Transcript for:
Hive Bright Webinar on AI in Community Building

right thank you Todd so much for joining us hello everyone my name is Morgan Wood I'm head of community here at Hive bright and Todd Nielsen from Clock Tower advisors is joining us Todd can you give us a quick introduction hi Morgan thank you so much I've been excited about this all week at least all week at probably the last couple of weeks that this has been coming up um I run a company called Clock Tower advisors which is a Consulting organization I do strategy for mainly B2B and non-profit organizations uh mid-sized to large around building thriving online communities or digital workplaces internally for organizations I've been running the company since 2015. they've been involved in the community space since a ways before that and I I love Community Building because I think it's the most fun you can have with the internet a true statement I am so excited excited about it it's going to be fantastic so without further Ado let's first uh get familiar with our audience today so let's go ahead and jump to the next slide fantastic so um we went through registration uh here on hive bright and we have more than 20 countries represented today so hello everyone and we're across Industries and experience today as well so we have Community managers marketing managers Founders program managers customer success managers and even more titles than that so welcome everyone um like Todd and I already touched on we have an expertise in community building and today we're going to be talking to you about how we can integrate AI into community building so without further Ado let's go ahead and dive in so the central question today um are well we have two Todd it's first what is AI and second how are we going to put Ai and Community Building together and I know you're really passionate about this topic and all of your resources you've generated so far in the community building space have been wonderful so we're so excited to have you here today to help us start to dissect this so do you think it would be best to maybe start with a general definition of AI and then we can start to break down Community Building alongside it yeah absolutely Morgan um yeah and thank you for that for that setup um yeah our artificial intelligence or AI uh you know I don't want to spend too long on this and I don't want to go into an academic dissertation on it either because I'm not qualified to do that uh and I want to preface all this by saying but that yes I am passionate about this topic I am and have been throughout my career a what I would characterize as an early adopter and I'm always trying to look at new things I don't characterize myself as an expert on these issues I think I'm I always say I'm an interested amateur uh and always learning and always looking to learn and it's one of the reasons I look forward to events like this because people will always bring up ideas or technologies that I haven't heard of yet even as much as I try to stay up on on what's happening in a given space AI or artificial intelligence for short is uh something that involves a lot of different Technologies but uh essentially has this ability to bring together uh large language models and apply learning and algorithms to it so that we can get meaningful outputs I think a lot of what we're thinking of right now in terms of AI are what I would consider generative language models um or generative AI which is for creating images based on text prompts or uh or like really crunching down and building on data sets of information to write a blog or to analyze content or to do something uh interesting you know and creative like have you know collaborative storytelling uh kinds of uses for these things so it really does incorporate an awful lot um I think what it's not right now although it's got the opportunity from everything that I read and hear from people that are experts in the field to become more generalized artificial intelligence and so generalized AI is definitely a different matter and that's something that's more approaching human intelligence sort of levels and performance with things I think we may be a year or two off from that but we are definitely moving in a direction where our AI buddies who are here to help us with work will be better Partners as we go forward and hopefully we do that in ethical and smart ways as we develop this this kind of tech yeah absolutely and oh and to clarify Mary was asking that is generative AI a couple no we're using generative AI right now um generalized AI uh and I apologize if I missed that a bit misspoke um generalized AI which would be sort of a generalized intelligence I think that's uh some years off yeah absolutely thank you for calling out that question if you have any questions about what Todd and I are talking about throughout this call please feel free to drop them in the chat um and we'll be sure to respond in real time um so Todd thank you so much for that overview I think that gets us on you know the same page so when we're talking about uh AI today we're talking more about uh that creative side that more of the generative element right absolutely absolutely and and I am actually really curious from the uh the people attending it sounds like a number of the people who've chimed in so far are using or experimenting with uh AI based tools and I would love to get a sense of like uh if there are people in the audience who maybe haven't tried anything they're using this as a way to maybe jump in and explore a little bit um would love to hear from you in the comments as well if you if you haven't used AI yet in fact fact we actually Todd and I put together a poll yesterday so we're going to go ahead and we'll launch a poll and we're going to ask you about your experience with AI so the question is have you used AI in community building yet and it's ranging from no I haven't thought about it no I'm AI curious yes I've used one or two tools or yes I'm basically a manager of AI Bots now so go ahead and respond we'll give it 20 more seconds when we were talking through these options yesterday I was saying uh the the yes I'm a manager of AI Bots now you guys cleaned it up nicely I said yes I look forward to serving My Robot Masters amazing yes we cleaned it up a little bit I think there was a character count all right and it will end the poll and we'll share the results so we're split between yes I've tried one or two and uh no but I'm curious so this is a great session today for folks both who have tried one or two tools and then also for those who are curious because Todd and I are going to walk through um existing tools and different