Transcript for:
مقدمة في Git و GitHub

Hi, everyone, welcome. In this video we are  going to learn about Git and GitHub, why they are   important and also how to use them. So we're going  to start off going over the terms and concepts   that you will use in git, and the ecosystem  and then get into practical applications. This   tutorial will include everything from basic Git  repositories, to what is GitHub, to some more   intermediate concepts like branching and merging  and forking and that kind of stuff. I want to   quickly introduce myself, my name is Gwen. And  I run a YouTube channel called Faraday Academy,   where I upload coding tutorial videos. And  I also do a couple of live streams a week,   mostly on Python and JavaScript topics, as well  as some more general purpose coding videos. You   can also find me on Twitter, and Instagram and  pretty much everywhere by typing in Gwen Faraday.   And let's get started with the tutorial. I want  to start off here by defining what Git is. Git is   what we call a version control system that is free  and open source. And it's the most widely used   version control system in development. Today, most  programmers interact with Git on a daily basis.   So what is version control? version control is  basically a way that we as programmers track our   code changes, we basically save an initial version  of our code into Git. And then when we update   code, we can save it into Git again, and again and  again and again. And throughout time as our code   continues to change, we can look back at all of  the changes we have made over time. This helps us   to see and understand what we did when, as well as  track down bugs, or go back to a previous version   of the code if we need to. So let's look at some  of the terms that you're going to see in this   video. First of all, I use the term directory,  which is also known as a folder on your computer.   When I reference the terminal or command line, I  basically mean an application that runs on your   computer, which is just an interface where you  can type in text commands, you can navigate around   files and folders, create files, change update  things, install and run programs, and much more.   You might also hear me use the term COI, which  is just the command line interface. Many programs   that you install, as a programmer will require  you to interact with them via text commands in   the command line. So you will be typing out  some text and hitting Enter instead of say   double clicking on a folder icon on your desktop.  Just think of it as another way to run a program.   Now you might be wondering, why are we going to  use the terminal or command line instead of using   one of these beautiful applications that handle  interacting with get for us? Well, as programmers,   it's always good to use the terminal. So you learn  the Git commands in workflow of Git as well as   become accustomed to it. As a developer, you are  going to be using the terminal a lot to install,   see allies run programs, search for things,  etc. Throughout your development career. And   learning Git is a great way to get started with  the command line. CD stands for change directory,   it's basically the same thing as when you double  click on a folder using the icons on your desktop.   While in the command line, if you want to move  into a folder, or even up to a parent folder,   you'll use CD, followed by the directions  to get to whatever folder on your system   you want to get to. A code editor, of course  is a place to write code. You'll probably see   this in a lot of different programming videos.  But just in case you are unfamiliar with it,   you can write code anywhere in a text document,  word processor anything. But there are special   ones that are designed with lots of tools and  features for programmers. And these are called   code editors. Now some people get confused by the  word repository because it has multiple meanings.   But in the world of programming, it usually refers  to a git repository, which is basically just your   project or the folder place where your project  is kept. You can call it a repository. People   also sometimes confuse Git and GitHub. Now Git  is the tool that tracks the changes in your code   over time. GitHub is a website where you host all  of your Git repositories. Being online, it makes   it easy to work in groups with other people, and  organize your projects into a portfolio for you to   show potential employers. So here are some of the  Git commands, we're going to cover in this video,   which you will be typing into your terminal or  command line on your computer. They are clone,   for example, if there's a repository that is not  on your local machine, but it's on GitHub, and you   want to bring it down on your local machine, so  you can use it locally, you use the clone command.   By the way, all of these commands are lowercase,  not uppercase, as we're going to see, as we go   through the examples in this video, when you have  updated files, or created or deleted files and   folders, you're going to want to tell get that you  made changes and that you would like Git to track   those changes. So you use the Add command for  that. As I said earlier, Git is there for you to   save the changes you make in your code. So you do  that through a commit, and we call it committing   your changes. Once you have made changes locally  on your computer, and you're ready to put them in   git, you tell Git to track them through the Add  command, you save your files to get through the   commit command. And then you upload your files  to a place like GitHub, or another what we call   remote repository, or GitHub alternative, like  Bitbucket, get lab, and there's many of them,   you do this through the push command. When there  are changes to your code on GitHub, and you want   to bring those to your local machine, then you use  the pull command, you pull down changes from the   remote repository. Those are all the commands  that I want to cover. To get started. Again,   we're going to go over examples of each of these.  The first thing you will need to do is of course,   sign up for an account on GitHub. This is pretty  straightforward. You enter minimal information,   and then you sign up for an account, you will get  an email that will ask you to verify and then you   can log into your account. When you log in, you  will either be on this page, which is your profile   page that you can access from this drop down menu,  or you might be on the dashboard page here. Either   way, you will have access to this green button  here, or this plus sign and the drop down here   where you can create a new repository. Now a  repository is basically a project. It's all of   your coding files and folders for whatever kind  of application that you're building. For example,   this is a repository that I have, it's for  a curriculum app that I've been building,   you can see the mockups pretty straightforward  application. And in this repository, this is my   complete project with the folders and all of my  coding files are inside of these folders. For   this one application, each application or project  is in a separate repository. So I'm going to go   ahead and create a new repository here, give it a  name demo repo. By the way repo is just short for   