so tell me about your friend's phone this is chutney Master Craftsman um works with wood so great this is ladna the most beautiful she died we brought her back and she's super powerful crazy good with fire this is fcg smile a day to you trust me I want to get in there too this is Imogen she's a Superhero in her head she hears Abby as soon as you go into the head you hear a response of like seven or eight different voices go over yes okay this is aurum who I've been traveling with for a very long time and we've kind of befriended each other he's kind of one of my best friends and this is Ashton hi Nan it's a pleasure may I call you Nana it's a pleasure you're a lot we should start at the beginning and then uh work towards the end okay yeah so there was this um animated Furniture oh that beginning game by game until the extent of pretty much the entire publisher yeah we just sent her crit recap and we mostly skipped the last Thursday of every month but sometimes we change you see what looks to be this scrawny shaky looking Jackrabbit type creature with these large disproportionate ears that have markings on them that look like their eyes but they're just like markings in the fur but then where you would see eyes there are none it's just a nose papers papers papers [Music] oh give some scratch the ears kind of like flop down a bit but you watch they kind of like blink themselves like their eyes and when somebody talks both the ears move in their Direction and it's odd because it looks just like texture in the fur but they also seem to be looking places foreign and you see these like long teeth and the teeth kind of wiggle like fingers as it Smiles what did this come out of your brain yeah this is this is a it's a collaboration you're not expecting Ira back anytime soon are you close close friends oh I've not seen him in years we've seen him here recently a few times yes did he ask anything say anything he mentioned that he knew you um I don't know what else what are you asking what do you want to know did he say anything about me well [Music] is this the hot guys what did he say he could smell on you smell that he could smell that oh yeah that's good see perverts smell there's the shiver keep where they've hidden this device you're kind of pressed for time you're hoping not to stretch it out it is quite stretchy around here isn't it before that shiver just ran out of his spine yeah yeah so if when we do go back to our realm we were hoping that you could help us maybe avoid losing time maybe you could even send us back before the before we left is that a thing that you can do kind of curled up in a ball kind of opens with the wake up sorry I was having a little Nazi Pate yeah we're gonna hold another dimension well yeah I know we're in the free realm yeah and I want you to meet someone very special yeah you have to be polite keep it in your pants all right this is this is Mori Mori this is pate hi oh my goodness look at this little man do you like him what's going on uh this is a little weird she goes and like reaches out and yeah her fingers immediately form into a cage around him like he watches her long fingers like almost like she puts our hands together more fingers extend than she originally had on her hands and there is this like elongated cage around pate and she kind of pulls it and looks at it and he's like oh oh it's a little nerve-wracking oh boy can I go out with this addition to the collection you asked me my hobbies I'm kind of a collector oh but you're not mine puts her fingers up together and then releases her hands and it's just back to her hands normal and that taken actually looks generally kind of shaken it's like scoots into your outfit I'm getting a bit tired it's time for her to finish the tour and the head kind of recoils back into the shoulders as the dress opens another face goes all right yeah hi Jenny's kind of nopes out in the back um I'm realizing we haven't actually filled you all in on everything that that we learned at the Seminary but we already know from medicating what's that Fern's bedroom looks like Suave is a beautiful fabric there's feathers everywhere if you look closely the curtains are skin and from creatures yeah but I painted on them so they look beautiful um and there's more um creatures on the ceiling and um when I'm sad Nana can make them perform oh and they sing songs wow yeah we could ask her yeah okay yeah we could ask her do you have to ask for permission you don't seem to be someone that normally asks for permission to just look at things that's true but I respect my elders oh 16. 