Transcript for:
Highlights from the Among Us Session

a no way no no no very well then if we get 10 mil Subs we'll drop a 2hour Among Us video did you not hear me properly we will release a 2hour Among Us episode when we reach 10 million subscribers 2 hours 120 Minutes subscribe now by the way for everyone to know engineer Jester and Sheriff are on hey what does engineer do again engineer can do one like full fix of uh something but they can also vent okay cool and then Sheriff can shoot someone if they kill an imposter they survive if they shoot the wrong person they die instead and a Jester if you vote the jester out they the jester wins and there's 100% going to be a game where we all know who the jester is and we vote him out anyway cuz we keep let's freaking go chat let's freaking go chat proximity chat is back W let's go Among Us oh man let's go imposter to start with imposter that's a different shade of red Dei deji mate what yeah we vot out deji no no I was joking I'm joking I don't trust him let me just circle off and do as I please Med base SC we're back baby it's Among Us lfg chat let's freaking go dog look at the size of me I'm not getting away with anything like this h What the fu you are huge deji I'm imposter just so you know deji you're imposter me oh okay maybe he's imposter what the hell is that [ __ ] I don't know enough about this game to understand what's just happened no okay so you got to at the meeting just vote deji that's all you got to do no I'm not imposter sure you aren Belle save it for the jury oh here we go kicking already coming okay I trust him come come lanon Lannon deji Arthur how do I turn my [ __ ] overlay off I don't want to guys I just look intimidating no I'm not the Imposter I'm not the Imposter I promise what the what the [ __ ] oh my days L how do I come back and just die already I'm so pissed ah shut the sheriff no I am the sheriff I just realized everyone can hear me put them lights on leaving me in the dark how disgusting how can electrical be dark man away my vision y okay right let's get it oh Administration who's that why did you just say let's go I said Administration let's go before that oh I'll tell you why cuz I managed to get the [ __ ] overlay off was doing my head in all right guys I'm just saying I saw deji jump in a vent I I he could obviously be engineer but like let's be honest okay let's go and play uh hello Simon I reckon there's a dead body on the right what up top found it oh oh okay I'm starting to think deji was the engineer then yes to we lost an engineer today he just vented in front of me bro wait so Simon there was a body there yeah but I left Arthur deji and Lannon together oh oh where so Arthur I left in nav on the far right and then de was following lanon going like look I'll show you I'll show you or something like that I think I know who I'm voting for man let's [ __ ] stop being brain dead who are we voting for your vot cuz if it's me you're F came Simon came from where the bodies were no I didn't came from I came from CF you came down where was the body for starters by the way the body the body is in storage in storage oh I got to pretend like I know where that is who was in electrical there were like five of us in I was in electrical so was Vic me Ethan Cal are you serious but ladin joined late and then said oh okay I did not join late I was in there for like [ __ ] 15 seconds Lon sounded hella sus right now man all right lanon when did you leave deji when did I leave deji lights were off bro Lon thought Dy was an imposter the whole start of the gameo I see that guy jump shut up I saw that [ __ ] jump in a vent I stand around with him like what the [ __ ] that's a bit sus he could be that stupid I'm not sure he's probably engineer we walk around near navigation lights go off I go ah where's deji what the [ __ ] he's wasting time chaps oh go yourself Ginger to be fair I was I was there I was saw it happen so how the [ __ ] do I get voted for that bro he just you see such [ __ ] so what happened who do I vote vote any that's actually [ __ ] brain dead too much too much actually go suck a [ __ ] fu people don't talk bro I didn't even that's the last hear from Jesus Christ thank God he's gone my God what what an aggressive person welcome back to Among Us Lannon Lannon I can't lie you're ass man I had to kill you bro cuz Vic killed right next to you so I had to kill you I didn't want to kill you oh really yeah I was going to use you as a skapegoat the whole [ __ ] time and then Vic goes and stabs someone right in front of you you didn't even see I don't know how well I was going to say cuz that that was such a rookie play and I didn't expect that from no I thought you were going to see the body so I just like stabbed the [ __ ] out of you to I did leave them apart I did leave those three together dby what you saying I'm I'm list listen to what Simon's saying who he's talking to no I'm saying I left I left Arthur in here are we confident are we but there were no I am really not confident but if it's you two and you both kill me now I'm going double kill Simon Simon double kill Simon Simon come [ __ ] that's got to be I was testing I was testing imagine he went for oh there's a party in here let's go H in here oh how dark y oh my God oh my God we just saw him I was just with him and he's dead all right so that removes three of us wait what three does it remove cuz we just me me me Cal and Ethan was that just in storage just in the bottom of storage viar we nominated you as our drug dealer in this round and for some reason when you rocked up in very drug dealer fashion you killed someone that's enough for me wait wait wait before before you no no cuz we can actually work this out we can work this out we can work this out that's three of us safe that me Toby Vic and clarky and and it was so who came from the left who someone came down from the top who was that that was Toby it's got to be clarky no no why is why is it me clarky what what was you what did you see last round cuz you said I saw something and you didn't tell us what you saw I saw I saw oh last round I was just backing up what laser did laser said cuz Dei was popping out events I don't know where people came from I was too focused on the on the mission at hand I'm getting vickar vs you know go on Harry yes har I was going to I just run past you I was going to run up to admin to do thing and you were saying how someone off the yeah how how how how dark yeah how dark yeah yeah taking away my vision how fresh is this because Simon was some was with us I'm going to vote clarky chaps don't before before you vote clarky do do you think he's got the teers to to put the lights out and kill I think it's Vic there's two people yeah it could be the teers all right well ignore my vote then but oh we split this we could be if Vick voted for clarky by the way it's him yeah there you go oh no it's why is it me it's Vic cuz he thought that clarky was going to have more votes to go out oh my gosh did I just save my godamn bacon um can I get changed before the next game cuz I'm so massive if I if I'm imposter and kill someone being this big there's no way people don't see it yeah you can lights lights lights lights let me