Yoga Class: Balance, Restorative Poses, and Shavasana

Jul 22, 2024

Yoga Class Notes - Balance, Restorative Poses, and Shavasana


Today’s class focuses on balance work, playful movement, restorative poses, and a longer Shavasana. The class starts with balance exercises and concludes with relaxation techniques.

Warm-Up and Balance Exercises

  1. Standing Balance

    • Start with eyes open or closed, focusing on slow inhales and exhales.
    • Bring feet closer, hands on hips, and gently bend knees and hips.
    • Engage pelvic floor, exploring different pelvic tilts.
    • Shift weight to one leg and explore movements with the other leg.
  2. Single-Leg Balance

    • Shift weight to one leg; explore movement to find stability.
    • Adjust torso pitch and explore changes required for stability.
    • Repeat on the other leg.

Dynamic Balance Tasks

  1. Reaching and Picking Up

    • Task involves reaching down with the same hand as stance leg.
    • Coordinate movements with the other half of the body.
    • Repeat with the opposite hand and the same leg.
    • Change stance leg and repeat the above.
  2. Loading the Back Leg

    • Shift focus to the back leg for loading.
    • Explore reaching down with the same hand as the stance leg.
    • Switch sides and repeat.

Full Body Coordination and Chair Pose

  1. Chair Pose Transitions

    • Enter chair pose with a slight squat.
    • Shift weight onto one leg, and move the other leg according to balance requirements.
    • Transition to balancing Half Moon pose.
    • Repeat the coordination on both sides.
  2. Integration of Playful Movements

    • Work with doorframe or counter for stability.
    • Explore quick lowering movements and use muscle tension to stand back up.
    • Coordinate leg movements by alternating focus between up leg and down leg.

Restorative Poses

  1. Floor Work

    • Lie on belly, wiggle pelvis, tap feet, and stretch knees.
    • Hands under shoulders lift the chest in Sphinx pose.
    • Explore different arm positions for mid and upper back engagement.
  2. Supported Relaxation;

    • Use blankets, blocks, or bands for support.
    • Rest arms in a comfortable position, possibly involving elbows and forearms.
    • Focus on breath and body support.


  1. Setup for Shavasana

    • Gently come to a lying position, either on the back or side.
    • Get comfortable using blankets and supports as needed.
  2. Relaxation Focus

    • Relax facial muscles, including eyes, forehead, and jaw.
    • Let attention wander and practice mindful observation of thoughts.
    • Focus on breath, noting qualities of inhales and exhales.
    • Begin gentle movements to awaken the body.


  1. Final Movements

    • Gentle movements to awaken the body.
    • Roll to a side and use arms to press up to a seated position.
    • Rub palms together for warmth and cup eyes and forehead.
  2. Closing Gesture

    • Bring palms together at heart center, breathing in and out a sense of peace.
    • Conclude with the mantra: Om Shanti Shanti (peace).