repository. I'm going to leave these settings as  they are and click Create repository. Now you can   create your files and folders for this repository  locally on your machine. Or you can create them   straight in the online editor on the GitHub  website. So I'm going to go ahead and create a   basic markdown file called a readme. And this is  the most basic file that you will find in almost   every project that contains text to describe  what the project is about what it does, and   any other relevant information. So I'm going to  click here, create a new file, I'm going to name   it for markdown. markdown is basically  an easy way to format your text in these sort of   files. So I'm going to come down here and type  some text. Now markdown has all the shortcuts   like one hash tag for a main header. So I'm just  going to put demo here and then some plain text,   so I'll put some description. And then I'll scroll  to the bottom to commit the file. In other words,   save this file. I just want to point out really  quickly that this create is placeholder   text. But if you don't write anything else here,  and when I commit this, it will use this text as   the default. So let me commit. And you can see  here that this is the commit message from when I   saved this README file. And now you can see the  readme file, which because it's named README,   dot MD is the default file that GitHub always  shows down here. I can also go into the file here,   which is the same thing, except with a few  different options here. And in either screen,   I have this edit this file option. So I'm going to  go ahead and do that. I'm going to simply change   this to an exclamation point. Now the default  text instead of create is now update, which isn't that descriptive, but it's  okay for right now. So I'm going to commit, and by   committing, I saved my changes here. And if I go  to the demo repo, it shows my last commit message   here as update Now, if I want to see  my entire history of changes, in other words,   every commit that I've made, I can come here to  commits. And each commit has a unique identifier.   And I can also see the message or the title that  I wrote on these commits, I can come back to this   one and see what was added this green with the  plus signs means these lines were added to this   file. And then I'll go back, and in the updated  commit, it shows me this red with a minus sign,   that means this line was deleted, and then the  green with the plus means this line was added,   anything that's white means it stayed the same.  So this is a very basic view of seeing changes.   Now what about using this on your local machine,  if you are using a Mac or Linux operating system,   you should already have Git installed. You can  check this by opening your terminal or command   line application and typing in get space dash  dash version. If Git is not already installed,   I highly recommend checking out this tutorial by  Atlassian, which I will link in the description   below. It walks you through how to install Git  on any operating system. Now I do want to note   for the Windows installation, when you download  the get Windows Installer, I recommend you choose   the Git Bash option from the install menu. You  can of course use Command Prompt and it will set   up get in command prompt for you. But in the past,  I've had an easier time with Git Bash on Windows.   for Mac, it gives you a few different options  for install. But I highly recommend you use the   homebrew package manager if you can. And it takes  you through all of the steps here. But again,   you probably already have Git installed if  you're using a Mac or Linux and don't need   to worry about this. There's just one more piece  of setup before we continue with the rest of the   Git tutorial. And that is getting a code editor.  Of course, you can write code in whatever you   want. Any type of word processing software we'll  do from Notepad, Microsoft Word, but there are   specific ones may for coding, and many of them are  really good and free. Visual Studio code is a free   code editor made by Microsoft is widely used with  people learning to code and professionals alike.   So you can install it for free from code dot  visual It's available on every major   operating system, Mac, Windows and Linux. Now  I have Visual Studio Code open with no files or   folders inside. If you haven't used this before,  then all of these icons on the side are how you're   going to navigate around your project and use your  tools. So I'm going to come to this top one. And   this bar comes out where I'm going to see all my  files and folders, I'm just going to open a folder   real quick. In this test folder, when you go to  my git, then this is an empty folder that I have,   I'm going to click Open. And now I have a folder  that's open in Visual Studio code that I can   actually add files and folders to but I'm not  going to right now because I'm actually going   to pull the repo that we created at the beginning  of this tutorial here on GitHub, I'm going to pull   that to my local system using Git. So in Visual  Studio code, I have access to a terminal from here   that I'm going to use. If I come up to the top, in  the View menu, I'm going to come to terminal and   select it. And now it opens this terminal here.  By the way, the only reason why this is good is   because my folder is named Git. And because I've  opened the folder here, it automatically uses   that as the directory for my terminal. So now I  want to clone down my repo to my local machine.   I want to pull all that code down here so I can  work with it locally. I'm going to use a command   called git clone. And then in clone or download  here, clone with SSH Exactly what we just set up.   So I'm going to copy this, go back to my terminal  and paste. And I'll hit Enter. And now we can see   a folder here, which is my repo from GitHub that's  pulled down into the directory that I'm in. So I'm   going to move inside this folder real quick from  the command line, which I can just do by CD, and   then the name of the folder to change directory  into the folder. So now I am inside of the folder   demo repo, which was the name of the repository  we created on GitHub. So when it pulled it down,   it gave the folder this name, so my whole  repositories inside of that folder, and now   it says Git master. Now, this may look different  on your machine, this part looks different on   every machine. I have a specific setup to make it  look like this. But either way, you will probably   see some kind of indication that you are in a  git repository now. Now, how do you know this   looks like a regular folder and a regular README  file? Well, there's actually a hidden folder that   you can't see here. And that you won't see on  most operating systems unless you have selected   to show hidden folders. And that is called the  dot get directory. So there's just a special   command in my terminal that I will use to show you  that folder. Now the LA command that I use here   is actually a Mac shorthand for ls space, dash l  A, which means list everything in the directory,   including hidden files and folders. So if you're  not on a Mac, I don't think la will work for you.   