Transcript for:
Understanding Joints and Their Functionality

All right. Let's go ahead and get started on  articulations chapter nine. Just so you know,   there are some slides that are represented here  that I cover in the lab recording next week for   articulations in lab. So if i don't cover  them here, i will be covering them there.   When we talk about articulations, these are  joints. And one of the things that we commonly   associate with joints is movement. What we're  going to learn is that in fact there might not   even be movement at all at a specific joint. Maybe  there is a little bit of movement. But not all   joints have the same types of movement. So we're  going to talk about that today. One of the things   that i really like about this image from your  text, is it actually represents the different   types of cartilage and where you might find those  different types of cartilage in relation to the   joints that they make up. So just as a reminder,  we build on unit one and our understanding   of tissues and histology for the rest of the  semester. Here we are applying our understanding   of cartilage and the different types of cartilage  to where we find them in articulations or joints   throughout the body. Here at the top represented  in the blue, you might see that there's that   watercolor background of the extracellular matrix.  This right here represents the hyaline cartilage.   Here we have fibrocartilage. You can see all of  those great collagen fibers that provide strength   to the fibrocartilage that's represented in  red. And then at the very bottom, bend and   snap. That flexibility that we have of the elastic  fibers here is the elastic cartilage in purple.   So we know, or commonly associate the elastic  cartilage with our ears, so you can see that   here. But all these other joints here that  you see in blue, those are going to be hyaline   cartilage. You might remember from bones that the  articular cartilage, at the very ends of bones to   prevent friction of the brittle bones as they come  together at an articulation is hyaline cartilage.   So that's why you're seeing it at all of these  different places where bones come together.   In red, you see along and in between each and  every vertebra and as well as between the hip   bones we see that fibrocartilage. Remember  fibrocartilage is in places where there's   great stress, and so between the vertebrae  holding us up and between the pubic bones,   that is going to be where we need  to have that strong cartilage.   So when we talk about articulations or a joint, a  joint or articulation is where bones meet either   another bone, which is what we commonly associate  with but, those bones can also meet cartilage that   can also be a joint. And also even where bone  meets teeth. So if you think about the maxilla   and the mandible, those are going to be your jaw  bone, right? Upper and lower jaw bones. Where   your teeth sit inside of alveoli, these little  pockets within those bones. Those are joints   as well. When it comes to the mobility, so the  movement of an articulation and the stability,   there is an inverse relationship. Meaning as one  goes up the other one goes down and vice versa.   That is articulated here or illustrated here  where mobility for instance, think about your   shoulder joint. I don't know if you've ever  had a dislocated shoulder but that's a very   common injury. Your shoulder has incredible  movement if you move around your shoulder   all kinds of movement in every direction. So  when we talk about the shoulder and the types of   movement we can have, one of the ways that you can  describe that movement is by axes. So if you think   about a graph there's the x-axis, the y-axis, they  run perpendicular to one another. And then z-axis   would be kind of coming out of a screen so to  speak on a graph. Our shoulders are multi-axial,   meaning we can move them in all kinds of different  directions. But with that mobility, we also have   less stability. So while we can move our shoulders  quite a bit, they are also unstable and that's   where we have more injury as a result. So with our  shoulders also known as our glenohumeral joint,   very very mobile but very very unstable, okay?  So there's the inverse relationship there.   Let's look all the way on the other end it's  sutures. Sutures are where the skull bones meet.   And so i have started to introduce some of the  sutures in lab, you'll see that this week. So we   have for instance maybe it's the lambdoid suture  right back here. Maybe it is the squamous suture.   Maybe it is a sagittal suture, which is right  between the two hemispheres. Each of these is   a joint because it's where two bones meet. However  you would hope that there is not a lot of mobility   there. We do not want a lot of movement between  those bones. We want those joints to be nice   and stuck. With that said, while the mobility  is very little if at all, they are very very   stable. So again as stability increases  mobility decreases. As mobility increases   stability decreases. And that's the inverse  relationship between mobility and joint stability.   One of the things i just want to bring up  right here, you will have an opportunity in lab   and in your objectives for lecture to identify  specific features of joints. When it comes to   the glenohumeral joint, this is a synovial  joint. mManing that it has a ton of movement   functionally. The glenohumeral joint also has  another joint associated with it. There's actually   two joints here this is the acromioclavicular  joint that i have up here at the top. So that's   one separate joint. And then down here we have  our glenohumeral joint. So just to so you know   there's two joints here that you're going to be  identifying separately. The glenohumeral joint,   gleno is associated with the glenoid  cavity or glenoid fossa of the scapula.   And the humeral joint is associated with the  humerus part. So gleno is associated with the   glenoid fossa of the scapula and the humerus.  