tips and strategies so without further Ado let's go ahead and move on to the next slide so so this was was one of uh the things that you just mentioned Morgan about like things that you can use uh for me I watch a lot of news about AI based tools and what's out there and what strikes me or what I get frustrated with is I'll I'll tune into a YouTuber that's talking about AI based tools and they'll tell you oh you've got to go to GitHub and download Python and install like generally speaking I'm not as interested in those kinds of tools I'll call these out when I see them I think there's one in my listing that I've that I provided around this and I think we'll have a link where you can download the PDF that kind of collects a lot of this information that hybrid is so kindly put together uh from for my handout around this but uh as you start thinking about like the Practical usage of AI tools for Community Building there are there are really kind of a couple of different ways in which I see that it can be applied um one is definitely elevating productivity and like just making your life a little bit easier uh in terms of being a manager of community spaces um enhancing membrane experiences and engagement so uh just better ways to respond to people or um having having a co-pilot to help you sort of write a difficult response to something that someone has said in a community space is so useful Bots that can can respond or react to things that people say in the community and maybe offer helpful tips or flag uh problematic content in some cases I'm definitely there and making just better data-driven decisions about things I know that a lot of my day-to-day work in in building strategies around online communities I'll spend a lot of time interviewing members of a community or talking to internal stakeholders in an organization as they're thinking about uh building a community I am taking detailed notes from those conversations I am employing my AI my uh transcriber that gives me a note summary and one of the key topics that we had in that conversation and is doing sentiment analysis around it and then what I'm generally doing now is I'm crunching those notes into a tool like chat GPT and I'm asking it to take a look at multiple different interviews and pull out key affinitized topics around that that was Heavy labor for me um in in times past and it saved me it's it's probably made me four times as efficient now that I have these tools to really be my data analyst uh in in a lot of different cases oh my gosh and Todd I wore other than other than the amount of time that I used to spend in analysis analysis of member responses or survey data or member interviews and then being able to concisely go through get the key sentiment get the key summary of the interview and then create um through chat GPT there's a larger understanding comparing each one has been such a Time Saver because previously that would have taken weeks for me to do by hand um throughout this discussion we're going to go ahead and we'll touch on these elements of community building I saw a question in the chat about you know maybe I need to uh they uh they were saying that I probably need to better understand what community building is and so uh Todd feel free to build off of this too when we're talking about community building it's uh I think one of those generalized terms where we say community building and typically it's falling within uh this elevating productivity streamlining operations everything that's making your community tick so it could be from writing emails to your members to posting uh posts in your community and everything in between um so as Community professionals we're really honing in on how can we use AI to help us become more efficient so let's go ahead and start to dig a Little Deeper Todd and we'll jump over into our elevating productivity and streamlining operations and we'll get started um with the different tools that you outlined for good Community experiments so let's jump two slides forward perfect so Todd I took this from uh I took notes from you uh from the handbook that will uh review in a little bit but these were the ones that caught my eye and I would love for you to walk us through uh maybe your three favorites here and how you're using them and then I'll share different ways that I've been seeing them used with our customers um and then also how I'm using them as well absolutely um so I mean you you have to acknowledge the gorilla in the room uh which is uh to say that chat GPT is of course the start of what's become this tidal wave of AI based tools that are out there the fact that they've they were able to get a generative language model going that is widely applicable to a lot of different uh usages so widely applicable applicable that I believe that it has really resulted in um really the emergence of an entire new industry or profession of people that are professional prompt Builders like how do I write a good prompt for chat GPT right um and of course uh you know Bing Microsoft being a backer of chatgpt has now been fully integrated in their product and now if you use the paid version of chat GPT they're basically the turning on the web search version of that is actually clicking a box that says Bing on it and so these are these are now two very tightly integrated kinds of tools so I'll kind of name them as one as a favorite to take a look at um you know other tools that are related to copy creation would be like which is for creating creating blog pieces or writing posts for the community also which you know chatgpt is is good for these things are only as good as the prompts that you give them so thinking a little bit more about how you create you know good um good copy it's got everything to do with the input that you give it the direction that you give it and uh really subsequent revisions that you ask it for through that process um the other ones that I'll mention somebody was asking about search UniFi search UniFi is a very broad-based product it is actually intelligent search so it uses AI based tools and it actually this this is of all the these on here this search UniFi is actually built for communities and it is it is well integrated with chorus if any of you use that particular product as well as vanilla I think it also goes I think it also integrates with um with higher logic and can probably be integrated with a variety of other platforms if you've got good apis built in what search UniFi is really good at doing is helping you to identify the content that you want to really place better when somebody searches for Content it'll help you search across a little bit more of a Federated