16. as well for the modifier 16 times 4 is um it's the best I can describe is whatever magic resides in that Crystal feels very new yet very old [Music] that's a start if you ever if you ever think of anything I'd appreciated you're you know this is a particularly strange item it always believes just kind of cranes and it looks interesting right I feel like this is my aesthetic for the Pharaoh I mean it's pretty good it's a good look on you I agree yeah it's good yeah and it's just coated in fresh blood I come out with a little fancy pipe and you see a series of contorted topiaries that resemble warped people comprised of thorny shrubs like they've been shaved and and manipulated to look like people in mid pain various tortured poses they're really people aren't they they have a little bit of pain can we get a little closer to those and just make sure they're just shrubs they're they're plants cool um they're very dense very very dense they're very dense they're very dense plants they're definitely people that were turned into place they're extremely detailed it's incredible that somebody could could sculpt such detail out of a topiary yeah are these really people that were turned into plants no I made these These are these are my design I don't even think you're proficient in nature well I can I'm not but if I have some scissors oh okay you know just you do these by hand not by Magic no just just snip away you know you just snip it and you just make it make it in a beautiful pose they're definitely strange they definitely give you the Willies [Laughter] sometimes you may hear like a little bit of a thumping noise oh my God you begin to hear a and you see a shadow suddenly come around from one of the hedges and start rushing towards all of you oh sweet pea you see a massive rotund sun bear nice to meet you we got plenty of room in the garden for a few more topiaries from a distance up close I figured it was kind of a joke we would make these together yeah what's the thumping sound we're hearing oh that's a secret okay I know are you I don't really know what the thumping is I just when it happens I'm supposed to water the more does it sound like it's coming right from it does from a topiary person or just yeah that's a person hi well it's good to see you it's really good to see you too he hugs her and looks back at y'all with his weird eyes [Laughter] by the way not good truly terrible all right oh well I guess if everyone's tired I'll just tell you about the the Red Alien bands in the morning massage before bed or anything can you chat well I mean I would happily volunteer for anyone that needed a little stress you know what my my feet could use you know what might soothe you or call you in a dream have you been down there I'd be happy to would be loud now chisel for the no I yeah you said that the the major Raven what some things I've read so anybody can do it I mean I guess if you try hard enough to yeah are you are you thinking about that for yourself is that something you want to do absolutely okay your God no I don't want your tenure just below god king professor damn you're so old Chutney yeah you should take advantage of that wisdom I'm an open book I know half this already I'm just letting you guys figure it out for the first time I mean he does have a fair point how old is lewdness compared to to him you're probably looking oh you know him by name old school Pals were you guys in a fraternity together no he didn't like it when I kept taking his girlfriends lewdness was talking about the Calamity like he saw it with his own eyes he likes to say that [Laughter] through that they might have it yeah look oh God you were there too why do we have so many old people and I'm a killing machine but you don't remember oh that's right oh my gosh wait well I don't wanna once again I don't wanna I wanna go to sleep okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I think you're right of course I am baby I think people who want Power why would they let someone else take it power shut up and go to sleep I look back at my two little buddy orbs all right I don't know hi hi this is awesome what happened oh I just got your circle I got a red circle on my watch I look through the hole and do I see what can I see you glance past the opening and as you kind of peer through a woman with kind of deep lavender hair braided in the back long coat you do she stops mother you shouldn't be here I can help you you have to go make away some saving throughout oh no oh no five suddenly you feel like everything around you stretches and pulls away like you're being dragged down an extended tunnel miles and miles away your mother's face becomes this pinpoint at the end of a long hallway and you're gone the two of you I need you both to make wisdom saving through oh boy 19. natural one they're both gone you wash both her and fcg's energy just flick around [Music] I'm gonna attempt to [Music] talk with Imogen I'm still holding your hand in the face never stopped can you hear me I don't know if you would want Chutney in your dreams ever why would I want it I'm just saying I'm just going to down the list here listen to your heart they smell my best attempt at an estros but the recipe was cookies yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna make them biscuits though like little scones yeah I'm gonna have them in a little pink box [Music] [Laughter] little biscuits oh my God he's brought it full circle did you really