That's where you get the name glenohumeral So there are two ways that you can classify  joints. You can classify them anatomically.   Remember anatomy and structure those are  one and the same, and you can classify   joints physiologically. In other words by their  function. We are going to tie these two together.   When we talk about the structure, what is  that joint made of?Uum is it does it have   a synovial capsule? And we'll talk about all  the components of a synovial joint a little   bit later. Are there a bunch of fibers? So  is there fibrous tissue there? Is it made of   cartilage? All of these are different types of  structures that we're going to talk about here   in a second. That's the anatomy and that's one way  just to classify our joints. The other way we can   classify them is by the mobility or stability  of the joints. So we're going to specifically   classify them when we talk about the function by  the mobility, how much they move. But you now know   that we can relate the stability of that  joint to its mobility. So if i talk about   a joint that moves a ton, i know that that's  also not a very stable joint and vice versa. So first structurally. So this is our anatomical  classification. Our three different types of   structural classification are fibrous,  cartilaginous, and synovial. When it comes   to fibrous think fibers. And more specifically  what are those fibers? They're collagen fibers.   The tissue that is going to make up our fibrous  joints, and we're going to see specific examples   that we want to be aware of is dense regular  connective tissue. Remember that our collagen   fibers are all going to run in one direction  which then tells us that we have strength in one   direction. So those are going to be our fibrous  joints. The second type is cartilaginous. What is   that made up of? Cartilage. And hopefully you  can hear cartilage in the name cartilaginous.   Finally, structurally we have synovial.  There are several different types of synovial   but when it comes in terms of function,  but when it comes to the actual structure,   they are all going to have a synovial  capsule with synovial fluid contained within. So when it comes to the  functional classifications,   there are three different types  of movement that we can associate   with our joints. The first one is synarthroses.  When we say synarthroses that's plural, remember   with an i synarthrosis is singular. The second  is amphiarthroses. Again i would be singular,   ampiarthroses is plural. Same thing here with  that e so diarthrosis, diathroses, singular,   plural. That's our third type. Again these are  all based on the type of movement we can have.   There is a way that i remember these. So if we're  talking about synarthroses. Synarthroses are   joints that are immobile. I think synarthrosis, so  not moving, okay? So synarthrosis so not moving. Amphiarthroses has a little bit of movement.  So slightly mobile amp- amphiarthroses,   a little bit of movement And then when it comes to diarthroses, that is  a freely mobile joint. All kinds of movement.   There's two ways i can remember this. One is a  little bit crass, the other one i like to include   as the more —the nicer way to say it, but  diarthroses i could die there's so much movement. That's the nice way. Another  way that you can think of it is   diarrhea. Freely flowing like diarrhea. So i  could die there's so much movement, diarthroses   or diarrhea, freely flowing like diarrhea,  diarthroses. So hopefully those help you to   remember. All right so we're going to come  back to our structural classification,   and we are going to associate specific examples  of each structure with the function as well. So   we're going to categorize by the anatomy and then  associate the function in terms of the movement   with that. The very first type —remember this  is our structure or anatomical classification is going to be the fibrous joints.  So remember these are going to   be dense regular connective tissue,  that's what's going to make them up,   and there's no joint. So there's no synovial  joint here. Nothing like that, there's no cavity.   The joint just comes together. I do need you to  know the specific examples of fibrous joints.   So there are three different types of fibrous  joints. There is gomphoses, there is sutures,   and there's syndesmoses, okay? So those are the  three types of fibrous joints i need to know.   For the gomphoses i think gums. And specifically  gomphoses are where the teeth meet either the   maxilla or the mandible. So this one up here is an  example of a gomphosis. Every single joint where a   tooth meets, either the maxilla or the mandible  is a gomphosis. Collectively they're gomphoses.   So what you have here, all these white lines  are representing the dense regular connective   tissue that you have connecting the two bones.  We don't want movement here. So the function   of gomphosis is synarthrosis. So not moving. We  do not want our teeth to move. I don't know if   you've ever had one of those nightmares where  your teeth fall out, i sometimes have those,   other than when we actually lose our baby teeth  we really don't want movement at these joints.   So if you do have movement, maybe that represents  gingivitis, maybe gum disease, or something else.   But in a normal healthy situation of  these joints, synarthrosis, so not moving.   The oh and then again how i remember  this is gomphosis, i think gums. Sutures.   That is where the skull bones meet. So again we  talked about lamboid suture, um squamous suture,   sagittal suture, coronal suture. All of these are  examples of sutures where the skull bones meet.   Again, so not moving. We do not want any movement  here. So it is synarthrosis functionally, and then   sutures, hopefully you hear in the name, so if  you are familiar with and start to memorize the   different types of sutures that we find between  the cranial bones, automatically sutures tells   you what that is. The third and final type  of fibrous joint is syndesmoses. These are   going to be between parallel bones. There's two  good examples of this, one you're finding here.   