don't worry boys I'll fix the lights for us fix there you go right okay there could be watch for a double kill watch for a double kill do I send it do I send it I'm just I'm just going to shut doors and be a [ __ ] p oh no the doors are shut oh no I think lad is rocking us in here he was imposter what sh Toby's the goat Toby Toby's the goat so cuz I was Jester if I just didn't vote Vic would I won yes if you voted yourself clarky you'd have won oh oh wait you Jester yeah he Jester he voted for Vic oh no you should have done it man ah New Blood we like it hey we're all learning let's go next game oh impostor again oh my we do it again oh my days surely not Sur what does Jester mean wow you L you l two B bro you're not too B all just so everyone knows I am imposter right come on I can't find a map I just want to do my tasks and I fear I'm just going to get murdered again hey a hello he gets hit with a splinter that was easy Toby can you hear me I can hear you how are you are yeah [ __ ] hate this guy bro I died instantly I hate this guy he's Di has happened to me twice now I just died up here oh my God you barely made it anywhere there we go perfect I'll stay here to get rid of oh Toby it so sucks oh my God Toby it's Toby it's Toby it's Toby guys guys Toby it Toby called it that was a m right cuz I just saw the body drop I was about to go and fix lights and I saw the body drop just as the lights went off rainbow bears rainbow bears running around doing task it's rainbow Bez the wait no Bez Bez let me tell you let me tell you what happened yeah Toby went past the body right saw me quickly ran back and reported it he did he did he did no there was nothing there guys I can tell you exactly where the let CH say it is seven I'm just going to say it was it was I saw if we get this wrong we lose the game I'm just saying I saw arur body drop literally just near the the storage Corridor to go to lights like in the storage just before how the [ __ ] did three Die the game that was that failed Sheriff no no no no I know the sheriff hadn't cooked yet what how do you know the sheriff hadn't cooked yet huh oh I know how the [ __ ] Sheriff I'm putting a [ __ ] Target on my back but I know how the sheriff I'm just saying if we get it wrong I'm going to I'm going to I knew that would [ __ ] happen bro what just happened I'm so confused I knew that would [ __ ] happen bro vote get rid of Toby I have to vot Toby just B I think it'si by way why would it beat me there is so much noise in my why is it me cuz it's very clumsy and amateur are you actually beat going go mental in a minute M it's a it's AI do you really think I could have pulled off three kills I think it's a Dei kill dei's Jester by the way if he's out if he gets voted he's out oh [ __ ] oh for God's sake frezy what we saw was mad like Vic it's not me I think I think it had to be oh talking like it's you all suck by way I'm not going to get angry today I'm not going to get angry today I'm not going to get angry today I don't like this it's Toby in it how's men coming back and absolutely destroyed I don't like it wait I know I know I know no no I said it I said it it was you [ __ ] dinguses I'm not going to get angry today I'm not going to get angry today I my [ __ ] self dude how the hell did you get to deji being the you're welcome de you're welcome [ __ ] like Ethan thank you you're welcome bro no worries wa wait wait deji actually did nothing to get that by the way that was all Ethan clearly Toby you're welcome that's that is a Mees oil type of sist that that was crazy [ __ ] why did it get caught on DJI I thought he was it's clumsy it's D me me and me and Toby obviously jumped on it as well because we get gone [ __ ] sake by the way I'm three for three and nobody's listening listen to the goat nobody's listening I will always listen to the goat from now on maybe just started talking less about the packet give me imposter again yes come on can't wait to slice and dice little crew mate surviv this time where's Simon where's Simon Okay so Simon if everyone wants to guess my role I am um I impos Simon is that have you seen Simon have I seen Simon we all voting Simon yeah where is he being sus I thought I was playing all right today man I actually thought I was going to get that one y you you almost you killed me almost done Master don't don't stay there don't stay there stay there what look look look I'm engineer look look watch watch watch watch watch watch yeah hold that no this [ __ ] how Petty that he killed me straight away as Revenge hello hello my friend where's the where's the other where's the other member what I don't know should we got one he's got the dealer the dealer what you got for me come with me come with what you got for me fell oh no how dark oh no don't taking me down a dark alleyway no no big star big star what you got down down here okay down in the corner wait where where are you okay I've got some of I've got some of Clarky's cat oh jeez oh yes Harry's got nuts over it look what the hell oh my please don't kill me yeah what's going on guys actually do wait what what's going on wait what the [ __ ] is going on down here no no no no no no no stay away stay away stay away lads I like oh there Simon hi it's like a one in 10 chance bro it's like a one in 10 I knew it oh my days no no no chill I'm Sheriff I'm Sheriff I promise I'm Sheriff I'm Sheriff bro dude I [ __ ] awesome by the way okay deji deji what you just saw yeah was a sheriff cooking brother you just saw an absolute Sheriff master class and if I get my role guest now you know I was telling the truth I just go you know what there's a one in 10 chance I'm correct so I just shot Simon and he [ __ ] died oh my God I'll buy out again early he'll be fing you can vote me out but I promise I'm this could be an elaborate plan to normal no laser true that would be a good plan as well I I'll buy it for one round that is a [ __ ] one in 10 chance otherwise I would be dead right now let me have that that is crazy can you can you can you shoot again L now you I can I can shoot again yeah I can shoot again oh do we make him shoot again yeah from the ri oh I like that who do you want to pick yeah Al you got to shoot off the rips yeah yeah but who who who do we want to pick we stand in a row we'll stand in a row and you can decide firing squad you just pick one of us God standing this be nuts right now I don't like the way lon's saying that though all right every under table everyone create a line underneath the table gather up gather up um but is he not going to accidentally shoot someone here we need to be I've got 16 seconds on this by the way hey hey look at Ethan look at Ethan it's him get in the lineth feel shoot Ethan shoot Ethan Ethan it's so obviously you so obviously me relax you're the only one not lining up to get shot and you running laps around people we have to do sh this thing's funny we have to do yeah yeah yeah but I'm just trying to think I'm trying to think of a way to like figure out who it is let's get Bez out first and then do it cuz it's so he he was skipping whimsically around people whilst we were trying to line up he was avoiding the task you all have what's the task you all have right now what's a I we got