search but but it'll help you search across useful content it's also got some AI Bots built into it to help people who prefer to get their help through a chatbot you know instead and so it's pretty powerful more comprehensive kind of platform and and so you need to evaluate you know what's right for your organization but that that's really I think like truly the you know one of the Enterprise packages that's available out there for that um check step I also like quite a lot um because um it is designed for uh large like Reddit scale kinds of or kinds of communities and organizations um it's for Content moderation in fact and so uh check my my involvement at the checks check step is actually a partner of mine my involvement with working with them uh goes back before the chat GPT craze they have a tool that can evaluate text and images and and audio uh for moderation purposes so it can flag anything that is problematic content uh automatically and it will then also work with the community manager to identify uh ones that need a little more of a human judgment call around around what's good or not absolutely and I also wanted to highlight Munch and cap cut so I learned these two from you as well and both of these being more towards video editing and I think that is just such a important element of when we're talking about generative AI how it can be um a tool in order to take your content that's already existing and take it to that next level so I know personally from running the hive right customer Community we get a lot of requests for adding captions to videos so uh when I was reviewing this yesterday to you I was very excited to learn about capcat because then we're able to add captions more seamlessly so we're going to experiment with that and then Munch for video editing as well so I know in the chat we're seeing some Community managers who are talking about hey we're a team of one or two how can we scale this and this is what Todd and I really want to highlight is that a lot of these tools can be utilized um to help you uh kind of have this whole Army of additional workers who can help you scale much more easily does that resonate with you Todd because I know at Clock Tower advisors you were talking about ways that you've been using AI in that same way yeah no I think it definitely does cap cut is great it was recommended by a great friend of mine Carolyn zick of bad acts Enterprises and she is absolutely amazing and a great social media expert in her own right in addition to her expertise around Community Building um I if I could I'm seeing some questions in the chat around just sort of basic definition of community and community building and I feel like maybe we should take a step back and address that uh just briefly um what uh and I think you know Tim Anderson is asking a great question what you know when you're talking about Community or Community Building are you talking about it this is sort of a broad term because Community is a much maligned much misunderstood term you you talk to to anyone who's not a community manager specific is their job title about community and they get a lot of different Notions running through their head around what that means and so for some people that idea of community could be my uh my Twitter Community or my following on YouTube or people that are that are instagramers you know you know follow me I'm generally not thinking of it in precisely those terms but I do want to be really clear that Community is not the platform that it happens to be sitting on hive bright is a platform but your overall Community are the people that choose to to interact there as well as in all those other social media platforms or other spaces where you have interactions with them what I think about generally though is that the online community platform itself that many organizations will invest in such as what you know Hive bright offers is it becomes a Commons area for those conversations the people that are talking I don't know on other social media channels are your community but you want to draw them into a safe space like a like a hive break platform where they feel a little more comfortable a little more safe sharing more about themselves about what they care about what they want to do and the the idea behind community building is to create trust around that space at the platform level this is a safe place for me to go it's more of a private space for me to have conversations with others who have the same interests as me at the uh at the company level where as a company if I'm running an online community I'm being transparent about my reasons for doing this and at the person-to-person level I trust the benevolence and good nature of the other people that are coming into this space for me so just wanted to clarify that because I think it's an important point to make um I if you want to think of it as a metaphor I like the idea of the nautilus shell within the many chambers but you want to get people to the center of that space oh I love that metaphor so much Todd and thank you so much for jumping in there and what a great question too is um so would you say Todd that AI how do you see AI helping overall with this and we'll go we'll go ahead and we'll jump forward in our next slide so we can highlight your resource that I think really kind of sets the stage for when we're talking about community in this particular context so not this um oftentimes like you said Community tends to get that misnomer of community is all social media it's all of these different platforms we're talking about bringing members more inward on a platform like Hive bright um and I know that your guidebook talks about how to start using this uh how to use AI in this context so I'd love for you to kind of walk us through at a high level what this guidebook is about yeah exactly and and I think maybe local Logan will be kind enough to put the link to that up there um it does ask for an email address but I promise not to have used that for anybody um I'll only send you cool stuff uh on occasion if I have something that I want to share um but it's this is basically a PDF that I put together as I started exploring uh some of the tools and resources that are available for community building and my my focus around this was as I mentioned a little bit earlier I want stuff that I can use right now that I can start to use like I don't care about vaporware I don't care about things that are being developed at the beyond the bleeding edge of what AI Technologies are capable of I know there's a lot of cool stuff that's out there and it's coming down the road but what I care about right now is what I can leverage