As you start to learn about the appendicular  skeleton, so our upper and lower limbs,   this represents two parallel bones within your  upper limb. More specifically in your forearm or   antebrachial region. The two bones we  find here are the ulna and the radius.   Notice that they run parallel to one another.  There's actually a joint in between them. And   this helps them kind of move like one even though  there's two separate bones. This joint, you can   have slight rotation. So imagine —so try and hold  your elbow still but rotate at the wrist and take   a look at your forearm when you do that. You'll  notice that there is slight rotation between those   bones. So your wrist can move while your elbow  doesn't. This joint in terms of the function has a   little bit of movement. So that is amphiarthrosis.  We specifically call this joint the interosseous   membrane between these two. Another example  would be between your tibia and your fibula   in your lower limb and that has the same type of  setup. So it's also going to have an intraosseous   membrane between those two bones and it's two  parallel bones. Same thing, amphiarthrosis.   When we look at the overall functions of  our fibrous joints, i want you to notice,   of the functional classifications we can have,  we see synarthrosis for gomphoses and sutures   and we see amphiarthrosis. So  fibrous joints do not provide us   complete flexibility that we would see with  diarthroses. We only have either no movement   or a little bit of movement that's provided by  fibrous joints. Just to give you an overall view.   So fibrous joints is our first structural  classification, now we have some examples of that.   The second type of structural classification  that we have again is cartilaginous joints.   Cartilaginous joints again have cartilage, and we  do not have any cavity here. So there's no pocket,   there's no space with fluid inside. It's just two  things coming to contact. In this case cartilage   provides that contact at the articulation point.  There are two specific examples of cartilaginous   joints that i need you to know. The first type is  synchondrosis and the second type is symphyses.   Synchondrosis, hopefully you hear chondro in  the name. That tells you cartilage. So that   one's probably the easiest to remember in  terms of being cartilage. More specifically   the type of cartilage that we're going to  see at synchondrosis is hyaline cartilage.   Where do i find hyaline cartilage? You might  remember that we'll have hyaline cartilage at the   metaphysis. So specifically the epiphyseal plate  while there is still cartilage there, remember   epiphyseal plate we still have lots of hyaline  cartilage, it eventually will fuse the bones   together and become an epiphyseal line. Another  place where we would find our synchondrosis is   costochondrial joints. When we say costochondrial,  the chondrol is associated with the cartilage   which you can see here, and the costo, costo means  ribs. So costochondrial tells us that it's us it's   the joint between the rib and the cartilage that  meets that rib. I'm going to talk a little bit   more in lab about their how they're slightly  different joints in terms of movement that we   can find between the ribs. But for now i just  want you to associate the costochondrial joints   and the epiphyseal plate with synchondrosis, and  functionally we do not have movement. So this is   so not moving. The second type of cartilaginous  joints is the symphyses. The easiest one to   remember because it's in the name is the pubic  symphysis. If you can remember that the pubic   symphysis is an example of a symphysis under the  umbrella symphyses, remember symphyses is plural.   What we have there is fibrocartilage. So where  the synchondrosis are made of hyaline cartilage,   the symphyses are fibrocartilage. Remember we  need a lot of strength here. We're also not   going to have a perichondrium where we have  a symphysis because there's a lot of stress   on these particular joints. Two specific examples  of symphyses are the intervertebral joint. So   we're seeing here. So fibrocartilage there,  and as i already mentioned the pubic symphysis.   Now we actually have a little bit of movement  at these joints. I want to kind of draw your   attention to your spine for a second. If you  go ahead and move your thoracic region, so   your upper body left and right, you notice you  have what seems like a lot of movement in your   spine, right? You can move from side to side quite  a bit, however, we're seeing amphiarthrosis here.   Each individual joint between vertebrae only  has a little bit of movement. So there's   amphetarosis between each individual vertebrae.  However, when we combine all of those together,   then we have great movement of the spine.  So only collectively with each of our   joints fully functional do we have  full range of motion of the spine,   but individually each joint only has a little  bit of movement. So collectively if we're looking   at cartilaginous joints and we look at the type  of function that they have, again we do not see   diathrosis for any of the cartilaginous  joints. We only see synarthrosis, no movement   for the synchondrosis and amphiarthrosis,  a little bit of movement for the symphyses. That brings us to our third and final type  of structural classification of the joints   which is the synovial joints. Right off  the bat, any time i say synovial joint,   you are going to associate that with diarthrosis.  Diarthrosis, that functional classification is   only associated with the structural classification  of synovial joints. Again if we take a step back,   remember cartilaginous can be synarthrosis  or amphiarthrosis, our fibrous joints can be   synarthrosis or amphiarthrosis, but only synovial  joints can be diathrosis. This articular capsule   and the synovial fluid within it, provides for  optimal movement. Lots and lots of mobility.   