Essential Python Interview Questions

Aug 22, 2024

Python Coding and Theoretical Questions for Interviews


  • The video covers important coding and theoretical questions in Python likely to be asked in interviews.
  • 10 coding questions and 10 theoretical questions will be discussed.

Coding Questions

  1. Generate an Infinite Fibonacci Series

    • Use the yield keyword to create a generator function that stops generating values when next() is not called.
    • Avoid creating a function that runs indefinitely.
  2. Sort a List Without Using sort Keyword

    • Use a for loop to manually sort a list.
  3. Check if a String is a Palindrome

    • This question is common for both freshers and those with experience.
    • Write code to determine if the string reads the same forwards and backwards.
  4. Sort a Dictionary

    • Can be asked to sort a dictionary using dictionary comprehension.
  5. Find a Pair with a Given Sum in a List

    • Given a target sum, identify two elements in a list that add up to the specified number.
  6. Create a Fibonacci Series Using Recursion

    • Understand how to implement the Fibonacci series using recursive functions.
  7. String Manipulation

    • Given string inputs, be prepared to manipulate them to achieve certain outputs using methods like split and slicing.
  8. Find the Maximum Repeated Character in a String

    • Solve without having O(n²) complexity by using a dictionary.
  9. Find Maximum and Minimum Values from a List

    • Implement finding max and min values without using built-in functions like max or min.
  10. Raising Exceptions

    • Know how to raise exceptions when certain conditions are met in a list (e.g., if a value equals 1).

Theoretical Questions

  1. Difference Between List, Tuple, and Array

    • Understand characteristics and use cases of each.
    • Key differences include mutability, syntax, and performance.
  2. Lambda Function

    • Definition and usage of lambda functions in Python.
    • Provide an example to illustrate.
  3. List Functions: append() vs extend()

    • Know how to use both functions and the types of elements they can add.
  4. Exception Handling in Python

    • Understand try, except, else, and finally. Explain their usage.
  5. Decorator in Python

    • Define what a decorator is, along with examples of customized and parameterized decorators.
  6. Abstraction

    • Explain what abstraction means in programming and how to define abstract classes/functions.
  7. Method Resolution Order (MRO)

    • Be able to explain MRO and its importance in Python.
  8. Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)

    • Understand GIL and its implications in multi-threading.
  9. Drawbacks of Not Using with Statement

    • Discuss the importance of the with statement for resource management.
  10. Difference Between Static and Class Method

    • Clarify the distinctions between static methods and class methods in Python.


  • These questions are commonly asked for both freshers and experienced candidates in Python interviews.
  • It is recommended to study all these topics thoroughly to prepare effectively for interviews.