in my day-to-day work and that becomes things like helping me to write prompts or helping me to analyze content on a given disc discussion helping me to write policies or guidelines for a community helping me to create video or other kinds of interesting content that I can share in that space so those are the kinds of things that that went into you know building this it's a short guide it's only about eight or nine pages and it includes in addition to a listing of those tools and links to them it also offers some ideas for prompts for tools like Chachi PT and and the many others that are like them um I I will mention you you'd ask me for favorites I I had a lot all my favorites are actually in this list the one that I didn't reference on the previous page that I like a lot but I've had a little bit of a love-hate relationship with is perplexity um I don't know if you've uh I don't know if you've seen perplexity but it is a Google uh or sorry it's a chrome plugin I think it probably exists in some other places as well but it is kind of like a co-pilot that lets you search for things either on the open web or on the website that you happen to be on or on the page that you happen to be on so if you wanted to summarize a discussion if you're on a uh if you're on a discussion forum thread for example and it provided that it's an open platform perplexity can read the conversations that are on a given thread and give you the bullet points and if you've got a good prompt for it you can give it a prompt like summarize summarize the discussion here and you know if it's a complex discussion you can say tell it to me like I'm five years old right and and it can give you sort of the bullet points out of that if if you go to a website and you're looking for general information and I've used this a lot I have a couple of customers that use a a community platform and they have a knowledge base on their main website I could go to and assuming you've got lots of product documentation on your site I could just ask my question in perplexity about what I'm looking for and it will actually sift through the entire website and give me the most likely places where I could look for my answer rather than even just going through the basics yeah and Todd I think we do have a slide coming up with some of your prompt examples so let's go ahead and go to the next slide and just wanted to highlight too and we'll be sure to I'm seeing questions in the chat about getting access to Todd's PDF yes it will be the link will be included in our follow-up email and this deck will be included as well where you'll be able to access this link so this is AI encyclopedia or I'm sending out I'm saying it more uh straightforward I think encyclopedia and it's a great source of information um for all things Ai and they just drop their first Weekly Newsletter uh today actually um and so they track Ai and in the AI space so if you're curious about legislation or you're curious about the societal impacts of AI um in more of those deeper questions that we also naturally have as Community Builders and this is a really great resource as well um so we just want to touch on that so let's go ahead and move forward to enhancing member experience in engagement and Todd this next slide is going to be focused on supercharging content creation so there we go and these are the prompts that you were referencing so I took the first three just as a teaser um and I wanted to you know talk to you about when you were first experimenting with AI um how you came around to the prompts that you are suggesting in this PDF and and also what have you found works best uh what are your key takeaways all of the things with prompting because it really truly so far for me at least has been um a trial and error type of learning experience um the big advice I can personally give is that you have to experiment with the prompts and see what works and and for each Community your prompting is going to be a little different most likely in order to get something that's more unique and more representative of your community so over you over to you Todd with all of the insights that you've been able to gather while building out this prompt list I I think I think that's a that's a terrific introduction to the to the topic Morgan and yeah we're all learning uh what these are and I want to be you know fully transparent here many of the prompts that I've included here here we're drawn from a variety of sources I am I am Shameless at stealing but I I did include a bibliography uh at the end of the PDF that has links to um the sources for for some of the things that I was able to find some of them are original uh that I I came at both come came up with on my own uh but uh I think some some of these ones here um actually showed up pretty early I would say in discussions about community and AI uh and I believe these ones came from David Spinks uh who was with cmx uh at the time I think he's more of an independent these days but a brilliant guy and he started playing around with these tools right away around the same time that I did and I had an example post I think you probably can probably find the original uh post up on LinkedIn um with him talking about playing with AI but uh asking it to generate a guide to building online community he had some other really nice ones like um hey I've got this community about uh fire firefighters uh in the Midwest and um uh helped me to come up with uh a workshop agenda for a two-day workshop on uh you know for this community and uh chechi PT is pretty brilliant coming up with that with that or coming up with uh ideas for guests uh who you could bring into your your community space um so it's actually pretty pretty brilliant at doing that um and uh I know Christopher Ragland mentions it's important to give specific details on the prompts absolutely um also it doesn't hurt to ask uh chechi PT to critique your prompt um how can I make this a better prompt uh I've seen some of that self-reflexive you know kind of approach you know working really nicely if you are using a paid version of chat GPT I think there's a there's a plug-in called prompt perfect that'll help you kind of like revise you know and have the best version of your prompt possible and um yeah and there are a lot of people that are pretty good about uh about that if you if you ask uh chat GPT for coaching if you can say be my prompt coach how can I make write better prompts it will give you a primer of saying uh hey you know suggest a role for me tell me what to do like uh be my SEO expert be my Community Management assistant be you know and I've had a lot of luck with that and um and I do