Breaking up the different parts of a synovial  joint into the different components or anatomy,   we have the articular capsule, which is this  purple region on the outside and then what's   represented here in the light blue. So purple  on the outside —inside and then the blue.   We have the joint cavity. Which is represented  on the inside. And there's synovial fluid on the   inside of this cavity. So no cavity within the  body is empty. There's always something in this   case this cavity is filled with synovial fluid.  We have our articular cartilage, remember that   is at the edges of the bone, so that's going to  be right here represented in white, and here,   okay? And we have ligaments. Our ligaments are  represented on the outside. They're going to   surround the synovial capsule, so this right here  in white is a ligament, and do we have a represent   on the other side? No they only represent it  on one side. But ideally you'd have one here   as well. So those are our ligaments. And  then all around and in you would have   nerves and you'd have your blood vessels.  So those are going to be throughout,   with the exception of the cartilage. Remember  that our cartilage is going to be avascular.   So when it comes to our cartilage,  specifically our articular cartilage here,   remember cartilage is going to have  chondrocytes in it. It's going to have   chondroblasts and chondrocytes, and we need to  be able to feed them and provide them nutrients.   That's where the synovial  fluid will come into play. So if we're talking about the articular  capsule first. The articular capsule   is made of two parts. The fibrous layer which  is on the outside, okay? So that's what's being   represented in this light blue. And the synovial  membrane. The fibrous layer is superficial   to the synovial membrane represented here in  purple which is deep. The outer fibrous layer   is made of dense irregular connective tissue.  So we know that that's going to be, hopefully   you can associate dense irregular connective  tissue with having lots of collagen fibers.   But those collagen fibers you might remember  run in all kinds of different directions.   And so our dense irregular connective tissue  and that fibrous layer provides strength in   multiple directions. The inner or deep synovial  membrane is mostly going to be areolar connective   tissue. We know that we have elastic fibers in  areolar connective tissue and we know that we   have collagen fibers. So we have some strength  and some elasticity, and that's going to provide   for protection and give of that inner synovial  membrane. The areolar connective tissue we also   know is going to have cells in. It it's going  to have cells like fibroblasts. Fibroblasts   create their environment. Remember cells make up  what's around them. They make up the fibers and   they make up the extracellular matrix. And so the  fibroblasts within the areolar connective tissue,   they're going to go ahead and create the synovial  fluid that exists within the articular capsule.   What is that synovial fluid important for? Um  imagine like a water bed. If you were to jump   on a water bed, oh don't do that but if you did  jump on a water bed you have a lot of cushion. So   the fluid absorbs a lot of shock that you might  have between these weight-bearing bones. It also   provides lubrication. So keeps it nice and fluid  between these two bones, and another important   part is that this synovial fluid has nutrients  in it. It's going to have things that the   chondrocytes present in the articular cartilage  need. So having that synovial fluid available   there through the process of diffusion we can get  nutrients to our chondrocytes and keep them alive. The articular cartilage, i've already kind  of highlighted there. We know that we're   going to have chondrocytes there. What  does the articular cartilage itself do?   Well we know it's made of hyaline  cartilage. It's not very strong,   but it does prevent friction. So it's almost more  spongy compared to for instance a fibrocartilage.   This prevents damage of the of the bones.  So at the epiphysis, it prevents damage.   And we're actually going to find in these areas we  do not have a perichondrium. The only place that   you're going to see outside of our fibrocartilage  where the articular cartilage doesn't have a   perichondrium is within this space. Again because  of stress and also because we have the protection   of the synovial capsule. So we do not  have a perichondrium here. Too much stress   and we have the protection of the synovial capsule  and the synovial fluid. Remember that cartilage is   avascular. So again we're going to feed our  chondrocytes within the articular cartilage   with the synovial fluid. We actually can  provide some strength to this cartilage,   so just like the bone where you can have micro  fractures, with exercise you can actually   continue growth of this cartilage. However,  you need to be careful because this cartilage   is hyaline cartilage so it is weaker. It also  means then that if you were to cause stress on   these joints and affect the articular cartilage,  because the articular cartilage is vascular,   it is much harder to get to get it to grow  back. So cartilage we have a hard time um   regenerating. So with exercise, you can allow for  more cartilage growth but it is slow to come back. As far as the ligaments, the  nerves, and the blood vessels,   the ligaments again are going to be on  the outside of the synovial capsule.   They help to provide strength and reinforcement  for the capsule. So think about just putting a   special protective extra layer on the outside  of that capsule. And ligaments as a reminder   we have ligaments that connect bone to bone. So  you can see here we're connecting this bone with   this ligament to this bone. It's almost like a i  think of like a piece of tape connecting the two.   There are two different types of ligaments,  there are extrinsic ligaments and   intrinsic ligaments. Most of the ligaments we see  represented with our articulations are intrinsic   meaning that they are in direct contact with the  um the joint. So in direct contact with the joint. So this example right here, where it is in  direct contact with the actual capsule and   articulation, this is an example of an  intrinsic ligament you're seeing here.   