to figure out something that like I have three and people I AR's on me yeah and they'll see at the end why no they won't Arthur line up I want to see it everyone stand in the lineup so we can be identified all right I got 23 seconds by the way 23 seconds okay he's got he's got 23 seconds both being I'm [ __ ] gone I'm [ __ ] gone bro I'm running Oh my days is where's he gone wait where he go get [ __ ] dunked on De Lord [ __ ] wait where where he go oh my gosh I lost him it's got to be there he's got be there he's not the sheriff he's not the sheriff he's not the sheriff a cool an emergency he's not the sheriff I knew it who was that I had to kill one [Music] where did he [Music] go where's Deon we need to call an emergency meeting and Sack them off surely it's them ah hello TV what just happened why's the door shut they can they can the imposters can lock doors the imposters can yeah like even if they're dead they can lock wait wait wait wait wait oh oh yeah I think you just go and shoot one of them I think you just shoot one of I don't know I I'm actually like I know this is a bit but I'm actually just so ah wait wait wait wait tried he tried and he he just okay so I think I think laser assumed that I was so stupid that it must be a lie but it's actually just the truth so he shot me and then died oh freezy's been killed so it wasn't Arthur Harry bro Bez and deji ran away from the lineup how are we not thinking it's the thing is though the thing is though e Ethan and Vic at the start I was hanging out with him for so long so what he could have had a no Harry don't do that Harry okay wait hold up so Lannon was Jester Simon was imposter so one imposter is down Lannon has died cuz he was Jester and he missed a shot clarky is safe yes so M so if lanon if if lanon was being serious about being the shooting guy then he genuinely wanted the lineup and Bez and deji ran away from it no don't say no cuz you did I was no I was F I was following okay you know what if you've got any defense just tell us why you ran away from the lineup I ran away to follow Ethan because Ethan is clearly the he's clearly the killer so why would you run you run after the killer You' run off in a dark I thought we were all running after him but then I realized I was what do you think we can't beat him up we we can't run into one of the little rooms and just B him Dei what happened after you wait cuz the lights went out where did you go yeah no he duked me no he no he actually duked me he duked you duked me so obviously be why are we even talking about this I think it's either but Ethan was Ethan was with me for so long St either eth or but I don't know which one it's me it's 100% one of the two of them I'm going to go I'll go B I'll go B we don't need to we don't need to cuz there's only one imposter he's not even trying to defend himself it's be I'm going Dei [ __ ] him bro us because there's one imposter it's fine we don't know who it is out of the two of them it's Ethan he was one away from winning if Bez voted himself and he is Jester he is Jester yeah what do you mean how do you you what are you playing at V what do you mean what am I playing we don't know who it is so what's the point it's VI saf the killer I literally physically cannot be the killer cuz I was with the sheriff when another crew mate died out here bro get me out of here look look at e look away right you know what no just [ __ ] sake why is Al suddenly in charge as well by the way no I like it though I I like offer in charge if you want we can vote out one and then vote out the other cuz we know it's not our get Bez out okay do do it hear me out do do we not do we know do we not go Dei because like Even's the obvious one that makes no sense everyone everyone deserves a fair trial we're int no they don't we're in court deji you have 20 seconds to defend your innocence go vixar you are not judged dudy the Executioner stop it stop it now right the comments are roasting you right now saying that right now it's Ethan because because he didn't stand in the line okay I he run away he r i was chasing Ethan I'm I'm I'm a crew mate we'll get be out if it's not just let them talk Ethan seconds to defend yourself I'm not going to let someone take my life there you go you wouldn't care if you were crew listen listen it's a sorry sight bigar okay it's either I die or my friend dies so it's one of the two mate so you thought you just run make sure it's him but I can't get over the [ __ ] deal we did at the start with Vick in the corner like that surely something would have happened there Harry Harry he could have been the other imposter cuz there was only one imposer kill that Harry he just said he's it was Simon Simon got a kill and then got killed by Lon in the first round so it perfectly could have been bad just Harry stop it now you're trolling you know out I want to vote both get one out and the other next I'm going Dei I'm going I'm going no are youing Harry what oh you ginger [ __ ] maybe Harry's imposter and he's sticking up for bears oh sorry sorry I take it back imagine oh Ean won well done GG g g it's gg gg gg gg gg gg oh my God how did that Happ bro fuing there's a that's why you ran boys I got to be honest that seemed like the most obvious Jester play you look got soloed hard bro I thought the jester was dead you [ __ ] wasted my shot all right vi vi Vic got marinated differently there trying to get him on the Dead I was trying yeah I know I know that you clocked it Harry oh deji got duked so hard by the way Dei got Jed man oh get one chance one chance as an imposter and I get shot within a second hey Simon Simon can I let you in on a secret no I'm going to die no no chill chill chill chill chill chill chill simay a big everyone I'm with I go talk to him real quick so you know what's me okay okay I'll I need to leton on secret let's have a word no no no cuz I got like last time I ad no this is you guys are imp okay Simon and Simon and Laser a sus Bez oh don't go up there chasing me Harry's chasing me when Offa gets out of shot it'll be time to die okay somehow I've gotten Sheriff four times in a row right so you could just kill me right now if you want to get rid of the sheriff uh I'm not going to shoot you off the bat this time and if I get guests in the meeting like fair play but I'm just saying you got to help me find the person to shoot again I'm not shooting you though but I I want to run okay I appreciate that I appreciate that cuz I'm also I I am a crew mate okay okay sure sure you are I am sure you no it doesn't matter to me I'm fighting my own fight here just so you know look you you'll see you'll see I'll find someone to shoot who oh like I've come across a conversation here my my ears shouldn't have laid ears onz you're looking kind of sus there uh I know I changed colors but hey what is going on laser be in side dog oh someone don't do it don't do it don't do it do it yeah don't do it now don't do it don't do it don't do it leaving all right mate I'm telling you this card game has changed well I can't do it actually I'm tell yeah nice try no it's fck it's Fick Dei Dei you know can't do it from here you need to you lot need to just scrap you lot need to just scrap come come have chat stop