notice a difference between the chat GPT 3.5 and the four version and how they and how they work um I've I've really had a a lot of luck for example I get really annoyed with chat GPT 3.5 because it tends to write like a like some kind of marketing person and no no knock on that but like it can get really salesy and really hypey uh in in the way that it writes things so I'll often tell it as part of the prompt to say like look I'm looking for a straightforward casual funny storytelling tone stay away from salesy language do not give me over overhyped adjectives you know if you give me these things I'm going to tell you to revise it again which I'm sure does does no good for me to write that in the prompt but it feels you know it's like emotionally satisfying for me to add that and probably sort of like okay stupid human uh but uh but but to to be able to offer it sort of like your preferences for style is really important and particularly if you're if you're using the Chachi pt4 of this and I think that's gonna very soon be available I think to everybody as they continue to upgrade these these language models um it can do some really good things so for example um one of the roles that I've really liked using has been telling it to act as my no-nonsense acerbic writing coach and I want you you know I'm going to give you I'm going to give you uh writing samples of things that I'm working on I want you to suggest to me what's wrong with what I'm doing don't pull any punches and you know really coach me through this and it's like talking to an old hard bitten journalist uh when it replies back to you like so it does a good job of that um nothing wrong with asking it to uh write you know write something in the style of somebody else so that it sort of adopts some of that some of those things you can have some fun I've from time to time I've told it to uh write a write write me a post in the style of Hunter Hunter S Thompson uh you know the uh the the Gonzo journalist and so it would give me some pretty cool stuff you know with that it was kind of fun um so that I mean I think as people are saying in the chat here too you've got to experiment with it you've got to challenge it a little bit and hopefully it uh it produces the things you want but the nice thing about the chat based nature of GPT is you can keep asking it to revise until you get the results that you like absolutely and before we move on I just want to say too one thing that I found that cuts it down on my voting time uh will be that I kind of set the stage for the chat bot so what I'll do is say hey chat I'm currently working on XYZ these are this is my goal of working on this project and here's what I hope to achieve please ask me up to 20 questions for example of what you need to know in order to help me achieve this and this will give me all of the questions that way it kind of cuts down on that back and forth that you might be experimenting as you're learning to prompt so it's a much more front loaded but I've found that it kind of boosts my efficiency over time so I wanted to share that as well awesome so um let's go ahead and Todd I made a whole slide on this because you blew my mind yesterday uh with plugging into Bing and I would love for you to talk about what you shared with Logan and I and how you're using being to help you identify maybe missing parts of public pages and also upskilling frequently asked questions so would you mind sharing the antidote that you shared yesterday yeah this is fun and so this is uh this is a little something that I I picked up from a YouTuber and uh if you if you guys are into AI based news and tools um you know I'm not a paid chill for this guy like I I just like his stuff um a gentleman by the name of Matt wolf uh w-o-l-f-e uh does like a weekly Roundup of AI based tools and things that are there and he covers a lot of stuff but he he regularly looks at ideas around uh great prompts you know for either image generation or or text generation and and I I grabbed this one from him and have applied it to my website and you could apply it to your community as well um you can tell uh Bing or you can turn on Bing in chat GPT and say look at this website give put the link to your website based on this what kind of questions would a customer or because they would a potential Community member or what would a Community member have about about this site and Bing will go and look at all the pages of your site and we'll formulate a list of questions for you that and they're they're pretty good it'll come up with like 10 20 questions about about your site and then you can say Okay help me to write answers to these based on the website and it will basically build an FAQ section for you that you can add you know pretty easily and quickly I'm sure you're going to want to change it and make sure that it's factual uh but uh but that's that's definitely a Time Saver in my book uh being able to do that I'm also finding that you can you can have Bing look at your your website or an article or articles that you share with it and ask it to write things in your writing style so it's pretty good about picking up your own style I love that so much and I I send a chat about your stories about other writing style someone has shared that they've had the chat right as a joke a document built as a pirate so at the end of the day the pirate tone was closer to the way that locals speak in the initial uh so they had to pick out some R's and some mateys but it ended up being a pirate Dock and Community facing as well thank you Chad for sharing that story I love that that's amazing yeah yeah whether it's your own copy Voice or a pirate I've also seen folks write it in the voice of Carrie Bradshaw from Sex in the City there's so many different voices that you can create Community content for especially around one of my favorite hacks for this is looking at your community engagement calendar and let's say your community does observe National pirate day so Chad on National pirate day you can Elevate that piece turn it into an evergreen piece of content and encourage your members to be speaking with me days and lots of eyes as well so Todd as we're moving through this discussion next is kind of the I think one of the biggest things that we're thinking about when it comes to Ai and it's making database decisions and before we jump into this um I know we were talking kind of about the three points yesterday about when you're making decisions um and of course we just want to say we're going to talk about data first and then we'll start diving into addressing concerns and caveats that come to working with AI so without further Ado let's