Complete Kubernetes Course

Jul 3, 2024

Complete Kubernetes Course


  • Course covers theoretical explanations and hands-on demos.
  • Topics covered:
    1. Introduction to Kubernetes: concepts, architecture, Minikube, kubectl commands, yaml configuration files, deployment of a simple application.
    2. Advanced Concepts: namespaces, Ingress, Helm, volumes, stateful applications, Kubernetes service types.

Part 1: Understanding Kubernetes

Basic Concepts

  • Definition: Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration framework originally developed by Google. It manages containers across different environments (physical, virtual, cloud, hybrid).
  • Problems It Solves: High availability, scalability, disaster recovery.
  • Core Components: Pods, Services, Ingress, ConfigMap, Secret, Volumes, Deployments, StatefulSets.

Installing Minikube

  • Minikube: Local Kubernetes cluster for testing and learning.
  • kubectl: Command-line tool to interact with the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Installation Steps: Install Minikube and kubectl, start Minikube cluster, use kubectl to create and manage resources.

Core Commands and Concepts

  • Basic kubectl commands: create, edit, delete resources
  • Pods: Basic unit; abstraction over containers.
  • Services: IP address for stable access, types include ClusterIP and NodePort.
  • Ingress: Manages external access to services.
  • ConfigMap and Secrets: External configurations and sensitive data management.
  • Volumes: Persisting data between pod restarts.
  • Deployments: Blueprints for scalable, replicable pods.

Part 2: Advanced Kubernetes Concepts

Organizing Components

  • Namespaces: Logical clusters within a Kubernetes cluster, used for organizing and managing resources.
  • Example Uses: Isolating environments or teams, managing resources, limiting access.

Exposing Applications

  • Ingress: Routes external HTTP/S traffic to services within the cluster.
  • Service Types: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, Headless Service.

Helm and Package Management

  • Helm: Package manager for Kubernetes, uses Charts (packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources).
  • Charts: Contains YAML configuration templates reused in deployments.
  • Tiller: Server component in Helm 2, removed in Helm 3 due to security concerns.

Persistent Data Management

  • Persistent Volumes: Abstract storage resources for persistent data storage.
  • Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs): Requests for persistent volumes by pods.
  • Storage Class: Defines classes of storage, provisions PVs dynamically.

Managing Stateful Applications

  • StatefulSets: Manage stateful applications; ensures stable identity, order, and storage.

Detailed Concepts

Container Networking

  • Pod-to-Pod Communication: Via internal IP addresses.
  • Service-to-Pod Communication: Via Services that abstract over pod IP details.
  • Ingress: Routes external traffic into the cluster.

ConfigMap and Secrets

  • ConfigMap: Used for non-sensitive configuration data.
  • Secrets: Store sensitive information, encoded in base64.

StatefulSets vs. Deployments

  • StatefulSets: Designed for stateful applications, ensures stable network IDs, and ordered, graceful deployment/deletion.
  • Deployments: Used for stateless applications, pods are interchangeable.

Helm Usage

  • Creating Charts: Developing reusable application configurations.
  • Values.yaml: Centralizes configuration variables.
  • Using Templating: Simplifies managing multiple similar resources.

Other Considerations

Security and Reliability

  • Proper setup ensures high availability and resilience to failures.
  • Importance of managing secrets and sensitive data securely.

Efficient Resource Management

  • Use of namespaces to organize components and control resource usage.
  • Limiting resource usage per namespace.

Final Thoughts

  • Importance of regular updates and community engagement (e.g., following channels, social media).
  • Encouragement to experiment and practice using demos and hands-on labs.


  • Recap of key topics covered: Kubernetes basics, advanced configurations, persistent storage, managing stateful applications, Helm, and managing applications with namespaces and services.