being a [ __ ] and step outside you don't need to just settle this man just settle come here you're are you that afraid you think I would tell you to come for a chat with me in front of two other people and then kill you and think they're not going to expect it's me come and have a chat him for a chat come here all right I'm come here come here stop being scared I pull it for a check go on have a little conversation and I'm I'm man wait no no no no cuz I'm going to make sure this doesn't go west I'm going to make sure this doesn't go west it's kicking off here har Harry get ticket they about to start boxing the're about to start fighting all right this is the ring and let's get it the lights Corner we have why is that always a standoff luk what's here Bo I just fixed it I just fixed it I'm engineer oh oh you engineer okay I'm sorry right who's just run down from there cuz is there going to be a build body up here that's a good sh surely right out haralo I'm the engineer no har do you want to see something look here watch this one set one sec what you doing watch this Bang Yeah engine engineering that he did he just where did V Eng yeah he's the engineer though Benji Benji guys go away Ethan is your mustache on your eyes uh no so that's just under my nose it's just under my nose I people often get confused and think it's eyebrows but it's not that they're on your mask though that must but if you think about where my where my face would be in there my eyes are at the top of that little window it's obvious use your [ __ ] brain hey Toby eyes are up here I know I got a mini dress on can't lie you look kind of L you know damn [ __ ] you look fine as hell good you look [ __ ] sexy as [ __ ] D yo yo come come into the corner let me have a little quick word with you come into the corner no right in here like right where nobody can see oh wait what I just I feel like there's why is no one killed anyone this this is AR clar special I know this is so meoded but it's it's not me I to be fair I just thought it was Vic but Vic did vent but apparently he's got a good excuse so if you're an imposter right now you could guess that Vic is uh an engineer I'm just saying I unfortunate that's a very good shout right there what does that mean what does that mean so basically basically if there's a killer right now just if there's a killer right now on your screen go on Vic's thing and go to the right and go engineer and then guess no not like this why are we helping them but if that doesn't happen Vic's not engineer I'm just saying I unfortun I heard some information from Simon Simon Simon is someone I am my is the information by accident no no what information get my notepad I need to write that down I I'm just saying the fact that Vic hasn't died yet makes me think he's an imposter no I think it's an imposter who doesn't know how to guess literally just explained it can Vic be engineer and imposter at the same time he can't he can't so he definitely vented so I I also fixed the lights in of everyone I fixed instantly in front of everyone and no one else said they fixed guys guess engineer whoever it is guess engineer why are you trying to kill me I'm get angry today I'm not going to get angry today whoever the Killer is joh VI character dog [ __ ] dog sh if it was me I would have done it your dog [ __ ] crew there we go they figured it out all right wait what the [ __ ] did we just kill vickar by saying can now confidently say Vick was the engineer so [ __ ] this new Among Us is [ __ ] crazy wa unless unless Simon's the Imposter that is [ __ ] hilarious that's funny I what do you mean it's clearly Simon why would it be Simon oh cuz he told bro he he why would he do that it's Simon D she saying it's me let's go if you guys double kill right now I'll let you get I'll let you get away with it I'm looking away I'll let you get away with it if you double kill right now I promise I promise all clarky clarky let's do the double kill yeah I'm staying where there's a double kill right now I'll look away I'm looking away clarky you and me it's too obvious here oh it's too obvious wait wait someone got me in the corner and you kill me the no all clarky let's go kill him in the corner come on now go do go do a double kill don't SP you idiot swear to God you guys wait no KY actually actually kill him who's the goat by the way it's it's me brother that's car oh freezy n who are these imposters man nothing is happening where is everyone I see no one hello there hello wait me don't shoot me there's no need [ __ ] hell okay no now hear me out when I say do you know been doing no no wait wait so we were all together right and there was I re de's engineer get him out whoever kill so we now know it's definitely Simon yes how the I can get behind it I can okay no guys guys guys Simon Sim guys it's not Simon stop I have something to admit to Simon is the only one that left the comfort of the group guys guys we we can run another test I'm pretty sure right yeah so Bez what you overheard me and Simon talking about was Simon admitting to me he is the sheriff I heard that Sim admitted to me so if you guys go guess on him and he's the sheriff I'm just saying you you can guess s BR right now we'll see wait wait waiter Simon as Sheriff Simon guess Simon Sheriff did it bro yeah yeah yeah it's only right you just did it to Vic so do it to Simon don't do it killer do it do it guess he's Shar wait I'm confused I'm confused what what even is the test you're going to have to break it down for when I say this don't do it no you've got 30 seconds just test it it he's the sheriff oh no it's R first psychology he told me he's the sheriff no he's capping he's a murderer so he'll just kill and then be no one's a murderer yet it's Simon I believe he's the sheriff I promise I'm not the sheriff I promise you given they're so against each other sh guess him get I'm going goii let's vote Simon and then vote deji God I see that was a stupid Guess s s didn't die wait Simon voted himself it's Simon Jester oh [ __ ] no why did Simon vote himself why did he vote himself then what I didn't Simon Simon I I know it's you now 100% Simon is him yeah it's Simon a little bit of a gy thing to scared I was foret sgg Simon they learned how to guess bro why they know how to guess Simon they know how to guess why did you not die Simon sim bro Simon leave I'm I'll leave you alone I'll leave you alone I it's it's him it's him Simon oh for [ __ ] sake oh my God Simon it's time to go no no no no no guys guys let's not vot him I will always run away from you no one's been killed yet guess him's the [ __ ] Sheriff then he's either or Sheri lanon is the sheriff can vote lanon is the sheriff he Tri baate you into saying I was that is not true why did V say Simon is if Simon if Simon was a crew mate why would he say that exactly [ __ ] that's it Simon you're out of here wait no no he's the jester that's why you say that wa that's what I'm thinking I'm not a sherff he's the jester that's why say just says it was so much conviction oh no oh you're right he's a jest clarky let's get Simon s being to he's the jester and if this is wrong we got to get deji out I literally said he was the jester he voted for himself and then he