go ahead and move to the next slide and we'll kind of outline for you all about when you're making data decisions with AI what are those best practices first and foremost is to Define make sure that you have your clear objectives and metrics so this connects to kind of the webinars we've been having throughout the year and the key part being is that you want to make sure that you have your established goals and performance indicators before you're asking chat or any other AI a tool to Define that for you of course it's a really great brainstorming buddy and they can help you in that direction but without you determining your North Star or what you want your community to be about it's going to be really difficult to prompt that out of a AI module next is determine those metrics so just make sure it's relevant to your goal the next core pillar is collecting and analyzing the relevant data I know we've been having this conversation in the chat but when you're when you're Gathering your sources of data such as user interactions and social media analytics you can use AI to process this and uncover patterns and Trends and correlations but again it's not going to be the one to put it in context of your community or in context of your organization so think of it as your co-pilot as your buddy helping you achieve that pattern recognition or the trends more quickly and then last but not least is validating and interpreting and Todd I know you talked a lot about this in your guide about the caveats and I think this kind of teases up perfectly to move forward but the two key points being we want to make sure we're verifying the ACT the accuracy and reliability of what the AI has generated and then also consider making that additional contextual factors with your own expertise your own experience within your community so when we're talking in this latter half of this presentation keep these three parts in mind because once again AI is still growing community building in itself is still growing and so we have to kind of hold these two truths at once yeah no I I I think you're raising some great issues here and and it is important to me and I'm seeing this come up as a theme in the in the chat as well that's uh that's going along with us here um especially some really brilliant things from uh Carey or Kari uh Lippert um thanks for for your thoughts and ideas there I I think you know the importance of uh work you know when you're working with AI to do any kind of data interpretation or data work is uh the old watch uh watch word of trust but verify uh you know that yeah I want to believe that these are interesting and good things but I better darn well verify it before I before I move forward with publishing this information and I need to be transparent about the sources of where this thing is coming from um going back to what I was saying a little bit earlier in our conversation around like the levels of safety and Trust in any kind of community building you're doing if you're using AI based tools to create content to interpret data I think it's important to be intellectually and morally honest about the things that you are that you're producing um you know within that space when I'm working with working with customers and I'm using AI based tools to interpret or collate information from interviews for example I am absolutely disclosing to them that hey I'm using these tools and um and I I I really like for me the thing I've learned today is I love uh Carey's uh uh citation approach it makes total sense it's like in the way that you access any kind of website what is the tool uh you know the company the version and the date asked and what the prompt was that was used to get it that's really great I think that that's that's nice transparency to be able to use so um so absolutely uh you know some some things around that that we need to be sure of I will mention just because we're talking about the data side of things if you're using chat GPT to Crunch any numbers don't trust those numbers it's not it's not good at counting um the uh the only way to to get it to be better with something like that is to use a plug-in for it called the wolf from alpha Which is far far better at number crunching but you still want to even so you still want to crunch crunch that information um be very wary of numbers good chat yeah yeah he's not good at drawing hands apparently like for generative images and it's not good at math we're still we're still working those Kinks out um okay so let's move to the next slide okay so not to cut off conversation Todd so want to keep flowing with what you're saying with um the privacy and security with numbers in general there's kind of these hiccups and caveats I love the way that you framed this in your workbook um with the caution and caveat you have to hold when you're working with AI so like you said numbers up at the top you're not going to want to be focusing or on uh chat GPT to be crunching your budget for the year um and I would love for you to kind of walk us through the four caveats that you um you highlighted in your PDF absolutely yeah I mean as you say the the data going into chat GPT you need to be careful about what you feed it uh open AI as much as I like them as a company has not been super forthcoming so far around how they are protect acting data which has led to things like Italy saying no we forbid anybody from using chatgpt you know in their space uh so so thinking about the privacy of your company's data anything proprietary anything deeply personal um you probably want to leave out of you know putting into these systems like anything on the internet it can be hacked and chances are it probably will be at some point um so thinking about the security of that information especially like I work with organizations that have a sensitive personally identifiable information from people and you don't want to include that information like you if you're going to have an AI analyze any of that stuff you better take steps to anonymize it uh to the extent that you can um also bear in mind that these these large language models these generative AI tools are biased because they're based on the data that they look at that's there and that in includes you know racial ethnic sexual orientation biases all of the worst things that make up Humanity in many cases can end up influencing the a the AI algorithms that are that are in there so bear that in mind and you may need to apply correctives to these things it's one of the reasons why I think a lot of the early chat experiments from Microsoft and others people would get in and start testing the the language model and those language models