an okay that can be used to treat to treat the MMA disease treat MMA MMA lung disorder treat the M disease they have cre created a transic cow in the Year 1997 the name was Rosie the cow name was Rosie what is this this is a curve transic cve so we are able to obtain the human related that's able to produ the milk with a human protein okay so human protein okay what is that so alha Lain Alpha Lain Lain Al Alin okay so now Alin just a minute are able to produce this large amount of milk and Protein that's nearly 2.4 gin which can bee I mean we are preparing with the help of harmless or weakened pathogens create andf especially this transic animals transic transic animals so these are usually sensitive to chemical sensitive to chemicals toxic substances sensitive AI we come to know that very easily whether this medicine is working or not the work of okay so 95% of the transic animals are mice we using them as a experimental animals means clinical sorry advantages which among the following is not an advantages of trenic animals on the human uh protein called alpha 1 antipin can be used to treat MMA m is treated by alpha 1 anti so Ros was created in the Year 1997 and the first transic C was Rosie and it produces the milk nearly about and the protein whichs 2.4 L that's nothing but alpha lactal alpha lactal it's a more uh you know very useful balanced diet for the babies than normal milk okay this two transic animals now we are talking about ethical issues as I said in the very beginning biotechnology is a double edged sword it's a great B for here we are not discussing in detail because genetically modification sorry genetic modification of organisms so unpredictable results if you are creating just like AI today and we don't know so what is the result of this AI in future likewise we are creating transic animals previously we know that transic animal sorry normal animals slaughtered pigs that was creating a lot of Aller we don't know what's going to happen in future unpredictable result by enforcing some laws restrictions genetic modification of organisms show un productable results when such organisms are introduced into the ecosystem he orm government of India formed the organizations like okay genetically engineered approval committee engineering approval committee to decide the validity and safety of genetically modified organisms for Public Safety gentically before disclosing to the public so there is a committee called G genetically engineering approval committee so that's going to validate and also the safety of that organism or the fure noways we are able to get the seat seedless watermelon seedless papaya seedless you know grapes so one day or other day if we lost all the the original native the natural fruits then we should depend on biotechnology only we are going to lost all the Nativity in the nature and that's going to cause imbalance in the ecosyst happen Basmati Basmati it's a unique rice indigenous rice to India it's indigenous to India India because we know that there was lot mentioning in the ancient text folkl as well as in poetry r related but later in the year 1997 an American company so take the patent of this rice and they started to sell it as a new brand was it is a best example for biopiracy and they also try to take the name as well as Ginger gar whatever it is P without taking any permission we are just duplicating it okay so it is defined as the use of Bio Resources by multinational companies or any other organization without proper authorization without proper authorization in the sense permission from the countries and conserned people without compensatory payment country concerned person in the without compensatory payment without proper authorization if you are using that product it is called biopiracy okay when we are not taking the patent okay so example explain the biopiracy in related to bio sorry company got the patent rights for basmati rice through the US trade sorry US patent and trademark office and was allowed to sell a new variety in us and abroad us okay and they have taken the patent in the Year 1997 so next set of exclusive rights given by the government for a person okay exclusive rights granted by a state or the central government you can say to an invent second so to to an inventor or there a for a limited period of time in exchange for public disclosure of an invention limited period of time set of exclusive rights for an invent in an exchange exchange with a public disclosure if I'm going to inv something inv if you want to show its mind you have to publish that at least in local newspaper or News Channel or social media so the date time everything is recorded So in future if somebody is going to say that it is mine so then you can show the proof it is mine because I have created long ago you have to take the rights from your government so P set of exclusive rights given by the government for an invent or okay a period of time exchange for a public disclosure of an invention without proper authorization compensat payment biological products biopiracy okay so it is all about biotechnology biotechnology and it's application biological applications in agriculture biotechnological applications in medicine medicine bandaga genetically engineered insulin also known as Uline gene therapy molecular diagnosis transing animals finally we have we have discussed about the ethical issues biopiracy and biop patent I hope you understood today's topic so next CL so till then take care have a nice day everyone bye-bye