bring anything in there oh my God I put some cookies in here but that was when we played last game so they might be a little stale they've been sitting in there for quite some time yeah I want to try it installed the boxing are those the cookies that I made or the cookies you that got bought delightful how did a bear get here and how can he talk I don't know do you think he used to be a person too just like the the plants shortly we could hear what was going on inside his head give him another hug for okay I don't need to read his mind what to know he's thinking he'll kill us all if we hurt her travel safe okay he's like turn made me like this free me that's how I think oh you're born back [Laughter] Travis the last couple days you have been just spouting some awesome hits we've been on the air for too long they know better than to come to my manner if you have tried and now they adorned my garden oh well I always thought so before you pass through the gate smear a bit on your forehead and cheeks cheers wow wow where are your Minds tonight on my grandmother I can't hear I'm talking a full voice as you follow behind these two that are leading the joint hike through this landscape you hear fun fun is it coming from the direction of where we came landing on a nearby branch this is fun it's been so long it's so wondrous to see you oh my goodness look at you also grown the rest of you see a weirdly proportioned owl-like bird about that big can I help absolutely you can help how do you know the way to the unsealy court do you know where the no all right okay Mr crawls across your shoulder goes it's all right what is this foul creature on your shoulder this is my son it's okay it's okay you got that action who else two gold I give one oh oh well I mean I don't know that I was on his home turf so I'll take that bed okay what is your specialty doctor conversation companionship a doctor of course your conversation when you get educated in such a yeah that's my hair get on get off you do come as the uh the hill begins to rise down I do come to the base of them I know he said come on the base okay oh you hear the Clapping of hooves peanut Bennett I'm tongue myself you begin to like cast the spell yeah speak the phrase immediately lost the arrow but not slowly shifts into do not move um I'm okay nope don't shoot we mean no harm uh we oh how many is in your group search the perimeter I've been to Royal weed the Royal weeds yes they don't like us they're this is not gonna go well we gotta get out of here run oh God all right they're horses I'm going to cast at third level command what do you command them as I go ahead and make their what's their well is that wisdom save yes uh yes word it's an eight that's a six and a seven wow they rolled like great don't just don't for one round for one round you want them to don't okay don't some of them arrows whatever they were gonna do they don't do it for the next round they won't do it one was gonna let us go my spiritual Weapon by the way appears like a giant Stirrup not a Spur oh I meant to Spur but let's go with let's go with stuff at the next guy and I'm gonna take the rest of my run and see if I can get right up to that let's do it okay 20. what's a movie 25 30 35 yeah like just meet me there and I'm just gonna I'm gonna second strike I'm like literally just gonna bludgeon straight on um so that's 20 to hit that hits oh yeah there we go it's uh 17 points of damage budgeting damage 17 points of damage you hit it right in the face as you pull it back its eyes are nearly crossed from the impact's nose kind of flattened and immediately bleeding as it falls unconscious under the ground and I'm just going to turn it look at the next guy that's my show that's my that's my whole thing that finished his turn all right that brings us to Fern all right witches so two of them are unconscious in the ground beat the uh the tree is on the ground no longer moving and there's the one guy who is running away do it let's just do it they're gonna do a combo I want to do a combo move okay yeah the three of us Linked UP back to back scorching Ray Eldritch blast 26 points of fire damage oh boy wow so okay so it's you 20 points of Eldridge blast damage okay so 46 points of damage the nine why do I suck so bad nine all right so 55 points of damage plus an additional D12 someone wants to roll that on top of the whole thing ten that's okay an addition okay wow how do you want to do this hey should we take this one out wait wait to each of us as it like blasts from our hands it like shoots out and like and like intertwines so like yes you see this guy just [Laughter] Quivers with arrows in there for the Longbow as well as long bows um a roughly anywhere between 25 to 20 arrows each some have been spent um they're also carrying snacks for the road almost sorry for the chaos the show Ashley Johnson we're still broadcasting sorry oh Show and Tell to end the night when my mom built this yeah as ferns have this was like the inspo for for Nan Fernandez oh [Music]