OOPs: Key Concepts and Summary

Aug 9, 2024

OOPs (Object-Oriented Programming) Lecture Summary

Introduction to OOPs

  • Topic: Covering OOPs from zero to advanced.
  • Purpose: Preparation for interviews and college exams.
  • Importance of OOPs: Major companies frequently ask OOPs-related questions in technical interviews.

Structure of the Lecture

  • Theory concepts
  • Practical coding examples
  • Important definitions to remember
  • 30 MCQs at the end to strengthen understanding

Key Concepts of OOPs


  • Definition: Any entity in the real world can be considered an object (e.g., pen, laptop, phone).
  • In C++, objects are created to represent these real-world entities.


  • Definition: A class is a blueprint for creating objects, defining their properties and methods.
  • Example: A blueprint for cars that specifies their design.

Properties and Methods

  • Properties: Attributes associated with an object (e.g., teacher's name, department, subject, salary).
  • Methods: Functions associated with an object (e.g., change department).

Practical Implementation in C++

  • Use of STL Libraries in C++ (e.g., vector, string, stack) based on OOP concepts.
  • Creating classes and understanding their implementations through examples.

Important Terms

Access Modifiers

  • Private: Members accessible only within the class.
  • Public: Members accessible from outside the class.
  • Protected: Members accessible within the class and derived classes.


  • Definition: Wrapping of data and methods in a single unit (class).
  • Example: Hiding sensitive data while exposing necessary methods.


  • Definition: Hiding complex implementation details and showing only relevant features.


  • Definition: Mechanism to create a new class from an existing class, inheriting its properties and methods.
  • Types:
    • Single Inheritance: One parent class, one child class.
    • Multilevel Inheritance: A class derived from another derived class.
    • Multiple Inheritance: A child class inherits from multiple parent classes.
    • Hierarchical Inheritance: Multiple classes derived from a single parent class.
    • Hybrid Inheritance: Combination of multiple types of inheritance.


  • Definition: Ability of an object to take on many forms.
  • Types:
    • Compile Time Polymorphism: Achieved through function overloading and operator overloading.
    • Runtime Polymorphism: Achieved through function overriding using virtual functions.

Static Keyword

  • Used to define class members that share the same value across all instances.
  • Static variables persist for the lifetime of the program.

Key Takeaways

  • Strong understanding of OOP concepts is crucial for interviews and practical applications in programming.
  • Remember definitions and examples discussed in class.
  • Practice MCQs to reinforce learning.


  • Engage with the material through examples and practical applications.
  • Preparation for upcoming internships and placements.
  • Keep learning and applying OOP concepts.