Fighting Procrastination: Effective Rules and Strategies

Jul 16, 2024

Fighting Procrastination: Effective Rules and Strategies


  • Procrastination is a common habit; it's a form of stress relief.
  • Various rules to combat procrastination:
    • 10-minute rule
    • 5-minute rule
    • Shia LaBeouf's "Just Do It"
    • Throw away your phone
    • 2-minute rule

Understanding Procrastination

  • Procrastination is a habit.
  • Habits can be changed.
  • We procrastinate because it offers stress relief.

The 60-Second Rule

  • Purpose: Bridge the gap between procrastination and the 2-minute rule.
  • Steps:
    1. Acknowledge the Stress: Recognize thoughts like "I'm going to fail," "My presentation is due tomorrow," etc.
    2. Take Immediate Action:
      • Count down from 5: "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go!"
      • Move towards action for 55 secondsā€”focus on just getting ready (e.g., opening your laptop, setting up your work area).
  • Trigger the Brain: This setup tricks the brain into thinking you're just preparing.
    • Once set up, you're more likely to start the task.
  • Just Start:
    • Engage in the task for just 2 minutes.
    • Research shows that 80% of individuals will continue after the initial 2 minutes.


  • Focus on changing actions rather than eliminating stress.
  • It's not a concentration issueā€”it's a habit of avoidance.
  • Good luck and aim for good work!