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DHCP for IPv4 and IPv6

[Music] now in this video we'll talk about dscp for IP version 4 and IP version 6 now dscp stands for dynamic host configuration protocol which will allow you to assign IP addresses to the clients automatically Now using dscp we can make sure that all the clients can can take the IP address aut automatically from the dscp server now why we need to do this like if you take an example of any big siiz Network you got a very big Network let's say I got somewhere around 200 devices connected in the Lan and going to each and every device and giving the IP address is not a possible solution so generally going to each and every device assigning the IP address now there's a possibility of conflict as well maybe you assign the IP address same IP address for multiple devices or or going to each and every device giving the IP is something not really a scalable solution now instead what I want is I want to ensure that all the users all the pieces in my landan or the clients should get the IP address dynamically from centralized location and that can be done by using something called dscp now what I can do is I can configure a DHCP server and in this DHCP server I can Define the range of the IP addresses and whenever you power on the PC whenever the client boots it's going to send a request to the DSC P server uh saying that I I need an IP address and the dscp server will see this range of IP addresses and it's going to assign the IP address to the clients so not only IP address we can Define the subnet Mass we can even tell who is the router to reach some other network DNS information we can provide some more additional information apart from IP addresses now the main advantage we get is we don't need to go to each and every device to assign the IP addresses now only the thing we need to do is we need to just use this option obtain IP address automatically on the computers so when when you select this option obtain IP automatically it is going to uh automatically use the use the dscp service to get the IP address from the DHCP server now there are multiple ways either we can configure the IP address manually by going to each and every device but in in most cases in the big size networks we prefer to get the IP address automatically from the dscp server so that's something what we are going to see in this section now one of the major advantage we get with the dscp is it's going to provide a centralized Network client configuration where you're going to maintain the complete uh client IP address assignment on the on the specific centralized dscp server now there are some devices which is not recommended to use dscp client let's say there's a router or maybe you are using some firewall devices or maybe some servers because when when you're using a DCP client there is no guarantee that every day you will get the same IP address uh there are some features like you can bind specific IP addresses to the Mac but mostly some of the special devices like routers firewalls or servers we we ensure that they use the static IP address the manual and mostly all your computers the normal end user computers where it doesn't matter for them what IP they are using as long as they are able to connect in the landan and share the resources so it's going to make some easy IP address management reduces the administ uh Network Administration as the administrator do not need to go to each and every device to assign the IP address and it's going to support for very large networks probably in this section we'll we'll just get into some basic introduction of how the dscp process process happens now the dscp process a complete process happens in four steps and we call that as Dora process where we call the first process discover offer and R is request and then acknowledgement now whenever you whenever you select this option like obtain the IP address automatically so let's take an example I have a lan here and in this Lan I got some computers in the Lan and and then there is also a dscp server now this is my DHCP server now this dscp server can be can be any Linux or Microsoft operating system a server operating system running or we can also make a router to do the job of a tscp so probably in this uh Cisco courses probably we go with a router doing the job of a dscp here but it can be any dscp server now whenever you power on the client let's say I'm going to power on the computer and this option is selected as obtain the IP address automatically so when when you select this option obtain IP automatically it means that it's a dscp client and it's going to send a broadcast request to 255 all the addresses 255 255 255 and the broadcast goes to each and every device in the network and also it will go to DHCP server the broadcast request is something like uh requesting is there anyone who can assign me the IP address my Mac address is so and so is there anyone who can give me the IP address it's going to send on some port number 67 that is a DCP port numbers and the DCP listen on that on that port numbers now all the remaining devices simply ignore because they don't understand those messages because they are not running the dscp whereas the dscp server is going to respond to that particular uh diso message and that's what the second message we call as offer messages now in the offer message the the dscp is going to offer some range of addresses to that particular client who request a DS to request for an IP address and then the client will is going to select some IP address from that particular range and it's going to request for that particular IP range and then uh the dhcb server is going to see the availability of that particular IP address range and then it's going to assign the IP address to the client and this client will will get IP address automatically from the DHCP server based on this Dura process now whenever you select this option obtain the IP address automatically uh by default it is going to do this Pro this process is something happens on the back end so probably in our next sections we'll we'll try to get into some more scenar practical scenarios where we'll try to configure some router as a DHCP server and will practically verify this Behavior [Music]