just put oh my idiots you [ __ ] come on guys thanks guys you're joking me id you are so dumb are you guys dumb can we get rid of that Ro that's not fair he voted for himself it went really under the radar I've said it numerous times yeah but people just don't regard what George says as truth that's the problem [ __ ] Dan I don't say you little B was so funny rounds oh we are thick as [ __ ] man booah go imposter I'm crew mate man crazy impostor engineer to show you what a man in a minis skirt can do oh this is going to be fun ENT around and fix sabotages well it's going to be quite a challenge cuz I have no idea what one of those things is oh yeah what do I do what do I oh boom that's fun all right how are we going to stop these damn Jesters found in the lobby Harry what are we going to do uh I I'm not I don't trust the words you say vixar why not hello what are you doing all right who am I shooting who am I shooting shoot me you're not you're not who am I shooting alone no let's run it back who am I Sho sense there's no way he is Shar who am I shooting why not I don't know that's like I feel like that's just you know I get impul no I feel like you're marinating me off the Ripper I don't I don't like your your friendly uh demeanor Arthur I want to say I genuinely believe we had a gener I think we're going to get flamed in the comments you weren't helping me with anything well someone going and do it what's your code Ethan okay okay good oh damn I was just with him and then he went with Ethan oh jest Jester top Jester top again no no no literally he left I was with Vic he walked off with Bez and now he's dead that's not the case that's exactly that's exactly what happen just a defense no no no no I swear to God we done the code2 and then I've seen Simon drop the body just towards weap okay right okay I was I was I was actually going to say I don't know if it is Bez but now he's accusing me I think it has to be him you know [ __ ] let's run it I got a boring role I'm Sheriff again I'm bored of this no no no skip skip skip don't don't don't don't vote for him let's run back you [ __ ] idiot you [ __ ] idiot you [ __ ] [ __ ] Bez you an idiot you idiot imagine believing me you [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what just Happ imposter Tred to get laser out believe saying Sher oh my God actual [ __ ] oh wait wait wait wait wait wait it's it's freezy it's freezy freezy's the other I agree I agree lete if this isn't if this is a no no no we've [Music] beene why I be [ __ ] [Music] out so he just innocent civilian come here come here I want to have a I want I want a word with you I want a word with you wait what's going on he's he's even oh my god I've been so close to cooking this this entire video and it always gets ruined let's not [ __ ] blow this one can I I want to talk to Dei on his own okay all right yeah no go you go Minutes in Heaven come over here do you want to do you want to know something all right yeah okay don't kill me wait what I'm not the killer I know cuz I am and I killed E I killed next to Ethan and then voted him out as a crew mate made and made it look like like he shot at Lannon wait really yeah but no one will believe you boys boys who can hear me who can hear me who can hear me I he dropped wait wait who's the other crew mate the other killer I'm not going to tell you wait so are you no stop it wait Simon [Music] who can hear me I E dropped ah no no no no no no no no no no no no Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry har it's not first of all it's not me I'm telling you that right now let's all stop screaming yeah yeah so what are you doing just examining the body then deji no no no no no I I was with I was with Simon but no but Simon didn't do it deji what are you saying right [ __ ] man so so bad no no no it's it has to be Harry what are you talking about Harry was behind you no har yeah Harry's doing this deji I deji I think it's you bro Harry did shush me as if he was about to kill me and then I ran Harry went on Bez Harry went on Bez Simon do the thing please just do the thing I re is six let's let him play what I don't know what you're talking about oh yeah what happened to your secret Mee what was your little secret me about you shut the [ __ ] up right right there so Simon there's something going on between Simon and deji here what did you say deji was stood over the bodyi was stood looking at the body man like he so he might be Jester trying to get himself un someone else oh hear me out hear me out hear me out has is deji Jester and he's just stood over a dead deji what are you doing man that's literally what I just said yeah good point who the hell let him anyway it's six we don't have to vote cuz one's gone one's eliminated so let's just be relaxed here let's not rush to a vote how do we know that one is gone cuz is a [ __ ] idiot show himself right okay okay or did he wait what no just get Simon out man all right I'm I'm skip skip private meeting that I had basically we need more Harry voted for be Harry was chasing on be and the private meeting that I had was basically Simon wait Simon Simon I voted for Simon it's Simon no it's not all right Dei look do you want to know why Sim basically Simon told me that he that he right I'm starting to think it might be S I think so I think what's happened is I think Simon's killed that body and let Dei stand over it no no Simon just go do a task I'm call a Mee something going on here man I'm going let Dei explain wait Simon stop there oh God we need to hat this out oh my gosh what's going on we we were starting to say it was Simon and then he ran away and called a meeting no we need to Hash this out deji dei's about to lie whatever he says right now is a lie all right so Simon P aside Li that was already a lie all you have to say is that Simon isn't the impostor no Simon no Simon guessed to to make it seem as if Ethan was the uh the one who guessed Lannon as Sheriff but he guessed he guessed uh Ethan as crewmate so that's why that's not how it works that's not how it guess as crewmate can you can't guess his crewmate you can I think just kill [ __ ] anyone well if you guess someone's crew you get it right they die that's not right that that makes that seems op hey is s a Jester it's not no no no no no deji's the jester you can't do that you can't do that deji literally I don't know found a body and stood over it yeah that Dei that is worrying me that that was weird no no I I if you vote me now you I'm saying that now let's just not vote let's just like remember you don't have to vote right now I'm oh Simon's suck a fat I think we get Simon done yeah I think we get some cuz I don't I I think he's got to go man yeah I back that Simon's being too weird Simon's being too weird you got any in the first round I saw lanon vent and he's not the engineer why is this the first time you're seeing anything then because if I say he's the engineer then someone will kill him guys please shut the [ __ ] up Bez [ __ ] died trying to guess that I was sheriff for the love of [ __ ] stop okay just listen this is why we keep losing to Jers and [ __ ] you [ __ ] listen L are you Lon are you engineer I'm not a [ __ ] engineer when have I ever claimed that I