Sometimes we'll have support of other ligaments  that are outside but not in direct contact,   and i'll try and draw your attention to  that in the lab recording when i get to   the specific types of synovial joints, but if  it there is not direct contact of the ligament   with the joint, that is extrinsic. So think  uh outside extrinsic, internal or connected,   intrinsic. And then finally if we have tendons,  those are going to be where there's muscle that   is connecting it's connecting between bone and  muscle. And so you can have tendons as well.   Here we do not have the tendons represented  but that can be part of the different joints. Here is an example of a tendon. So just to show  you on this one, here's a tendon here connecting   this muscle to this bone, okay? And what we're  looking at here is a lateral view of the knee.   Some of the different accessories, some optional  different components of synovial joints that you   can have, i'm going to show you in these coming  slides. So just these two. We have fat pads,   we have bursa, with the e is plural, bursa would  be singular without the e. And then we have our   tendon sheaths. First and foremost are the fat  pads. Hopefully now you can associate fat pads,   you think fat, you think okay that's going  to be adipose tissue which provides cushion   and protection and temperature regulation. In this  case, what we can do is we can have these fat pads   and those are represented here with the  yellow. So there's some fat pads there.   You can see more fat here but within the  joint. You actually see the fat pad right   here. That's the best example of that. It's going  to essentially fill in the gaps and fill in the   spaces. So within the inside here you're seeing  the capsule. And the capsule —here's the outside   part of that cavity right there, excuse me the  capsule. So we see that this fat pad is going   to be anterior to that. Remember this is a lateral  view. So it fills in almost like packing material.   And in doing so provides cushion for those joints.  Bursae are also going to help to reduce friction   and provide protection but instead of being filled  with fat, they're filled with synovial fluid.   So it's not going to be the articular  capsule itself but they're these   tiny little baby pockets that are represented  in blue here, and those are going to be filled   with synovial like fluid. So think nutrients but  mostly fluid created by the cells in that space,   and in order to reduce friction in other  parts of that joint, we have those bursae. Just to give you an idea, just some of the extra  notes here. So the patella. This is a lateral view   of the patella so that's your kneecap. And then  this one right here is an infrapatellar bursa.   Prepatellar bursa. All of  these are going to be in front.   One specifically directly in front of the  patella, the other one just inferior to it,   but they are anterior to the patella and  again are going to help to prevent friction. Then we have our tendon sheaths. Tendon sheaths  are really going to be bursa. So again think of   them being filled with synovial fluid, little  pockets of synovial fluid filled areas or   structures. And where we find these tendon sheaths  are around tendons. So if you look at your hands,   you kind of move your hand around. Toward where  your knuckles are you might be able to see   individual movement. And there are some regions  of those digits and those specifically those   tendons that aren't covered by bursa. Usually  in those areas, that's where you do not have   tendons coming together. There's a little bit  of space between them. So we're not worried   about them rubbing against each other and causing  friction and damage. But in the dorsum of your   hand, if you look at that area, you really can't  see individual tendons when you move your digits,   and that's because we have a tendon sheath  that's going to cover those tendons and separate   them from one another. So again it's really about  preventing friction between the different tendons   connecting or coming into contact with one another  or with the neighboring structures around them. So now that we know the different components  and the anatomy of a synovial joint, we want   to be able to identify the types of synovial  joints. So we know already structurally,   if we talk about the different types of joints, we have our fibrous, we have our cartilaginous, and what we've been focusing on here is our,  sorry just bringing it down, here synovial.   We can further break up synovial anatomically  by things like their shape, so the actual shape   of the synovial joint surfaces that come together,  the types of movement that the joints can provide,   so not all movement is the same, and then the  planes of movement. I told you previously with   the glenohumeral joint, your shoulder joint,  it is actually a multi-axial joint. You can   move it forward, back, you can rotate it  in circles, it goes in all times types of   axes or planes. So that's multi-axial. But not all  of our joints that are synovial move in all the   different directions. Just because we can have a  lot of different a lot of movement at a joint does   not mean it moves in every single direction.  For instance if you think about your elbow,   if you flex your elbow you have a lot of movement  of that joint but it only moves in one plane.   If you actually move your hand or your um try and  move your elbows side to side, like left to right,   that movement actually comes from your  shoulder. So really the only movement that comes   specifically from your elbow joint is when you  flex it, and that is in one plane. So i think for   this part it's helpful to see me so i can act out  some of the different movements that you can see   at some of these different synovial joints. First  remember that we can further classify our synovial   joint by shape. So there are six different  shapes that we find within synovial joints.   