But you can use ls space dash LA to do the same  thing. So you can see, here's the readme file, and   then there's something dot Git. And because it's  blue here, that means it's actually a folder. And   this hidden Git folder, actually stores all of the  files that save your commits, or your code changes   over time. It has all of the changes recorded in  the history of this repository, which includes the   ones we made on So now let's make some  more locally, we're going to go into the readme   file, and come here and add a sub header. Not too  creative, I'm just going to call it sub header,   and then some more text. Now that I have changed  this file, I need to save the changes in Git. So   I do that through a commit still. So first, I'm  going to use the git status command. Now the git   status command shows me all of the files that were  updated or created or deleted, but haven't been   saved in a commit yet. So for example, if I come  here, and I create a new file, I'm going to call   this index dot HTML. And I'm just going to put a  quick div inside with nothing else. And now let me   rerun the git status command. And now you can see  I have one file that's been modified. And one file   that it says is untracked, meaning Git doesn't  know about this file yet. So you have to tell Git   to track the file before you can save it to get  to do that, you need to use the git add command,   and then tell it which files to track. Now most of  the time, or a lot of the time you see people use   a period, which means you're telling Git to track  all of the files that are listed here, in both   the untracked and the modified section. So both  the changes we made to read me and the new file   index dot HTML would be staged with Git if we did  git add period, because includes all of the files,   you could also optionally tell it just the names  of each individual file or folder that you want   Git to track. In this case, I'm just going to use  the dot. Now I'm going to use git status again.   And now you can see that all of the changes have  been tracked. That's why they show up differently   now, and they are ready to be committed. So I'm  going to come here and do git commit dash m.   now dash M is for message. And you need to have a  message in order to commit your files. The message   could be one character in meaningless if you want,  but there needs to be a message. And ideally,   that message should have something to do with the  what and why behind the commit you're making. So   I'm going to add a message here. Added index dot  HTML. And this is just the title of the message.   If you remember from the web interface, there  were two boxes, a title and a description. This   first dash M and what's inside of the quotes  is a message You can add a second one for the   description box. So I can say some description.  And I'll click Enter. And now it gives me some   information, two files change five insertions.  But we've still only saved our code locally. The   commit isn't live on GitHub yet. We make it live  by using another Git command called git push,   which means I want to push this live to a  remote repository where my project is hosted.   In order to push them to GitHub under your  account, you're going to have to prove to   GitHub that you are the owner of your account.  So you have to connect your local machine to   your GitHub account somehow. The way this is  done is by using SSH keys, you need to start   by generating a key locally using the SSH key Gen  command, then you specify the type of encryption,   and then the strength of encryption. And at  the end, you need to include your GitHub email   address, this is just a test for me, because I  already have key set up. So I'm just going to   put a fake email address. But make sure that the  email address you enter here is the same one you   use to log into your GitHub account, click Enter.  Now, the default file for the SSH key is inside   your user directory in the dot SSH directory, and  it will be called ID underscore RSA. I'm going to   give it a different name here, because I already  have a key under that name. You can optionally   enter a passphrase for your key here, or leave  it blank. So I'm just going to click Enter to   leave it blank. And my key has been generated.  Now I am going to search for the key that I just   generated. And now I find that there are two. So  there's test key and test key dot pub. So test key   dot pub is the key that you're going to upload to  your GitHub interface. pub stands for public, it's   called your public key, which means that it's okay  for other people to see this key. The key that was   generated without the dot pub extension is called  your private key, and is the one that you have to   keep secure on your local machine, you don't share  this key with anybody. How it works is that the   public key you put on GitHub, and then every time  you want to connect to GitHub or push your code on   GitHub or use your account via your local machine,  you use your private key to show GitHub, that you   are the one that generated this public key. It's  a mathematical proof that only this private key   could have generated this public key. I'm going  to print out this public key. And your key should   look something like this SSH dash, RSA starts with  this, it has a bunch of characters in the middle   and it ends with your email. Now you need to copy  this whole key, which you can do by highlighting   it in your terminal or command line, which  automatically copies it, you don't need to do   Ctrl or Command C, because Ctrl C actually means  something completely different in the terminal,   not copy. There's also a terminal command that  allows you to copy it's called PB copy. And then   you do the less than symbol and then the path to  your file. So it's in our user home directory.   And I didn't actually push it, put it in the dot  SSH directory, but this is the directory you would   have your key in. And then it's just test key  dot pub. And now it's copied to my clipboard on   GitHub. I'm going to go to Settings. And in the  list of all settings, I'm going to go to SSH and   GPG keys, and you can see any SSH keys associated  with your account. Then you just click on new SSH   key, you can give it whatever title you want.  This is just for your reference. And then you   paste your key in here. And I'm going to remove  the extra enter at the end. And now add SSH key   to confirm my password. And now you can see  my key was successfully added. The only thing   left to do is to make sure that your local Git  command line interface knows about the key you   just generated. And I'm going to link all of these  steps in the description below. You need to start   the SSH agent. Then if you're using version 10  point 12.2 or later, you will need to modify this   file your SSH config and add this text to it. I'm  going to just show you how to get into that file.   Now. Paste the location of the file in your SSH  directory and then anywhere in this file, perhaps   at the end, you can paste in that information.  I'm not going to do that because I already have   my file set up So I'm going to delete it. After  you do that, you'll run this SSH add command from   your terminal. And then your key will be set up to  work with Git. Again, all of the information that   I covered with keys here is going to be linked in  the description below. But this is the general way   that you will do it with any operating system,  although there might be some slight variations.   