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Medical Terminology Practice Overview

everyone in this video we're going through a series of practice problems based on the medical terminology the basics lesson 1 so if you haven't watched that video already I suggest you watch that before proceeding with the series of practice problems so this video will be pretty basic it's going to focus on what's been taught in the basics lesson 1 series so let's get started so to begin the first word that we want to try to break down and figure out what it means is neurology so how do we do this well again we go through breaking down the word so break it down into pieces so neurology neuro if we look at the neuro portion of that word what is neuro meanwhile neuro actually means nerve or relating to the nervous system and when we look at the end part of that word logy or ology that stands for a study of so when we put this all together it simply means the study of the nerves or study of the nervous system the next word is leukocytes oh I'll let you try to figure this out what does leukocyte mean so again we just break it down so leuco leuco means white and site site means cell so white cell what does that mean well it's actually a white blood cell so that's what we call a white blood so a leukocyte is a white blood cell the next one is hemophilia so again try to figure this out so again like we always do we break it down so he mo he mo means blood and philia philia means love of so this actually means love of blood but it actually is an inherited blood condition involving inappropriate bleeding so hemophilia actually literally means level blood but it actually is a genetic condition involving inappropriate bleeding so the next word is hypoxia so again I'll let you guys try to figure this out what is hypoxia mean well again just break it down we look at hypo what does hypo mean well hypo means low below normal or decreased and then SIA SIA means oxygen so it literally means low oxygen levels now hypoxia is typically referring to low oxygen levels in issues and now we can think of hypoxia in the blood this doesn't really usually denote low oxygen the blood hypoxemia is low oxygen in the blood but this usually denotes or relates to low oxygen levels in case you the next one is hypercapnia so again try to break this down so again we just break it down so hyper hyper means high above normal or elevated in cap nia cap nia means carbon dioxide and when we put it all together it literally means high or above normal carbon dioxide levels and typically hypercapnia relates to carbon dioxide levels in the blood so it's actually high or above normal carbon dioxide levels in the blood the next one is hepatomegaly so what does hepatomegaly mean well again just break it down so we look at you break it into pieces so again the beginning of the word paddle we know her paddle means liver and megali we've learned that megali stands for enlarged so when we put it all together it just means an enlarged liver so hepatomegaly means an enlarged liver the next word is to Kipp Nia so what do you think this word actually means to Kipp Nia well again break it down so tacky tacky means fast or rapid in it Nia means air or breathing so the Nia actually you can think of pneumonia there's it really relates to air and when you just put this together to Kipp Nia means again rapid or fast breathing so that's all that to give me it means it this means rapid or fast breathing the next word is atrophy so what do you think atrophy means so again break it down so this kind of is a little odd so the first actually letter actually means something so a actually means lacking or absent we've learned that before a means lacking or absent in trophy trophy means growth or and usually denotes growth in cell size so when we put this together atrophy means lacking or absent cell growth and it usually refers to wasting of muscle but it really means there's no growth in the size of a cell so you get small or shrinking or wasting of a muscle usually the next one is bradycardia so what is bradycardia mean so again just break it down so Brady Brady means slow so it's the opposite of tacky so Brady means slow in cardiac kardea means the heart cardio means the heart kardia is still relating to the heart so bradycardia means we put all together it means slow or slower than normal heart rate the next one is gastroenterology so again we just break it down into pieces so when we look at gastro gastro means the stomach and when we look at inter or inter oh it means small intestine and we've also seen all adji before so that means study of so when we put it all together gastroenterology means the study of the gastrointestinal system the next one is a referral site so what does erythrocyte mean again we just take it piece by piece a riff throw a riff throw means read and cite we've seen this before it means cell so it's a red cell it's actually denoting a red blood cell erythrocyte is a red blood cell the next one is colitis so what does colitis mean again colitis call we've learned that call or call o means colon and itis itis means inflammation so colitis simply means inflammation of the colon the next one is hypertension so we've heard this word before you probably heard this in in day to day life hypertension so what does it actually mean well again we've seen hyper we know what hyper means hyper just means high or above normal or elevated and tension tension is means pressure and usually tension refers to pressure in the blood so really hypertension all means is higher above normal blood pressure the next word is chromel phobia so this might be a little tricky so with this Crona phobia stand for what does chroma phobia mean well again breaking it down chromo so think of chromo chromatic so what does chromo stand for will mean stands for color and phobia you might have heard of other types of phobias so what is a phobia what's a fear that's a fear of something so chromo phobia really means a fear of or aversion to colors now this is a little bit different but that's literally what it means it means a fear of or aversion to colors the next one is macro sefa lis so again break it down you've heard certain words before you probably recognize macro macro scopic something big and that's literally what it means macro is means large and sefa Li we've learned in the basics lesson one that Cecily means head or relating to the head so macro sefa Li just means a large or larger than average head so the next word is transdermal so again is break it down you might have heard of trance trance just means a cross so you might have heard of transatlantic across something so trance just means a cross and dermal dharm dermal just means the skin or the dermis so literally when you put it together it just means across the skin or dermis now you might have heard of transdermal patch it is a medication that can go across the skin or dermis so it's a transdermal route the next word is extra thoracic so what does this mean again breaking it down so extra extra just means outside outer or exterior so that's easy remember extra exterior and then thoracic you can think of the thorax the chest so thoracic it just means the chest or pertaining to the chest and again when you put it all together just means pertaining to outside the chest the next one is intra-abdominal so again breaking it down so intra is pretty much the opposite of extra so introduce means within or inside or inner in abdominal you can think of the abdomen so that's easy to remember abdominal just relating to the abdomen so interrupt nominal just means within or inside the abdomen the next one is adrenal so you might be thinking okay I've heard of the adrenal gland okay but what does adrenal actually mean well if we break it down add so we've learned that add usually means toward or above so add means toward or above and renal we've learned that renal means the kidney or related to the kidney and in fact the adrenal gland is just an organ that is toward or above the kidney so that's why the adrenal glands are actually called adrenal glands because they're are toward or above the kidney the next one is parathyroid so when we break this down para what does para mean you can think of para parallel so pair action means nearby and thyroid is easy the other theory just means thyroid so parathyroid just means nearby the thyroid and in fact there are actually parathyroid glands which are small organs near the thyroid so that's why they're called parathyroid or parathyroid glands so the next word is perinephric perinephric so what does perinephric mean again peri so we can think of peri around so if you need an easy way to remember this perimeter perimeter something going around so Herry means around and nefra k-- effort means kidney as well so it or relating to the kidney so it's similar to renal but it's more associated with a nephron in the kidney but it really simply means kidney as well so perry nefra k-- around the kidney or relating to the kidney so that literally means pertaining to around the kidney so perinephric means pertaining to around the kidney and that's the last practice problem i hope you found this video helpful this was a series of practice problems based on the basics lesson one of my medical terminology series so please let me know what you thought of this video if you want to see any more videos like this one just let me know and if you did find this video helpful please subscribe for more videos like this one and again thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time