The very first one is planes which we're seeing  here. We also have our go through our hinge joints   is number tw,o three and four that's pivot and  condylar joints and then we have saddle joints   number five, and ball and socket number six. So  those are the six different shapes of synovial   joints you can have. Again all diarthroses but the  movement slightly differs in what we're capable of   at those joints based on the shape. And so i'll  try and explain that with my hands here. The very   first type of shape is plane. So with plane i  want you to think flat surface, flat surface.   rRally here you can't have movement all around,  right? This joint doesn't do this, they're stuck   here. So really all we have is sliding back and  forth at a plane joint. So of the joints, this is   the most simple, and it has the least movement of  the diathrosis types of movement. We can only move   here in one plane. So here, even if it was side  to side, it's still going to be only really just   one direction, and so that's going to be uniaxial.  So movement in one axis. In this cas,e um when we   talk about these, uh again it's gonna be a flat  surface between the two, so both sides are flat,   and a really good example of this would be  intercarpal and intertarsal. Now when we talk   about these examples of these different shapes, um  the names look fancy but you can break it down to   what the name says. So intercarpal, you're going  to learn in lab that we have our carpal bones. Our   carpal bones are our wrist bones. In between those  carpal bones, our wrist bones, those are joints.   Because remember it's where bone meets bone. So  between the wrist bones, those are plane joints,   and also between the tarsal bones. So these are  carpals right here, these are your wrist bones,   and then your ankle bones are tarsals and  you'd find the same thing in your ankle bones. The second type of shape is a hinge  joint. That is going to be your elbow,   your knee is also an example of that, and then in  between the phalanges. We're going to learn that   our phalanges are our our finger bones, okay?  So you have a couple different sets of those   proximal, middle, and distal. When  we talk about these we only have   one plane of movement, okay? So uniaxial. I can  only move this direction. If i was to do this,   that is an entirely different joint that's coming  down here. So only one axis of movement. Elbow.   One axis of movement, same thing with your knee.  So how do we allow for this hinge joint movement?   We are going to have one surface that is concave  and the other one that is convex, okay. So it's   not a perfect circle and that's important because  that prevents us from having different axes of   movement outside of the one that we have. But  think of like a trough and then putting a cylinder   inside, okay. So we can have movement in that  one axis that way. Um again, the elbow is a good   example of this, the knee, and then in between  the phalanges, so in between your finger bones. Third is a pivot joint. So the very best example  is saying no with your head. This is an example   of your pivot joint. Yes is an entirely different  set of joints, okay. So it's only the no version.   Specifically how do we allow for that.  I talked about this in the lab recording   but your C1 and C2, so C1 sits on top of C2, that  dens process of C2, we rotate around that, okay.   So here's C1 our first cervical vertebra and it  rotates like this around the dense process of C2.   So this movement is side to side, that's the  only movement we get from that, it's in one   axis so that's uniaxial. Again we come around  the dens process and we have a ligament that   holds it in place. And that's what you're seeing  right here. If we talk about uh their best example   again that's C1 and C2. Also the proximal radial  ulnar joint. Let me break that up for you. So in   addition to your elbow joint there's a couple  other joints in close proximity to your elbow.   One of them between the radius and the ulna right  here, there is actual rotation around that too.   So a lot of this rotation that we get here— i  don't know if you can see me moving my wrist,   that is going to be from that proximal radial  ulnar joint. So that's a pivot joint as well. Um   i think i was going to try and give one more  but i forget. O think that's it. Okay. Oh um   i did want to tell you if you wanted to provide  the name for the C1 and C2 atlantoaxial joint. So that's the fancy name for this joint. Um i  want to provide this for you to just get you   thinking about these names in terms of what they  are, they bring two parts together. The atlas   is the atlanto part, the axial is the axis.  You might remember C1 and C2 are the atlas   and the axis, that's where the name comes from.  All right number four is a condylar joint. So   i've been talking about for instance, plane is  two flat surfaces, when we talk about a um hinge   joint we have kind of like a trough and like a  cylinder kind of thing, sorry like this um our   condylar joint has a convex and a concave shape.  But what i want you to notice is their oval,   okay. This is really important because this is  very different than ball and socket where we   have kind of a circular, kind of a crater like  the glenoid fossa and a ball, that's not this.   The oval shape of the convex and concave surfaces  actually limits the types of movement we can have.   So instead of like the ball and socket,  which we're going to see in a little bit   having multi-axial movement, because it's oval  it can only go in a couple different directions,   okay. So one direction or one axis, the other  direction, but we don't have the ability   with this shape because both both articulating  surfaces are oval, we don't have multi-axial. So   we have back and forth, we have side to side, but  again biaxial. A really good example of this is   metacarpophalangeal two through five. Let's break  that down. Metacarpals are the next set of bones,   the more distal bones compared to the carpals.  