Now there are two more arguments we have to put  here. The first one is origin. And the second one   is master. Now origin is an option set for us  here, and is basically a word that stands for   the location of our Git repository. Master is the  branch that we want to push to. And we'll get into   what that means in a minute. When I click Enter,  and now I'll refresh this page. And you can see my   code changes are all live on GitHub. Now, you can  also see that there are three commits to that we   made online on, and one that we made  locally and pushed up to Of course,   this was our commit message that we made locally.  And this was the description that we wrote,   after that second dash m, we can see all of our  file changes that we made locally here as well.   So this was to demonstrate how to create a new  Git repository using GitHub. But what about if   you start a repo locally, so let me exit out  of these. And I will create a new folder here   called demo repo to drag it outside. So now it's  in a completely separate folder from the other   Git repository that we have. But this one's  not a git repository yet, and nothing's in   there. So I'm going to move into that folder in  the terminal. Demo two. So now I'm in demo two,   you can see it's not a git repository. Even if I  look for that hidden Git folder, it's not there.   So let me first add a file in here. And I'm  again, going to add a readme file that MD and   I'm going to add a header demo to and some text.  Now, if I want to turn this into a git repository,   I can use the command line and say Git init. And  it says initialize Git repository in yada yada,   this folder, and now you can see I have the  get keyword there. And if I do get status,   I can see there's this untracked README file, I  will go ahead and add that file, either with the   period or the name of the file. git status again,  okay, so the file is ready to be committed. And   now I will do git commit dash m, created README.  And now I'll put a description here, and Enter.   Now what if I want to push this live? Let's try  git push origin master. And now you can see it's   giving me this error fatal origin does not appear  to be a git repository. Because we didn't clone   this down from a git repository. We didn't already  create this repo on GitHub, we created it locally.   So Git is saying I have no idea where to push this  to because it's not connected to anything. So we   have to create that connection. And first, the  easiest way to do this is by creating an empty   Git repository up on GitHub. So I'm going to come  here, create new repository, I'm going to call   this demo repo to don't need a description, going  to leave all this here. Now I have another empty   repository. So to start pushing here, I'm going  to copy this and say Git remote, now remote mean   somewhere else, but not on this computer. We're  going to use this to add a reference to the remote   repository on GitHub. And then I'm going to say  add origin and paste that link that I copied. And   I can check that by saying Git remote dash V,  and it shows any remote repositories that I've   connected to this repo. Now that these are set up.  I can now use git push origin, Master just as I   did before. Now, there's a shortcut here, because  if I don't want to type out this whole thing,   every time in the future, I can just use git push,  but I have to set something called an upstream,   meaning this is where I want to push it to  by default. So I'm going to do dash u for set   upstream and then enter In the future, I can just  use git push without typing out origin Master,   it says to GitHub looks like everything was  pushed just fine, I will refresh this page,   and I can see the readme that I just added. So  that's how you initialize a repository locally and   push it to a remote location like GitHub. So let's  review the workflows that we've gone over so far,   and compare the flow of adding code in the  GitHub interface versus writing it locally.   So when we first started working in the GitHub  interface, we wrote some code in the readme,   and then we committed our changes we saved them  to get now notice, there wasn't an added step   here. And we never did a git add to stage changes.  Well, that's because GitHub handles that for us.   So really, by committing in GitHub, we are adding  and committing at the same time. And then that was   it really, because it was our repository, we  had full access to change whatever we wanted,   we could just update the code just by committing  it in the GitHub interface. Of course, we didn't   have to push the code because it was already live  on GitHub. There's no other remote repository,   because it's already in the remote repository.  Now, if we didn't own the repository, or we didn't   have access rights, or we needed other people  to review our code, before we merged it in with   all the rest of the code, then we would also have  to take the extra step of making a pull request,   which is something we're going to cover later  in this video. So let's compare this workflow   if we're just writing code on GitHub, versus doing  it locally, and then pushing it up to GitHub. So   luckily, in our text editor, we wrote the code.  And then we had to do git add to let get know   about the changes. And then we saved them to get  using the git commit command. And then we push   them to the remote repository on GitHub, using the  git push command, and that updated GitHub source   code or the code in the GitHub repository with our  changes that were made locally. And then just like   before, if we didn't have access rights, or we  needed a code review, before we merge changes in,   we'll need to make a pull request. So these two  methods cover the most basic ways to use Git,   by using the GitHub web interface and then doing  it locally. If you have any questions about this,   then please leave them in the comments below.  Otherwise, let's move on to Git branching.   Let's first go over some of the concepts  of branching, and then we'll dive into a   practical example. Now, what is Git branching?  You seen in our examples that we're on something   called the master branch. Now master is a naming  convention for the main or the default branch in   a repository. So if you're just working off of one  branch, that's where your code will live, and all   your code, all your commits, everything will be  in that one branch. Now, this is called branching,   because it starts to look more like a tree when  you have multiple branches. So we saw earlier   that we had a master branch, we were committing  to that master branch. But we could also make   another branch. We'll call it feature branch. So  let's talk about what happens when we create a   new branch. At first, the code on master and this  new feature branch will be exactly the same. But   as you make updates to the feature branch, those  changes are only seen in the feature branch. So if   you make changes on the feature branch, you make  a commit to save those changes on to that branch.   And then you switch back to the master branch, you  won't be able to see any of the changes that you   made on that feature branch. Each individual  branch has no way of knowing what commits or   what changes have been made to any other branch.  