Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) Tutorial
- Taught by Dr. White from Business Analysis Doctor
- Purpose: To illustrate database components and their relationships using ERDs
- ERD - A data model to illustrate how entities (domain-specific) relate to each other within a system
- Visual representation of database tables, columns, and relationships
Topics Covered
- What is an ERD?
- ERD Notations
- Main Components of ERDs
- Levels of Abstraction
- ERD Rules and Best Practices
- Example: Library Book Circulation
What is an ERD?
- ERD: Illustrates how domain-specific entities relate within a system
- Used to:
- Establish a consistent vocabulary
- Illustrate business rules
- Define data requirements
- Plan/set up relational databases
ERD Notations
- Multiple styles depending on preferences/standards
- Common notations: Chen, UML, Crow's Foot (used in this tutorial)
Main Components of ERDs
- Represent nouns (person, object, concept)
- Key components that store or produce information
- Entity symbol includes entity name and description
- Naming: Always as nouns (e.g., Book)
- Noun Technique: Extract nouns from specifications, glossaries, or business rules
- Characteristics or properties of an entity
- Must include allowable values and type of information
- Examples: Book ID, title, author, reserve status
- Primary Key (PK): Unique identifier for an entity
Foreign Keys (FK)
- Primary key of another entity used as an attribute
- Indicated with FK marker
- Can have multiple foreign keys
- Verbs describing how entities interact
- Represented as lines linking entities
- Indicates the number of occurrences allowed on each side of a relationship
- Common notations: One-to-one, One-to-Many, Zero-to-One, Zero-to-Many
Levels of Abstraction
- Conceptual ERD
- High-level view, easy for business to understand
- Establishes entities and relationships
- Logical ERD
- Mid-level detail; business rules and attributes introduced
- Data structure elements and relationships
- Physical ERD
- Detailed enough for developers to implement the database
- Non-functional requirements: performance, security, concurrency
- Names become database-compatible (Table names, column names)
ERD Rules and Best Practices
- Entities must be clearly named as nouns
- No duplicate entities
- Entities must not represent applications/systems
- Every attribute must be named and should be unique
- Primary Keys must be unique to one entity
- Relationships must be vetted to avoid repetition
Example: Library Book Circulation
- Entities: Reservations, books, borrowers, checkout, renewal
- Attributes:
- Book: Book ID (PK), title, author, reserve status
- Reservation: Reservation ID (PK), book ID (FK), borrower ID (FK), reservation date, redeem date
- Borrower: Borrower ID (PK), first name, last name, address, total fees due
- Checkout: Checkout ID (PK), borrower ID (FK), book ID (FK), checkout date, return date, late fees
- Renewal: Renewal ID (PK), checkout ID (FK), renewal count, renewal date
- Relationships:
- Book ↔ Reservation (1:M)
- Reservation ↔ Borrower (1:M)
- Borrower ↔ Checkout (0:M)
- Checkout ↔ Renewal (0:M)
- Renewal ↔ Book (N:M)
- ERDs are essential for illustrating database components and their relationships
- Follow rules and best practices for clear, effective diagrams
- Useful for both business and technical team communication
For further resources, visit theba doc.com