So if you haven't had a chance to look at your   appendicular skeleton, the upper limb for for  lab yet, it goes carpal bones which are your   wrist bones, metacarpals which are these longer  ones, and then we have distal to those we have our   phalanges. So where the metacarpal bones meet the  phalanges, that is what we're talking about right   here, okay. And specifically it is two through  five. So when we actually number our digits, your   thumb is one, then it goes two, three, four, and  five. Your pinky finger being number five. We're   not talking about the thumb here, this has some  special other joints going on, or special types of   movement. We're specifically talking about two,  three, four, and five. Now again it is where,   it's kind of within this region of your hand, but  where the metacarpals meet the um the phalanges,   you can have back and forth movement and you  can have side to side. If you try and force   this this actually comes from movement of several  joints. This is not actually that movement. So   back and forth, side to side you have biaxial  movement of the metacarpal phalangeal joints. Number five is the saddle joints, okay. So what i  want you to watch here's like like you're sitting   in a saddle like this, okay. So both of them have  kind of a cup shape to them. This again because   they're not ball and socket because they have  these kind of convex and concave kind of oval   shapes so to speak, it's not quite oval here  but trying to explain it but kind of this shape,   it limits the movement. So we're not multi-axial  here we're biaxial. We can go this direction,   okay. That's one axis. So here. And then i  can also move this one, okay. So i can move   this one back and forth which provides one axis of  movement, i can move this one which provides one   axis of movement. So that's biaxial. Good example  of this is your first carpometacarpal, okay. Your   carpometacarpal for the first digit is saddle.  And that's different from two through five.   That allows for you to have more movement here.  It's almost like a swinging movement. So i can go   here, and i can go back and forth here, okay. So  that's a saddle joint and specifically you get   those movements again from the saddle joint within  your thumb. We'll talk about some of the other   movements you can have too. All right. Final is  ball and socket. Ball and socket is the one that   provides multi-axial movement. So being perfectly  circular and having a crater-like surface to   go into allows for all kinds of movement  within that joint. Remember this is the   all of these are very uh very unstable but  definitely the ball and socket is going to be the   least stable because of all that extra movement.  Examples of this include your hip and your   shoulder. So we know we can very easily dislocate  our shoulders, but we have all kinds of movement   that can come. I can move this direction, I  can move this direction, I can rotate around.   All of that's going to come from our glenohumeral  joint also known as our shoulder joint. So this video I actually provided for you  in the extra chapter 9 helpful resources,   but i'm going to go ahead and walk through  it with you since there's no narration,   to it i'm going to provide narration for you.  All right so for this video we're going to go   over the six different shapes that we find  for synovial joints and their movement.   When it comes to a synovial joint, we know that  it has a synovial capsule with synovial fluid. The   very first one that we're going to look at is the  ball and socket joint. We know that this has a   ball and a socket which allows for multi-axial  movement. So multiple planes of direction.   In this case or this example here they're  showing you the glenohumeral joint   where the head of the humerus meets  the the glenoid fossa of the scapula.   The second one that they're showing here in the  video is a hinge joint. Uniaxial, so one plane   of movement between a convex and a concave  surface. The example here is the knee joint,   more specifically the distal part of the femur  where it meets the proximal part of the tibia. Third up is the pivot joint. The pivot joint  allows for side to side movement, so uniaxial.   Where a round surface here shown the dens  of C2 is surrounded by a ligament ring.   Fourth is the condylar joint. Oval  convex and oval concave surfaces,   this is biaxial movement. My example for you was  the metacarpophalangeal joint two through five,   but the example shown here is actually between  the radius and the scaphoid and lunate bones.   Sorry i was going kind of fast i wanted to show  you again. The example they're showing here   is actually between the distal part of the radius,  so you're seeing that up here and the scaphoid and   lunate bones which are carpal bones. This one is  the saddle joint. Saddle shaped bones, biaxial   movement. So two planes and specifically this  is the first carpometacarpal joint. So this is   where your thumb is and that allows for opposition  of the thumb as well. This final one, let me go   ahead and pause it here. So for our purposes the  intervertebral joints are cartilaginous joints,   and specifically we would consider it a symphysis,  however, with more detail and um that you're not   required to know for our purposes, technically the  intervertebral joints there are both plane joints   and there are cartilaginous joints there. So  they are focusing on the synovial joints here,   specifically the plane joints that are  available also between the vertebrae,   and what we can see is that it is two flat  surfaces that glide back and forth on one   another. So that is the plane joint and the  final of the synovial. All right. Again we have   our synovial capsule, synovial fluid, articular  cartilage, ligaments on the outside, and hopefully   that gives you a better visual representation  of the different joints we have for synovial.   