Each branch is only keeping track of what changes   are made on its own branch. Now you can continue  to change the code on master branch and save it   through a commit to the master branch. And then if  you switch back to the feature branch, likewise,   you will not be able to see the changes that you  just saved to master. Why is this useful? It's   extremely useful because you will be building out  new features to applications that may break your   code or they are not finished yet. And you don't  want to save them to the main master branch. You   want to work on them in kind of a sandbox area. So  you can write all the code unit And get it correct   and in the state that you want, before you merge  it back into the main branch of the code base.   And this is really helpful when you have many  different people working in the same repository,   or a lot of different branches going on at  once. One very common thing that you'll see   in development is that you'll be working on let's  say, this feature branch for a week or more, and   you have all of these changes that you've made.  And then you find out there's this major bug that   you have to fix real quick. So for that, we make  this other branch called a hotfix branch here,   represented by yellow. And you can see that I made  the change in one commit to fix whatever bug was   wrong with the code on its own branch, I made sure  it was working correctly. And then I merged it   back into the master branch. Now that we've gone  over the concepts of branching, let's dive into   the command line and try it out. And now I'm using  a full screen terminal just so I have more space   as I'm running different Git commands that are  going to take up more screen space to show you,   but it works the exact same way as the terminal  inside of VS code. So I'm back in my terminal   inside of my demo repo again. And you can see here  I have information about my git branch. Again,   you might see this presented in different ways  it shows you're on the master branch. If I type   in git branch, you can see that I currently only  have one branch and its master. And you can also   see there's a star beside it. And that means that  I am currently on that branch. So I'm going to hit   the letter Q here to get out of that. And now I'm  going to create a new branch. So I do that with   git checkout. And git checkout is what you will  use to switch between branches. But to tell it   to create a new branch, use dash B, and then you  give it the name of your branch. So in this case,   I'm going to call it feature. Now if you're  working in real application with people, you want   to make this name as descriptive as possible. Some  people like to use feature slash the ticket number   or description, or you can use hyphen. And then  you could give it the issue number, like if it's   a GitHub issue number 11, or whatever convention  you want to use. And then you can make this longer   if you want and put some more details. I'm going  to call this feature dash README instructions,   because I'm just going to be updating a section  of the readme. Click enter. And now it says I   switched to a new branch, meaning I created this  new branch called feature README instructions. And   now you see that my branch changed. So now if I  do git branch, again, I have two branches listed   here, and the top one is starred and highlighted.  So it shows me which branch I'm currently on,   I'm going to hit Q. And like I mentioned, git  checkout, will switch between branches. So now   that I am on this feature reading instructions, I  can check out master. And now you see I switch to   master. I'll do git branch shows them on master  now. And I will do another git checkout feature,   README instructions, you see that I hit the tab  button, and it autofill the rest of the branch.   So I didn't have to type out the whole long name,  you can also hit tab. Even if you don't start at   the beginning, like in this case, I started  typing feature and then hit tab. But I could   actually start typing instructions and hit tab  and it's still autocompletes. Now this is very   useful. Because eventually, when you work in  a repo, you're going to start a lot of stuff   with feature or with bug or hotfix or whatever.  So only your last few words will be unique. So   that's just something useful to know. So now I'm  back on the feature README instructions branch,   and I'm going to make some changes on this branch.  So I'm in my code here, I'm going to come into my   README and make a new section. I'm going to say  just local development or something and then   give it one step other than say open index dot  HTML in your browser, just as a demo. Alright,   I save that. And you can see in VS code, it gives  me this m here meaning it's been modified. since   I've last checked this into get. That's kind of  a nice feature to have to see which files you've   added and which files you've modified right in  your text editor. Alright, now that I've modified   some files, Here, I'm going to do the git status  command again. And it says I modified README. So   first, I'm going to save things that have changed  on this branch. So I'm going to do the git add   command. And I'm just going to stage the readme  changes. And now I will do a git commit, dash m,   and say, A, oops, I have to put that in quotes. So  updated. README. Okay, so you can see I have one   file changed for insertions. So now it's saved  to get, but it's only saved on this feature,   README instructions branch. So if I do a git  checkout Master, come back to my code. And you can   see the changes aren't here, because they're only  on that other branch. Now, if I want to here, I   can go ahead and merge these two branches locally,  using the Git merge command. But before I do that,   I just want to double check and see the code that  emerging in which I can do through the git diff   command. Now, diff, or diffing, shows me what  changes have been made, it compares two versions   of the code and shows me all of the lines that  have been changed. And you kind of saw this in   the Git interface, because you saw a nice visual  representation of the diff, where it showed in   green with a plus sign the lines that had been  added, and then in red with the minus sign the   lines that had been removed. And let me say git  diff, and the name of the branch, hit Enter.   And now you can see, it shows which file it's  talking about this file. And in white,   it shows text that was already been there, that  hasn't been changed. And then it shows that my   master branch doesn't have some of the changes  that are in my other branch. So I'm going to hit   q here to get out of this. Alright, now I could go  ahead and like I said, use the Git merge command,   passed in the branch, and it'll merge in those  changes. But the more common pattern that you   are going to see is pushing these changes on that  branch up to GitHub, and then making a PR, so I'm   going to change back to the feature branch, and  now do git status. And it says I have no changes   to commit, because they've already been committed.  