Overview of Human Physiology and Homeostasis

Sep 12, 2024

Human Physiology Course Overview

Course Structure

  • One-semester course covering major organ systems.
  • Begins with cellular physiology before moving to specific organs and structures.
  • Information builds upon previous topics, unlike disjointed courses.
  • Basic physiological principles learned by mid-semester; applicable across organ systems.
  • Importance of keeping up with material to avoid falling behind.

Class Preparation

  • Review lecture slides before class.
  • Class time used to review and ensure understanding of concepts.
  • Goal: learn, understand, and apply material, not just memorize.

Key Concept: Homeostasis

  • Term coined by Dr. Cannon.
  • Describes the body's ability to maintain a stable internal environment through physiological responses.
  • Physiology involves understanding the maintenance of homeostasis.

Homeostasis in Action

  • Body constantly monitors various factors within a tight range to signify health.
  • Balance indicates homeostasis; imbalance indicates potential pathology.

Physiological Mechanism

  1. Receptors
    • Monitor changes in the body.
    • Send information to the integrating center.
  2. Integrating Center
    • Assesses incoming information.
    • If within normal range, continues normal function.
    • If outside normal range, sends signals to effector organs.
  3. Effector Organs
    • Implement changes to restore balance/homeostasis.

Responses to Imbalance

  1. Eliminate the cause of imbalance.
  2. Counterbalance the imbalance with a new response.
  3. Combine elimination and counterbalancing to restore balance.

Course Focus

  • Emphasis on maintaining homeostasis across different organ systems.
  • Continuous effort by the body to maintain balance.