Understanding the Trie Data Structure

Sep 24, 2024

Lecture Notes on Trie Data Structure


  • Discussing the 20th love for remedy channel.
  • Topic: Trie - an important data structure.

What is a Trie?

  • A trie is a tree-like data structure that stores a dynamic set of strings.
  • Commonly used for managing dictionaries, especially in efficient search and retrieval operations.

Key Operations in a Trie

  1. Insertion: Adding a word to the trie.
  2. Search: Checking if a word exists in the trie.
  3. Deletion: Removing a word from the trie.

Example Problem

  • Implement a dictionary with the following operations:
    • Insert a word.
    • Search for a word.
    • Remove a word.

Data Structure Choice

  • Suggested data structure for implementing a trie is a hash map for child nodes.
  • Discusses complexities associated with these operations.

Time Complexity Analysis

  • Insertion, Search, and Deletion complexities depend on the length of the word.
  • Average complexity: O(m) where m = length of the word.

Example Code Discussion

  • Demonstrated how to add, search, and remove words from the trie using example functions.
  • Importance of managing the time complexity effectively.

Additional Concepts

  • Discussed challenges of using tries, especially space efficiency.
  • Comparison with other data structures like binary search trees.

Practical Applications

  • Used for autocomplete features in search engines, spell checkers, and IP routing.


  • Recap of the importance of trie data structures in efficiently managing sets of strings.
  • Encouraged further exploration and coding practice related to tries.

Call to Action

  • Homework: Implement the trie structure in code and perform operations.
  • Encouraged students to engage in further discussions and clarify doubts.