But I do need to push them up to GitHub. So let me   run git push. And now you can see, since I'm on a  new branch, it says that I need to tell it which   branch on GitHub I want to push to. Now the answer  is almost always that the branch will be named the   same thing on GitHub, and on your local machine.  So I could copy this line. And now you'll notice   this set upstream flag here is the same thing  that we were doing before with the dash U. It's   just shorthand for set upstream. So I'm going to  hit enter here. And now it's pushed up to GitHub.   And it's even giving me a hint for how to create  a pull request on GitHub, by giving me these   instructions here. So what is a pull request or  a PR, it's basically a request to have your code   pulled into another branch. In the example we're  using today, we have a feature branch, and we want   to have our code pulled into the master branch. So  we make a PR from the feature branch to the master   branch. Now once we have made a PR, anyone can  review our code, comment on it, ask us to make   changes or updates. Now, after you make a PR, you  can also update the code just by making additional   commits and pushing them up to GitHub, as long as  it's on the same branch that you're making the PR   with. Once the PR is merged, you'll generally  delete your feature or source branch. And to   switch back to the master branch. Then when  you want to make additional coding changes,   you will create another new branch and start the  process over make your commits, make a PR and then   merge again. And I could go straight to this URL,  but I'm going to show you how to do it manually on   GitHub first. So I look at my GitHub interface.  And you can see already GitHub picked up on the   fact that I just pushed a new branch. So now it's  asking me right here if I want to compare this   new branch to another branch and create a pull  request, and it takes me to this screen here.   Now sometimes this is confusing for people which  branch is being merged into which branch This   GitHub interface does a pretty good job because  of the arrow. So you can see that the branch   you're comparing this feature, README instructions  will be merged into the base. So there's always a   base branch where all the code is going to get  merged into. And then there's the branch you're   comparing. So now I have this message, I have  a title, it says updated README. And I can put   some more description here. So usually, I'm going  to put a list of the changes that I've made and   maybe some description as to why I made certain  decisions. So here, I'm just going to say added   section about local development to the readme,  and I will create a pull request. Now that I've   created a pull request, I can actually come here  in the interface, I can see any comments that   people have made on the pull request, or I can  write more comments of my own, I can look through   all the commits I've made that I'm trying to merge  into master right now. And I can also look at all   the files that have been changed, and see the diff  of what's been added, removed or updated. Another   thing I can do right here is if I want to make a  comment about a particular line of code that I've   written, I can press the plus button, this blue  plus button. And now I can make a comment there,   I'm just going to say, add a new sub header and  add it as a single comment. And you can see that   the comment appears at the line of code where you  hit the plus button. This is a really nice way if   there are multiple people working on a repository  to make comments about specific lines of code. And   then usually the person who created this PR will  reply to them with an explanation or make another   commit, if changes need to be made to the code  or something. Alright, so I'm going to go ahead   and merge this PR. And you'll notice that I added  the single comment, it says resolve. Now because   I'm the owner, here I have full permissions, I  don't have to resolve I can still merge the PR,   if you don't have permissions or your repo set up  in a certain way, then you might have to resolve   comments before you can merge. Anyway, I'm just  going to merge here, confirm and merge successful.   Now that the PR is merged, I'm going to go over  to the code. And if I scroll down, you can see   that I am on the master branch. And my changes  are also here. So the branch was successfully   merged. So locally, now I'm going to switch to  the master branch. And if you look at the code,   the changes aren't there yet. And that's because  they are only on GitHub, and I need to pull them   down to my local environment. So to get the  changes on my local master branch from origin,   I'm going to do Git pull. Now, if I didn't already  set the upstream, I would have to do Git pull   origin master. But I already have an upstream  set here. So I'm just going to do Git pull,   and then enter. And you can see one file changed  for insertions. And now if I look at my code,   I can see my local master has also been updated  with the changes from the branch. And now that I   am done with that feature branch, I'm going to do  git branch. And it's still there, even though I'm   not going to be using it again, because you don't  really reuse branches that you've already merged   into your master branch. So I'm going to go ahead  and delete this branch. So I'm going to do git   branch, dash D, and then the name of the branch.  And again, I can tab over. So I'll hit Enter. And   now it says I deleted that branch. So now if  I do git branch, and I only have master again,   alright, well, that's all fine and great and works  well. But in real life, you're not always going to   have such an easy time merging. There's something  called merge conflicts in git, where basically,   you're building your own code writing a bunch of  code on your own branch. Maybe other people are   writing code on their branches. And master is  getting updated from multiple different places.   So it's possible for multiple people to change  the same files. And so sometimes Git doesn't   know which code you want to keep, or which code is  redundant, or which code you want to get rid of.   So you'll have to manually do that. Let's try that  out. Let me create another branch. I'm going to do   git checkout dash B. And then I'm just going to  call this quick test. Alright, I'm on the quick   test branch. Now I'm going to come into index dot  HTML. And I'm going to add a p tag here, and say   world. And P. Alright, so I modified this file,  let me go ahead and do git status, it's always   a good idea to do git status before you commit  anything looks good. What I can also do from here   is do a git diff, enter, and it shows me all of  the changes that I've made since my last commit.   So I'm going to hit Q, and now I will commit  these. Now generally, the workflow has been git   add, and then file name or period dad, everything  in this directory. This time, there's a shortcut,   because we've just modified one file. And the file  has already been committed to get in the past,   which is why it says modified and not created.  