So that brings us to the very final part of  synovial joints. We have focused on them in   terms of the types of synovial joints in terms  of their structure and what types of surfaces   or surfaces are articulating with one another,  we've also talked about the different shapes of   synovial joints, and we're finally going to end  with the movements of synovial joints. There are   four different types of movement, and we really  have been talking about them already but we're   just going to give them specific names now. So  four different types of motions, there's gliding,   angular, rotational, and then special movements.  And the following slides after special movements   are all examples of special movements. So  first and foremost, we have our gliding.   That is going to be again between the carpals,  so the intercarpal joints are the intertarsal,   that's the back and forth i was showing  you with the flat surfaces, that's gliding,   okay. So associate that with gliding. The second  type is angular. That is where we are changing an   angle, okay. So there are two different types of  angular motions we can have. The very first type   is extension and flexion. So what i want to show  you here is an example here. When i flex, which   you're probably comfortable with with the elbow,  i am decreasing the size of this angle, look.   Decrease in size of the angle. If i extend i'm  making the angle bigger. So decrease the size of   the angle is the flexion. Extension is increasing  the angle. If we go past the point of that flat,   so we're actually kind of beyond the perfectly  linear line, that would be hyperextension.   This is different from abduction and adduction. So  abduction, i want you to think angle gets bigger,   and adduction i want you to think a decrease in  the angle. More specifically instead of extension   and flexion like we have, this is going to be in  relation to a midline. I'm going to use my hand as   an example even though it's not at the body, and  i'll show that in a second, but imagine there's   a middle line down my hands, okay. If i want to  make the angle bigger, i'm going to go like this.   Do you see how all of these fingers went away from  the midline? And so that is going to be an example   of bigger abduction. If i want to decrease the  angle and come closer to the midline, i adduct.   So abduction make the angle bigger, adduction  decrease the angle. It's really in relation to the   midline of the body though. So i want to show you,  i don't know if you can see, if i from the midline   of my body bring this arm out in a way, i'm making  the angle bigger away from the midline so that's   abduction. If i want to make that angle smaller  and decrease it i adduct. So abduction bigger,   adduction smaller, okay. So hopefully that gives  you a good idea of the difference between the two.   Rotational is where we actually rotate  around an axis longitudinally, okay. So   atlantoaxial —sorry i should fix  that for you just make a note   atlanto sorry with the t —so the atlas and the  axis, the no gesture. So this is a longitudinal   movement, okay. And some other examples we have  are medial and lateral rotation and pronation   and supination. First and foremost again this  is coming to and from the medial plane. So i   want you to watch my shoulder. If i'm going to  rotate immediately, i'm going to come in towards   the midline ,so this is bringing my shoulder in,  okay. zdo it's like this koi little look, hey.   And if i want to laterally rotate and go away from  the midline, rotate the shoulder backwards. So   you like someone, hey. Medial rotation. You  don't like someone, hey. Lateral rotation.   Pronation and supination we can do with our  hands and our wrists. It's all about the thumbs.   So for instance if i was going to put my  palms and face my thumbs away from the body,   in order to put myself in anatomical position,  i am kind of holding like a cup of soup,   and so rotating this direction is supination,  okay. I also think when you do good on an exam,   you rotate thumbs up, super. Alternatively if i  go this way, boo like rotating inwards and medial.   That's going to be pronation. I think i did  poor on the exam. Pronation, poor. So pronation,   this direction. Supination, this direction. That  brings us to our special movements. And there's   several different types of special movements.  Depression has become away, okay. So we're pushing   down towards the axial body, towards the torso.  Elevation think elevator, right? We're elevating   so that's bringing the shoulders up towards  the head. So depression down, elevation up. Another special movement —i'm not going  to show you my foot but flexing the foot,   imagine this is my foot. Dorsiflexion is going  up towards the dorsum, okay. So dorsiflexion is   up and more superior. Plantarflexion is remember  plantar region is the bottom of the foot,   the plantar region, so that's plantar flexion.  So we're flexing, we're decreasing angles   here but it's specifically up towards the  dorsum or down towards the plantar region. Then you can take the foot and  you can invert it or evert it. Now   this slide is a little bit confusing,  imagine these are both your feet.   Inversion is inward, okay. So inversion  is inward towards the midline.   Eversion is outward, okay. So inversion of the  feet in towards the midline, eversion is out. And this one's super fun you  can see this guy protraction.   So we're going forward and away from the  neck, right? Retraction coming in, okay.   And then finally our thumb allows us to have  opposition. Which is bringing together the thumb   and the little finger or digit five, okay. So  opposition another special movement we have. All right the rest of these will  be covered in lab next week in our   articulations lab recording. So there's  very specific ones that you need to know,   um specific synovial joints, and you want to  be able to know all the components of them. You   want to know your shapes, your movements, the  different planes, is it multi-axial? Biaxial?   You need to also know the different types  of ligaments that make it up. So we will go   over this in lab together. Hopefully this lecture  was helpful. Reach out if you have any questions.