was an engineer at any [ __ ] point vot someone has switched my vote I voted on voted already oh my God I skipped before they voted so so dumb my [ __ ] god so is he [ __ ] is he is he just I want to [ __ ] kill myself this [ __ ] is this is so [Music] [ __ ] stop voting I'm not going to get angry today I'm not going to get angry today oh my God you [ __ ] idiot no no no by the way I got I got Dei in the corner and I said to him I killed next to Bez reported it and then made Bez like I voted Bez asate [ __ ] idiot to make it look like he get well done high IQ Play I Was marinated by that cuz I went and EES dropped on deji and Simon's I stood I heard I killed him I killed him so I thought it was Simon and then what happened even better right is after I tell deji this I run down and when deji stood on the body it looked 100% like I killed him like as in I was like 10 yards ahead of him and I ran over a body and then he saw it how the [ __ ] did you get a wife VI me Vic asked me the worst question bro on on oxygen he went what's the code I didn't have one so I just killed him can I say this in the nicest way possible Dei is actually so [ __ ] at this game how three rounds in a road no that was a really nice way of saying it that was really nice for it's really kind what a word Smith [ __ ] sake man all right let's [ __ ] go let's get dialed in now boys I'm being serious diing diing diing who wants to dial in real [Music] talk can we just get rid of deji out the game every we have said let's not vote and I feel likei is the exception toi is the exception don't vote him fine do not vote him Dei is nibbled on three out of three really really really making me want to [ __ ] punch myself in the head holy [ __ ] this might be the most brain dead lob we've cooked up in a while you know than I'm going to try and not take that personally I actually feel smart in this Lobby if s wasn't it by the way we'd be [ __ ] [ __ ] wait so Dei Dei I got your back don't worry are you just thank you are you just I'm like no I'm not just a crewmate are you a crew mate I am a crew mate I promise okay well look I'll give you if you're if you're killer look come up here yeah no I promise you I am I am a crewmate I'm just again wait are you actually no one's going to believe you wait you're Jester yeah go on wait are you actually though yeah it's annoying cuz I feel like I've been having like decent games today and then hello what where'd you go why have you done that then all right it's got to do my job I don't want to say what it is because I'll get stabbed in the meeting right let me oh by the way um chit fact can you just edit because I I I just really want you to edit can you make like a cold edit why do I feel like you sus get out of that cor no I was okay this sounds weird but I was just asking chip fat to do like a cold edit for me go do a task go do a task right now I watch you uh where are the tasks is it in here yeah straight to your West there you go oh [ __ ] a task where the [ __ ] are they where the hell are the tasks where the hell are the Tas it's it's him it's freezy it's freeing oh that's cameras I don't know where the [ __ ] the tasks are I'm calling a meeting it's free guys guys it's free Shari Shar Shar I saw my life because I walked into the room with freezy and I was like oh bro he was standing in a corridor and I was like I'm not going past Heine I was like no shut up he was like I was like go do a task and he walks into this room and does a LAP going hm where are the tasks where are the and then makes a beine for and Sprints at me so it's no wait wait wait wait before this he tried to kill Meo let me speak let me speak Dei you shut the [ __ ] up deji okay you're not allowed to speak we're keeping don't let him speak what do you have to say Simon Simon is Jester y bro it doesn't matter we call this meeting for free we need to get freezy out cuz he was about kill let me explain guys let me explain I would he chased at me with a knife can I speak now with a knife yeah did he pull out a knife no he didn't literally pull out metaphorically yeah that's not enough then if you saw a knife i' voted bro he was in this room and he wouldn't do a task he didn't know where the task was running he caught out he's sprinted at me you're not letting me this is very you know what he he had an evil manal laugh as well he knew he was caught I want to suggest something suggest Jester perh I don't think I I feel like I feel like freezy may not have enough brain cells to fake Taswell I don't no no Simon Simon let me explain what Happ follow him after this meeting just watched him he does one him out he does one task that's all I ask no he he'll get a mared on kill he'll just take someone out with him he gone he knows he anyway hey you're not letting me speak [ __ ] oh welcome first please vote freezy he's just going to get a marom kill now no no no what I was doing is interest you would vote me if I'm the jester that's weird Oh my days I forgot if I know piss me off more than you can imagine fre going he's going down where is he no he's going to kill one of us come everybody come into my corner and I'm joking come on the here we go he's a bit far away from that table Lads oh there we go task complete he's B far away from it yeah no no no no no no no no no please fix the lights brother can I can I explain what I did before yeah I was asking chip fat to do a cold edit of Me no do a task now do a task just did one I just did a COR swipe you little freaks did do another one okay right now [ __ ] hell you got to doing my nut man [ __ ] I can't be bothered for this [ __ ] I'm going do my tasks this is pathetic you know the imposters and all that a [ __ ] gigle wait wait wait wait it takes me ages to do this right click I let it I let it go round once boom I believe oh what's just happened wait he's dead who's dead wait died I think vickar just killed him someone just killed him why me he was right on him almost like everyone's a [ __ ] [ __ ] and everyone was wrong oh my God that's crazy I can't believe it I'm shocked I was so certain he was the Imposter but the thing is Arthur right I don't know killed anyone so you can never be sure he's the impostor that's true why have I turned up here these guys they turned up right half an hour late I've got to go in 15 minutes I've been inoc I I have I had an outfit to be a Jester I brought an outfit I wanted I wanted to to to have some fun right I wanted to have some fun and I I I didn't get Jester once I had I had a Sheriff or a detective outfit but that would work as a as a sheriff I can't believe this I I believe it was vickar I think it was vickar as well I think I don't know what to believe I'd rather [ __ ] Skip and get killed to be honest and and by way wa don't forget vickar open up this lobby with let's vote deji instantly by the way remember that that's true okay and his defense when Ethan accused him was like why me I wait what what the [ __ ] guess yeah he guessed and he's dead oh so was I still wasted my vote on him we can vote again let's go well L Lon was talking like he was engineer but I think no I'm engineer you know what I'll vote lanon yeah I he's got weird mustache actually no I'm actually going to I promise