you are watching the self-century nation Channel I am Ginger hi I'm Emily I'm Priscilla today I know your rights we're talking about laws do you know you have the right to protection within the law and with your services this means people are not allowed to discriminate or treat you differently than before I thought disabilities they should treat you feeling this is hard to process in a courtroom here are some things you can do to protect this right speak up when you are not happy with your services speak up if you don't understand why something is happening take time to learn about all your rights one way is to watch the videos in this series be at all the meetings about you ask questions if you're not sure what people are saying or why things are happening speak up I'm Priscilla and I live in Milwaukee this right is important to me because my right to work was in Jeopardy they had a meeting with a psychologist without me they decided that I couldn't work it's important for me to be a part of the conversations about me and my abilities I've gone back and forth with them to get the support and the equipment that I need I think it's important that I have an opportunity to appeal their decision and make my voice heard the law protects my right to work my name is a service provider was violating my rights and they were telling me that I couldn't have certain people as friends on Facebook they did that because they were not happy when I spoke up about not getting a regular schedule of support they got my services completely it was one of them to me most decisions and not give me a choice I felt like I was being discriminated audience I decided regularly to a Explorer subscription under Family Care I am my own champion I'm Emily I live in Madison Wisconsin this right is important to me because it would be wrong if an employer told me they wouldn't hire me because I have a disability the law doesn't allow employers to discriminate that way it would be wrong for anyone to tell me that I couldn't live somewhere or with someone just because of my disability the law doesn't allow discrimination like that I would ask why they thought that was okay and if they knew they were breaking the law some people don't know that there are laws that protect people with disabilities so I'm learning ways to speak up and share more about what I know here are three ways that people who support you can help they should treat you with respect they should not discriminate against you or treat you differently than someone without a disability they should provide you once information in a way you can understand it they should include you in meetings above you all people are protected within the law don't let anyone tell you any different check out all the videos and our series The Links are in the description below please subscribe to our channel it's free we need your support to keep the channel going just click on the Subscribe button if you click on the Bell icon you will be notified when we post a new video [Music]