So what I'm going to do is git commit. And then   instead of dash m, I'm going to do dash A, which  stands for ad and M at the same time for message,   then I'm going to put my commit message. So this  basically adds and commits at the same time. But   it only works for modified files, not for newly  created files. Because if it's newly created,   you have to stage that with Git and let get know  about it first. For my message, I'll just say   added world. Okay, and now I have one file changed  to insertions. Now let me go to my master branch   git checkout Master, you can see I don't have the  changes from my other branch there. But what if I   updated the same line, so on Master, now I'm  updating line two. And here I'm going to put   there so hello there. So now master has aligned to  but the new branch I created also has aligned to   now everything is fine. Now because both branches  are separate. But what if I try to merge these two   together, whose line two is going to be put there.  So let's try that. I'm going to go to my quick   test branch. So I'm going to do git checkout.  quick test. And now it's actually giving me an   error and not letting me change branches. Because  I have local changes that line to that I added in   Master, it says it's going to be overwritten if  I change branches. So it's asking me to commit   before I change, so that way that line two will  be saved to get in the master branch, and won't   be lost when I change branches. Now stashing is  a little bit beyond the scope of this tutorial.   But it's basically a way for you to stash your  changes somewhere. And then you can retrieve   them later. But it's not making a commit to get.  It's like a temporary holding place. So we're not   going to do that, I'm just going to go ahead and  commit. So let me do git status first. All right,   and I'm going to use the shorthand because I only  have the modified file there. So I'm going to do   git commit dash AM, and then a commit message,  I'm going to say added there. And now I should   be able to check out and press the up arrow  key, I should be able to check out this quick   test branch. And before I merge master into  this branch, I'm going to diff against master   real quick. And it shows me the changes here. So  now I'm going to do merge, Master. So remember   how I said before that merging locally wasn't  the regular pattern. While it isn't for merging   branches into master. But Master gets updated as  you go along as you're working on your project,   because maybe other people are merging into master  and you don't have those changes in your branch.   But you don't want to get too far behind the  master as you're working because then it's   going to be really difficult to merge later. So  as changes are made to master in the GitHub repo,   you're going to want to pull those down to your  local master branch. And then whatever feature   branch you're working off of like quick test here,  you'll want to use Git merge master to keep your   branch up to date with what's going on in master.  So that's what we're doing here. Git merge Master,   hit Enter. And now it says we have a conflict.  So we have a merge conflict in index dot HTML. So   there are a couple of ways to fix merge conflicts.  interfaces like GitHub, give you an interface to   fix them. You can also fix it in the terminal.  But the easiest way to fix merge conflicts is   directly in your code. A nice code editor like vi  code will let you click buttons like accept the   current change or accept incoming or take both  of these. But you can also come in here, make   the changes that you want and delete these lines  that get added this, let's get know that there's   a conflict. And first between this head and these  equal signs, it shows the code that we have on the   current branch that we are on. And then it shows  the code coming from the other branch that we're   trying to merge in. So in this case, I am just  going to delete these lines and save both of the   changes. But in this case, one, two, line two and  one, two, line three. And this is just letting get   know what we want to do, because it didn't know  how to handle the conflict. Now we have handled it   and deleted the conflict markers, we can now look  here and see that we need to make another commit,   even though it seems like we are adding and  subtracting the same things, we basically   need to make a commit because we have fixed the  merge conflicts. So I'm going to say here, git   commit dash a m, and I can say merged in Master,  or updated with Master or something like that.   And now I've officially updated my branch with the  changes that have been happening on master branch,   and I can continue coding whatever feature bug fix  or whatever I'm doing on this quick test branch.   So what if we make a mistake? What if we  accidentally add something or commit something to   get, and we didn't mean to do it, we can actually  undo our stages or our commits. So let me come to   read me, I'm going to add another line here. And  say, have fun. Okay, so I've made a change here on   line 12. And back in my demo rebill, I'm going to  do git status. So now let's say I want to git add   this README. And let me do git status again, and  you can see before is that change is not staged,   and now changes to be committed, meaning they've  been staged already. But what if I want to undo   staging, what if I didn't mean to stage this  file, I can actually easily undo it by using the   Git reset command. So I can either do Git reset  with no arguments, or I can say Git reset, and   just the name of the file that I want to onstage.  So here, I'm just gonna do the plain Git reset,   and it gives me a list of the files. So unstaged  changes after reset README. Now, if I do another   git status, it shows me that this file is no  longer staged. So what if I want to undo a commit,   so let me go ahead and add the readme file. And  then I'm going to come and commit, read me, and   I'm going to say added install step. Now, if I do  git status, you'll see there's nothing to commit,   because all changes have now been committed. Well,  if I made a mistake on that commit, I can use that   same Git reset command. And this time, I'm going  to say Git reset head in all caps. And what head   means to get is a pointer to the last commit.  So I'm telling it to do something with the last   commit. And then I'm going to save till the one,  which is telling Git instead of pointing to this   last commit that I just made, right here,  I want you to go back one commit further,   and head will now point back one commit further  meaning it will completely undo the commit that   I just made. Let me click Enter. And now you  can see it says I unstaged, the changes. So   I'm going to say git status. And what happened  was that it unstaged and uncommitted, those last   changes. So if I do git diff, you'll see that  Git picks this up as a new change now. Now,   if you have many different commits, you might  want to go back to a specific commit or undo   multiple commits. And for that there's no quick  pointer in Git like the uppercase head pointer,   where you can just look at the last commit or  use that to undo the last commit. But you can   see a log of all your commits. And you'll see that  these are arranged in reverse chronological order.   So this is the latest commit that we made. And  you can see with the commit message, that's also   why it's important to write a good commit message  because it's easier for humans to scroll through   and see which commit is which to get these commits  are differentiated with this unique hash here. So   if you want to go back to a certain commit, you  can copy one of these hashes. Let's say I want   to go back to added world before I added the  there line. So I want to basically undo when I   merged this there, from Master into this branch.  