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Describe the importance of managing secrets and sensitive data in Kubernetes.
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Proper management of secrets and sensitive data ensures security, protecting against unauthorized access and breaches.
Compare 'ConfigMaps' and 'Secrets' in Kubernetes.
Both 'ConfigMaps' and 'Secrets' are used for configuration management; 'ConfigMaps' store non-sensitive information, whereas 'Secrets' store sensitive information in base64-encoded format.
What are 'Helm Charts' and how are they structured?
'Helm Charts' are packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources, structured with templates and configuration files such as 'values.yaml' for customizing deployments.
What command-line tool is used to interact with a Kubernetes cluster, and what are some basic commands?
The command-line tool used is 'kubectl'. Basic commands include 'kubectl create', 'kubectl edit', and 'kubectl delete'.
What is the purpose of 'Namespaces' in Kubernetes?
'Namespaces' are used for logically grouping and managing resources, such as isolating environments or teams, managing access, and controlling resource usage.
Describe the role of 'Pods' in Kubernetes.
Pods are the basic units of deployment in Kubernetes, encapsulating one or more containers, and providing abstraction over them.
Explain 'Service-to-Pod' communication in Kubernetes.
'Service-to-Pod' communication occurs via Services, which abstract over the details of pod IP addresses to provide stable network endpoints.
How does 'Helm' simplify application deployment in Kubernetes?
'Helm' acts as a package manager for Kubernetes, using 'Charts' to package pre-configured Kubernetes resources, simplifying application deployment through reusable templates.
What are the security and reliability considerations when setting up a Kubernetes cluster?
Key considerations include ensuring high availability, resilience to failures, and secure management of secrets and sensitive data.
What are the main differences between 'StatefulSets' and 'Deployments'?
'StatefulSets' manage stateful applications ensuring stable identity, order, and storage, while 'Deployments' handle stateless applications where pods are interchangeable.
Outline the different Kubernetes Service types and their use cases.
Service types include 'ClusterIP' (default internal-only service), 'NodePort' (external access on static ports), 'LoadBalancer' (external LoadBalancer), and 'Headless Service' (directly expose pod DNS).
What problems is Kubernetes designed to solve?
High availability, scalability, and disaster recovery.
Describe the use of 'Persistent Volumes' and 'Persistent Volume Claims'.
'Persistent Volumes' (PVs) are abstract storage resources that persist data, while 'Persistent Volume Claims' (PVCs) are pod requests for those persistent storage resources.
Explain the function of 'Ingress' in Kubernetes.
'Ingress' manages external access to services within a Kubernetes cluster by routing HTTP/S traffic to the appropriate services.
What is 'Minikube' and what is its use case?
'Minikube' is a tool for running a local Kubernetes cluster, used primarily for testing and learning purposes.