would start to say racist things that uh just you know are highly problematic for any kind of tech-based system so I think uh chat GPT has done a fairly good job and I say that with big quotation marks around it about trying to cut off those some of those biases but um you know yeah it's a caveat yeah and I think the interesting thing to you about what you're highlighting Todd is that similar to when building a community you have to be aware of bias and so in these large language models we're not pulling this information from thin air rather it's this accumulation of information who that is primarily created by other humans that are going to have biases baked into this and so when you're seeing this at a large scale language model it's important to keep in mind topics that you're asking it about and what the biases around that topic might have so I know early on in those GPT days like you were saying there was a lot of bias originally and I haven't tested it recently with chat GPT but around gender expression and so um just bear this in mind when you're working with um the AI especially for folks who are working in advocacy spaces or in spaces that you have a marginalized group that it needs representation just to make sure that you're not taking chat gbt at its word and uh accidentally uh perpetuating a bias so that's an important flag absolutely absolutely and I'll I'll mention because we're talking about data here and some of the data biases uh some of the questions in the chat are around getting data into platforms for analysis um so what can I use to upload three interviews and ask AI to pull out common themes well chances are there's there are limitations on how much data can be put into these platforms at a given time so for example with chat GPT it talks about a maximum of 4096 tokens for a single prompt that doesn't equate to characters um it has to do with like the overall input into the system so to do something like what you're suggesting Rebecca would take like probably several different inputs and then asking it to go back and and kind of look at look at all of those at once I think those token numbers are going up um that as as these platforms are developing they're getting better at taking more and more input um but uh you know taking multiple sources in is an interesting animal and and even getting like uh data in a Google sheet examined I know that Google is rolling out some tools for data analysis and that that some Google tools will be able to apply some of some of the analysis directly for from within the Google Suite of products for example so that was that was Stephanie's question um but yeah there are definite limitations on that I will mention one other tool that I've been using for Content creation is called content at which can take multiple Source document inputs and create completely original plagiarism free they they promise 100 and I put no stock in that again trust but verify um but they can create like long-form blog entries based on just you giving it a URL or uploading a PDF or giving it several documents as resources for it that's incredible I'm definitely going to check that one out too um so you know you know for the bot the latter half of your um cautions and caveats anything you want to touch on with misuse of AI generate generated content and ensuring human oversight yeah no I'll just say like a quick anecdote about misuse of AI generated content it I think it's absolutely possible to misuse it uh I um I am a long time table top game hobbyist and uh as as part of what I do for that you know putting together role-playing games would be I've sometimes sometimes I've asked chatgpt to be the villain um in a piece that I'm writing and I'm telling it to act you know very Machiavellian and you know take the negative view of anything that that is put in there and um and it it's made me realize as I've only been going through that like there are some real world Bad actors that could do some bad things about like persuasive content that is uh covering over factual information or reinterpreting things in a way that uh that is manipulative to people I think we need to be wary of of those kinds of misuses of the platform um and really just ensuring that there's always a human oversight for this this is not as much as somebody could create a fully automated online community managed by a chat bot I don't think that would be an advisable thing I think that um the going forward value of having AI based Tools in our tool set is that they become a partner that we work with that helps us helps us with a lot of the things that were previously very odious repetitive difficult tasks uh just in terms of assimilation and the amount of time that we have to put into it and the emotional labor that goes into it that's what they're really good at yeah absolutely I couldn't have said better myself Todd um thank you so much for taking us through the cautions and the caveats that come with building with AI and we have about 10 minutes left so let's go ahead and see what questions we have in Q a so for folks who are tuned in please feel free to continue adding questions either in the chat or in Q a so we can make sure we get to it um so Todd I'm going to do some rapid fire for you and we'll start and kick off with the question that we got when we first started our meeting which is from an organizational perspective how can we ensure personable accountability to work to the work that is done established it wasn't me that wrote it it was the robot so sort of what we were just talking about right right yeah I don't think you can dodge it that way I I think that if you're using AI based tools um you are responsible you're the adult in the room think of it think of your AI uh your AI copilot as a talented intern who you are responsible for guiding if the intern wrote something bad and it created bad consequences for your organization probably not the intern that's ultimately responsible for that it's you absolutely question is I heard about the trick of using three hashtags so three pound symbols to distinguish the input slash outputs from Instructions when you write prompts in chat GPT do you have any do you by any chance know about this and I understand this might be too techy of a question so please skip if you're relevant but I think that might be something you know about Todd you know I wish someone will you you scooped me on this question no I I'm not aware of this but I'm going to be looking it up right after this right after this call um thank you for that absolutely and I'll go ahead and and you know this is a perfect example of we're constantly learning more about ways that we