if I get voted right now I'm putting a [ __ ] Sledgehammer through my screen that wish I wish I that's very encouraging oh [ __ ] here we go is this our last game no no a well [ __ ] am I play with a sledgehammer through my [ __ ] screen yes yes please I can play on my second B let's [ __ ] run this [ __ ] load up Among Us mobile boss let's go on yeah see what Happ let's see what happens this has been the most brain dead moronic [ __ ] i' he's going to smash it going to lose a play here just smash it at the end smash it at the end Oh's well then J Jesus oh my God Jesus Christ how has he just got a sledgehammer to handers that be whome gave my go [ __ ] these they owe me another [ __ ] monitor is monitor's gone chat chat yeah I know bro I'm I'm so stream encoded right now's in the yeah W's in the chat for that one there boys let's go all right fix that wait why did the engineer not just fix that because Lon was the [ __ ] engineer be honest sorry car sorry car I I I just clicked kale I was just get every single person in this [ __ ] Lobby Dei and Arthur I wish nothing but the worst for them nothing but the worst I've wasted my time on a on a on a Wednesday I love watching the series I sit I eat my food I watch and I enjoy this series I will never ever take part in this series again ever does anyone want to own up to anything no uh no don't know no no nothing nothing that was I still think I think Simon is just as [ __ ] oh my oh my God God [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no no no I can't deal with this screaming I'll vote him just for screaming no it's Simon no no Simon I saw I saw it man I saw it it's Simon no I saw Dei I I came down from the top it was Simon was it Simon wait so explain what happened I was I just yeah explain what happened we weren't there boys boys I'm in I'm in the top of lights right I don't think I don't think they can see me up there I don't know but I've come down and someone slides you in lights the top the top of Lights you and no you weren't in light me and deji were in lights only and stupid I [ __ ] are I just [ __ ] seen it seen what happened no Aon he was about to say he reported it I know I clicked report but you evidently clicked report before me but like I was there I was on it it's it's no no s purely because you purely because you came for me I'm V we may have two imposters no we don't need to vote no no we got vote on tell you I've seen the kill it's [ __ ] was one imposter there's still a Jester in here no I think it's a double I think Vic was I think one of them guessed Vic's role Boys you've got to trust me boys You' got to trust me now there is no reason there is no reason for deji and Harry to be backing each other right now no so there's two killers is deji deji deji deji I'm with you man I'm G I was fully I was fully ready to go for vote I don't think don't right no we do need to vote there's two killers deji and Harry no no no it's Simon it's Simon yeah I I was going to say it was deji but it's now Simon I've SE I've come down I've seen the [ __ ] kill happen wait is there a Jester still there could be yeah no no no no no it's Simon Simon just killed I'm being gaslighted in my own [ __ ] home you weren in the room I'm bound to the peer pressure but I think I think it's correct I think it's correct can't be Jester again if not it's deji by the way if not it's deji I'm telling you it's Dei if you let Simon win on the jester again yeah I think Bez was sheriff and he tried to kill deji I swear to God that sounds like a smug Simon that I've just heard [ __ ] off you are so I'm so tired of this [ __ ] man I'm so tired Dei what happened wait exactly what happened I tried Sho shoot you deji and he killed himself and then it went so badly that they thought you just killed me bro every time we let deji speak every time we just voted him out hey imp osters imposters I'm rooting for your next game oh this do my [ __ ] by the way I want everyone to know that I told deji in the first round I was the the jester n Dei you're crazy no no that literally looked as if Simon let the hatred continue into next round just press Start Press Start LG LG LG K how are y crazy [ __ ] me man this is hard this is this is the this is the worst thing we've ever done this is the worst thing we ever this is absolute just stop listening to Dei no but it's not my fault though all the way it looks yeah no de de I that that that was that that was on me that time I thought I gen do hear it did look like deji or me killed for Harry but it l deji looked more like you killed than me so what but what actually happened someone had shot like and he um he tried to kill deji and died cuz deji's crew mate who's on cameras already jeez be no no time on the C on bro this is the problem everyone just hang impossible I don't I always run away [ __ ] you guys leave me alone do we follow him that's a bit rude go away what what's the aim if you're the jester get voted out what do you mean by that you want to run away done bro run away from who I'm trying to get my Tas whatever the conversation follows you none of you look no I don't want to talk to you we love you zingi we do we love you zingi oh [ __ ] you I was about to vent I was just about to vent going to avoid to oh my [ __ ] God as if it's Broski oh my God stay away from me stay away from me you're going you're going to say it's me again is it I hate that guy you're going to say scary you're going to say it's me again stay away from me stop again you're going to say it's me again no okay I hope I get caught I hope I get caught oh I hate this guy I knew it how did he catch up with me while we're here boys is anyone here got anything to say is anyone Jester is anyone imposter I'm a I'm a crew mate what's you know what I'm going to put faith in you to I'm the Sher I'm the sheriff oh yeah if I die then fair enough one of you killed me but I I have faith in oh okay cool I mean you can you can shoot me and find out but no I do that no cuz I trust you all right okay good things I could I just don't know who to trust anymore I could be being marinated I'm run away you but I'll Trust you for now oh Toby Toby what you doing there yeah you're looking very suspect just fixed wearing I'm going to do the other two now so you clean mate so you CLE dei's been hoing about he's got [ __ ] Jester again I can't be honest with it I'm not even Jester can we go away from Dei I'm going to ask politely again viar leave me alone no won't no one leave Bez alone everyone follow Bez now hang on a minute boys yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah boys boys who who was at the top of who was at top who said that the deji's voice annoyed them Vick right yeah yeah so Vic and Bez just came up from the left of the of wherever the middle is storage yet dead body on the down there deji's alive though no no no no no but as in they he just needed to said that sentence they came from there yeah a dead body down there where's the body then mate bottom left like so you came out of lights and went there wasn't one me me and VI r no there was all right if you not vote me yet be my [ __ ] guest you Big B please start us some more bro start us some more Toby where Toby where were you where were