Impact of the Flood and the Covenant

Aug 3, 2024

Lecture on Worldwide Effects of the Flood and the Rainbow Covenant

Review of Flood Effects

  • Physical World Changes:

    • Extreme climate changes.
    • Earth's surface now mostly water and mountains.
    • Dissolution of water vapor layer -> genetic changes, diseases.
  • Social World Changes:

    • Only Noah's family to repopulate.
    • Establishment of human government.
    • Introduction of meat into diet.
  • Spiritual World Changes:

    • Hostile environment reminds of man's fallen state.
    • Command to repopulate reiterated (Genesis 9:7).

Reassurances from God

  • Despite changes, God reassures Noah and his descendants.
  • Two Forms of Reassurance:
    • God's word that the new environment will sustain life (Genesis 8:22).
    • Physical token: the Rainbow Covenant.

The Rainbow Covenant

  • Genesis 9:8-17: Covenant includes Noah, his descendants, and all animals.
  • Promise: No more worldwide destruction by flood.
  • Significance of the Rainbow:
    • First appearance of a rainbow, given spiritual meaning.
    • Reminder of God's promise.

Sons of Noah and Races

  • Genesis 9:18-19: Earth repopulated by Noah's three sons.
  • Henry Morris: Genetic variations among Noah's sons and their wives led to different races.
  • Incident of Noah's Drunkenness (Genesis 9:20-23): Reveals character of Noah's sons.
    • Ham: Delighted in Noah's shame, indicative of a rebellious nature.
    • Shem & Japheth: Covered Noah respectfully, showing their principle-driven actions.

Prophecy of Noah

  • Ham's Descendants:

    • Cursed to be servants to Shem and Japheth.
    • Contributions to early civilizations but not benefiting from them.
  • Shem's Descendants:

    • Ancestors of Abraham and Jesus.
    • Spiritual and theological influence.
  • Japheth's Descendants:

    • Enlarged in curiosity and philosophy.
    • Historical development in science and commerce.

Similarities between Noah and Adam

  1. Command to fill/replenish the earth.
  2. Ancestors of all men before/after the flood.
  3. Sinned by partaking of forbidden fruit.
  4. Nakedness revealed post-sin.
  5. Covered by others (God for Adam, sons for Noah).
  6. Resulted in prophecies affecting future generations.
  7. Promise of future blessing along with the curse.


  • Noah's Life Post-Flood:
    • Lived 350 years after the flood (total 950 years).
    • Marked transition to shorter human lifespans.
  • Next Topic: Tower of Babel and development of nations.