can be better utilizing it so thank you so much for uh giving us that answer or question rather okay so next is if you had to pick one AI tool to start with which would it be and why uh I mean chat GPT uh start using the free version of the tool chat three chat GPT 3.5 which is the default version you get with free account is so worth doing because I think we're to point right now like if you if you take nothing else away from this if you are AI tool curious this is the starting place and this is the place where you can start to learn how to write good prompts and I think that is the skill over the next couple of years that I think that all of us are going to be developing all of us are going to be thinking about um a lot more constantly and I think that this is the time like we're we're so early uh in all of this uh this is a playground stage that we're at and what I vehemently believe is this is the time to play before it gets really serious uh and the the more that we start practicing and piloting some of these tools personally and for our organizations um the better prepared we're going to be as a Workforce going forward absolutely and I think we discussed this briefly yesterday Todd but it reminds me of when um when canva first kind of came onto the community scene and at that time we hadn't had a platform that other than Adobe Photoshop was really accessible to community teams and so at first there was a little bit of this hesitancy um but the Community Builders who jumped right in learned the skills really quickly were then the ones who are helping to lead the space in community building with digital Creation with canva now it's kind of similar here where if you're experimenting and you're learning how to prompt early on you're going to be able to very quickly catch up to Todd and I with saying okay this is prompting as it was in June 2023 um and a year from now this is all of the things that I've learned so it's not too late Jump Right In and start experimenting and we have a couple questions in the chat uh Claudia says something I struggle with a lot is managing my community's user generated content I do it by hand to this day but I want to find out a way to get an AI tool to help me out do you have any recommendations yeah totally perplexity that I mentioned earlier get get the plug-in uh if you're using a Chrome browser I think they probably also got it uh for others but you can set it to look at uh and summarize the discussions on a page and uh and use it to kind of get sort of a bullet pointed uh output of sort of what's on there especially if you're trying to get your arms around a large amount of content or a long thread that I found to be really useful to to do that and as far as uh I I'd have to dig a little bit more into getting a way to help the to get AI to help me out if that means writing responses or moderating like I think my recommendations for tools would probably be different based on what you were trying to do um you know so I would probably be I would be leaning heavily on chat GPT um perplexity and for for moderating purposes uh you know looking into something like check step to do absolutely and Claudia just for off of the top of my head and we'll include this in the follow-up email we'll have lots of good links for you all um is taking a really basic content calendar um and then start mapping it out like top is saying with chat GPT so kind of front loading um that user generated content really early on and helping you stay organized at a high level um so we'll share a template for that as well um so some other questions that are coming in and we have a couple minutes left is uh Todd do you have any um sense of a AI tool that helps upload audio notes so audio recording off the top of your head [Music] um yeah I mean I would probably end up doing some kind of speech to text uh transcription uh so even using something like's machine learning uh way of uh you know pulling audio in to into a document and then getting it into AI for analysis kind of work I'm sure there's some specialized tools out there and I certainly don't know about them all I I would point you to a another great website called it's run by I think that's self same Matt wolf who I mentioned a little bit earlier that is a pretty comprehensive site for finding all kinds of AI tools for different use cases I'm sure that there are some interesting ones in there for accessibility perfect okay so I think this will be our last Quest a little lengthy and I and absolutely loving it so bring it so someone has said if someone uses chat GPT in a Socratic method going through several going through several back and forth iterations of communicating and refining outputs from chat gbt and as a result that person spends pretty much the same amount of time on the task as the person would have if they spent spent on the task would it count as that person's work or the AIS work I ask the same questions to professors at my organizations and their answers are mixed so for folks I'll go ahead and drop this text into the chat so everyone can see it but ultimately uh what this question is asking Todd is if you're using the AI bot as a partner as a thought partner working through your work what is your personal opinion on um on this kind of gray area so far with what you've seen in the industry yeah I I as far as what the industry thinks of it I have no idea uh but I I view it as a collaboration I I mean you're you're I mean we're using a tool uh and it's not it's not as if chat GPT or any AI based tool has any personal agency and needs to be credited for its creative input you know to a process from that perspective but I think from an intellectual honesty perspective if you are using uh it as a as an Implement to help you get a better result it should probably be acknowledged as part of your methodology especially if you're doing something from an academic standpoint I would say it's got be cited in an appropriate way yeah and I think it was Carrie in her audience who was talking about you know putting it in your bibliography like you did in your work book Todd or having it referenced where it makes sense is the best approach and I'm sure as legislation and our understanding of AI tools continues to uh grow so will our understanding of how to cite the work and kind of navigate this gray zone so thank you so much everyone this was a lovely discussion both in the chat and in our q a um we'll go ahead and we'll follow up over email with a survey about this session and then also with all of the resources that Todd and I referenced so thank you so much everyone I hope you have a lovely rest of your day thanks everybody thank you