you I was you saw me top of storage I did um oh Toby came from there as well no I didn't go down that side it's done kushy bro yeah I know I'm just annoying you for no reason Harry I did the wiring task at the top of storage then I went round to navigation vstar has been running round with me cuz I've told him to politely [ __ ] off okay it could have been a double kill it could have been a double kill but if you're clearing yourselves me Dei har can clear each it's so it's freezy and Toby yeah no no no no cuz I'm not getting done again not getting done again I'm on the far right of the map I haven't been to the right side of the map I think I'm going to go Toby on this one I haven't been to the right side of the the left it's not Toby not it's not Toby Toby safe what's going on here I don't know why he defending me but it's not me cuz be and V clearing each other doesn't really mean anything cuz there's two of them they sound genuinely pissed off I don't think they would and they're stupid Ethan Ethan Ethan yes yeah did Vic leave you like any not one not one [ __ ] chance youve been [ __ ] me off the whole round hi Binga good to see you going to I'm going to do my har Harry you wouldn't yeah you wouldn't self-report would you I wouldn't no I wouldn't okay I'm putting a lot of that is that is that is a pla that is a plausible thing of cafeteria to do the last weing not like this please hey Toby Toby Toby I'm I've gone top of cafeteria to do the last you kill if you kill deji I promise I won't report it I wish I could kill deji in this game today because he's pissed me off oh Dei why are you moving around so much like that that's mad sus no no no I I was going to say a funny joke okay go on then I'm listening uh who's there Europe Europe who oh wait wait is that a setup oh my God I thought you were going to kill me oh thank God Simon rocked up no I said oh my God you look no I justen I literally just left him yeah Boys Boys Boys Boys listen to this he's [ __ ] up crazy [ __ ] up Dei lit literally he stood there and he's doing a joke he's going knock knock and then uh Simon went who's there and he just kills him that's enough for me is that tough are you that's enough for me oh my God oh my God are you serious Dei Dei if you had pulled that off that would have been so way I already did but we should have we should have vote we should have vot seven We Should Skip so deji what did happen skip everyone skip I I I was I was with Cal I'll skip now but I'm let you know I said knock knock he said who's there I said Europe he said Europe who I said no Europe who and then he just you know thing is I genuinely believe I genuin believe de here I genuinely believe cuz that's a very de the euro is a very deji one yeah that is unreal Dei hey euru is crazy from you frezy brother is mental just smashed his monitor cuz we're so brain dead and then you dropped the EUR poo line de You' Dirty Bastard how long do you have till you can kill again how long do you have kill again no stop please all all right count please cow man please hello Bazinga har no Harry my new the fact you tried sticking on me Harry is a little bit suspect by the way cuz me and V you two came where the body was came from where the body was no but it happened after we had no clue about it BR can you hear how rattled if it was right now boys boys bo boys it's it's Toby and it's Toby and C it's got be Toby I I think yeah let's just C let's just cook I haven't been on cams this whole day Harry Vic and deji can you leave us alone Harry can you leave him alone so I can kill Himi please I just want to quickly K him I I can't I can't have could there it's Jester's still here right yeah yeah okay I'm not a big fan of that then Vic I think you might be a oh just a friendly guy no let me kill him no no the reason I think you're a good friend to have is cuz you and Simon were buddy buddy and now Simon's dead so now we're friends oh where is deji engine I need to be away from deji wherever deji is I need to be somewhere else oh what's up so oh my [ __ ] go away freezy didn't like that didn't like that didn't like that to fre to don't do it to me man I swear to God bro we we need to have don't do it to me man this [ __ ] guy I have absolutely not got a clue what I'm doing oh for [ __ ] sake voted him as well oh my goodness I voted him cuz he was so suspect right let's see what's happening here on the camera technology um it appears that everyone may be dead cuz I'm not seeing anyone yeah we might I think Toby have double killed it let me try and find a body go together we find a body or call the meeting oh no no no Harry meeting yep yep yep yep I'm just about to call a meeting oh no no boys I I'm telling you it's it's got to be Cal and Har going to throw again and clarky we no no no no no no wait wait wait wait help Vick [ __ ] off how is it me when I was with you I'm literally I'm I'm on the emergency button right now I'm literally about to press it and who are you going to who you going to accuse who you going to accuse we need to get rid of deji it's I promise you it's deji no that kill wasn't Dei be Dei it could be deji and Clark Vick Vick how how how how saw him kill Simon I stopped guys I saw him kill him please please you guys are making me go insane this my first time are we are we are we are we forget about clarky here clarky what have you been doing I've actually completed a task this round the little like game in the top right you go that's the only task you've done yeah no don't do not managed to complete figured out actually how you do it that's a little it's [ __ ] Dei I saw him kill Simon there's no more to this believe oh well then don't then don't you've lost you've lost every round and Harry you've been in every round and you've lost I this is it just let me let me have my moment you know what you know what I might vote de you just because freezy can get an Oscar if he wins as imposter sure you know what oh my days oh my God oh my God no you [ __ ] I'm so tired of this no no no I can't believe the imposters are just [ __ ] if deji's Jester if deji's Jester I'm going to [ __ ] kill myself I'm going to kill myself I'm going to kill myself if he I swear to God if this is Jester if is Jester n imposters will win now that's a little Jester chule no this is an all time stinker no this is like should all be burnt all this fo all just be burnt it was clarky and frezy as well you guys knew it was fcking how was freezy not out you let them out sorry by the way by the way there were two kills de Vic and Harry didn't leave each other's side it was a long round though it could have been it was a long round that's upw with the worst you know this is definitely the worst recording I've ever been a part of I can't believe that I'm I'm baffled no this this boys I will admit my fault in this but this has been the worst the worst showing ever what the [ __ ] are you wearing what do you mean I thought we were filming more side oh dear it's not looking good bra you're supposed to download the app and get the exclusive breath don't be a donut like JJ get yourself the new siden clothing app and access our exclusive drops extra content and loads more swing by the App Store and download it now what I love it