So let me copy this commit hash. And by the way,   when you see all of these commits, you can scroll  down with spacebar, and now it shows this as the   end. So I'll say quit. So I'm going to do Git  reset, and then the hash of that commit. And   it's unstaged, any changes made to these files  after this commit. So you can see the changes   are still there. I added have fun and this line  three in the index dot HTML, but they are just   not saved in Git or stage with Git any longer.  So what if I was just testing something out,   and I want to get rid of all of the changes after  a certain point? Well, I can do that by using   the Git reset command as well. Let me just grab a  commit hash. So I'm going to go back just a couple   of random commits to this commit right here, where  I said updated README, can I hit Q. And now I'm   going to do Git reset dash dash hard, meaning I  want all of the changes to not just be unstaged,   but to be completely removed. So head is now  pointing to a different commit, because I've   undone several commits now. And if I look at my  files, we've just completely gone back in time and   erased the latest updates. So those are the basics  of branching, merging, fixing merge conflicts,   and undoing staging and commits that you've made.  One more thing that I want to quickly mention is   forking, you may have seen this already in  the Git interface, you can hit fork here,   and then it's going to make a complete copy of the  repository. Now, why would you want to fork? Well,   you probably don't want to fork your own repo  because you already have full access to all of the   code here, but you don't for other people's repos.  So let me find just a random repo on GitHub. Okay,   so here's view, j, s. So let me click on this. And  I actually don't have access to change anything   in this repo. So if I want to make a PR against  this repo, and request for my changes to be added,   or if I just want to be able to branch off of the  code in this repo and do whatever I want with it,   then I want to fork it. So I'm going to hit the  fork button here and fork it to my user account.   These are just groups that I'm a part of on  GitHub. Sometimes it takes a minute to fork   over all the code, especially with Vue JS because  it's a large repository. Alright. And now you can   see the repo is no longer under the View, j. s  organization. Now it's under my personal GitHub.   And now that I've forked this, I have complete  control to make any updates or changes that I   want to this code. So if I want to come in to read  me, and hit the pencil, update this, I can say, Hi   there. And now I can come to the bottom and commit  changes again. So I can say, updated README or   whatever I want, I'm just going to leave it with  the default text, again, commit to the dev branch.   So before we worked off the master branch as being  the default branch, but sometimes when you're   working in a larger project with other people,  you're going to want to create multiple branches,   like master staging, and dev for different kinds  of environments. So in this case, Dev is set to   the default branch for this repository, instead  of master. So I'm just going to commit my changes   directly to Dev. And you can see my changes here.  Of course, they aren't part of the main view j s   view repository, but they're part of the one that  I forked because I forked a complete copy of that   repository, including the branches associated with  it. And you can see dev is marked as the default.   So now what if I wanted to get my changes back  into this Vue JS repository? Of course I don't,   but what if I did, I would go and create a pull  request. So new pull request, and then as my base   the place that I want to merge my changes into I  would put the repository that I forked from this   Vue JS repository, and the branch and I want to  compare that with My repository that I forked   and the branch on my repository that I updated,  of course, I'm not going to click Create pull   request, because this is just a demo, I can also  see the diff down here of the changes that have   made and what commits I've made to this branch on  my fork. Now, if I want to merge within my fork,   I can do that easily. Let's say, of course, there  isn't anything to compare because I'm comparing   the same branch here. But I could merge into any  other branch. Let me find master here. So I could   merge straight into master. And you can see I  can create pull requests. Now, I created a pull   request. And I'm going to create pull request.  And you can see they had a bunch of default text   added to the pull request information. But I'm  just going to go ahead and merge. Go back to the   code. If I scroll down, of course, I'm on Dev,  it says hi there. And now if I go to master,   it also has my changes on master because I merged  them. Generally speaking, after we merge a branch   into one of our default branches like Master,  then we would clean up the branch that has just   been merged. In other words, we would delete  it from GitHub and from our local machine,   because we're not using that branch anymore. But  it's a little bit different when we use branches   like Dev, staging and master, because generally,  you're merging your feature branches into either   dev or master. And you have Dev and master and  sometimes staging reserved for just merging into   so you don't make any changes on Dev and master  themselves. You'll just be merging other branches   into dev or Master, depending on how your codebase  is set up. In a large project like Vue js,   we would merge all of our feature branches or bug  fixes or whatever into the dev branch and then   delete the branch that we just merged in. And then  when all the changes on the dev branch are ready,   those get merged into master. But dev never gets  deleted, just like master never gets deleted,   those kind of stay around forever. All the other  branches are just temporary. So me having my own   fork allows me full rein, full access, full  control of CRUD operations, create, read,   update, delete whatever I want to do with all  of this code, all of these files. And if I want   to make some major updates, what I'm going to  do is fork the repository, which I already did,   pull my fork down to my local machine, make all  the updates that I want to test them out whatever   I want to do, I'll push them back up to my fork,  and then I will create a PR against the original   repository. Thanks so much for watching. I hope  that you enjoyed this video and that you also got   something out of it. If you did, then don't forget  to like the video and subscribe to the Free Code   Camp channel. Don't forget to check out my YouTube  channel called Faraday Academy where I do weekly   videos and livestreams on Python and JavaScript  and other related programming topics. I would   also appreciate if you would leave me a comment  here and let me know what you liked about the   video or any other feedback that you might have.  Have a great day and I hope you enjoy using it