Transcript for:
CompTIA A+ Core 1 Training Overview

greetings new and returning it enthusiasts certification centergy has another IT training course ready and waiting for you whether you are continuing with us after moving on from our comp tiitf plus training or you are discovering us for the first time welcome to certification energy by clicking on this video you have opened the door to our comp Tia plus core 1 complete training course and guess what it's going to cost you absolutely nothing that's right this fulllength course is 100% free no hidden fees no additional content charges just pure concentrated knowledge tailored to teach you everything you need to know in order to pass the comp Tia a plus core 1 certification exam with that said we are excited that you have chosen us as your guide while you prepare for the comp Tia plus core 1 certification exam and we appreciate the opportunity to share our expertise with you and just once more in case you didn't believe me the first time this complete training course is a free self-paced Learning Resource here for every everyone's benefit so what makes certification centergy the best IT training in town easy besides our strategic and orderly presentation of exam topics we make learning feel like a walk in the park you can expect to learn from Vivid comprehensible video segments all seasoned with a dash of humor to keep the experience Lively this course isn't just a learning pathway it's a guided experience if you are still still listening it is now time to get a little more real and discuss what this certification is all about now we will explore what makes an ideal candidate for the comp ta plus certification and this course this certification is for entry-level problem solvers and Innovative thinkers if you have a solid grasp of it Basics presumably from the compt ITF plus certification or similar experience and a zest for turning technological puzzles into triumphs this is your call to action the A+ Journey welcomes those who are ready and willing to bridge the gap between users and the magic of tech whether you're dreaming of being the tech wizard everyone relies on or you envision a future crafting cutting Ed Solutions the CompTIA a plus certification is The Logical Next Step following the foundational ITF plus certification so how do you become comp Tia a plus certified it is important to know that this widely recognized credential requires you to successfully pass two separate exams known as The Core 1 and The Core 2 exams each of these exams delts into distinct yet complimentary domains of it knowledge Core 1 focuses on the essentials of hardware and networking while Core 2 Dives deeper into operating systems security and operational procedures together these exams validate the Dual spectrum of practical and theoretical expertise that is essential for entry-level it professionals achieving a passing score on both exams is a necessary component to obtaining the comp TAA A+ certification as for this course I will be covering every topic needed to pass the core one part of this two-headed certification Beast taking a step back let's understand the over overall path to it foundational Mastery ideally you've either earned your comp tiitf plus certification or you've acquired comparable foundational it skills which primes you for this 80 plus core 1 course as your guide and educator for this leg of the journey I will help you build upon your already strong foundational knowledge equipping you with the expertise needed to tackle and succeed in subsequent certifications such as the comp te Network plus and the comp Tia Security Plus this course is designed to be a stepping stone helping you to grow while progressively expanding on your it capabilities next you need to know what it Concepts will be taught in this course the comp TAA plus core 1 certification exam focuses on the essential it skills and knowledge needed to complete tasks commonly performed by entry-level it professionals to pass you will need to have the knowledge and skills required to understand mobile devices networking Concepts Computing Hardware cloud computing and virtualization additionally this exam will assess your knowledge of troubleshooting scenarios related to these topics now the current version of the comp TAA plus core 1 certification exam designated as 220-10 1 was launched in April of 2022 the exam consists of 90 multiple choice and Performance Based questions lovingly referred to as pbqs that must be completed in 90 minutes and the passing score is 675 on a scale of 900 now the scoring system can be a bit confusing so I will give you a breakdown that works well for us here at certification Synergy if if you score below 500 you have some more studying to do if you score between 500 and 674 you knew more than half the content and just need a bit more understanding to get you across the Finish Line score between 675 and 749 and you knew about 2/3 to 3/4 of the content and you will have passed with a score of 750 to 799 you knew most of the exam content go above 800 and you can tell everyone you crushed it anyone scoring 800 plus on a CompTIA exam should be very proud of their accomplishment if you get a perfect 900 score contact us immediately we want to hire you okay not really but know this even seasoned veterans tend to score in the low to mid 800 range I hope you find this scoring breakdown helpful when evaluating your exam results results now we need to discuss the heart of this exam the exam objectives for those of you who watched our ITF plus training course videos you will surely remember that the exam objectives are a document that outlines the parameters for studying for and eventually taking a certification exam it will include exam items like how many questions the question format or what type of questions you will be asked and the requirements to pass the exam the exam objectives will also outline the topics you will be tested on at the highest level the exam is broken into domains the domains for the comp ta plus core 1 exam 220-1001 are shown here with a percentage value next to them the percentage refers to how many questions can be expected from each domain when you take your exam each domain is then broken broken into exam objectives here we can see the first domain for the comp TIAA plus core 1 certification exam is mobile devices and the first exam objective in this domain is given a scenario install and configure laptop hardware and components within this exam objective are the exam topics exam objective 1.1 starts with topics focused on hardware and device replacement don't worry if you do not understand some of these topics yet as this is the reason for this course so why have I spent your time breaking down the exam objectives because they are super important and often Overlook the exam objectives are a roadmap to success they provide a clear path of what to study and keep you on track additionally once you have completed this training course the exam objectives should act as a final checklist taking one last look at the official exam objectives before attempting the certification exam will help Focus your thoughts and point you in the direction of any additional study you may need to download the exam objectives you can visit the comp TAA plus core one product page on our certifications website I will also provide a link in the description section of this video and in the comments now as you continue with this training course I encourage you to watch each video segment as many times as you need to master the topics go as fast or as slow as you want it would also be a great idea to subscribe now making it easier to find us later we are always pumping out new free content and you don't want to miss out thank you for watching subscribe for more great content